the jews want to kill off more goyim so they introduced the new norovirus. it has also been confrimed vaxxed retards who have kids will spread the vaccine to their baby as its coded in their dna so you cant even escape it anymore
There is a way to check whether someone is vaccinated. An easy one.
Believe it or not, these labrats (vaccinated people) all have a bluetooth adress.
If you have an older phone you can scan for bluetooth devices and when you are nearby vaccinated people, all of them will appear as a bluetooth device. Now, normal bluetooth devices, like headphones, will show up with a headphone symbol on your phone and always with some kind of name, but the vaccinated people will only show up with the bluetooth symbol and only the bluetooth adress shows up.
You cannot pair your device with those and you cannot interact in any other way with it, from what I have found out so far.
On newer phones, you have to switch to developer mode to be shown all bluetooth devices during a scan. Do a quick websearch to figure out how to switch to developer mode on your phone.
I have actually done a test on my co-workers, and they did not even know.
Like every morning we would sit together before our shift starts for around ten minutes.
So, we were six guys and I knew for a fact that I was the only unvaccinated person there. I also knew that none of the electronic devices in the office nearby had their bluetooth turned on.
So I started scanning for bluetooth devices with my phone and what do you know? Exactly five bluetooth devices showed up, all with just that bluetooth symbol and the adress.
I have then done many such tests, at many places, and it always worked. It's definetely the vaxxed. They have been chipped.
Reminds me of the "internet of all things" or whatever the WEF calls it.
Also, it only works when they are close to a source that has an electromagnetic field around it.
Whatever is inside of them, apparently uses electromagnetism to charge up.
I have specifically done a test with two vaccinated co-workers. We went out on a field and first these two would show up on my scan. I scanned multiple times while we were moving further and further away from our plant until they suddenly disappeared.
Then we moved back a bit and they reappeared.
Also, never fuck a vaccinated person. Don't even kiss them. Never exchange any bodily fluids with vaccinated people.
There is already evidence which suggests that unvaccinated get "vaccinated" by their vaccinated sexual partners during intimacy. For example, spike proteins were found in the sexual organs of unvaccinated people. They would accumulate there. You don't want this shit.
Also, I have no idea whether an unvaccinated person can also get "chipped" get a bluetooth adress, when he/she had sex with a vaccinated person. No idea whether some nanotech can be transfered that way.
Another interresting thing I have noticed with the vaccinated is that they would not immediatelly show up as bluetooth devices after recieving their vaccination.
Do you remember how originally one had to gget two doses to be considered fully vaccinated, with one or two exceptions?
So, I had two co-workers who recieved their second dose recently (back then) and so I scanned them and nothing showed up. Then he explained to me that it is said that it takes two weeks for the vaccine to take effect once the second dose is administered.
And funnily enough, I have scanned him after exactly two weeks and he finally showed up as a bluetooth device.
The same happened with the other co-worker who recieved his vaxx late during the plandemic.
Ao guys, if anyone of you is a networking specialist, maybe look into this.
As for the others, be careful out there. The vaccination campaign is only over when all the vaxxed croak, eventually.
But remember, some have apparantly recieved a placebo, because the manufacturers couls not produce enough real vaccines in such a short time, ALLEGEDLY!