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Discussion Why do women suck at insults?



May 1, 2020
I mean, does anyone disagree?

Very few women can think of any clever insults aside from

- Dick size
- You're gay
- You probably live with your mom
- You suck at sex

All female comedians and every insult to a male, even at incels, is just this.

Imo it's because men are the ones who have to flirt and court (even chads have to somewhat), whereas a woman just has to sit down and open up her thighs.

Thoughts on thots?
foid arguments default to attacking SMV or threatening to withhold sex. It’s a universal female trait. Deep down they know who holds the power and the source of all primal value. They know.
Cause women are children and children use retarded arguments like "no u"
Because the only faculty they have is their sex. So it's the only thing they can use against people.
What are you fucking talking about??? Women have destroyed me with their words. It doesn't have to be creative. They could just say "CREEPY" and hurt me deeper than if some altrightcel hurled a tire at me. If anything, when men get all creative with the insults, it's a bit nice, it's a bit try hard.
What are you fucking talking about??? Women have destroyed me with their words. It doesn't have to be creative. They could just say "CREEPY" and hurt me deeper than if some altrightcel hurled a tire at me. If anything, when men get all creative with the insults, it's a bit nice, it's a bit try hard.
If women insulting you still affects you, probably fakecel; I've been insulted by the majority of women I meet my entire life and it doesn't affect me at all, im numb to that.
On the contrary I think women excel at it. Its not about what they say. Heck it makes my blood boil when they open their mouths even when they are not insulting.
in all honesty insults on smv,who fucked who,who got cucked and who is poor and who is not has a huge amount of raw power to it.one of those comments is enough to destroy a mans life(imagine if a highschool bully fucked the gf of some random low tier normie who gets occasionally bullied.that guy will be joked about as the cuck for eternity and no more jokes are necessary to insult him)
It's easy for foids to hurt a man's feelings. All they need to do is attack his masculinity, which includes his dick size, performance in bed, height, physical strength, income, and looks. They don't need to be creative when they can get great results with such little effort.
It's easy for foids to hurt a man's feelings. All they need to do is attack his masculinity, which includes his dick size, performance in bed, height, physical strength, income, and looks. They don't need to be creative when they can get great results with such little effort.
yeah society is cucked
Idk tbh. I get very angry when a female tries to cuss or insult idk why.
> Women: looks don't matter, sex isn't everything

> Literally every insult revolves around looks and sex
On the contrary I think women excel at it. Its not about what they say. Heck it makes my blood boil when they open their mouths even when they are not insulting.
A foid's existence is insulting alone
> Women: looks don't matter, sex isn't everything

> Literally every insult revolves around looks and sex
> Women: body shaming is not okay

> Constantly tells men they have small dicks as an insult
Attacking anything else would be hypocritical since SMV is the only thing they have which is superior to us.
I want to insult a submissive girl.
Then just insult women jfl

No, you don't understand. I can insult girls on the street but they wouldn't care and they'd get railed by Chad later that day anyway, by which time they'll have forgotten about me.

I want a submissive and loyal girlfriend that I can mentally abuse and bring to tears.
No, you don't understand. I can insult girls on the street but they wouldn't care and they'd get railed by Chad later that day anyway, by which time they'll have forgotten about me.

I want a submissive and loyal girlfriend that I can mentally abuse and bring to tears.

You sound like a swell guy
because there women...
“You’ve never had sex lol” is a traditional female insult.

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