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Why do incels and MGTOW not get on?



Serge’s alt.
Apr 18, 2018
Somebody please explain.
MGTOW aka MSTOW think they are chads rejecting foids but in reality they are incels in denial or men sent their own ways. They see themselves as Leonardo Di Caprio, they live in a fantasy world basically.
Because they are cucks. I once went to MGTOW when I got banned from braincels and they were all numales. Literally the same as inceltears users but from a different side. I last like a day before they banned me, I tried to uncuck them
MGTOW are still virtue signalling.
MGTOW aka MSTOW think they are chads rejecting foids but in reality they are incels in denial or men sent their own ways. They see themselves as Leonardo Di Caprio, they live in a fantasy world basically.
Hahaha, But how did this feud start?
Because they are cucks. I once went to MGTOW when I got banned from braincels and they were all numales. Literally the same as inceltears users but from a different side. I last like a day before they banned me, I tried to uncuck them
How? Give me an example on some of their views.
MGTOW think they are alpha males, they don't realize that the alpha male concept is what is holding men back
MGTOW are gigacopers but at least understand the nature of women to an extent. IT targets both
In my opinion, it's because of the different pills. MGTOWs are red, incels blackpilled.

Also, MGTOWs are besieged by tradcucks, most MGTOWs nowadays are tradcucks.

MGTOWs favors the PUA garbage motivational speech, while incels tend to hate that crap.

Incels do recognize that GYOW is a massive cope, while MCTOW do tend to believe in it.

MGTOWs tend to believe in a romanticized fictionalized mythical past, because the majority of them are tradcucks. Things in the past where far worse for men, tradcucks do not care though, since all they care about is getting a wife.

MGTOWs do not believe in the looks theory.

I like true MGTOWs, but tradtards are the majority, and having affinity with demented people just because of the label they wear is a nonsense, then I want no part of that MGTOW community.
MGTOW chads suck dick, also toxic masculinist "lone wolfs", who not only would not commit themselves even to good waifu, but calling sims anyone who would. And overprotective daddies of teen daughters...
I agree mostly with them and I could probably call myself MGTOW but they are also highly delusional thinking their movement hurts women and that hoarding wealth actually has higher purpose.
And overprotective daddies of teen daughters.
This one too. This is very important, thanks to having pointed out this aspect of the MCTOW cope.

They tend to be overprotective shotgun daddies.
Some MGTOW will agree with blackpill philosophy and identify with incels. Some agree with Redpill philosophy and hate incels with a passion. But like some other poster said, most MGTOW are just MSTOW who are coping hard in thinking that women want anything to do with them anyways.
They aren't aware that they are coping so they lash out whenever it's mentioned.
Because they are just an extension of fakecels. Failed normies. Most of them are only angry and pissed off because they got dumped by their only LTR or rejected by their oneitis, which scarred them for life. They are not interested in the bigger picture. The moment one of these guys get the slightest hint that a woman they are actually interested in is about to reciprocate that interest, they will the drop the MGTOW thing like a hot potato and go back to fucking with her, "Well i didn't ever say there were no good women out there". I've seen it happen. Even that black guy who used to make angry MGTOW videos over and over on Youtube as soon as he "worked things out" with his baby mama and had interest from a girl he wanted, he dropped the MGTOW and tried to edge into more centrist territory with the topics he covers, despite repeatedly claiming that he was sickened by other Mgtow who do the exact same thing.

I'm not saying every single one is like that but i've come across many that are. They are pussywhipped but just being denied the pussy they want at the time.

That movement would only make sense if 100% of men on earth would participate. (Or all chads)
Otherwise what do they accomplish besides giving chad even more pussy?
You'd have to be chris hemsworth or some uber giga chad if you want to impress anyone with that attitude.
When braincels was private back on Valentines day we went over to their sub reddit and they rejected us blah blah blah. Mgtow think they are above us when they are not.
because MGTOW is coping hard
That movement would only make sense if 100% of men on earth would participate. (Or all chads)
Otherwise what do they accomplish besides giving chad even more pussy?
You'd have to be chris hemsworth or some uber giga chad if you want to impress anyone with that attitude.

Lol gigachad would have to be a homo to be leaving pussy on the table.
MGTOW pin rejection and a girl cheating on you down to money, iex: the other guy had better job and more money so she branch swinged
I don't hate them but they are delusional on how much women they can attract
MGTOW are bluepilled cucks who reject science and embrace the astrology of dating: PUA. They're extremely low IQ and normie lites anyway.
It's exaggerated. There's occasional friction, but I think most members of both are kinda realistic about the situation and each other.

The friction comes about because a lot of MGTOWs are actually MSTOWs - normies at best who just didn't want to betabux or already got divorceraped and are bitter about it - who overstate the nature of their "going" their own way. But, IMO, that's not that important. The important part is that they do it. Men need to withdraw their support as much as possible from the society that uses them and hates them, and I'm willing to support any movement that encourages that, even if their rationalization for their situation or their ethos is not exactly sound.

In turn, incels hate these guys either because they're somewhat delusional and thus shit on the incels that they are not really much better than, in terms of social market value, or because they are the occassional high-tier man who found his way into the movement and incels are jealous of him. But, again, this is not wise. The important part is that the blackpill spread, and the blackpill can absolutely be understood and appreciated by everyone from trucels, to MSTOW low-tier normie copers, to truchads who've figured out the power they have in the game. Globohomo feminist society is our mutual problem, and infighting is a distraction from that struggle.
Mgtows are either low tier normalfags that threw all their money at some bitch or incels in denial. They over exaggerate their value by pretending that if they say they'll stay away from females they'll come crawling back to them. This delusion makes me exceptionally angry because they have this false belief that females give a fuck about bottom tier males.
They have tons of valid points, but ridiculously fail to realise they're not rejecting any of women, it's women rejecting them.
One is coping, the other is not
GYOW, whether you've been sent your own way or not, is the only viable way of living IMO. It's either that or the endless void. Incels can GTOW in my opinion by not being cucks to women, which most of us are. Doing that is a voluntary choice, and the opposite would be to become some person on /r/foreveralone that is an incel but still simps to women.

Average dudes in today's society are not doing well in terms of dating among other things, so we have a lot of overlap. If you're average, you either go MGTOW, or simp to your new female overlords. The average man is a peasant nowadays.
MGTOW cope by shitting on the incel community regularly. To them we hurt their image of being strong alpha men rejecting women unlike incels, when in reality it's women rejecting them and sending them their own way. They pretty much threw incels under the bus to maintain their own image.
That makes sense, this is the best explanation I have heard.
Somebody please explain.
I think most people here have a wacked view of MGTOW just as they have a wrong view of us. In reality we are both on the same side they are just coping more.
Failed normies who are not interested in the bigger picture.
They seem so bluepilled but at the end of the day i think we share the hatred of women <3
just tribalism cope, "my group is better than yours because..." I see a lot more bluepilled incels than the other way around
They are all just flexing with money like it is the most important thing :feelshaha::feelshaha:Most of them are just incels and normies with very big ego,we are more down to earth and admit our genetic inferiorities
MGTOW aka MSTOW think they are chads rejecting foids but in reality they are incels in denial or men sent their own ways. They see themselves as Leonardo Di Caprio, they live in a fantasy world basically.

Basically this. I don’t hate mgtow, in fact I like them for rejecting women and normie life, but I look down on them for being totally delusional. Still, I wish them all the best.
MGTOWs don't want to breed, promote degeneracy, etc. Incel Truecels want a relationship, etc.
MGTOWs foolishly believe they are going thier own way, rather than accept the fact they were sent thier own way. I guess there are a few outliers of Chad's who accept the facts about female nature on some level and act accordingly, but they are exceedingly rare.

These MGTOW guys hate incels because they want to believe they have agency in thier lack of relationships and choosing not to rather than accept the truth that they are undesirable.
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MGTOWs foolishly believe they are going thier own way, rather than accept the fact they were sent thier own way. I guess there are a few outliers of Chad's who accept the facts about female nature on some level and act accordingly, but they are exceedingly rare.

These MGTOW guys hate incels because they want to believe they have agency in thier lack of relationships and choosing not to rather than accept the truth that they are undesirable.
Regardless of coping MGTOWs who claim their lives are great they have the right way of it compared to the Larping cucks on this site. Also I see little to no hate from MGTOWs towards incels, most of them just think of you as bluepilled. Minimalism and not wasting your time on foids is preferable to worshipping women who will never give you a second of consideration.
mgtows are too delusional and boomer tier to relate to plus they’re arrogant and think they’re the shit when they’re just as big as losers as us
They're coping (who isn't) but I think some of them are ok blackpilled dudes and could be our allies tbh
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They are mostly failed normies and failed betabucks.

They like to think they are somehow above incels but the reality is that they are coping. No MCTOW who can actually still get with women opts to avoid them completely.

The blackpill is about acknowledging reality and MGTOW is about deluding yourself to the point where you think YOU are the one rejecting females.

They also ban you if you mention anything about the Jewish role in proliferating feminism. I suspect most of the moderation on those communities is Jewish.
They are mostly failed normies and failed betabucks.

They like to think they are somehow above incels but the reality is that they are coping. No MCTOW who can actually still get with women opts to avoid them completely.

The blackpill is about acknowledging reality and MGTOW is about deluding yourself to the point where you think YOU are the one rejecting females.

They also ban you if you mention anything about the Jewish role in proliferating feminism. I suspect most of the moderation on those communities is Jewish.
more lies, I see so many ((them)) jokes on their sub. Have you ever ignored foids once in your life? They will extra resent you for daring to not want to sniff their pussies, it's hilarious how deluded they are and how desperate cucks can be
more lies, I see so many ((them)) jokes on their sub. Have you ever ignored foids once in your life? They will extra resent you for daring to not want to sniff their pussies, it's hilarious how deluded they are and how desperate cucks can be

I'm not saying you can't slip little references by every so often. But I've been banned/shadowbanned from there enough times for being kikepilled.
MGTOW want to think they're alpha males. They don't want to associate with incels who generally self identify as beta males.
Many MGTOWW are former beta bux and many aren't virgins.
I'm not saying you can't slip little references by every so often. But I've been banned/shadowbanned from there enough times for being kikepilled.
that's just to avoid the hammer of the head reddit cucks, but I still see a lot of jew jokes
mgtow are incels in denial. just admit you're genetic shit and women hate your guts. Lol@women not being worth it. They are literally the only thing that matter in life.
Just like why ISIS and al Qaeda cant get along
The stupid little differences don't matter compared to the big stupid similarities.

We are ALL united by the understanding that modern social justice doesn't give a damn about straight white men. Believes they have enough stuff and don't deserve to be stuck up for. That issue is at the core of every men's rights denomination. Anything else is a distraction.

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