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RageFuel Why do normshits always blame inceldom on social skills?



There's no inhib-level for your face.
Oct 2, 2021
I mean I could say they're just retarded but more specifically, what can really explain this fallacy where normniggers think inceldom is simply just down to social ability or whether one has a lot of "friends" or not? Like, women choose who they want to fuck or who they like not based only on proximity but on LOOKS obviously. So understanding problems are often MULTIFACETED, why do people like inceltears numales or shit or just even the average person outside of Reddit seem to always tell the same bullshit tale, "UR INKWELL CUZ U DONT GOTZ A LOT OF FRENZ."

So, how do normtards translate this to mean, "Incels cannae get de puzzy cuz dey havz no sociallz skillzz" as if social skills and number of friends really matters? Women fuck who they look at and decide is likable, fuckable. Social context matters somewhat, but that doesn't mean you need a PARTICULAR number of friends, or any PARTICULAR set of social abilities beyond any basic manner of communication and not being some arm flailing, mouth drooling retard. It's like they can't really see the angles here, it's just "muh social skills and muh confidence and muh pershinality."

But for some reason this is made up and painted to be some kind of convoluted thing as if the average incel man cannot look someone in the eye, say words, be a relatively normal human being behavior wise and do normal all shit. Why are they painted like aliens, unable to do anything or navigate even the utmost basic social dynamics, saying all inceldom amounts to is NOT being a normtard as opposed to not being physically attractive and desirable enough to make women want to have some relationship with you? Normshits love muh science, so why do they convolute the most basic of premises such as looks strongly correlate to fuckability and likeability, and simplify every other facet beyond this 1 thing? WTF....

Like, do you think if a girl meets up with some guy she initially liked and he doesn't appear to be some mega socialtard normie dude, that's where it ends? Seriously? They don't think there's any real lust, that women fuck at the switch of determining if a guy has 1 friend or 6? lol

They think a retarded LTB meets up with a Chad and he tells her he has no friends, she runs away? But if a normie has 10 friends, she's horny?

But if some 3/10 uggo says he has 'X' number of friends they wanna fuck, sure LOL but if Chad has few or none, he is absolutely untouchable and everyone runs, right.... Like, what planet is this where this kind of "common sense" passes as, well, common fucking sense? Come fucking on...

What compels this obvious stupidity or what further explains why people just fucking think the problem of men is only down to social skills and basically ignore all else, WTF Like there are other facets to thing, so why do these goddamn people seem think it all amounts to just social game?
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Because people are stupid
These are the same people who say "You don't know what she's going through!" when a foid with kids decides to whore out.
I know people are stupid, but this isn't just mere stupidity, this is some deeply entangled retardation and bliss to common sense.

Being a dumbass is one thing, but even dumbasses should understand common sense and principles. This is just inexcusable fucking shit, man.
Their advice about personality being the issue is valid and only applies to the fakecels (aka NT and normie looking), not to the real geniune incels or spergs.
I honestly don't get how anyone with an IQ higher than 70 can genuinely think nowadays, at the age of Tinder, that "social skills" could be some root cause. Also, none of these clowns are even able to define what these so-called social skills are. I most definitely can communicate with people (even though I don't want to that much these days). And in my late 20s, I could get along well with my female colleagues in the office who were close to 40, so they had no reason to be afraid of any advances. Like, women also accept homosexual men as just friends, even if they are physically unattractive.
I honestly don't get how anyone with an IQ higher than 70 can genuinely think nowadays, at the age of Tinder, that "social skills" could be some root cause. Also, none of these clowns are even able to define what these so-called social skills are. I most definitely can communicate with people (even though I don't want to that much these days). And in my late 20s, I could get along well with my female colleagues in the office who were close to 40, so they had no reason to be afraid of any advances. Like, women also accept homosexual men as just friends, even if they are physically unattractive.

Exactly. It's hard to imagine anyone honestly believing, even if quite stupid, that friends and a social circle make women want to fuck you just on that basis alone, like being typical, supplemental, agreeable. That might make you "friends," but having "friends" doesn't give you sex appeal.

At most it's reasonable people may draw a corollary that one who has friends and has sex is a factor, but not that the friends create or fulfill any necessary rules at large that come between the perception of "having friends" and "has sex life" overlapping, but not necessarily dependent.

I.E., people who have sex are more likely to have friends, but it is not that the friends themselves are the bridge between sex and no sex. If a guy is good looking enough to attract women in any noticeable form, it's totally rational to see that he can do so whether there are friends or not, assuming the provided basic interests are met (attractive, can communicate somewhat, etc.) then the attraction can lead to sex, relationship, etc. or whatever. But suggesting that because one has friends and has sex that it is because of the friends that the sex ever can possibly happen is a total brainlet.

If that were the case, why are so many men going to the gym, trying to earn a lot of money, trying to fix their ugly mugs? If social skills made you get so much pussy and made women like you and people respect you, people would be taking social classes and ascending; and gym, surgery, roids, etc. would all prove to be ineffective then. But yet most men slave away at the gym, try to improve their status and power and standing in the world, etc. Even if not doing that, I can assure you no man who is not retarded is taking "social classes" & expecting women to wanna fuck from it. lol
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