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Why do leftists hate nuclear energy so much?



May 13, 2018
It's cleaner than fossil fuels, produces more energy than solar or wind energy and if there's proper security and storage of nuclear waste then it's safer living next to a nuclear plant than coal plant for example. However leftists HATE the idea of nuclear energy probably because they think that Chernobyl (in their beloved USSR kek) and Fukushima are the rule rather than the exception when the reality is that disasters of such magnitude are rare, if nuclear energy was really as dangerous as leftists say we would have 2 or 3 Chernobyls per year ffs. Also they say "nooo we have to invest all the nuclear energy money in green energy like solar panels and windmills :soy::soy::soy:" when those are okay but produce much less energy than nuclear and depending only on renewable energy works if you have a small population, try supplying all the demand for energy only with renewable sources and let's see how you do it kek.

Shout-out to Germans who for years have said "no" to nuclear energy and now are suffering the consequences, depending on Russian gas and oil :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:Meanwhile the French are smart and get most of their energy from nuclear power plants. China is also investing billions in more nuclear reactors because they know it's the best option we have for now. In Spain we also have a big (and retarded) anti-nuclear movement that successfully has shut down nuclear power plants or projects to build new ones because "muh nuclear waste" so now we're dependent on Algerian gas. Would never think I say this but I wish we had a government like China where they do what they want based only on productivity and economic returns instead of listening to the people.
Because they're irrational. They hate logic and reason because it's mansplaining.
There is a multi-trillion dollar incentive to see nuclear plants fail.

Even if nuclear plants are constructed they will be sabotaged by ((((special interests)))) just like Chernobyl, Tokaimura, Three mile island, etc.
I don't think you will ever receive honest answer. Don't bother with mafs and all that thing, logic doesn't go well with them.

It's a tool for political power

They hate it because they can't appear virtuos by using nuclear energy.

There are no "I like nuclear energy" T-shirts or shopping bags.

They hate it because they have to hate the estabilished systems, to overthrow it and replace with their new ones.

To feel important. Everyone copes with wanting to get attentiom and feel recognised differently. Sciencists by publishing their science. Tradcucks by spouting their worldwievs. Cartels by killing their opponents. Those people by worshipping electricity
Because they're braindead.
Maybe they prefer wind and sun to atom smashing.
In my country some prominent Leftists have been trying to spread a pro-nuclear agenda and have started debunking common myths, but the anti-nuclear religion is too entrenched in global leftist movements, especially in some shithole countries like Germany. :feelswhat:
I think if you live in a country with no major earthquake, it's fine.
because leftism is a form of elitism.

cheap electricity is no good. cheap food is no good. cheap clothes is no good. the elites HATE the under class to be able to afford similar or same shit like them. at the same time, the under class always want to mimic the upper class's "life style". its a never ending cycle.

the elites want electricity to be expensive. they might not actually realize it, but they subconciously know it, and choose actions that cause electrcity price to increase. e.g. carbon tax, solar and wind etc.

if a tech would make it cheap, they restrict or ban it. e.g. hydro, nuclear.

if fusion power become unlocked, they gonna find reason to ban it too.

when one hates something, there can never be enough reasons to run out of to justify the hate.
Because they're irrational. They hate logic and reason because it's mansplaining.
This. OP is expecting leftists to be rational. That's like expecting a foid to be civilized. Your expectations are misplaced, and not at all realistic.

Leftists believe whatever their hive mind of hippie cult leaders tell them to believe, and their cult leaders are just the mouthpieces to the (((elite))) to have their obedient masses believe what they want them to believe. Rest assured, nuclear power, at the moment, probably puts some (((jew family))) at the top at a financial disadvantage, and so, until that changes, leftists will continue to believe the ridiculous propaganda of nuclear power being a dangerous boogeyman, while in reality, OP is 100% correct: it is cleaner than fossil fuels, more efficient than green energy, and safer than it ever has been before.
Does nuclear power help them achieve their political aims? No? Then it's no good. They have admitted as such, I recently saw an article explaining why nuclear power was bad because it didn't "stop oppression" and instead "just produces clean energy" JFL. What's more, if everyone just switched to nuclear power then the most pressing environmental issue would be solved and then there would have to be a serious questioning of capitalist consumption patterns, and the need for infinite economic growth.
It's cleaner than fossil fuels, produces more energy than solar or wind energy and if there's proper security and storage of nuclear waste then it's safer living next to a nuclear plant than coal plant for example. However leftists HATE the idea of nuclear energy probably because they think that Chernobyl (in their beloved USSR kek) and Fukushima are the rule rather than the exception when the reality is that disasters of such magnitude are rare, if nuclear energy was really as dangerous as leftists say we would have 2 or 3 Chernobyls per year ffs. Also they say "nooo we have to invest all the nuclear energy money in green energy like solar panels and windmills :soy::soy::soy:" when those are okay but produce much less energy than nuclear and depending only on renewable energy works if you have a small population, try supplying all the demand for energy only with renewable sources and let's see how you do it kek.

Shout-out to Germans who for years have said "no" to nuclear energy and now are suffering the consequences, depending on Russian gas and oil :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:Meanwhile the French are smart and get most of their energy from nuclear power plants. China is also investing billions in more nuclear reactors because they know it's the best option we have for now. In Spain we also have a big (and retarded) anti-nuclear movement that successfully has shut down nuclear power plants or projects to build new ones because "muh nuclear waste" so now we're dependent on Algerian gas. Would never think I say this but I wish we had a government like China where they do what they want based only on productivity and economic returns instead of listening to the people.
high IQ.

Just look up 3 mile island.

Thats where the hysteria began
It's cleaner than fossil fuels, produces more energy than solar or wind energy and if there's proper security and storage of nuclear waste then it's safer living next to a nuclear plant than coal plant for example. However leftists HATE the idea of nuclear energy probably because they think that Chernobyl (in their beloved USSR kek) and Fukushima are the rule rather than the exception when the reality is that disasters of such magnitude are rare, if nuclear energy was really as dangerous as leftists say we would have 2 or 3 Chernobyls per year ffs. Also they say "nooo we have to invest all the nuclear energy money in green energy like solar panels and windmills :soy::soy::soy:" when those are okay but produce much less energy than nuclear and depending only on renewable energy works if you have a small population, try supplying all the demand for energy only with renewable sources and let's see how you do it kek.

Shout-out to Germans who for years have said "no" to nuclear energy and now are suffering the consequences, depending on Russian gas and oil :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:Meanwhile the French are smart and get most of their energy from nuclear power plants. China is also investing billions in more nuclear reactors because they know it's the best option we have for now. In Spain we also have a big (and retarded) anti-nuclear movement that successfully has shut down nuclear power plants or projects to build new ones because "muh nuclear waste" so now we're dependent on Algerian gas. Would never think I say this but I wish we had a government like China where they do what they want based only on productivity and economic returns instead of listening to the people.
Como installar GTA San Andreas?
I saw a documentary that said that the anti nuclear movement in West Germany (which influenced the rest of the Western Left) was financed with Soviet money. The Soviets apparently did this because they wanted the West to be less energy independent and damage their nuclear capabilities.

I didn't see any sources for this, though.
Just torrent it and mount the iso (no programs needed) or download the portable version without radio stations like I did like 10 years ago kek.
I'm just fucking with you. I remember in 2010 or 2009 when accidently instead of english I found spanish tutorials how to install GTA SA and I always remember that phrase.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dd2vb92xR0


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