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Venting why don't "volcel" and "incel" communities just combine and ID as "univercels" ?



May 20, 2018
The "volcels" can never be 100% perfect voluntary, the "incels" can never be 0% perfect involuntary.
Our free will, our choice, no matter what group we are in, always exists somewhere in the murky middle. Whether it's 99/1 or 75/25 or 50/50 or 25/75 or 1/99 we have to face facts here.

Such numbers are also clearly not representative of any kind of absolute state, since they are entirely relative to who you're comparing them to.

1) Whether a man IDs as "volcel" or "incel", he is overwhelmingly likely to be incel in regard to fucking Ivanka Trump, because it's not feasible to accomplish fucking her. You couldn't even rape if you were willing to throw your life away as a consequence, she's unassailable. To be an exception to this, you'd need to be some 1-in-a-million guy with enhanced abilities.

Anyone claiming he is "volcel" in respect to Ivanka is basically full of shit, because he could only engage this in a way-too-hypothetical fantasy that he could never believe in hard enough to give true feel-out for.

2) Whether a man IDs as "volcel" or "incel", he is overwhelmingly likely to be volcel in regard to fucking Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, because it is feasible to accomplish fucking her but if you say you put forth any kind of effort towards pursuing her, nobody is going to believe you. To be an exception to this, you'd need to be some 1-in-a-million guy who fetishizes superobese women.

Anyone claiming to be "incel" to Eman Aty tier 0.5/10s is in this hypothetical dream realm where you know that his heart would never truly be in such a pursuit when we compare it to the effort men have traditionally put into pursuing women.

The waters get muddied when we look at cases which fall between these extremes. But we should recognize that only would our % dedication to foids vary from foid-to-foid, they also vary moment-to-moment in our own lives.

There are feedback loops at work here:
1) "incels" seem to think that because their choice to be celibate is based on negligible chances of finding fulfilling sex, that it somehow is not a choice
2) "volcels" seem to think that because they recognize that they are making a choice, that they are somehow 100% content with their lives, and that this choice wasn't shaped by things out of their control, such as revelations about how disappointing relationships are destined to be.

There seem to be perception problems in each respective echo chamber, born part in isolation, with endless purity spiraling as we needlessly move apart from each other semantically while trying to invent differences between each other.

In all likelihood, what is probably happening is members of one community are alienated by extremists in the other, and where they end up will tend to be in which community grosses them out the least, offends them the least.

This is a losing effort because we shouldn't fear being unsettled, and should be engaging with one another. I think there are people who try to participate in both collections of humanity, who feel drawn to elements of both, who don't accept this division. Who want us to wade into each other and clash our ideas and come to some forms of understanding, whilst tolerating disagreement in others.

If there are those at either end of the pool who are not open to such a meeting of celibate minds, then those who are can at least acknowledge how we are misled by either label... as we shall neither consistently (or believably) be pure in voluntariness or in involuntariness, we should collectively be not merely celibates... but UNIVERcelibates... because we recognize as individuals we are a universe of meshing involuntary impulses and factors shaped by a voluntary sapient mind which wades through it.
Cherrypicking incredibly hard. Volcels are just that, voluntary. Alot of people here are voluntary however they will have sex with atleast their looksmatch. What most users define as "Volcels" are people who have turned down their looksmatch. Do you really want abunch of people running around bragging about how they've turned down foids? Pic down is a "Volcel". Do you want this on our forum?
Cherrypicking incredibly hard. Volcels are just that, voluntary. Alot of people here are voluntary however they will have sex with atleast their looksmatch. What most users define as "Volcels" are people who have turned down their looksmatch. Do you really want abunch of people running around bragging about how they've turned down foids? Pic down is a "Volcel". Do you want this on our forum?View attachment 175896
you are back buddy boyo :dab:
Cherrypicking incredibly hard.
Volcels are just that, voluntary.
No, they are not.
You can't be "just voluntary" or "just involuntary".
Everyone is both.

Alot of people here are voluntary however they will have sex with atleast their looksmatch.
So consent/access aside, they are voluntarily celibate toward women less attractive than themselves, and involuntary to their matches/above who will never reciprocate?

Even then, I must question: we are so observant of the phenomenon of women rejecting their looksmatch that I wonder if even in regard to our matches if we truly put forth a committed effort. Or if we (quite reasonably) in observing hypergamous patterns, voluntarily obstain from putting for maximal effort towards looksmatch-pursuit, knowing it fails too often to be worth the time put into it?

What most users define as "Volcels" are people who have turned down their looksmatch.
The problem here is nothing about the word "celibate" mentions anything at all to do with looksmatches. It's simply about sex.

We should stop following this oversimplified etymologically questionably tranny-slang and be brainstorming new slang which accurately represents what it is you're trying to define here.

Do you really want abunch of people running around bragging about how they've turned down foids?
It's only bragging if you're being approached by top-tier foids. If some guy is being harassed by a woman who repulses him, then it's a legit grievance and not bragging at all, except to guys who wouldn't turn her down and covet that.

IE a 1/10 guy willing to settle for a 1/10 girl is mad because the 2/10 guy rejects her: but 2/10 guy isn't trying to brag, he actually has a legit grievance about being sexually harassed.

Pic down is a "Volcel". Do you want this on our forum?View attachment 175896
Who's that, Tim Tebow?

I would love for him to show up here and participate so I could call him a liar and say that I think he fucks women all the time and is just RPing as a celibate for PR.

The ironic thing here is the bulk of both communities have this in common.
We just mostly don't see the commonality of this vulnerability.
Identifying as a volcel and identifying as an incel both seem like coping mechanisms to me.
They oversimplify who we are, so that we don't have to confront unfortunate truths.

IDing as "volcel" is a coping mechanism to avoid the harsh reality that you probably wouldn't be wanted even if you "chose" to be. You can RP being stuck in amber, always being as wanted in the future (as you age... lose your edge) as you might've been in the past.

IDing as "incel" is a coping mechanism to avoid the harsh reality of our own fallibility. We are victims of discrimination against ugly people, yet we too engage in such discrimination, even if we do so to a lesser degree. Also because we don't want to acknowledge that we choose not to commit the same time/resources that cucks do to get a GF in a near-looksmatch, even though it's an educated choice we make (consciously or subconsciously) which is perfectly justified.
As hypergamy, e-whoring, and Chadchasing basically take over the entire dating market theres going to be a growing number of "volcels" who may have been able to get sex in the past, perhaps even with their looksmatch. But that time is quickly coming to an end. In the Tinder age, foids have zero reason to pursue their looksmatch, they can turn them down and focus on only fucking Chad even if its only once in a while. So there's going to be a huge growth of men who aren't technically incel, cause they used to get sex once in a while, but due to todays e-dating situation they can no longer get laid and therefore are essentially incel now.

Are these former/failed normies actually incels or are they volcels because they don't want to date jabba the hut 0/10 foids?
I wouldn't say "zero reason", women are always looking to exploit lower-tier guys for money, as they will buy them dinners while Chad won't.

They will always have fucking Chad as a priority (ready to cuck you at the drop of a hat) but in the meantime they might 'stay sharp' by having dalliances leading on their looksmatches.

Being involved with a looksmatch guy might drive off some Chads (ie "why would I want to be with a foid who fucks her looksmatch? I only want foids who aspire to be hypergamous with more attractive guys like myself!") but it might attract other Chads who love cucking the boyfriends by when the foids cheat on them. It feels like more of a victory to win a woman away from a "lesser" guy, to a portion of Chads.

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