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Serious Why Do Incels Think Guys Are Getting Laid For Free?



Dec 21, 2017
You guys are truly delusional if you think that a woman is going to offer herself for free to any guy that she doesn't consider to be good looking or high status. Getting laid for free doesn't work even for most normies. Especially if you are ethnic you can forget about it. You absolutely have to get your money out and start spending if you want to get laid. Not saying that you are guaranteed to get laid by doing this but that's just the reality in today's society.
What's truly wrong with this forum is that they think Chad has it "easy" to get sex. Compared to incels, yes he does. But compared to Stacy or even Becky or normie women...Chad has to work HARD for it.

In order to get sex for a STACY:

> be hot
> go to a nightclub
> get in free
> beta guys buy you drinks
> 10 guys approach you and you casually have your pick

for CHAD:

> be tall
> put in hours at the gym to get ripped
> wear the best clothes, the best cologne
> pay to get into the club
> pay for Stacy's drinks
> compete with other men
> the list goes on

I want to make it clear, and set it in stone: NO MAN GETS SEX EASILY.

Not Chad, not Incel....NO ONE.

The only "easy sex" in this world is the one a woman can get simply by being a woman. All men have to work harder for sex than any woman would. Yes it's true that Chad has to work less hard than normies or incels...but Chad is still working x10 harder than any woman would to get sex.

The world of relationships/dating/sex is a game where women are playing on God Mode and using cheat codes through the ass and men are level 2 characters with shitty connections still trying to make ends meet.
im cheap here. probably will end up with hiv when the shit is legalized.
You have to be considered good looking.

If you have to pay for anything before PIV, it's ogre.
In order for a WOMAN in general to get sex
>do not be fat
>be above 2/10
>if under 2/10 makeupmaxx
Even good-looking dudes get used and abused, that's a fact.
@Narazz, it’s EASIER for women but still easy for Chad. We know of ectomorph Chads that can just Netflix and chill at the drop of a hat.
well no shit, thats why escorts exist
We're not talking about your average guy, we're talking about Chads.
In order for a WOMAN in general to get sex
>do not be fat
This is wrong, fat women also get laid easily.

Stop with the "all women have to do to get laid is not be fat" meme, it's not true
There comes a level of subhumanity where even money can’t get you laid though.
bruh you aren't even truecel calm the fuck down, I saw your pic in the rate me pic you need to leave the fucking forums
Average guys can easily get laid for free
What is this stupid cope, im 6/10 and not at the top, and i never spent any money on girls that wasnt to buy myself my own coffee. The difference between normie and chad is more about the quality of life and becoming a mini-celebrity just based on looks.

The ones who use the "muh have to spend money on her" are major copers.
Legit, OP. Most guys pay for pussy whether it be direct (escortcelling) or indirect (paying for food, rent etc.)

The only exception is in high school when nobody really has money of their own.
There comes a level of subhumanity where even money can’t get you laid though.

Which is anything below 4/10 or an ogrecel

If you're that then no femoid will care about you making 10K a month and will maybe even get into a relationship for you as a plan to ruin your life
You guys are truly delusional if you think that a woman is going to offer herself for free to any guy that she doesn't consider to be good looking or high status. Getting laid for free doesn't work even for most normies. Especially if you are ethnic you can forget about it. You absolutely have to get your money out and start spending if you want to get laid. Not saying that you are guaranteed to get laid by doing this but that's just the reality in today's society.

I don't think most incels expect women to offer them for free. But the amount of effort and rejection you have to face as incels is insane. Chads have it easy, normies will face rejections and will have to put some effort in but they still should be able to get someone. Incels are doomed or have to be lucky to find a unicorn rare girl if it even exists lol
Incel really is a fate worse than death imo.

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