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Why don't foids enjoy good personalities?



the most heinous cat
Jul 8, 2023
We are repeatedly told that foids are sexually attracted to good pERsonalities.

Yes, that's right. Foids, unlike shallow and lustful males, only jerk off to the goodness of people's pERsonalities!

Well, since romance novels are pornography for foids, surely they must contain male leads with good pERsonalities, right?

After all, we're told that psychopaths and abusers only get with foids because they 'hide' their negative traits, and... in a novel by foids, for foids, based on what foids want, they would prefer to see positive traits without that deception, right? And besides, the male lead couldn't hide his intentions and suddenly become abusive unless the foid writer wanted him to, right?

Let's see!

So one great example of pERsonality is found in... 50 shades of GrAY, where the male lead is a rich businessman who engages in abusive BDSM sessions while in a one-sided power dynamic with his employee. A #MeToo case? Nope, a popular novel which was read by middle-aged women everywhere


And, of course, it was based on... Twilight, a book where Bella falls in love with the friendless loner vampire Edward based only on his looks, and later finds out that he has stalked her and watched her sleep for weeks. He later drags her around against her will, not that it matters because he sparkles zomg sparkly.

And going back a short while, who can forget wuthering heights, where the ever-popular character Heathcliff um returns to bring violent revenge after he perceived himself as being rejected?

And in modern times, Colleen Hoover, whose male leads are charming gentlemen with a great sense of humour who do funny things like beating their foid partners and setting her house on fire.

Well, what about the great feminist artworks of our time? Such as, um... I'm not sure there are any, but let's say the new Star Wars trilogy? Where the girlboss protagonist, Rey, ditches her loyal friend to fuck her homicidal Sith nemesis. As we can see, feminism heavily supports the bluepill.


And when foids aren't watching these great bluepilled male leads, they are... listening to Taylor Swift drone endlessly about how she forms thrilling relationships that she knows will fall through, admiring her partners' looks, and hopping between relationships with guys that are 'bad.' And also about wanking to a guy who her fans earlier pressured her to break up with because of his racism, misogyny and other good pErsonality traits.

Or they're fantasizing about rape, a common example of foids finding a good pERsonality erotic and sexually attractive. After all, you can't spell pERsonality without 'R', 'A',' 'P', and 'E'.

So, feminist sisters, it's pretty obvious that us foids love good personality traits, right? After all, foids are great people, so why would they like bad people? Foids aren't just demons who exult in evil and the degeneration of mankind, no matter what the Bible says about Eve! You wouldn't steal a car watch gay porn because you're not gay, and since foids find bad pERsonalities such a turn-off, they certainly wouldn't get off constantly to bad pERsonalities.
Jeremy would like a word with OP
We are repeatedly told that foids are sexually attracted to good pERsonalities.

Yes, that's right. Foids, unlike shallow and lustful males, only jerk off to the goodness of people's pERsonalities!

Well, since romance novels are pornography for foids, surely they must contain male leads with good pERsonalities, right?

After all, we're told that psychopaths and abusers only get with foids because they 'hide' their negative traits, and... in a novel by foids, for foids, based on what foids want, they would prefer to see positive traits without that deception, right? And besides, the male lead couldn't hide his intentions and suddenly become abusive unless the foid writer wanted him to, right?

Let's see!

So one great example of pERsonality is found in... 50 shades of GrAY, where the male lead is a rich businessman who engages in abusive BDSM sessions while in a one-sided power dynamic with his employee. A #MeToo case? Nope, a popular novel which was read by middle-aged women everywhere

View attachment 1259500

And, of course, it was based on... Twilight, a book where Bella falls in love with the friendless loner vampire Edward based only on his looks, and later finds out that he has stalked her and watched her sleep for weeks. He later drags her around against her will, not that it matters because he sparkles zomg sparkly.

And going back a short while, who can forget wuthering heights, where the ever-popular character Heathcliff um returns to bring violent revenge after he perceived himself as being rejected?

And in modern times, Colleen Hoover, whose male leads are charming gentlemen with a great sense of humour who do funny things like beating their foid partners and setting her house on fire.

Well, what about the great feminist artworks of our time? Such as, um... I'm not sure there are any, but let's say the new Star Wars trilogy? Where the girlboss protagonist, Rey, ditches her loyal friend to fuck her homicidal Sith nemesis. As we can see, feminism heavily supports the bluepill.

View attachment 1259511

And when foids aren't watching these great bluepilled male leads, they are... listening to Taylor Swift drone endlessly about how she forms thrilling relationships that she knows will fall through, admiring her partners' looks, and hopping between relationships with guys that are 'bad.' And also about wanking to a guy who her fans earlier pressured her to break up with because of his racism, misogyny and other good pErsonality traits.

Or they're fantasizing about rape, a common example of foids finding a good pERsonality erotic and sexually attractive. After all, you can't spell pERsonality without 'R', 'A',' 'P', and 'E'.

So, feminist sisters, it's pretty obvious that us foids love good personality traits, right? After all, foids are great people, so why would they like bad people? Foids aren't just demons who exult in evil and the degeneration of mankind, no matter what the Bible says about Eve! You wouldn't steal a car watch gay porn because you're not gay, and since foids find bad pERsonalities such a turn-off, they certainly wouldn't get off constantly to bad pERsonalities.
Because it is inherent in their nature to want to be dominated and to obey the male. Because of feminism, women cannot gain male dominance, so they advocate mass immigration in order to get men who will treat them harshly: rape, beat. The behavior of foids has been embedded in genes for hundreds of centuries of evolution.
corbyn? what's 'e on about this time, eh?
I'll tell ya what, it's that fookin antisemitism again, fookin' Israeli war crimes an all. The man's a hitler, there, I said it, a gosh darn HITLER. by golly
oh. well, meeks is a great humanist who has a great pERsonality and has done a lot for the benefit of his fellow man, such as encouraging them to keep grindin' keep hustlin' shoot for your dreams. not like corbyn, who just hates jews
You mean facenality and heightfidance right?
Because it is inherent in their nature to want to be dominated and to obey the male. Because of feminism, women cannot gain male dominance, so they advocate mass immigration in order to get men who will treat them harshly: rape, beat. The behavior of foids has been embedded in genes for hundreds of centuries of evolution.
yea, feminism is a bit of a weird contradiction, foids outlaw the things which they enjoy

the reason why foids can start #MeToo and create such an uproar about rape is that they fantasize and think about rape constantly

foids don't generally think about things which they don't enjoy, because they don't need to, especially in modern society
You nailed it, they lie through their teeth. WHy in their sex fantasies arent any chubby good singledads who sacrifice themselves for children and puppies?
yea, feminism is a bit of a weird contradiction, foids outlaw the things which they enjoy

the reason why foids can start #MeToo and create such an uproar about rape is that they fantasize and think about rape constantly

foids don't generally think about things which they don't enjoy, because they don't need to, especially in modern society
Yes, women have deprived themselves of pleasure. And no matter what anyone says, women have a lot of masochistic sexual fantasies when they are taken by force and used. In my opinion, it has already been published here that about half of young women fantasize about rape.
You nailed it, they lie through their teeth. WHy in their sex fantasies arent any chubby good singledads who sacrifice themselves for children and puppies?
exactly, why is the primary IncelTears demographic - ugly fat feminist numales - so underrepresented in the genre? why does bella obsess over the attractive vampire who acts stand-offish and doesn't talk to her, rather than a charismatic woman-respecting feminist who makes funny jokes?

And the incel tax payer is left to subsidise foid bad choices. My soy government recently announced $5 billion for domestic violence
And the incel tax payer is left to subsidise foid bad choices. My soy government recently announced $5 billion for domestic violence
'pay up inkwell, foids chose to get beaten and raped and we need to reward them financially for it!'

absolute state of modern governments jfl
This is a great post. It's worth noting that bullies have more sex in highschool too and tend to be the most popular kids https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1474704915613909

Women always reward sociopathic behavior. In highschool they get wet seeing bullied beat down unattractive men. As adults they get wet reading about serial killers murdering unattractive men.

Men lock serial killers up. Women fuck them. Note how women don't get outraged at attractive serial killers that target women. You're more likely to find an edit gushing over Richard Ramirez looks than women getting angry that he killed other women

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/8OtYCOTj8og?si=mpD1DcUGXvUGL0Se
On the other hand, men are crazy about good female characters. It can be seen especially often in anime. Many romantic comedy animes feature a variety of female characters, but most depict them as sweet and kind in order to fulfill men's fantasies.

Although she's a little different from typical good girl, Tsundere also fits the bill. Tsundere is described as being cold towards the male protagonist on the outside, but on the inside she has a crush on him and actually has a sweet and kind personality.
This is a great post. It's worth noting that bullies have more sex in highschool too and tend to be the most popular kids https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1474704915613909
lmao yea anyone reasonable should know that the bluepill is false after highschool, at the latest

foids there will often cluster around retarded, loud guys who have all kinds of 'personality' issues. the ones in my school would even bully disabled foids... which foids clearly don't care about

ITfags just respond to people's high school experiences with 'oh well that's just high school um pretend it never happened. remember, foids could never MAKE THE WRONG CHOICES EN MASSE.'

literally if foids were systematically doing... exactly what incels like st. elliot said they did, surely bluepillers should admit that maybe the incels had a point about foid behaviour? but nope, it's just 'that never happened, and if it happened it's a good thing'
Women always reward sociopathic behavior.
true tbh, if foids didn't reward sociopathic behaviour there would be much less of it
lmao yea anyone reasonable should know that the bluepill is false after highschool, at the latest

foids there will often cluster around retarded, loud guys who have all kinds of 'personality' issues. the ones in my school would even bully disabled foids... which foids clearly don't care about

ITfags just respond to people's high school experiences with 'oh well that's just high school um pretend it never happened. remember, foids could never MAKE THE WRONG CHOICES EN MASSE.'

literally if foids were systematically doing... exactly what incels like st. elliot said they did, surely bluepillers should admit that maybe the incels had a point about foid behaviour? but nope, it's just 'that never happened, and if it happened it's a good thing'

true tbh, if foids didn't reward sociopathic behaviour there would be much less of it
They'll always ignore the blatant truth. Now with TikTok you can see girls continuing "highschool behavior "and mocking unattractive guys because they know they won't get in trouble.

Your last sentence is correct Most thugs are trying to get pussy by acting tough and it works.
On the other hand, men are crazy about good female characters. It can be seen especially often in anime. Many romantic comedy animes feature a variety of female characters, but most depict them as sweet and kind in order to fulfill men's fantasies.

Although she's a little different from typical good girl, Tsundere also fits the bill. Tsundere is described as being cold towards the male protagonist on the outside, but on the inside she has a crush on him and actually has a sweet and kind personality.
tbh I think lots of male entertainment does involve somewhat hostile or even femdom-adjacent foid characters, the general idea is that her looks give her power over him

but males are generally more honest about it

and yeah, in most stuff for males the foids are generally quite submissive and represent some kind of positive influence. males are idealistic about love, while foids are degenerate
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We are repeatedly told that foids are sexually attracted to good pERsonalities.

Yes, that's right. Foids, unlike shallow and lustful males, only jerk off to the goodness of people's pERsonalities!

Well, since romance novels are pornography for foids, surely they must contain male leads with good pERsonalities, right?

After all, we're told that psychopaths and abusers only get with foids because they 'hide' their negative traits, and... in a novel by foids, for foids, based on what foids want, they would prefer to see positive traits without that deception, right? And besides, the male lead couldn't hide his intentions and suddenly become abusive unless the foid writer wanted him to, right?

Let's see!

So one great example of pERsonality is found in... 50 shades of GrAY, where the male lead is a rich businessman who engages in abusive BDSM sessions while in a one-sided power dynamic with his employee. A #MeToo case? Nope, a popular novel which was read by middle-aged women everywhere

View attachment 1259500

And, of course, it was based on... Twilight, a book where Bella falls in love with the friendless loner vampire Edward based only on his looks, and later finds out that he has stalked her and watched her sleep for weeks. He later drags her around against her will, not that it matters because he sparkles zomg sparkly.

And going back a short while, who can forget wuthering heights, where the ever-popular character Heathcliff um returns to bring violent revenge after he perceived himself as being rejected?

And in modern times, Colleen Hoover, whose male leads are charming gentlemen with a great sense of humour who do funny things like beating their foid partners and setting her house on fire.

Well, what about the great feminist artworks of our time? Such as, um... I'm not sure there are any, but let's say the new Star Wars trilogy? Where the girlboss protagonist, Rey, ditches her loyal friend to fuck her homicidal Sith nemesis. As we can see, feminism heavily supports the bluepill.

View attachment 1259511

And when foids aren't watching these great bluepilled male leads, they are... listening to Taylor Swift drone endlessly about how she forms thrilling relationships that she knows will fall through, admiring her partners' looks, and hopping between relationships with guys that are 'bad.' And also about wanking to a guy who her fans earlier pressured her to break up with because of his racism, misogyny and other good pErsonality traits.

Or they're fantasizing about rape, a common example of foids finding a good pERsonality erotic and sexually attractive. After all, you can't spell pERsonality without 'R', 'A',' 'P', and 'E'.

So, feminist sisters, it's pretty obvious that us foids love good personality traits, right? After all, foids are great people, so why would they like bad people? Foids aren't just demons who exult in evil and the degeneration of mankind, no matter what the Bible says about Eve! You wouldn't steal a car watch gay porn because you're not gay, and since foids find bad pERsonalities such a turn-off, they certainly wouldn't get off constantly to bad pERsonalities
stop doing nice guy theory that’s something normies do. It’s not about personality you baboon. It’s about looks. All about the LOOKS. Only looks matter Nothing else
stop doing nice guy theory that’s something normies do. It’s not about personality you baboon. It’s about looks. All about the LOOKS. Only looks matter Nothing else
what are you talking about
stop doing nice guy theory that’s something normies do. It’s not about personality you baboon. It’s about looks. All about the LOOKS. Only looks matter Nothing else
r u dense r u retarded
what are you talking about
You said “why don’t foids enjoy good personality?” The real question should be “why don’t foids enjoy ugly people?”. Foids don’t care if you’re nice or mean as long as ur chad or normie. Only normies go on and rant about how it was there personality that didn’t give them the foid and they go on and on how if they were an asshole they would get them. They’re in denial that the foid wasn’t attracted to them since they didn’t have the looks. Everyday i hear foids talking and lusting about wanting a “hot guy”. I never hear them mention anything about personality.
Their nature is uncivilised
Because foids naturally want to be beaten and raped no matter how much they deny it.

A good lover is someone who shows love through his fists, not words.

When a bitch makes a mistake, dropping something for example, you dont laugh and say “haha thats ok”, you say “pick that up bitch” and when she does, you thank her with a punch in her eye and no other words.

When youre driving with your gf, and she says something you dont agree with you dont say “ I respectfully disagree”, instead you punch her in the mouth and dont say anything the rest of the drive.

Good guys never win.
"Not every woman is like that, men are also hybristophilic" :foidSoy:
The recurrence and quantity of works of this type, even if only a part of the female population reads them, is already a good conclusion about their general behavior
This is a great post. It's worth noting that bullies have more sex in highschool too and tend to be the most popular kids https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1474704915613909

Women always reward sociopathic behavior. In highschool they get wet seeing bullied beat down unattractive men. As adults they get wet reading about serial killers murdering unattractive men.

Men lock serial killers up. Women fuck them. Note how women don't get outraged at attractive serial killers that target women. You're more likely to find an edit gushing over Richard Ramirez looks than women getting angry that he killed other women

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/8OtYCOTj8og?si=mpD1DcUGXvUGL0Se

Pinterest is also foid central. There are countless videos and photos on that website about serial killer/mass shooter thirst traps. And the comments are even worse. Its all filled with whores talking about how they want them and how "cute" the killer boy looks in the picture.
Pinterest is also foid central. There are countless videos and photos on that website about serial killer/mass shooter thirst traps. And the comments are even worse. Its all filled with whores talking about how they want them and how "cute" the killer boy looks in the picture.
Disgusting. They're all pathetic lowly animals. Yet we're supposed to pretend they're superior.
Reminds me of that personality hub meme :feelskek:
an innocent r/antisex user with the mind of an innocent, naive child starts reading a typical foid romance novel:

(First of all I read the first book in 5 hours so don’t say I didn’t read it)
  1. She clearly needs MENTAL help. Being excited about having a stalker is NOT normal.
  2. wtf kinda name is zade meadows
  3. HE RAPED HER???
  4. Naw you can’t even justify that. SHE WAS CRYING AND SCARED but somehow she gets off on being scared ??? Which how tf…?
  5. Zade definitely has a vigilante mentality idk how tf he can be decent to other ppl but a literal rapist to Adeline the person he supposedly loves ??
  6. “I’ll be seeing you soon little mouse” I WOULD BE SOBBING WTF?????
  7. All the “smut” (aka rape) scenes were so weird….she was almost always in pain and saying no and it sounded like it was out of a porn video
  8. Zade meadows is NOT the standard if you think he is I genuinely think you should get help.
  9. If he loves her sm why doesn’t he want to bring her peace ??? Like how tf…?
  10. Adeline makes me pissed too not just zade. As someone who has been SA’d before her entire being is insensitive. Why she acting like the victim when she literally wants it or not Idek but I don’t like that she gets off on being scared that’s weird.
  11. On a more serious topic, I’m very concerned about the issues books like this will arise. Men are gonna start seeing all these “booktok” women saying they want someone like zade meadows (which I’ve seen ppl say they want to be raped by him ) and guys are gonna read it and think “oh well it’s okay and if they say no they don’t actually mean it because they obviously like it” very concerning. [oi vey the goyim know shut it down]
  12. A lot of young ppl are reading it and it can be very dangerous during the process of development in children. I’m quite desensitized to this kinda stuff but this book still made me feel some kinda way [even 'asexual' foids are turned on by the thought of chad rape jfl!]
  13. People are romanticizing stalking and rape and it’s not okay. It’s so insensitive to actual survivors of rape and stalking.
I’m done…for now. Prob gonna read it again and mark EVERYTHING that is wrong with it to prove to those girls saying “it’s just fiction”, “then don’t read it if you don’t like it”, “it’s just dark romance not rape” WRONG because they are sick in the head. If they went through some kinda trauma that’s different I feel some sort of sympathy but they need THERAPY instead of reading this shit and blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

silly r/antisex poster, nobody cares if it's 'insensitive' to survivors of rape and stalking, because everyone knows that these foid 'survivors' just made it up

but realistically, r/antisex users are the only true allies that bluepillers have in their attempt to erase all parts of foid sexuality which don't conform to strict feminist doctrine

after all, feminism doesn't satisfy foids' sexual desires

but rape does

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