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Why do the Jews want to flood America with rapists and criminals from third world shit holes?


lost soul

Sep 11, 2024
Like genuinely why? I thought that maybe its retrobution for the Holocaust but it was GERMANY who did the Holocaust and America actually SAVED THEM. Of all the countries in the world, the majority white Anglo Saxon United States has actually been the MOST WELCOMING and MOST TOLERANT of Jews out of literally any country in the world.

So why do they want to destroy us? Why do they want to destroy this country with animals from the third world? DO the Jews not realize that Haitians and Ethopians and Salvadorians arent going to be so tolerant and loving? Do they not realize that people from these third world coutnries drive dangerously and bring gangs and are going to actively make America a more dangerous place? Do Jews not realize that they are also going to have to share the roads with dangerous minority drivers? DO they Jews not get that these Africans and Hispanics are actually more antisemetic and will drain more money from the Jew sysytem?
Mayo, the population does not matter, it is the one who commands the country who benefits.

More work, more consumption, more consumption, more profit.
Mayo, the population does not matter, it is the one who commands the country who benefits.

More work, more consumption, more consumption, more profit.
But an enormous amount of blacks and hispanics are on welfare and just drain the system. They arent working or profitting. The only people who actually work are the cucked white husbands and feminist white foids.
Like genuinely why? I thought that maybe its retrobution for the Holocaust but it was GERMANY who did the Holocaust and America actually SAVED THEM. Of all the countries in the world, the majority white Anglo Saxon United States has actually been the MOST WELCOMING and MOST TOLERANT of Jews out of literally any country in the world.

So why do they want to destroy us? Why do they want to destroy this country with animals from the third world? DO the Jews not realize that Haitians and Ethopians and Salvadorians arent going to be so tolerant and loving? Do they not realize that people from these third world coutnries drive dangerously and bring gangs and are going to actively make America a more dangerous place? Do Jews not realize that they are also going to have to share the roads with dangerous minority drivers? DO they Jews not get that these Africans and Hispanics are actually more antisemetic and will drain more money from the Jew sysytem?

The Holocaust is a blatant lie OP

The Nazis did not gas kikes with wooden doors

Goyium.tv or Bitchute would help you find stuff to see how fucking stupid that whole story

And white genocide basically

They wanna kill off whitey to bring in their Jewish Messiah (pretty much Lucifer/devil)
But an enormous amount of blacks and hispanics are on welfare and just drain the system. They arent working or profitting. The only people who actually work are the cucked white husbands and feminist white foids.
Of course it drains the system, but the system that you as a taxpayer support, not the State itself, which is stronger and draws heavily on business with corporations. If they were not beneficial, all immigrants would be expelled, executed or enslaved, as we saw in Nazi Germany: the perfect alliance between businessmen and the State in conjunction with a population purge.

Tell me who often works as wageslaves if they are not spics, niggers, sandnigs, pajeets, it's the same old thing. As a businessman, what benefits you more? Having a spic working illegally for a pittance, or a white man, according to the agreements.
The Holocaust is a blatant lie OP

The Nazis did not gas kikes with wooden doors

Goyium.tv or Bitchute would help you find stuff to see how fucking stupid that whole story

And white genocide basically

They wanna kill off whitey to bring in their Jewish Messiah (pretty much Lucifer/devil)
Why does white genocide mean that they would bring in there Jewish messiah?
You can almost always spot the Jew by their features. Sometimes the Jew is so mixed that you can't, but this is rare.

Jooz have the most neanderthal DNA which explains their distinct homely looks. They have this hostility towards cro-magnons aka Europeans, because they and whites recognise that they aren't one and the same. The Jew hates the European on a very fundamental genetic level because whites are their natural rivals and have been for tens of thousands of years.

You may think the reason is somehow nuanced but it really isn't. Jews and Europeans have been going at it for thousands of years. The Jew hates the white man just like hyenas hate lions. When the hyena has a possibility to steal food from the lion, they will do it though. Just like Jews love to plunder like parasites.

So basically: Jews and Europeans both had their homelands in Europe, but they were too genetically distant to be friends, so they became natural foes.
The Holocaust is a blatant lie OP

The Nazis did not gas kikes with wooden doors

Goyium.tv or Bitchute would help you find stuff to see how fucking stupid that whole story

And white genocide basically

They wanna kill off whitey to bring in their Jewish Messiah (pretty much Lucifer/devil
How did they fake the Holocaust? i visited the museum and you can definitely see all the dead bodies on the videos
You can almost always spot the Jew by their features. Sometimes the Jew is so mixed that you can't, but this is rare.

Jooz have the most neanderthal DNA which explains their distinct homely looks. They have this hostility towards cro-magnons aka Europeans, because they and whites recognise that they aren't one and the same. The Jew hates the European on a very fundamental genetic level because whites are their natural rivals and have been for tens of thousands of years.

You may think the reason is somehow nuanced but it really isn't. Jews and Europeans have been going at it for thousands of years. The Jew hates the white man just like hyenas hate lions. When the hyena has a possibility to steal food from the lion, they will do it though. Just like Jews love to plunder like parasites.

So basically: Jews and Europeans both had their homelands in Europe, but they were too genetically distant to be friends, so they became natural foes.
But didnt the Americans save them from the Nazi's? Hasnt America been relatively welcoming to the Jewish people? Why would they want to destroy a country that has been relatively kind to them over the centuries?
Maybe, because, you scumbags deserve it? You invaded and destabilized so many countries in the middle East recently. I could care less about what happens to you. Currently, you're helping israel bomb Gazans and my country Lebanon. So I have no sympathy for Americans.
But didnt the Americans save them from the Nazi's? Hasnt America been relatively welcoming to the Jewish people? Why would they want to destroy a country that has been relatively kind to them over the centuries?
They hate white people and want total dominion.
Why does white genocide mean that they would bring in there Jewish messiah?

It's in their Talmud and Kaballlah there's a lot of factors of why but mainly the white men is the Jews greatest threat to having a total totalitarian Jewish slave state.

WN beliefs go back towards the God and the devil fighting it out.

Goyium.TV and Bitchute my guy they will help

Holocaust lies exposed is my favorite channel from them
Maybe, because, you scumbags deserve it? You invaded and destabilized so many countries in the middle East recently. I could care less about what happens to you. Currently, you're helping israel bomb Gazans and my country Lebanon. So I have no sympathy for Americans.
But why would isreal want to destory a country that is helping them? I would think America would be the country the Jews would actually REWARD since we are always helping them with everythin
But an enormous amount of blacks and hispanics are on welfare and just drain the system. They arent working or profitting.
Then why don’t you get on welfare as well instead of working for some corporate faggot fucking retard
Then why don’t you get on welfare as well instead of working for some corporate faggot fucking retard
Im white. The government would never in a million years give me free handouts or let me get on welfare. White guys like me would have to basically castrate myself in order to qualify whereas niggers and spics get welfare just for existing.
Im white. The government would never in a million years give me free handouts or let me get on welfare. White guys like me would have to basically castrate myself in order to qualify whereas niggers and spics get welfare just for existing.
Just shit yourself when you go to social security they’ll give you welfare
Like genuinely why? I thought that maybe its retrobution for the Holocaust but it was GERMANY who did the Holocaust and America actually SAVED THEM. Of all the countries in the world, the majority white Anglo Saxon United States has actually been the MOST WELCOMING and MOST TOLERANT of Jews out of literally any country in the world.

So why do they want to destroy us? Why do they want to destroy this country with animals from the third world? DO the Jews not realize that Haitians and Ethopians and Salvadorians arent going to be so tolerant and loving? Do they not realize that people from these third world coutnries drive dangerously and bring gangs and are going to actively make America a more dangerous place? Do Jews not realize that they are also going to have to share the roads with dangerous minority drivers? DO they Jews not get that these Africans and Hispanics are actually more antisemetic and will drain more money from the Jew sysytem?
They want to lower wages and increase rent prices to turn most cities into rent cities by bringing in floods of non English speaking immigrants. Those parasites will ruin jewsa and neets will have to rope due to jewsa running out of free money to send to them(disability checks, etc.). We can expect to see a lot of neets in the future posting suicide threads in the near future.
They want the land. So they want to get rid of anyone that might outsmart them. Then when they do that, they'll get what they want from the mutts left over until full automation with robots. Then they'll get rid of anyone that's not them.

Afterwards, they'll finish heating up the planet and then the lizard people will come to their new home and kill their "Jewish" drones that have done their job.

It's an automated system but takes awhile. Happens to every habitable planet.

All they are doing is terraforming planets and ensuring that they're the only sapient life in the universe.

Such is life. Look how chickens are treated.
They want to lower wages and increase rent prices to turn most cities into rent cities by bringing in floods of non English speaking immigrants. Those parasites will ruin jewsa and neets will have to rope due to jewsa running out of free money to send to them(disability checks, etc.). We can expect to see a lot of neets in the future posting suicide threads in the near future.
Do the Jews not realize that these third worlders are going to be just as antisemetic if not more than white people are? I mean a lot of Jewish communities are located in major cities, so the Jews are basically going to be living alongside these dangrous communities. Do they not realize this? That their own lives are going to be affected by the third worlders? THey are going to have to drive on the same roads as third worlders. There going to have to shop at the same stores and go to the same schools as third worlders?
They want the land. So they want to get rid of anyone that might outsmart them. Then when they do that, they'll get what they want from the mutts left over until full automation with robots. Then they'll get rid of anyone that's not them.

Afterwards, they'll finish heating up the planet and then the lizard people will come to their new home and kill their "Jewish" drones that have done their job.

It's an automated system but takes awhile. Happens to every habitable planet.

All they are doing is terraforming planets and ensuring that they're the only sapient life in the universe.

Such is life. Look how chickens are treated.
Why dont they do it to asian people though? Like the Chinese? Chinese people are a lot smarter than Whites
Why dont they do it to asian people though? Like the Chinese? Chinese people are a lot smarter than Whites
It's a slow process. They're saving the best for last. Jews eat a lot of Chinese food and promote anime for a reason. They find those cultures entertaining.
It's a slow process. They're saving the best for last. Jews eat a lot of Chinese food and promote anime for a reason. They find those cultures entertaining.
Any evidence for any of this?
Any evidence for any of this?


Oh no I meant evidence of the lizard people lol
Oh no I meant evidence of the lizard people lol
I'm speculating. I should have mentioned that.

I work in a grocery store. I get a lot of weirdos. No way they're actually humans.
Lol. What do they act like?
Like they're possessed by a brain parasite or something. Licking the air, "squirming" face, eyes that don't seem natural. It's hard to explain. I recommend one day when you're free, just sit somewhere with glasses that hide your eyes and just watch people's faces. Pretend to look at your phone.

It's severe uncanny valley territory.
Like they're possessed by a brain parasite or something. Licking the air, "squirming" face, eyes that don't seem natural. It's hard to explain. I recommend one day when you're free, just sit somewhere with glasses that hide your eyes and just watch people's faces. Pretend to look at your phone.

It's severe uncanny valley territory.
I live in a part of the country which is majority black/hispanic and Im one of the only white people. I think alot of the things you are describing is just people tweaking out. A lot of these people are just constantly on drugs. Like legitimately high on fent or crack 24/7. I think its why so many people are horrible drivers. Because they are just constantly high as fuck.

Theres also a thing called tardive dyskenesia which you get if you take antipsychotic medication for a long time. Basically it gives you facial tics like lip smacking or weird mouth movements. IIts becuase the antipsychotics fuck with your dopamine receptors. Its not aliens, its just Jewpills
The Holocaust is a blatant lie OP

The Nazis did not gas kikes with wooden doors

Goyium.tv or Bitchute would help you find stuff to see how fucking stupid that whole story

And white genocide basically

They wanna kill off whitey to bring in their Jewish Messiah (pretty much Lucifer/devil)
Most hispanic/Asian immigrants are not dangerous. The issue is that when shitskins become the majority it makes once white nations ugly AF.

10 years ago my college used to be 65% white, while today its around 50% white. Way uglier. Used to see attractive , white foids as starbucks server , now I see obese Hispanic and Pajettas as servers.

L.A used to be the most attractive place on earth. Now its full of mid( like 6/10) Asian and latina women, with its fair share of obese blacks and hispanics. Same happened to London. Full of Indians and Arabs now.

Trump was complaining about Haitians in Springfield Ohio. If they were Ukrainians and acted the same way people would turn a blind eye, because they are good looking and tall. Not short and black.

Its just how it is. No one likes to walk around and see ugly, short, brown people. Sorry.
because fuck white people that's why
fuck the goyim

i think the kikes do whatever makes them the most money, seems destroying all white identity makes them money somehow
i will be the next hitler, i am writing my mein kampf will publish out of college
But an enormous amount of blacks and hispanics are on welfare and just drain the system. They arent working or profitting. The only people who actually work are the cucked white husbands and feminist white foids.
I am an immigrant. I have my documents, I work, I pay my taxes, I speak english and really try my best to adapt to the local culture. Not everyone is a lazy fuck who is only leeching out of you. Though many are and you country would 100% be better without us. Anyways, I am sorry but I cant go back to my country where I struggled just to buy food.

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