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RageFuel why do jews brag about their sex lives so much?



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
This is actually encapsulates what my antisemitism boils down to at its core-- its not that they run academia, or some secret cabal, or bomb sandniggers like Nazis, or run our goverment buying up our politicians. And it's only somewhat tangentially related to how they own media.

It's that whenever you hear a jew speak at a social function, they can't fucking help themselves, every fucking time a kyke opens their mouth, they have to brag about sex in some way rubbing it in my virgin chink face. IT DRIVES ME NUTS. No other race does this. Maybe WASP frat guys-- but that's a specific niche of huwhite, and even then that really died down for them post 2005. Maybe every few bully in each race, but your average black, latino, asian-- they aren't gonna brag about their sex lives at some random work party. But 5/10+ jews will, and will be shameless about it too.

They can't shut up about how much better they have it, yet act like the victims. It's completely ridiculous. I can't be alone in this. Every fucking podcast is some jew bragging about their astonishing sex life. They have the sex lives of sitcom characters and think this is just normal behavior.

Even if they didn't do this, they would still be hated, since they do a lot of sus shit, but I'd say it's all the sex bragging that takes the crown of jewish sins.
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They and females are the same behaviour-wise. They are satanic and try to ruin the World through their feminine ways, and bragging about sex is one of the ways amongst many that they do
Do you talk to a lot of kikes
They and females are the same behaviour-wise. They are satanic and try to ruin the World through their feminine ways, and bragging about sex is one of the ways amongst many that they do
FUCK- its fucking satanic to brag about sex. Any attempt to seize the means of sex culturally in our society is just Moloch worship devil shit
FUCK- its fucking satanic to brag about sex. Any attempt to seize the means of sex culturally in our society is just Moloch worship devil shit
Exactly. TKD
Do you talk to a lot of kikes
personally no, but I live in a high jew population so even in my very limited interactions with them, I can overhear them bragging about sex. Just go to any upscale cafe in a nice part of a city, or college town, and youll overhear jews or jewesses bragging about sex.
personally no, but I live in a high jew population so even in my very limited interactions with them, I can overhear them bragging about sex. Just go to any upscale cafe in a nice part of a city, or college town, and youll overhear jews or jewesses bragging about sex.
Ic, interesting
Ask a jew about the shit they took that day then sit back and enjoy the torrent
(((They))) are talking about having sex with kids btw
Jewcels are fakecels
(((They))) are talking about having sex with kids btw

though idk why they'd bother having sex with kids when they could just drain them for (((adrenochrome))). other than for satanic ritual reasons ig
They and females are the same behaviour-wise. They are satanic and try to ruin the World through their feminine ways, and bragging about sex is one of the ways amongst many that they do
lol Jews are the ones who were into cuckolding and interracial porn.

There women were the pants in the relationship because they fuck other men.


Jewish men are fucking faggots.
This is actually encapsulates what my antisemitism boils down to at its core-- its not that they run academia, or some secret cabal, or bomb sandniggers like Nazis, or run our goverment buying up our politicians. And it's only somewhat tangentially related to how they own media.

It's that whenever you hear a jew speak at a social function, they can't fucking help themselves, every fucking time a kyke opens their mouth, they have to brag about sex in some way rubbing it in my virgin chink face. IT DRIVES ME NUTS. No other race does this. Maybe WASP frat guys-- but that's a specific niche of huwhite, and even then that really died down for them post 2005. Maybe every few bully in each race, but your average black, latino, asian-- they aren't gonna brag about their sex lives at some random work party. But 5/10+ jews will, and will be shameless about it too.

They can't shut up about how much better they have it, yet act like the victims. It's completely ridiculous. I can't be alone in this. Every fucking podcast is some jew bragging about their astonishing sex life. They have the sex lives of sitcom characters and think this is just normal behavior.

Even if they didn't do this, they would still be hated, since they do a lot of sus shit, but I'd say it's all the sex bragging that takes the crown of jewish sins.
Im incel you white Chad boot licking piece of garbage bigot antisemite
personally no, but I live in a high jew population so even in my very limited interactions with them, I can overhear them bragging about sex. Just go to any upscale cafe in a nice part of a city, or college town, and youll overhear jews or jewesses bragging about sex.
Stfu I’m not getting jack shit
Normies or rather most people are sort of like that, simply being self-centered, and believing the whole universe surrounds or orbits them. Sort of like a main character syndrome.

The positive reinforcement and feedback they receive just inflates their egos, and they become very narcissistic as a result to it. I'd say it's more of a general people/human behavior than a specific racial/ethnic behavior. Then again there are those that take it literally of believing that they're the "chosen people" and that everyone is below them.
lol Jews are the ones who were into cuckolding and interracial porn.

There women were the pants in the relationship because they fuck other men.


Jewish men are fucking faggots.
Ngl, I did notice a lot of Jewish Women tend to date out of their race/religion, a lot of celebrities have a Jewish mom but their dad is like Black, or Hispanic or some shit.
There are 109 reasons to hate kikes and their filth.
Normies or rather most people are sort of like that, simply being self-centered, and believing the whole universe surrounds or orbits them. Sort of like a main character syndrome.

The positive reinforcement and feedback they receive just inflates their egos, and they become very narcissistic as a result to it. I'd say it's more of a general people/human behavior than a specific racial/ethnic behavior. Then again there are those that take it literally of believing that they're the "chosen people" and that everyone is below them.
Well.. Extinction is the Next step in "Evolution". I hope they get all warm and Fuzzy to witness it.

We are all walking Darwin awards, without a noble peace prize, ONLY kikes get a reserved seat. For Daat
This is actually encapsulates what my antisemitism boils down to at its core-- its not that they run academia, or some secret cabal, or bomb sandniggers like Nazis, or run our goverment buying up our politicians. And it's only somewhat tangentially related to how they own media.

It's that whenever you hear a jew speak at a social function, they can't fucking help themselves, every fucking time a kyke opens their mouth, they have to brag about sex in some way rubbing it in my virgin chink face. IT DRIVES ME NUTS. No other race does this. Maybe WASP frat guys-- but that's a specific niche of huwhite, and even then that really died down for them post 2005. Maybe every few bully in each race, but your average black, latino, asian-- they aren't gonna brag about their sex lives at some random work party. But 5/10+ jews will, and will be shameless about it too.

They can't shut up about how much better they have it, yet act like the victims. It's completely ridiculous. I can't be alone in this. Every fucking podcast is some jew bragging about their astonishing sex life. They have the sex lives of sitcom characters and think this is just normal behavior.

Even if they didn't do this, they would still be hated, since they do a lot of sus shit, but I'd say it's all the sex bragging that takes the crown of jewish sins.
I’m incel you right wing piece of shit
There isn’t much else they can be proud of without some passerby caving their skull in for doing something abhorrent. For example…

Metzitzah B’peh​


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