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Blackpill Why Don't Autisticcels Realize NT's Are The Enemy?

  • Thread starter universallyabhorred
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Nov 8, 2017
We will never have friends, respect, love, affection, sex, personal income, or a job because NT's and socially skilled non-NT's took it all away from us. They are the cause of all our pain and suffering, they bullied, ostracized, rejected, mocked and persecuted us for our differences, a few treacherous autistic toms made it on their side, but the rest of us are left in the dirt, abandoned by society and forced to die a miserable and lonely death. How can we just stand by and let this happen, literally being destroyed and just helping them genocide us slowly. We need to stand up for ourselves, this is truly unacceptable, we all know there's a way out, so why aren't we leaving this hell.
I'm not gonna have those things because I'm fucking ugly. My aspergers is probably irrelevant when it comes to inceldom as I would be incel without it too
I'm not gonna have those things because I'm fucking ugly. My aspergers is probably irrelevant when it comes to inceldom as I would be incel without it too
If you were ugly and NT you could get everything else on that list except a girlfriend who loves you, but you could still fuck an escort or betabux, so you would not die a virgin, maybe you could even get an ethnic girl who'd love you, if you are White.
Noodle-whores will fuck anything White, even a hideous White, White cripple, White dog, or White urinal etc.
not true jfl, I've done the experiiments using my own pics in SEA. I wish it was true though. If I can't get anything in SEA then rest assured it's over even with ethnic foids in the west
not true jfl, I've done the experiiments using my own pics in SEA. I wish it was true though. If I can't get anything in SEA then rest assured it's over even with ethnic foids in the west
Ok let's assume that's true. You could still have friends, a social circle, a job, some money and other forms of happiness if you weren't autistic.
Ok let's assume that's true. You could still have friends, a social circle, a job, some money and other forms of happiness if you weren't autistic.
none of those things except money appeal to me. I just want some peace and quiet as far removed from the rest of humanity as opposed to being some harvester chicken that allows himself to be trampled on in the pursuit of normroach approval
none of those things except money appeal to me. I just want some peace and quiet as far removed from the rest of humanity as opposed to being some harvester chicken that allows himself to be trampled on in the pursuit of normroach approval
You don't care about those things because you know they are unattainable, so you are saying sour grapes. If you became popular and well respected with many friends overnight, you'd truly enjoy your life and find genuine meaning and happiness in it.
You don't care about those things because you know they are unattainable, so you are saying sour grapes. If you became popular and well respected with many friends overnight, you'd truly enjoy your life and find genuine meaning and happiness in it.
how could I though if I'm deformed
If I was tall and handsome I would be mad to have autism.

But tbh being a manlet and physically unattractive to women is enough for me to accept it was over based on my genetics from a physical point of view before it was ever over for the autism.

Even if you could pure my autism, I'd still be an unattractive manlet.
Noodle-whores will fuck anything White, even a hideous White, White cripple, White dog, or White urinal etc.
Not really.Ive tried to hook up with ricewhores and they've all rejected me.Even tho I'm white.
Granted this wasn't in Asian,but still.
how could I though if I'm deformed
There are ugly guys with friends, maybe being popular and respected is an exaggeration but we both know celebrities with those traits exist.
But tbh being a manlet and physically unattractive to women is enough for me to accept it was over based on my genetics from a physical point of view before it was ever over for the autism.
Yes it's likely you still couldn't get a woman, but autism is more than just about sex and romance, your whole social and professional life is wrecked for being different. If you were NT and ugly you could at least survive independently.
Really? How am I your enemy bro? :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Personally I have nothing against you as an individual, in fact we are quite alike and I deeply empathize with your situation.

You must understand you are just another NT guy, your default state of being socially fake and manipulative like all NT's is considered normal, while the fact that I am an honest and kind person, leads me to being branded as defective and insane, just because I can't feign superficial charm like a sociopath.

Your kind is a threat to our very existences, you are a part of the reason we are discriminated socially, sexually and in terms of employment. In that regard you are a member of the enemy group, we are like different species engaged in conflict, society isn't meant for our kind. Autistic and NT's cannot peacefully coexist as equals, your tribe will continue to oppress and persecute us, forcing us to suicide.

For this reason, it's reasonable for autistics to hate all NT's and realize they are our foes.
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If you were ugly and NT you could get everything else on that list except a girlfriend who loves you, but you could still fuck an escort or betabux, so you would not die a virgin, maybe you could even get an ethnic girl who'd love you, if you are White.
Cope. Being ugly fucks you with employment as well. Most HR departments are filled with young foids and faggots. Being ugly also drains your motivation to do stuff.
Those things are on another SMV plane from us


Cope. Being ugly fucks you with employment as well. Most HR departments are filled with young foids and faggots. Being ugly also drains your motivation to do stuff.
An ugly guy who's extroverted, socially connected and qualified can definitely get a job. Stop coping, ugliness is a disadvantage but it's nowhere near as terrible as having autism.
An ugly guy who's extroverted, socially connected and qualified can definitely get a job. Stop coping, ugliness is a disadvantage but it's nowhere near as terrible as having autism.
How bad is your autism? I've seen videos of autist people who are indeed impossible to be employed, but the fact all the autists I talk to on the internet can write elaborate, coherent posts and understand what I say perfectly makes me think their autism is WAY milder.

Also, autists at least get NEETbuxx in many countries, ugly men get absolutely nothing but shit.
good looking autist will have foids interested in them and they will also get NEETbux

mentalcel is a meme
I'm right with you, OP. I absolutely HATE NTs. They have always made our lives worse. One way or another
How bad is your autism? I've seen videos of autist people who are indeed impossible to be employed, but the fact all the autists I talk to on the internet can write elaborate, coherent posts and understand what I say perfectly makes me think their autism is WAY milder.

Also, autists at least get NEETbuxx in many countries, ugly men get absolutely nothing but shit.
Judging autistic functionality by their ability to write is misleading. Interacting online is much easier than real life, there are non-verbal autistics who can write eloquently, but can't even speak.

All autistics struggle in the areas of social functioning. Social interaction is way more than the just being able to speak appropriately, which autistics struggle with as well. Social situations are unpredictable and rely extensively on mimicking others, along with being able to read their non-verbal communication(facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc.). This is something I struggle to do at an age-appropriate level, like most autistics.

The results of being unable to conform to NT social norms leads to being ostracized, bullied and isolated, it leads to being permanently unemployed. Getting Neet bux as an autistic is very difficult as well, due to bureaucratic processes, those funds do not pay a living wage either in most areas.

This is just the main difficulty. Autistics can struggle with motor skills, dealing with changes in schedule, basic communication on certain days, doing basic chores, taking care of oneself, organization, planning and sensory issues. All autistics struggle with at least a few of these additional areas. This does not include other co-morbid disorders most autistics have such as depression, epilepsy, intellectual disability, anxiety and sleep disorders etc.

Overall, being autistic is hell by itself and NT's make our lives a million times worse.
Neurotypicals need to go.
The only NTs I hate are those who take/obtain what is rightfully mines and look down on me.
I find it interesting how so many NT"s have this inherent need to bully, discriminate against & shit on Autistic ppl that are either minding their own business or trying to socialise albeit badly. Just coming across as alone, different or weak brings out this nasty domination behaviour in ppl.
NT cucks need to understand the difference between OP's autism and Sonic The Hedgehog T Shirt autism.
That's where you're wrong boyo. I don't feign. I don't pad my bricks. I say what comes to my mouth without holding anything back. I think your autism is making you think having manners is being fake.

Absolute crap, because basic social skills involves extensive faking. If everything you said or did was genuine and you were unable to fake, you would be considered as having poor social skills and being autistic. Manners itself is a social construct, that doesn't mean being nice to people you feel a genuine connection to is deceptive, just when it's applied to everyone, including people you despise, don't know or care about.

The very concept of manners exists to ensure interactions go over smoothly while avoiding conflict, since part of it involves phrasing things in a delicate and pleasing way, which is fake. The whole reason people act nice is to ensure they get what they want, while making themselves look good, such as a good salesman who can turn up the charm so customers buy whatever shit he's selling.
There are bad autistic people and bad nt people. Look at chris chan.
Not really.Ive tried to hook up with ricewhores and they've all rejected me.Even tho I'm white.
Granted this wasn't in Asian,but still.
how your white :rolleyes:
I'm not gonna have those things because I'm fucking ugly. My aspergers is probably irrelevant when it comes to inceldom as I would be incel without it too
high IQ i am both aspie and sub5 but i am honest enough to admit that even without aspergers my life would still be shit because of my height, frame and face. if an incel is both ugly and autistic and he blames his problems mostly on his autism he is not blackpilled enough or he is just a megacoper.
There are bad autistic people and bad nt people. Look at chris chan.

I have researched him and from what I have read he doesn't seem to be evil. He's mostly a joke because of his awkward mannerisms, inappropriate behavior and poor social awareness. That video demonstrates poor emotional control rather than planned evil, otherwise he wouldn't have done it so directly nor in a place where he could be filmed and humiliated.
high IQ i am both aspie and sub5 but i am honest enough to admit that even without aspergers my life would still be shit because of my height, frame and face. if an incel is both ugly and autistic and he blames his problems mostly on his autism he is not blackpilled enough or he is just a megacoper.
Blaming your inceldom on just your autism is a cope, since looks matter more to women. But if you were NT, most of your social and employment woes would disappear. Your general quality of life would be much higher, despite your appearance.
We will never have friends, respect, love, affection, sex, personal income, or a job because NT's and socially skilled non-NT's took it all away from us. They are the cause of all our pain and suffering, they bullied, ostracized, rejected, mocked and persecuted us for our differences, a few treacherous autistic toms made it on their side, but the rest of us are left in the dirt, abandoned by society and forced to die a miserable and lonely death. How can we just stand by and let this happen, literally being destroyed and just helping them genocide us slowly. We need to stand up for ourselves, this is truly unacceptable, we all know there's a way out, so why aren't we leaving this hell.

Do you look like the guy in your avi?
NT people are not "socially skilled", they are just a bunch of dumbasses with no personality or any original thought. Any aspie could pretend to be NT by learning to emulate them and just pretend to like what everyone likes and behave like everyone else.
But if you were NT, most of your social and employment woes would disappear. Your general quality of life would be much higher, despite your appearance.
idk man it seems like people even choose their friends based on looks since they think hanging with ugly people will bring their status down. Your argument may apply to 5-6s/10 but i think sub5 men are fucked beyond belief no matter how NT they are i saw examples of this tbh.
Being neet is a better life tbh
I have researched him and from what I have read he doesn't seem to be evil. He's mostly a joke because of his awkward mannerisms, inappropriate behavior and poor social awareness. That video demonstrates poor emotional control rather than planned evil, otherwise he wouldn't have done it so directly nor in a place where he could be filmed and humiliated.

Blaming your inceldom on just your autism is a cope, since looks matter more to women. But if you were NT, most of your social and employment woes would disappear. Your general quality of life would be much higher, despite your appearance.
He vandalized a sonic boom display and maced a cop.
Sensory overload it's over
On December 27th, 2014, Christian Weston Chandler assaulted a GameStop employee with what is believed to be pepper spray. He did this after the employee threatened to call the police. Chris had been banned from the store for vandalizing a Sonic Boom display. He doesn't like Sonic Boom, and has been actively petitioning for Sonic Team torecall all Sonic Boom products, because Sonic was redesigned to have blue arms, instead of flesh colored. He says that this gives him sensory overload. Vandalizing displays was his way of protesting.
Being neet is a better life tbh
Only if you are willing to depend on others who will eventually betray you, whether you are living with your parents or getting money from the government, which isn't a livable wage.
He vandalized a sonic boom display and maced a cop.
Sensory overload it's over
You proved it yourself, his motives are due to issues caused by his autism, rather than malicious.
Only if you are willing to depend on others who will eventually betray you, whether you are living with your parents or getting money from the government, which isn't a livable wage.

You proved it yourself, his motives are due to issues caused by his autism, rather than malicious.
I don't have autism, so I don't understand. What happens to you when you experience sensory overload? There are plenty of people with autism that don't do stuff like this though. Is he just not fighting his sensory overload?
What the heck is sensory overload? That sounds more like epilepsy than autism. I hate humanity because it cheated me out of everything I earned. Trippy colors don't bother me.
Jfl at your subhuman avi. LondonOgre.
ethnic foids don't like 3/10 white guys with cleft palate sorry to say

Lol nigga is over for you if you have that shit.

how bad is it.

We will never have friends, respect, love, affection, sex, personal income, or a job because NT's and socially skilled non-NT's took it all away from us. They are the cause of all our pain and suffering, they bullied, ostracized, rejected, mocked and persecuted us for our differences, a few treacherous autistic toms made it on their side, but the rest of us are left in the dirt, abandoned by society and forced to die a miserable and lonely death. How can we just stand by and let this happen, literally being destroyed and just helping them genocide us slowly. We need to stand up for ourselves, this is truly unacceptable, we all know there's a way out, so why aren't we leaving this hell.

I seen many NT incels live happy life with lots of friends. ofc no gf or wive but they are bluepilled because NT allows them to be bluepilled. if you are autistc truecel its truly over not only its over for you but its also over for you. Its so over for you that its over for your over. Like you dont even enjoy life like you cant do shit man its fucking over no jew pills will help you. Just fking add philosophy to this mixx and a nhilistic outlook on life will come swooping in to destroy and consume you. Its truly so over. To be slave to ones own mind and society. There is no escape, only dreams and death.
good looking autist will have foids interested in them and they will also get NEETbux

mentalcel is a meme

That also true


u can eb fking homeless if you have FACE you can win life even if homeless drug addict. You still get qt gf I seen it with my own fucking eyes i seen it truth truth is truth i hav eseen it iy ha sdbeen seen my eny eyse by my eyes i seen it.

face is everything it destorys you blackpill to consume itnow si onlt sot be discoer the truth.



But autist truecel? = mega over. its so over man u cant life like life. is over.

normie NT at least have good quality life fuckers. Mentalcel is lie if you good face YOU ARE NOT INCEL FUCK OFF.

Normie looking mentalcels need to gtfo off this website right fucking now fucking stupid bitches
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I don't have autism, so I don't understand. What happens to you when you experience sensory overload? There are plenty of people with autism that don't do stuff like this though. Is he just not fighting his sensory overload?

I am autistic but I don't have sensory overload, though I have mild sensory sensitivity, but I have done research on that subject. You can think of it as kind of like a bad drug trip, except without extreme hallucinations. It's easier to show than explain, simulation video is linked below.

NTs are too broad a category, can't win a war against them. You gotta divide and conquer, pick one category of NTs to throw under the bus and sucker other NTs into turning against them.
If you were ugly and NT you could get everything else on that list except a girlfriend who loves you, but you could still fuck an escort or betabux
Brutal but truthful, NT guys that even I manage to mog appearance wise still have an incredible social life compared to anything I can dream of.

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