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Why cant whitecels admit the racepill



امر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
Jul 8, 2018
It is as clear as daylight. Whites have the upper hand yet our buddies simply refuse it. There is a reason we say short balding indian janitor and not white. You guys can still lurk around and rot with us :))
A large percentage of white men are short and balding :rolleyes:
I dont recall the germans or dutch short

Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, and Southern Europeans get mogged by Northern Europeans.

t. Southern European


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Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, and Southern Europeans get mogged by Northern Europeans.

t. Southern European
And somehow other Europeans are midgets compared to rice and curry lmfao
And somehow other Europeans are midgets compared to rice and curry lmfao

There is a ancient text by some Roman who was saying how Germanic tribes were insulting and laughing at the Legionnaires for being so short, and then they stopped laughing and insulting them for being short when the Legionnaires finished building their huge siege weapons and btfo their walls instantly.

If that evidence of lanky northern euros insulting southern euro manlets for their height from 2000 years ago...yeah, I dont know what else to say to you
Being white hasn't helped me thus far and JBW is just gatekeeping.
Maybe generally but Chad, Tyrone, Abdul and Chang get more women than any of us here.
Because all the white volcels want to stay here and cope by saying that fucking black girls dont count cuz they arent human(or some BS like that)

Tbh who could blame them

all foids have become bland in personality
They like to mock us lowly ethnics.
Standards, they don't want to fuck an Indian just like they wont fuck a prostitute, just like they won't fuck a crackwhore. Only white girls get the racepill advantage. To get the racepill advantage a white man has to go to another country like Philippines.
Because whitecels do admit the racepill, thanks for asking.
Only truly deformed 1/10 whites can be incels, the vast mayority of whitecels are locationcels or mentalcels tbh.
Just get a bunch of money to slay sub 4 SEA ookniks bro. Meanwhile Ethnics have the highest chances of reverse hypergamy, much higher than whites. Quality >>>> Quantity
Jbw is real. Unless your White.
You mean users here?
You know, all races have ugly people.
It's only about the amount of ugly people
it doesnt matter than im 5'8, NW2.5, have a 4.8 inch dick, orange hair, and 9% body fat because im white bro. all the ethnic foids want my dick because WHITE SKIN CURES INCELDOM!!111 :soy::soy::soy:
It’s not in our best interest. Whites cuck ourselves enough as-is.
they deny the racepill because of their narrow point of view

just because being white hasnt helped you thus far in life doesnt mean that it wont in the future. I'm not trying to racebait but there are just too many statistics out there that support jbw. However it is true that you have to be atleast 3/10 (not deformed) to run jbw game
The whites attempt to counteract this by saying "then why haven't I got a gf"

That isn't JBW. JBW just basically means that whites have a higher chance of success bc of their skin. This doesnt mean all whites will get a girl

who called him subhuman? the racepill doesnt claim that any white person > 10/10 ethnic it just says that mayos have an advantage when it comes to dating
It has been implied in the thread that if he stays in his own country he would slay but I believe that someone like this could easily be a slayer just by prettyboymaxxing and traveling around the world.
I dont recall the germans or dutch short
I don't think you have a reasoned grasp on racial science. Bavarian Germans in comparison to their northern counterparts tend to be shorter, darker, and overall less burley. This occurs in part due to more Frankish and less northern Scandinavian admixture. the stereotype of the Alpine Bavarian farmer with short stature, blue overalls, a ruddy complexion, and short dark hair is a part of racial science. If you really look at the whole of the west, only about ten percent of the west has these desirable characteristics ethnics like to pontificate upon all the time. Only the Englishman from Essex is seen with a taller, burly blond representation with the occasional Welshman in the scene. Scandinavians tend to harbor most of these stereotypically Nordid features we so desire. However, even within those populations, you can find large and unattractive dolichocephalic skulls, wide pop-out fleshy eyes, and often long midfaces. In addition, western Europeans aren't supposed to be as tall as we are. Our advancements in medicine have greatly increased our height. However, it's fair to say that this has mostly to do with medical contributions and not a race. Our race would be very comparable to the various other third world races if it weren't due to our great scientific achievements.
It has been implied in the thread that if he stays in his own country he would slay but I believe that someone like this could easily be a slayer just by prettyboymaxxing and traveling around the world.
yea I agree with you on that one. He's like a smart version of ER so he would have no problem getting laid anywhere
The whites attempt to counteract this by saying "then why haven't I got a gf"

That isn't JBW. JBW just basically means that whites have a higher chance of success bc of their skin. This doesnt mean all whites will get a girl

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Right, but I'm average on the looks scale, white, but a manlet. This reasoning suggests that due to my relatively "average" appearance I should be in partnership. On the contrary, my a posteriori experiences hint at the exact opposite of this proposal. Through a priori justification, I'd like to see comparative data between whites that have visited third world countries that have blended in culturally and adopted full customs. I would like to take all the components of western mammonism and greed out of the minds of foreigners to see how this data supports your idea. As of now it seems that foreigners are simply attracted to money and status as a halo for westerners.
White halo exists. But whitecels can also exist, but that doesn't really disprove race halo effect.
Just get a bunch of money to slay sub 4 SEA ookniks bro. Meanwhile Ethnics have the highest chances of reverse hypergamy, much higher than whites. Quality >>>> Quantity
White Nordics will always dominate based on our racial superiority. However, this extends beyond looks which are a biological mutation.
I think its a given that Nordic blonde Chads are the pinnacle of Chads. Some southern Europeans can come close, but they cannot match the effect blonde and blue eyed chad gives off due to how scarce the combonation is.
The problem with the "just be white" argument is the "just" part. Yeah you can argue whites have it easier than other races, but to say that ALL you need is to be white is a bit much, wouldn't you say?

I mean, if you were given the option to either be Tyrone or Chang or a sub-human white which would you rather be?
Where exactly do I cash in on this JBW in my home country? I must have missed the memo!

That said, I do empathize with the azn-bros, they get a raw deal.
Let's sum everything up. There are three varieties of JBW:

1- Every white person can get laid; a white person cannot be incel.
2- Whites are more sought after by foids on average, so the ratio of white incels should be lower compared to other races.
3- Whites can always just SEAmaxx.

The first position is clearly false, and is too low-IQ to be taken seriously.
The second one, though it may possibly be true, is of no interest to whitecels. They're outliers.
The third one is true for almost everyone regardless of ethnicity, so long as they have the material wealth necessary.

In conclusion, this debate is pointless and retarded.
Have you aspies tried targetting ethnic girls within western and non western countries. A 2/10 white can easily score a 6/10 ethnic girl but you guys just wanna rot with truecels instead of doing your biological mission - to reproduce
Let's sum everything up. There are three varieties of JBW:

1- Every white person can get laid; a white person cannot be incel.
2- Whites are more sought after by foids on average, so the ratio of white incels should be lower compared to other races.
3- Whites can always just SEAmaxx.

The first position is clearly false, and is too low-IQ to be taken seriously.
The second one, though it may possibly be true, is of no interest to whitecels. They're outliers.
The third one is true for almost everyone regardless of ethnicity, so long as they have the material wealth necessary.

In conclusion, this debate is pointless and retarded.
You are fucking retarded. How are these points refuted
I have clearly refuted them, you just can't read.

Here is a study disproving all your points. You are just an incel wannabe. I had a syrian white friend who was ugly. Literally meme tier and a desi indian girl saw him in our selfie and asked about him and wanted to meet with him and they hooked up. All because he is white and these “whitecels” are telling me that it is over for tjem as it is over for me. JFL

Here is a study disproving all your points.
Refer back to what I said about the second JBW variety. If you still don't get it, then there's nothing I can possibly do to help your apelike level of comprehension.

You are just an incel wannabe. I had a syrian white friend who was ugly. Literally meme tier and a desi indian girl saw him in our selfie and asked about him and wanted to meet with him and they hooked up. All because he is white and these “whitecels” are telling me that it is over for tjem as it is over for me. JFL
I'm not white.

JBW only works in certain countries. In my country refugeemaxxing is legit. I see ethnic afghani hazara guys with white foids once every month.
Have you aspies tried targetting ethnic girls within western and non western countries. A 2/10 white can easily score a 6/10 ethnic girl but you guys just wanna rot with truecels instead of doing your biological mission - to reproduce
What bullshit, show 10 Examples then? If you can even manage do that i'll show 100 examples of Ethnics with better looking white women.
Can you please explain to me why I did exactly the same thing, and got literally no results? I also tried tantan, set the age range from 18-55 then swiped indiscriminately on about 300 profiles over the period of a week

Got literally nothing, don't even get me started on the approaches I do irl
which country? maybe stblackops2cel mogs you bro im sorry
JBW only works in certain countries. In my country refugeemaxxing is legit. I see ethnic afghani hazara guys with white foids once every month.
What bullshit, show 10 Examples then? If you can even manage do that i'll show 100 examples of Ethnics with better looking white women.
i dont wanna see the fake porno you you guys plaster everywhere. The evidence is all over the net and in your local park. Just get some fresh air
i dont wanna see the fake porno you you guys plaster everywhere. The evidence is all over the net and in your local park. Just get some fresh air
"Fake porno" lmao massive cope, it'll all be amateur examples. I can't recall a single example of a white guy being with a better looking ethnic female. It's always hypergamy, usually massive hypergamy.
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But go ahead and post some examples then.
Let's sum everything up. There are three varieties of JBW:

1- Every white person can get laid; a white person cannot be incel.
2- Whites are more sought after by foids on average, so the ratio of white incels should be lower compared to other races.
3- Whites can always just SEAmaxx.

The first position is clearly false, and is too low-IQ to be taken seriously.
The second one, though it may possibly be true, is of no interest to whitecels. They're outliers.
The third one is true for almost everyone regardless of ethnicity, so long as they have the material wealth necessary.

In conclusion, this debate is pointless and retarded.
lets say a 3/10 white and 3/10 curry who are both equally rich go to thailand. who do you think will have an easier time getting laid?
lets say a 3/10 white and 3/10 curry who are both equally rich go to thailand. who do you think will have an easier time getting laid?
Probably the white guy. But then they wouldn't both be 3/10, would they?

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