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Venting Why can't suicide be easy?

Despondent Dreamer

Despondent Dreamer

Dec 1, 2021
The fact that I can't go to a doctor and simply ask him to give me some drugs which will kill me is fucking stupid. I literally produce nothing as my motivation is too destroyed, I don't want to exist, there is basically nothing that I want to do, I have nothing worth looking forward to, so why? It's just irrational.

I've tried to go to bridges, cliffsides and such but it's too scary for me tbh. It's hard to explain, but it's as if everything in my body is telling me not to jump. Jumping is the most difficult barrier to taking action which one could ever have to break. I'm afraid of hanging myself for multiple reasons, but especially due to the risk of me fucking it up and living in a crippled body. I suppose the best thing to do is to buy a gun, and then the next time I feel extremely suicidal hopefully I'll be able to have the courage to just end it.

But regardless of that, my point is that in a more rational society it would be easier make this decision. What is the purpose of keeping some perpetually rejected low value male alive, especially when he's too defeated and mentally destroyed to do anything useful regardless? It serves no purpose at all.
Suicide would be common as fuck if it was easy
Dying is pretty easy. Just burn all your savings at a bank, end up homeless with no food or shelter and starve or freeze to death. Or get killed by a crazy person or a wild animal. Or go on a misadventure in the woods or some abandoned building or subway tunnel or storm drain or something.
The fear of living has not exceeded your fear of death yet.
typically immense mental pain makes us treat physical pain with contempt, and it is precisely this that makes roping all the easier.

Therefore you need a sort of morbid depression to make roping easier.
But regardless of that, my point is that in a more rational society it would be easier make this decision. What is the purpose of keeping some perpetually rejected low value male alive, especially when he's too defeated and mentally destroyed to do anything useful regardless? It serves no purpose at all.
lawmakers have goals. but they cant make laws which acheive their goals with exact precision
The fact that I can't go to a doctor and simply ask him to give me some drugs which will kill me is fucking stupid. I literally produce nothing as my motivation is too destroyed, I don't want to exist, there is basically nothing that I want to do, I have nothing worth looking forward to, so why? It's just irrational.

I've tried to go to bridges, cliffsides and such but it's too scary for me tbh. It's hard to explain, but it's as if everything in my body is telling me not to jump. Jumping is the most difficult barrier to taking action which one could ever have to break. I'm afraid of hanging myself for multiple reasons, but especially due to the risk of me fucking it up and living in a crippled body. I suppose the best thing to do is to buy a gun, and then the next time I feel extremely suicidal hopefully I'll be able to have the courage to just end it.

But regardless of that, my point is that in a more rational society it would be easier make this decision. What is the purpose of keeping some perpetually rejected low value male alive, especially when he's too defeated and mentally destroyed to do anything useful regardless? It serves no purpose at all.
In Massilia and on the isle of Ceos, the man who could give valid reasons for relinquishing his life, was handed the cup of hemlock by the magistrate; and that, too, in public.

Valerius Maximus; hist. Lib. ii., c. 6, § 7 et 8. Heraclides Ponticus; fragmenta de rebus publicis, ix. Aeliani variae historiae, iii., 37. Strabo; Lib. x., c. 5, 6.

The Greeks and Roman societies were far more advanced rationally.
I suppose the best thing to do is to buy a gun, and then the next time I feel extremely suicidal hopefully I'll be able to have the courage to just end it.
The fear of living has not exceeded your fear of death yet.
The thing is that I'm not really afraid of dying, at least not as far as I can tell. Logically I know that it would be better if I didn't exist, the idea of my life ending doesn't really bother me anymore, to the point where if someone wanted to shoot me in the head I'd just let them tbh. But for some reason I still can't make myself end it. Maybe it's the lack of motivation, in that I'm enabled to leech right now, and that my mental state has annihilated my mental energy, so the combination just cripples me. I don't have to do anything so I don't, and as of now I have no pressing reason to push me to action.

Like I said though, perhaps I just need to give myself access to an easier method, that way when I feel like I can do it again, it won't require a lot of setup which will take longer than the feeling will last.
There is quote from Geo Stone's Suicide and Attempted Suicide book that I like which goes: "Suicide troubles and appalls us because it so intransigently rejects our deeply held conviction that life must be worth living."

I assume there must be a particular breakthrough in your life to finally be pushed towards suicide. Myself I already attempted hanging two times, but each time I just couldn't push myself forward. The motion of putting the noose around my neck already made me feel dizzy and the moment I felt it tightening around my neck my heart started to palpitate and I couldn't go through with it. Unfortunately your body conditions you to live and to procreate, hence our struggle with inceldom and our fear of death. The survival instinct is one powerful mechanism and so far I think it is easier to put yourself in harm's way by engaging in dangerous activities where death would be a result of an accident, not premeditated act. But then, the odds of dying in an accident are laughably low.

As for the society's approach towards suicide - I doubt the euthanasia of healthy individuals with mental problems will ever be sanctioned, because there's too many steps you can (theoretically) go through to improve your wellbeing, mostly through medication and psychoterapy. To normal people who do not struggle with depression and constant suicidal ideation the idea of ending life is absolutely horrendous. Another quote from Suicide and Attempted Suicide:

"For most people at all times "life" meant limitation, obligation, dependence, and oppression. They go on living simply because they happen to have been born, sustained by the force of habit, sometimes out of curiosity or vague hopes for a better future, and because they are afraid of the alternative— death."

People will rather slave their days away and bitterly drag on their pitiful existence than simply cut it short, such is the human nature.

I've tried to go to bridges, cliffsides and such but it's too scary for me tbh. It's hard to explain, but it's as if everything in my body is telling me not to jump. Jumping is the most difficult barrier to taking action which one could ever have to break. I'm afraid of hanging myself for multiple reasons, but especially due to the risk of me fucking it up and living in a crippled body. I suppose the best thing to do is to buy a gun, and then the next time I feel extremely suicidal hopefully I'll be able to have the courage to just end it.
Anything that leaves you little time to reconsider. Sodium nitrate or exit bag seem to be the relatively painless methods for self deliverance, although I am afraid of the potential second thoughts after the ingestion of poison which, although short, would make your final moments particularly unpleasant. But then you're American so handgun/shotgun are the most reliable methods if you don't care for the survivors.

As much contempted as I am with the thought of dragging this existence for another years to come, don't rope fren. At least not until you're 100% sure that this is the best way for you.
I feel you bro.
Its hard, you wanna die but at the same time you are too much of a pussy to go through with it so you just stay inbetween the barely existing and close to death mode.
So over:feelsrope:
The fact that I can't go to a doctor and simply ask him to give me some drugs which will kill me is fucking stupid. I literally produce nothing as my motivation is too destroyed, I don't want to exist, there is basically nothing that I want to do, I have nothing worth looking forward to, so why? It's just irrational.

I've tried to go to bridges, cliffsides and such but it's too scary for me tbh. It's hard to explain, but it's as if everything in my body is telling me not to jump. Jumping is the most difficult barrier to taking action which one could ever have to break. I'm afraid of hanging myself for multiple reasons, but especially due to the risk of me fucking it up and living in a crippled body. I suppose the best thing to do is to buy a gun, and then the next time I feel extremely suicidal hopefully I'll be able to have the courage to just end it.

But regardless of that, my point is that in a more rational society it would be easier make this decision. What is the purpose of keeping some perpetually rejected low value male alive, especially when he's too defeated and mentally destroyed to do anything useful regardless? It serves no purpose at all.
They don’t want perfectly capable wage slaves to kill themselves.
But for some reason I still can't make myself end it.

The essential purport of the world-famous monologue in Hamlet is, in condensed form, that our state is so wretched that complete non-existence would be decidedly preferable to it. Now if suicide actually offered us this, so that the alternative “to be or not to be” lay before us in the full sense of the words, it could be chosen unconditionally as a highly desirable termination (“a consummation devoutly to be wish’d”) There is something in us, however, which tells us that this is not so, that this is not the end of things, that death is not an absolute annihilation.

not to be,
a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
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The world is not as much fun to live in after the pandemic.
I assume there must be a particular breakthrough in your life to finally be pushed towards suicide.
Mostly perpetual failure tbh. Realizing that I don't actually want the things which I thought that I did, that there is really nothing that I want to do at all, it's hard to concisely explain, but mostly I can't see a single course of action which is worth the effort of taking and I just want it to be over. When I'm not sufficiently distracted my misery and loneliness physically hurts, near identical to a headache.
Myself I already attempted hanging two times, but each time I just couldn't push myself forward. The motion of putting the noose around my neck already made me feel dizzy and the moment I felt it tightening around my neck my heart started to palpitate and I couldn't go through with it. Unfortunately your body conditions you to live and to procreate, hence our struggle with inceldom and our fear of death. The survival instinct is one powerful mechanism and so far I think it is easier to put yourself in harm's way by engaging in dangerous activities where death would be a result of an accident, not premeditated act. But then, the odds of dying in an accident are laughably low.
Yeah I tried to hang myself with a belt about a year and a half ago, but I couldn't really get the angle right to restrict my carotid, and I didn't want to feel like I was being choked. It's ironic really, because at that time my desire to kill myself inadvertently made me try to turn my life around one last time, but well you see how that went jfl.
Anything that leaves you little time to reconsider. Sodium nitrate or exit bag seem to be the relatively painless methods for self deliverance, although I am afraid of the potential second thoughts after the ingestion of poison which, although short, would make your final moments particularly unpleasant. But then you're American so handgun/shotgun are the most reliable methods if you don't care for the survivors.

As much contempted as I am with the thought of dragging this existence for another years to come, don't rope fren. At least not until you're 100% sure that this is the best way for you.
I'll probably buy a shotgun in the relatively near future, that way I'll know I at least have the option easily available. I live in a rural area so I could just go out into a nearby forest, that way it wouldn't make such a mess indoors. But I don't intend to rope right now at least, like I said in the OP I can't at this very moment anyway.
Can’t you OD on alcohol or some pharmacy tier stuff?
Can’t you OD on alcohol or some pharmacy tier stuff?
There is always a (small?) chance of ending up a vegetable, or retarded. In a controlled setting, there would not be such risk
biologically we are built to be cucks that either die or kill animals to survive. no easy way out.

on the other hand so(y)ciety and the goverment don't want their precious wageslave drones to opt out of their slavery so they do anything on their reach to stop you from having the right for a 100% safe painless suicide method
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Fuck survival instinct
Go to Mexico and insult a local drug kingpin.
Suicide is the most unnatural thing a human can do, everything in us drives us to survive.
Society wants as many people alive for wageslaving and taxes as possible basically
Just rent a rolls royce with the last of your savings and drive against traffic on the freeway Mcskillet style. It will be fun and you will feel baller in your last moments, normie wagecucks driving home from their 9-5 will look at you in scorn, and when you crash and burn the car will explode in a ball of flames and you will be costing the jewish dealership thousands of dollars. And as an added bonus you will be dead. :dab:
Suicide is hard for the same reason why women dont want you: Biology.
because ruined globohomo consumist world want you to rot buddy boyo :soy::soy::soy::foidSoy:

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