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TeeHee "why don't men approach me?"



Jul 3, 2024

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/1esjs0z/are_single_guys_afraid_to_approach_women_in/

foid is clearly low quality, 38 years old, self admitted she is fat.

confused as to why chads don't approach her like they did in her cock carousel days.

and all the comments are normies who think she's talking about them lmfao. At least one fellow inkwell got it:

Also if a foid is overweight she cannot be average or above average. Retarded sluts have shit for brains.
>Are single guys afraid to approach women in public now?

yes, actually. because your dumb whore ass promoted (((feminism))) which makes us afraid of false rape / harassment accusations
Reading reddit comments make physically cringe. Something about the way they talk feels so unnatural and forced.
Also if a foid is overweight she cannot be average or above average. Retarded sluts have shit for brains.
An overweight foid's largest contributions isn't her skills, but the potential of her being excellent fertilizer when she inevitably dies of a heart attack.
An overweight foid's largest contributions isn't her skills, but the potential of her being excellent fertilizer when she inevitably dies of a heart attack.
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: True. We need to throw shamu back in the ocean.
Reading reddit comments make physically cringe. Something about the way they talk feels so unnatural and forced.
I've participated in Reddit (Specifically the short guys subreddit) for a few weeks, and I kept finding myself getting downvoted for not speaking a certain way. Even the supposedly 'based' subreddits filled with manlets punish you for being the nail that sticks out.
Foids feel entitled to have men approach them. Why don't the foids actually initiative for once in their lives and approach men themselves. Entitled cunts. Also she's overweight... gross
I've participated in Reddit (Specifically the short guys subreddit) for a few weeks, and I kept finding myself getting downvoted for not speaking a certain way. Even the supposedly 'based' subreddits filled with manlets punish you for being the nail that sticks out.
it's a cesspool of bluepilled normies where the majority will literally group vote you out of existence for being too contrarian. By it's design, the most popular (or most normal and average take) has to be the most popular take.
I've participated in Reddit (Specifically the short guys subreddit) for a few weeks, and I kept finding myself getting downvoted for not speaking a certain way. Even the supposedly 'based' subreddits filled with manlets punish you for being the nail that sticks out.
The reason is quite simple. Reddit by design is flawed with that updoot system. It encourages midwit talk. You have to be super safe and not offend anyone and by doing that you, you don't really say anything of substance.
The reason is quite simple. Reddit by design is flawed with that updoot system. It encourages midwit talk. You have to be super safe and not offend anyone and by doing that you, you don't really say anything of substance.
i have this problem with youtube tbh, id say i never say anything offensive but 90% of my comments there would be removed lol
Overweight and average-above average looking does not belong in the same sentence
Because most men are painfully self-aware that when women say they want be approached, men understand that these women don't want to be approached by them.

I'm a low inhib loser and I've approached women and it never amounted to anything. Idgaf but I regret it because I might as well have not done that. Women are offended if an ugly loser like me thinks I have a chance so what's the point in me talking to foids at all when they hate me just by default
i have this problem with youtube tbh, id say i never say anything offensive but 90% of my comments there would be removed lol
The answer is obvious as to why that is. I don't think I have to tell you why or else I would be insulting your intelligence.
Bbw milf
My type
Too bad turned into a sieve
>Are single guys afraid to approach women in public now?

yes, actually. because your dumb whore ass promoted (((feminism))) which makes us afraid of false rape / harassment accusations
This applies more to workplaces and stuff. I think we mostly expect shitty attitudes (and rightfully so) which is enough to deter us from it. But we are supposed to accept being treated like trash, like good second class citizens/subhumans. Even when the whole culture surrounding us likes to remind us of our place with antagonizing feminism all over the place. MeToo, man vs bear thing, girlbossism, explicit or implicit messages in pop culture... with the average woman largely rooting for all of it.
A soy comment on reddit :
yeah it’s really unfortunate. women get hit on by creeps -> women demand not to be approached -> good men listen, creeps do not -> reaffirms to women that the only men that approach are creeps -> cycle repeats.
Lol. The only difference between the "good man" and the "creep" here is that the creep in an unattractive guy that approached :feelskek: many a "good man" would suddenly be deemed a creep if he approached and they know it.
This applies more to workplaces and stuff. I think we mostly expect shitty attitudes which is enough to deter us from it. But we are supposed to accept being treated like trash, like good second class citizens/subhumans. Even when the whole culture surrounding us likes to remind us of our place with antagonizing feminism all over the place. MeToo, man vs bear thing, girlbossism, explicit or implicit messages in pop culture... with the average woman largely rooting for all of it.
have these foids ever considered that their disgusting misandry and bad pERsonality might drive men away?

especially when they're mostly ugly
Come on man... let's keep wishing this foid a great collection of misfortunes.
Normies thinking this is aimed specifically at them... SHE CLEARLY SAID ABOUT AN ATTRACTIVE GUY, NOT AN INCEL IN DENIAL. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :bluepill: :bluepill: :bluepill: :foidSoy: :foidSoy: :foidSoy:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/1esjs0z/are_single_guys_afraid_to_approach_women_in/

foid is clearly low quality, 38 years old, self admitted she is fat.

confused as to why chads don't approach her like they did in her cock carousel days.

and all the comments are normies who think she's talking about them lmfao. At least one fellow inkwell got it:

View attachment 1226326

“why do incels & normies keep approaching me and why doesn’t chad approach me instead”
have these foids ever considered that their disgusting misandry and bad pERsonality might drive men away?
Why everyone seems to ignore the fact that modern western femininity's narrative (which is pretty much just feminism... which stems from female nature) is built mainly around the idea that women are those pure, amazing creatures surrounded by those disgusting and vulgar, burping and farting, potentially dangerous men that used to oppress them and still do. Born tyrants, rapists, bandits and plunderers. I hate how men and women relate to each other in that era. Men as a collective for women are just a bunch of subhumans with Chads/socially successful men on top.

Of course even normies will struggle with approaching women in such a social climate, it's so logical and easy to understand but let's pretend we don't. I fucking hate this world.
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Why everyone seems to ignore the fact that modern western femininity's narrative
modern feminism is basically just teaching foids how to push men away and to be repulsive to them

somehow ITcels think this is fine, though

bluepillers basically scream at men to act subservient and be anxious around foids, then turn around and say 'omg you're so anxious and needy dis y u incel'. literally creating problems and then offering fake solutions that do nothing to address the actual cause of the problem. bluepillers are like foids, simply not worth listening to
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Surprise, surprise, shes an old roasty whore using shaming tactics for not being able to catch an older chad. Anyone who bothers approaching wont approach her jfl, like anyone wants to waste time and effort on mindgames and jump through hoops for an expired meat.
modern feminism is basically just teaching foids how to push men away and to be repulsive to them

somehow ITcels think this is fine, though
Yeah totally, and more often than not with falsehoods. As we speak next generations of girls are learning from hag teachers and some soys how men oppress them.

Unpopular opinion maybe but i think hypergamy is in great part unnatural. Or undirectly at least, cause the propaganda does appeal to the female animus.

Few days ago i ran into some minor trouble in a shop when i was at work. It was loud, i was in a hurry and the employee there wasn't speaking the local language so i just raised my voice to ask something but didn't even sound aggressive or anything and then a foidlet waiting in line, in her early 20's probably, started to look at me with a mix of anger, fear (feigned) and disgust for some reason as if i did something wrong. I even looked at her one, two times, and she was still fixated on me with that weird look. This happened to me several times tbh even in situations when i wasn't vocal or anything and i find it weird. Men never do that kind of shit. It's like they see me as a dangerous caveman or something. I like to think it's their animus at work which is fascinating :feelswhat:
She is as wrinkled as a dry fruit.
Yeah totally, and more often than not with falsehoods. As we speak next generations of girls are learning from hag teachers and some soys how men oppress them.

Unpopular opinion maybe but i think hypergamy is in great part unnatural. Or undirectly at least, cause the propaganda does appeal to the female animus.

Few days ago i ran into some minor trouble in a shop when i was at work. It was loud, i was in a hurry and the employee there wasn't speaking the local language so i just raised my voice to ask something but didn't even sound aggressive or anything and then a foidlet waiting in line, in her early 20's probably, started to look at me with a mix of anger, fear (feigned) and disgust for some reason as if i did something wrong. I even looked at her one, two times, and she was still fixated on me with that weird look. This happened to me several times tbh even in situations when i wasn't vocal or anything and i find it weird. Men never do that kind of shit. It's like they see me as a dangerous caveman or something. I like to think it's their animus at work which is fascinating :feelswhat:
Just become the rapist they want you to be theory
I'm tall and 7/10 why don't women approach me?
38 used up ugly old whore complaining young chads dont want her lmaoo. Meanwhile at least 30 oofy doofis probably same or even better looking than her approach her everytime she goes out, but they dont even count as men.

you cant make this shit up
Yeah totally, and more often than not with falsehoods. As we speak next generations of girls are learning from hag teachers and some soys how men oppress them.

Unpopular opinion maybe but i think hypergamy is in great part unnatural. Or undirectly at least, cause the propaganda does appeal to the female animus.

Few days ago i ran into some minor trouble in a shop when i was at work. It was loud, i was in a hurry and the employee there wasn't speaking the local language so i just raised my voice to ask something but didn't even sound aggressive or anything and then a foidlet waiting in line, in her early 20's probably, started to look at me with a mix of anger, fear (feigned) and disgust for some reason as if i did something wrong. I even looked at her one, two times, and she was still fixated on me with that weird look. This happened to me several times tbh even in situations when i wasn't vocal or anything and i find it weird. Men never do that kind of shit. It's like they see me as a dangerous caveman or something. I like to think it's their animus at work which is fascinating :feelswhat:
I've learned to revel in whatever the fuck opinion people have of me. I'm so tired of trying to chameleon and fit in I just gave up and made my only social priority doing what I want and staying comfortable. I blatantly stand out. I actually "be myself" like bluepilled normies say and it irks some people lmfao. at least now i'm not neurotic and nervous and anxious and worried all the time.
I've learned to revel in whatever the fuck opinion people have of me. I'm so tired of trying to chameleon and fit in I just gave up and made my only social priority doing what I want and staying comfortable. I blatantly stand out. I actually "be myself" like bluepilled normies say and it irks some people lmfao. at least now i'm not neurotic and nervous and anxious and worried all the time.
Yeah boyo i slowly became like that too. I don't care about what people think of me but still get anxiety although for completely other reasons. Mainly cause the world can be a hostile place. Difficult to let your guard down when you're all alone as some low status incel which puts you at disadvantage practically speaking but it also messes with your mind due to zero social support. But yeah i never get anxiety over minor shit now like i did when i was younger.

When this episode i talked about happened i was completely unfazed and forgot about it immediately. As a youngster i would have been confused and broken by it lol.

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