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Why do redditors hate religion so much?

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
The second somebody mentions religion in an off-handed way that isn't directly mocking religion, even if it isn't promoting religion, redditors will downvote it. They will scream and shout that religion exists to control people, and think that shouting this at you for the millionth time over the internet makes them smart and deep. Then they will go laugh at people who say something true in an overly verbose way on r/iamverysmart while being the biggest pseud fedora tryhard wankers themselves.

Religion is like kryptonite to redditors. Talking about God and religious texts (unless it's a protected religion like Islam, the religion of peace and Arab feminism, or a faggy new-age approach to eastern spirituality or paganism that would make buddhist monks and their snownigger ancestors alike embarrassed), especially Christian and other "western" ones, makes them assmad and they start chimping out all over their keyboards. I do not think there is a God and the fact I will fade into nothingness after I die terrifies me, and that doesn't make me feel anally annihilated whenever somebody mentions the Old Testament like these people. It doesn't make sense. Why do redditors hate God and religion so much, of all things?
Christcuck detected
Christcuck detected
Wrong, I am not religious and I unironically think part of the reason the west is so cucked today is the cultural legacy of Christianity.
What I am annoyed by is people who get bootyblasted over religions for no valid reason.
Christcuck detected

hey now, we're friends here, stormcels stick together although my beliefs sound like an LSD trip.

but atheism is the go to bugman theory "muh Spinoza" "muh Descartes" fuck modernism, fuck determinism, fuck rationalism of any kind. soy bullshit.
God is dead.

God only died because Jesus and Mohammed as brothers, killed him in the material world.
hey now, we're friends here, stormcels stick together although my beliefs sound like an LSD trip.

but atheism is the go to bugman theory "muh Spinoza" "muh Descartes" fuck modernism, fuck determinism, fuck rationalism of any kind. soy bullshit.

God only died because Jesus and Mohammed as brothers, killed him in the material world.
I detest semitic filth.
I only detest jews. at least some semities such as Coptics and Sufis are cool
jews are the rats that Islam and Christianity must destroy. we already killed the God of the hebrews, now lets gang up and kill his rat descendents.
I'm sure you've heard of Positive Christianity. the Jesus was Aryan theory?
I only detest jews. at least some semities such as Coptics and Sufis are cool
jews are the rats that Islam and Christianity must destroy. we already killed the God of the hebrews, now lets gang up and kill his rat descendents.
I'm sure you've heard of Positive Christianity. the Jesus was Aryan theory?
Christianity is a Jewish religion, literally promoting the idea of the Jews as "God's chosen people" in the old testament. Paganism is the way to go for European man. And I have, yes. I find it largely unfounded and lacking. Sort of like how negroes attempt to appropriate ancient egypt
They think religion opresses muh wamyn and minoriteis.
Reddit is a cesspool of degenerates
Christianity is a Jewish religion, literally promoting the idea of the Jews as "God's chosen people" in the old testament. Paganism is the way to go for European man. And I have, yes. I find it largely unfounded and lacking. Sort of like how negroes attempt to appropriate ancient egypt

only Protestants believe in that garbage. Protestant Christianity is philosemitic by nature and is a heresy. the only way to remove that is by killing off the so-called "greatest generation" (egoistic just as Zionism is) and instilling dark age values. pre-reformation Christianity is miles away from the kike worshipping Zio-Protestantism of the west, including various Gnostic sects, Coptic/Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, and pre-Vatican II Catholicism.
look we're friends here, Christianity/Paganism/Islam must come together to destroy Zionism forever.
God is dead.

v a n i l l a l a t t e
NPCs are just programmed that way. They're ok if you mention Islam tho
The second somebody mentions religion in an off-handed way that isn't directly mocking religion, even if it isn't promoting religion, redditors will downvote it. They will scream and shout that religion exists to control people, and think that shouting this at you for the millionth time over the internet makes them smart and deep. Then they will go laugh at people who say something true in an overly verbose way on r/iamverysmart while being the biggest pseud fedora tryhard wankers themselves.

Religion is like kryptonite to redditors. Talking about God and religious texts (unless it's a protected religion like Islam, the religion of peace and Arab feminism, or a faggy new-age approach to eastern spirituality or paganism that would make buddhist monks and their snownigger ancestors alike embarrassed), especially Christian and other "western" ones, makes them assmad and they start chimping out all over their keyboards. I do not think there is a God and the fact I will fade into nothingness after I die terrifies me, and that doesn't make me feel anally annihilated whenever somebody mentions the Old Testament like these people. It doesn't make sense. Why do redditors hate God and religion so much, of all things?

Because all religions hate on women and gays, the holy grail to Redditors. Seriously, Redditors will sooner be racist than disagree with women's rights or gay rights. :soy: I have seen many threads where Redditors hate on Black Africans for having too many kids, are racist to Indians for being creepy towards women, hate on Muslims for not accepting feminism, but I have almost never seen a Redditor say women's rights or gay rights are bad.

Also Reddit hates Islam, which makes sense since Islam is an alpha religion that makes soyboys shit their pants. Go on any Reddit thread discussing Islam, most of the comments absolutely hate it. The distinction is that Reddit accepts liberal Muslims who may as well be atheists, so they can still virtue-signal about how they aren't racist.
Many reddit users are full of themselves. They will suffer in the lake of fire
WAKE UP!!!! God and his prophets are the biggest chads of all.
God is the biggest cope of all time
God is the biggest cope of all time
True. People are so terrified of dying that they created a magical man in the sky that will give them everlasting paradise if they are good. :lul:
True. People are so terrified of dying that they created a magical man in the sky that will give them everlasting paradise if they are good. :lul:

100% this. Religion is only good if it enforces a set of laws that strengthens men and disempowers women, especially under a theocracy. If it's just a set of cuck teachings about being good to people and being a slave to a society that shits on you, so you can go to the magical castle in the sky where you live happily ever after, then it's fucking useless, especially because it bluepills men into accepting their shit lives.

I think we can all guess which religion is mega-bluepill and which religion is pure blackpill.
God is a woman, so im an atheist
I think it's just cause they spend all their time on the internet, and the internet has that effect on a lot of people
It goes against their avant-garde progressive views.
Because it shows you have higher iq when you say there is no god.
Because it shows you have higher iq when you say there is no god.

"muh fedora"
I think most atheists should be brutally murdered as its baselessly materialistic as the jews themselves.
religion is maybe the biggest cope of all times
cope, Christian and muslim foids are even sluttier than atheist ones.

I never actually found a lot of reddit at this point to hate religion (the only time they do if its about "sexism"or"homophobia"). I think their reputation for being fedora tipping atheists caught up with them and they seem to be on a weird "except religious people! don't be a neckbeard atheist and denounce religion!" campaign right now in response to the neckbeard atheist reputation. That and reddit is becoming more and more normie and most normies are religious.
They turn away the old gods so that they can usher in the new gods. Because the new gods encourage and validate their behavior.
cope, Christian and muslim foids are even sluttier than atheist ones.


there's a difference, in the middle east foids get murdered for being sluts.
I never actually found a lot of reddit at this point to hate religion (the only time they do if its about "sexism"or"homophobia"). I think their reputation for being fedora tipping atheists caught up with them and they seem to be on a weird "except religious people! don't be a neckbeard atheist and denounce religion!" campaign right now in response to the neckbeard atheist reputation. That and reddit is becoming more and more normie and most normies are religious.

I dunno, you have to be really fucked up to believe what I do.
Because they are soyboys
Because God hates cucks.
Best way to trigger them is to call atheism a religion.

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