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Venting Why do normies hate us autistcels so much?



Jul 30, 2023
I didn't even fucking anything to deserve the humiliation I've had to go through.
I changed school for a fresh start to escape my 'quiet kid' persona and start fresh by just being myself. I've never been mean to fucking anyone yet they still call me npc, tease me, mimmick me. I've fucking had enough. Even in my friendgroup i stand awkwardly on the outside. I've never fit in anywhere, I'll never get social cues and no matter how hard i act NT people will see right through my mask. Ironically I've been masking so long I barely even know who I am now. I also get called robotic, emotionless and not one single fucking person has ever asked me why. The only person who's ever shown care to me who wasn't family is my teacher who probably thinks im creepy anyway for buying chocolate fot her. They don't how hard I want to be emotional but I can't because I feel nothing constantly. My only way of copinf is wandering into town drunk at night and bawl out my eyes just to feel something. Why did this shit have to happen to me?
Just learn to be born with a normal brain next time
Cucked for buying chocolate. I was like you, all my efforts just turned out to be fake confidence. I'm sorry to hear this but in my experience it was just bound to happen. Hopefully it gets better brocel :feelsbadman:
Because you are most likely just ugly and this signals bad genetics to normoid lizard brains. Bad genes are bad for the survival of the group so you are ostracized and excluded. It's pretty simple.
Cucked for buying chocolate. I was like you, all my efforts just turned out to be fake confidence. I'm sorry to hear this but in my experience it was just bound to happen. Hopefully it gets better brocel :feelsbadman:
She just said thanks in a monotone voice too. Said to her enjoy your summer and she didn't even fucking reply. I started taking care of myself, reading all for some fucking foid who's getting pumped by her tall 'friend' Even if a foid could see past my disability I wouldn't even be able to love back
Because you are most likely just ugly and this signals bad genetics to normoid lizard brains. Bad genes are bad for the survival of the group so you are ostracized and excluded. It's pretty simple.
NT is part of blackpill and IMO takes 2 points off. So an 8/10 autist is more like a 6/10 HTN. For a 4/10 autist it's particularly bad as you basically become KHHV
Because you are most likely just ugly and this signals bad genetics to normoid lizard brains. Bad genes are bad for the survival of the group so you are ostracized and excluded. It's pretty simple.
This was one of the best blackpills I've ever had bro thank you
Because you are most likely just ugly and this signals bad genetics to normoid lizard brains. Bad genes are bad for the survival of the group so you are ostracized and excluded. It's pretty simple.
NT is part of blackpill and IMO takes 2 points off. So an 8/10 autist is more like a 6/10 HTN. For a 4/10 autist it's particularly bad as you basically become KHHV
Sounds like cope bs to me.
NT is part of blackpill and IMO takes 2 points off. So an 8/10 autist is more like a 6/10 HTN. For a 4/10 autist it's particularly bad as you basically become KHHV
I hope one day it gets diagnosed in the womb. I'm sick of being told by the same faggots who ridicule me that it's a blessing
Don't hate your dad, hate your mom if anything. Femoids are and always have been the ones that had the chance to pick a healthy strong partner to mate with. Men are not the gatekeepers of mating, fefails are. So your mother basically failed at the one thing that she needed to get right.

My mother is the same, could have literally gotten knocked up by aryan chads but has something wrong with her jew brain so fucked the ugliest most recessed guy she could find.
I hope one day it gets diagnosed in the womb. I'm sick of being told by the same faggots who ridicule me that it's a blessing
I mean if you're a high functioning autist it's not a blessing but at least there's a silver lining
Sounds like cope bs to me.
I've seen it in my own eyes when working in tech industry. Perfectly good looking dudes that are borderline incel teir. There is a level of good looks where even if autist you can just bang a tinder whore on demand, but that level is 8+/10 and you have to be NT enough to take model tier photos which many autists do not do. But yeah a 6/10 autist can totally be KHHV incel.
I mean if you're a high functioning autist it's not a blessing but at least there's a silver lining
I'm high functioning but I honestly think I'm worse of than lower functioning ones. Normies will stop you from picking on those who are  clearly autistic yet they'll drag you through a fucking ditch if you don't quite pass as properly autistic
Don't hate your dad, hate your mom if anything. Femoids are and always have been the ones that had the chance to pick a healthy strong partner to mate with. Men are not the gatekeepers of mating, fefails are. So your mother basically failed at the one thing that she needed to get right.

My mother is the same, could have literally gotten knocked up by aryan chads but has something wrong with her jew brain so fucked the ugliest most recessed guy she could find.
My mom was a stacy but she was dirt poor so she wanted a stable household most importantly. I'm suffering because of her and even my cousins mog me, her bloodline is filled with ideal genes. I have nothing to show for it most importantly which hurts me the most
I'm high functioning but I honestly think I'm worse of than lower functioning ones. Normies will stop you from picking on those who are  clearly autistic yet they'll drag you through a fucking ditch if you don't quite pass as properly autistic
Turn it into a profe$$ion. Are you good at STEM shit?
Don't hate your dad, hate your mom if anything. Femoids are and always have been the ones that had the chance to pick a healthy strong partner to mate with. Men are not the gatekeepers of mating, fefails are. So your mother basically failed at the one thing that she needed to get right.

My mother is the same, could have literally gotten knocked up by aryan chads but has something wrong with her jew brain so fucked the ugliest most recessed guy she could find.
This is brootal. How to hold such views while simultaneously dealing with being "one of those women should reject"? I have recently become similarly blackpilled. I'm at the point where if a woman said she wanted to have a family with me I'd think she was mentally deficient for wanting subhuman children.
My mom was a stacy but she was dirt poor so she wanted a stable household most importantly. I'm suffering because of her and even my cousins mog me, her bloodline is filled with ideal genes. I have nothing to show for it most importantly which hurts me the most
I feel bad for my siblings because Ive robbed the height genetics (still under 6' though) but it's all useless because I turn everyone off as soon as I speak
I've seen it in my own eyes when working in tech industry. Perfectly good looking dudes that are borderline incel teir. There is a level of good looks where even if autist you can just bang a tinder whore on demand, but that level is 8+/10 and you have to be NT enough to take model tier photos which many autists do not do. But yeah a 6/10 autist can totally be KHHV incel.
More cope tbh. What you perceive to be "perfectly good looking dudes" doesn't relate to what females find visually attractive. This is where that whole take falls apart. If you are good looking femoids want you, if not, they don't.
My mom was a stacy but she was dirt poor so she wanted a stable household most importantly. I'm suffering because of her and even my cousins mog me, her bloodline is filled with ideal genes. I have nothing to show for it most importantly which hurts me the most
its hard me to believe THAT any user here had 8/10, 9/10 mom, even if short, high tier becky ? sure but having legit stacy mom and rotting here is impossible, my mom is 3/10 in her youth while dad was short 6/10

Because you are most likely just ugly and this signals bad genetics to normoid lizard brains. Bad genes are bad for the survival of the group so you are ostracized and excluded. It's pretty simple.
Fucking hell this is depressing.
its hard me to believe THAT any user here had 8/10, 9/10 mom, even if short, high tier becky ? sure but having legit stacy mom and rotting here is impossible, my mom is 3/10 in her youth while dad was short 6/10

I'm not shitting you nigga, my mom has eurocentric features, green eyes, blonde hair, pale skin and I look nothing like her beside inheritting her skin color. My dad tainted my siblings as well and they both look pretty ugly.
Because humans find already hard as fuck to understand each other, hence why we had so many bloody wars throughout entire history in every part of the globe, hell there is even a war happening at this very moment, depending on the context anything that is misunderstood in a relation between two humans can cause the murdering of someone, humans have a real hard time catching socials signals and such, but that's okay because our brain is hardwired for that, it's like a baby learning to walk, they might fall and cry but somehow someway they will walk eventually, and then you guys shows up, to make them feel what was already difficult become now impossible, simply because of the brain's hardware factor, now that said baby is crippled, what do then? What is left to do? Nothing, that's why. And that causes frustration, confuses them, making bonding with you guys an unreachable quest, so they give up, and they don't forget that frustration, so maybe they'll bully you, and that's that. Some of you guys aren't capable of doing what humans species are most notable for and what have possible made us strive over every other living being: communicating, basically humans who can't do human's signature move, and that must suck too.
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its hard me to believe THAT any user here had 8/10, 9/10 mom, even if short, high tier becky ? sure but having legit stacy mom and rotting here is impossible, my mom is 3/10 in her youth while dad was short 6/10

I think it's possible, kids doesn't always look like their parents, sometimes they look like their uncles or grandparents. Take for example my 3 siblings and me.

I barely look like my father and nothing like my mother, personality wise I'm same as my mother.

My oldest brother looked like my mom.
My second brother like maternal grandad.
My sister totally like aunts from dad's side.

Genetic recombination can be a bitch and sometimes good traits from mom doesn't translate well onto the kid.

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