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Serious Why do right-wingers think sjws will lose the culture war?



Sep 18, 2018
I am talking about stuff like this:

The guy spends most of the video talking about how the left's strategy doesn't work and how their radicalism will just turn people off and will prevent them for winning elections. But what evidence does he have suggesting this is true? As far as I can tell the left has done a wonderful job brainwashing people while guys like Trump are actually unpopular. The left enjoys overwhelming support from women and minorities, while whites continue to decline.

So why are guys like Sargon so convinced that the left will lose?
Idk personally I think we’re the ones on the losing side. Many members of the right are dying each day while a new indoctrinated youth for the DNC to manipulate is being popped out every few seconds
YOLO epicurean philosophy will catch on more and more until society breaks down. we havent even reached peak degeneracy yet. When Gen X starts retiring shit will really hit the fan, lmao. Lets hope for a post-apocalypse/cyberpunk dystopia by 2050.
YOLO epicurean philosophy will catch on more and more until society breaks down. we havent even reached peak degeneracy yet. When Gen X starts retiring shit will really hit the fan, lmao. Lets hope for a post-apocalypse/cyberpunk dystopia by 2050.

True. Western millennials really will go down as the worst generation in history, bare none.
We'll see on November 6.
We'll see on November 6.

lmao because this was make or break anything. Even if the republicans win this (which they very well might now) it won't matter in the grand scheme of things. Time is not the the side of the right.
Idk personally I think we’re the ones on the losing side. Many members of the right are dying each day while a new indoctrinated youth for the DNC to manipulate is being popped out every few seconds
The left has a monopoly on the media, culture, ethnics, women, the young, cities, and academia. I swear its like leftists had this drawn out master plan to spread propaganda towards all sectors of society and destroy our lives.
Every time I see an anti right wing post, its always @Disillusioned Get a life kike, no one on here is eating your bullshit.
Oh, I watched this video yeah.

Erm... it's a close one. The right is superior in every way (including intellectually and in terms of actually being correct). However... the left has the support of the Zionists. And that's why it's very difficult to beat them.
If a femoid will be elected it's over.
Honestly, which left? I only see capitalist centre. No matter if dems or reps, they'll play their stupid god cop bad cop games until some real commie and nazi like parties finally come around and at that point the elite will just band together with the real right like always.

The left has naturally no chance. Heck you don't even really acknowledge its existence like most on this forum.
The left has a monopoly on the media, culture, ethnics, women, the young, cities, and academia. I swear its like leftists had this drawn out master plan to spread propaganda towards all sectors of society and destroy our lives.
There’s no way this wasn’t planned, everything that has occurred in these recent years isn’t the result of years of planning, propaganda, and underhanded tactics to push things in their favor
We'll see on November 6.
The fact that Trump, a man who was widely considered a liberal democrat 20 years ago with identical beliefs, is now the face of far right wing extremism is probably the ultimate proof that liberals completely won the culture war.
lmao because this was make or break anything. Even if the republicans win this (which they very well might now) it won't matter in the grand scheme of things. Time is not the the side of the right.
What about the far left hippie boomers in the 60s who eventually grew up and elected Reagan twice?
Honestly, which left? I only see capitalist centre. No matter if dems or reps, they'll play their stupid god cop bad cop games until some real commie and nazi like parties finally come around and at that point the elite will just band together with the real right like always.

The left has naturally no chance. Heck you don't even really acknowledge its existence like most on this forum.
You say that until the left themselves become the nazis. Obviously without the eugenics and nationalism but still as totalitarian and oppressive
Politics are cyclical. The ideology that loses ground in one election eventually gains it again.
If you are talking about American politics, I would not be too worried about this next election. It is by no means guaranteed but if a Trump keeps up with this “scary time for young men” stuff he will get a second term.
If the democratic system breaks down you don’t have to worry either. Farmers are right wing. The military are right wing. The people who stockpile guns and ammunition are right wing.

All the left has is their Twitter accounts and moral outrage.
The fact that Trump, a man who was widely considered a liberal democrat 20 years ago with identical beliefs, is now the face of far right wing extremism is probably the ultimate proof that liberals completely won the culture war.
Trump is a cuck. But him being elected was a big victory for defeating the left, so now people have hope for the future.
Every time I see an anti right wing post, its always @Disillusioned Get a life kike, no one on here is eating your bullshit.
High iq.
You say that until the left themselves become the nazis. Obviously without the eugenics and nationalism but still as totalitarian and oppressive
No, nothing is more opressive than controlling ressources, the media and government through money. It's just the elite perfected through the years the system to not let you notice anymore and play people against each other.

In ideology we have nothing to do with the right. JFL at "Theee LEft is just AS bad as THE righT1111!!"

Systemchange needs war in the broadest sense at some point just as the introduction of capitalism needed, even democratic socialists have to learn this sooner or later. Noone will give away their power voluntary.

Some left movements used fascist style propganda to gain broader appeal from right wingers just in the opposite manner Hitler did. But we see how well it went in the end with Yugoslawia. No thank you. If anything the left has to be truth and science based.

No matter what happens nothing will really change as long as we have this illusion of choice and no genuin international leftism. I hope for a destructive American civil war soon tbh. If just the right wins after the increasing ideological divide, they won't stop meddle in foreign affairs.
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Trump was supposed to lose but won. Conservatives tend to not be as vocal as liberals. thats why you see a lot of liberal comments online. But even then, you see a lot more conservative comments online than you did back in obama years. Culture shifts always happen
No, nothing is more opressive than controlling ressources, the media and government through money. It's just the elite perfected through the years the system to not let you notice anymore.
The left are heavily involved in that as well
In ideology we have nothing to do with the right. JFL at "Theee LEft is just AS bad as THE righT1111!!"
True, the incel community is made up of different individuals so incels as a group hold no centralized political views
Systemchange needs war in the broadest sense at some point just as the introduction of capitalism needed, even democratic socialists have to learn this sooner or later. Noone will give away their power voluntary.
Also true
Some left movements used fascist style propganda to gain broader appeal from right wingers just in the opposite manner Hitler did. But we see how well it went in the end with Yugoslawia. No thank you. If anything the left has to be truth and science based.
The left aren't acting like fascists to appeal to anybody, its just that their slaves are a bunch of smug, childlike idiots who use violence and social shaming to get their points across. The left is operating on pure emotion and peer pressure
No matter what happens nothing will really change as long as we don't have international leftism. I hope for the American civil war soon tbh. If just the right wins, they won't stop meddle in foreign affairs.
If a large corporation like Exon for instance told the Democrats to colonize Antarctica, they'd do it because they're in bed with big business just like the Republicans
It doesn't matter who wins the "culture war" because (((classical liberals))) like Sargon and Juden Peterstein are not representative of the right. Even if they "win" (and what that entails IDK), it's won't be a win for the right wing.
Both are illuminati puppets
The left are heavily involved in that as well

True, the incel community is made up of different individuals so incels as a group hold no centralized political views

Also true

The left aren't acting like fascists to appeal to anybody, its just that their slaves are a bunch of smug, childlike idiots who use violence and social shaming to get their points across. The left is operating on pure emotion and peer pressure

If a large corporation like Exon for instance told the Democrats to colonize Antarctica, they'd do it because they're in bed with big business just like the Republicans

I meant "we" as in the (radical) left; democratic socialists, commies, socialists, anarchists. Liberals / Dems / socdem are centre. I repeat there is NO left media, because we have no corporate funding. You perceive what you think is left as left, because that's what's there on the public edge in that political direction, the only stuff available to you. You think to much in we versus them. There's no argument. The overton window did its job just to well.

I will not be able to educate you. We are not bad. We are no hypocrites. Yes, we are for equal human rights for everyone, but we are no liberals, who close their eyes in front of the worlds problems. Once we get more general awareness in the communist community etc., I guarantuee you our fronts will align, as those people are in general the most blackpilled people I ever met on average. Maybe the incel community will split and degeneracycopers will go their own way, but the rest will fight classism including lookism. Heck there are even conservative commies. We are just on a totally different level politcally and have nothing to do with this whole stupid "left" versus "right" american shitshow.

Can't hear it anymore "The left!!!111!" :feelstrash:

Educate yourself or ask someone who is not a total wreck like red shambhala or chudur-budur. I @chu waste to much time with my fucked up eyes and psyche on this forum, sorry mate.

Both are illuminati puppets
That's all you hear here. Not to wrong, but it's just random people, honestly. The thing is this conclusion just shuts down every potential discussion about underlying structural, systemic and human nature problems in its core, I expect better of the scientific blackpill tbh.

Okay, it's the Juden. We can all go home again. Case solved, evil Jew once more.

In reality stuff exatly like this is what keeps the current system in place. If you think it's just the juden you are basically just controlled opposition, sorry.
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Because eventually things get too woke even for the wokest. Problem is, even when it's called for you can't say things like "Maybe that alleged rape victim hasn't got her facts straight" because at the very least, you should sympathize with her pain. Her pain and sadness is real. But eventually things will get so touchy feely that one day we're gonna remember "Now hold on, there's two sides to this."

Aziz Ansari used to be an example of progressive behavior. But then he got a whiff of the #MeToo. Now his latest stand up special is being described as "A Cry Against Extreme Wokeness." He used to shame people for their apparent bigotry, now he's like "Okay but not everything is rape, you guys."
I meant "we" as in the (radical) left; democratic socialists, commies, socialists, anarchists. Liberals / Dems / socdem are centre. I repeat there is no left media, because we have no corporate funding. You perceive what you think is left as left, because that's what's there on that edge in that political direction, the only stuff available to you. You think to much in we versus them. The overton window did its job just to well.

I will not be able to educate you. We are not bad. We are no hypocrites. Yes, we are for equal human rights for everyone, but we are no liberals, who close their eyes in front of the worlds problems. Once we get more general awareness in the communist community etc., I guarantuee you our fronts will align, as those people are in general the most blackpilled people I ever met on average. Maybe the incel community will split and degeneracycopers will go their own way, but the rest will fight lookism. Heck there are even conservative commies. We are just on a totally different level politcally and have nothing to do with this whole stupid "left" versus "right" american shitshow.

Can't hear it anymore "The left!!!111!" :feelstrash:

Educate yourself or ask someone who is not a total wreck like red shambala or chudur budur. I waste to much time with my fucked up eyes and psyche on this forum, sorry mate.
Sorry I didn't originally understand what you meant by left. You are right in that most Americans only think of right vs left and it is in fact a shitshow. Tbh, I know some things about socialism, communism, and anarchy but never gave them much thought because I knew it wouldn't fly in here and even if they did, the problem of inceldom would'nt be on the governments radar. Sorry to hear about your eyes and psyche, I'd suggest a long break if its getting too bad
In the grand scheme of things they will lose
Weak fragile men will always lose to superior stronger men.
Liberal men are cucks, so yeah, theyve got no chance.
they might not fall in the next decade, but they surely will, eventually.
I, for one, could take on 5 to 6 soyboys by myself
Aziz Ansari used to be an example of progressive behavior. But then he got a whiff of the #MeToo. Now his latest stand up special is being described as "A Cry Against Extreme Wokeness." He used to shame people for their apparent bigotry, now he's like "Okay but not everything is rape, you guys."
Lifefuel. It looks like there's hope for cucks after all.
they're losing atm trump was the first big loss now kavanaugh hopefully the midterms will swing right but who knows? if trump wins again that will be 8 years of losing maybe in that time people will realize that high taxes for shanaynays baby and obsessing over fag rights when u aren't a fag is retarded along with being overrun with rapefugees and bad hombres isn't beneficial for anyone except leftist politicians and rapefugees and bad hombres. if the republican side could fraud being somewhat more progressive i think the democrat party would be dead they would have nothing good to offer. the only thing the democrats offer right now is safety for fags and minorities if republicans could give them that they would switch in a heartbeat. who likes high taxes, less guns, and more competition by way of illegal immigrants?
because soy has estrogen and them getting the shit beat out of them will be like punting a child through a field goal.
they're losing atm trump was the first big loss now kavanaugh hopefully the midterms will swing right but who knows? if trump wins again that will be 8 years of losing maybe in that time people will realize that high taxes for shanaynays baby and obsessing over fag rights when u aren't a fag is retarded along with being overrun with rapefugees and bad hombres isn't beneficial for anyone except leftist politicians and rapefugees and bad hombres. if the republican side could fraud being somewhat more progressive i think the democrat party would be dead they would have nothing good to offer. the only thing the democrats offer right now is safety for fags and minorities if republicans could give them that they would switch in a heartbeat. who likes high taxes, less guns, and more competition by way of illegal immigrants?

America needs to become Nazbol to survive.
In the grand scheme of things they will lose
Weak fragile men will always lose to superior stronger men.
Liberal men are cucks, so yeah, theyve got no chance.
they might not fall in the next decade, but they surely will, eventually.
I, for one, could take on 5 to 6 soyboys by myself

this is exactly what I said. history is cyclical. in 40 some years the right-wing (by then a third position movement) will be the norm.
Sorry I didn't originally understand what you meant by left. You are right in that most Americans only think of right vs left and it is in fact a shitshow. Tbh, I know some things about socialism, communism, and anarchy but never gave them much thought because I knew it wouldn't fly in here and even if they did, the problem of inceldom would'nt be on the governments radar. Sorry to hear about your eyes and psyche, I'd suggest a long break if its getting too bad

that's why I feel like a stranger in my own country, left-wing economic views, right-wing social views. they just don't get it. but it works. and history proved it. it just makes kikes mad for some reason.
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