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Why being socialized is so important in the modern West

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
The modern Western society is based on the need to socialize with other Westerners and you are only considered a full human being once you go through certain social interactions that are deemed as necessary. It is only through those social interactions that you're supposed to form your personality that would be in line with what is socially acceptable.

If you're not able to do that because you're non-NT or whatever, you're basically finished and you'll never be a normal part of society. You will always be an outcast.

These social interactions are things like getting friends in school, getting a girlfriend, interacting normally in situations like a school class, workplace. Being relatable to random people you encounter. It all has to happen in very specific time frame too.

There is no such thing as community and family anymore, you need to find your own social circle as early as possible. A failure to do that is also a failure to become part of society because the society consists of these social circles, it's very collectivistic in a way. It's no longer a clannish society based on family ties but instead the important thing are social ties with random people that you can interact with.

If you didn't go through a normal phase when you were like 10-25 years old you can never recover from that because those experiences are supposed to guide you for the rest of your life and make you relatable to other Westerners so that you can function in some social circle and have your own environment.

One of the things you absolutely need to be NT for are modern relationships with women because those are also integral to becoming part of society. Women are basically the gatekeepers of who gets to be part of the modern Western society. If you didn't have a relationship with a woman before you hit 20, it's over for you. You can't compensate for that (unless you do something really big that makes you highly respected by society for some reason), you become second-tier member of society. The longer you fail to be part of these interactions, the bigger outcast you will be.

Basically if you're non-NT it's so over for you you can't even imagine.

NOBODY wants autists, absolutely nobody.

In a traditional society you could still function and be respected as some sort of unique person. However in the modern society this concept has been perverted and lost is meaning as now considering yourself a special snowflake is "the norm".

If you're not socialized however you're not just an outcast but also completely dehumanized because you failed to experience what the degenerate Westerners think are essential human experiences.

Now you're literally on your own and everybody will be against you.
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You forgot to say that something like 70% or 75% of posts are never advertised in the public market place because networking beneficiaries get them.
It's true.

You can "marry into" a community, but without a woman to "socially vouch" for you, you are out in the cold! They really are gatekeepers.

To build social capital is the most important investment you can make. Without it you are less than nothing.

If you are very lucky you might - might - be able to betabuxx. Until you get monkey branched and leached.

The main thing is you have to start early because NT social motion is very slow.

Yoyo! You are on your own.

The sooner you grasp this - and accept it fully, the easier your cope will be.
Changing the economic system isn't necessary. What is needed is to change the culture by banning excessive gynocentrism, enforcing arranged marriages and spending government money on the research of artificial wombs.
autist just means ugly or short/small. I've never seen a good looking guy with bad social skills.
autist just means ugly or short/small. I've never seen a good looking guy with bad social skills.

Autism is a legit disorder. You have to be insanely good looking to overcome autism, like legit 8/10 at minimum.

While a 6/10 normie might still have some options to socialize normally (even having that one landwhale girlfriend in his life can make him just acceptable enough for Western normies), an autist would have to be like 9/10 to make up for that.

A 9/10 autist could then just stay queit and look like a strong silent type. But still, even this type of guy will have problems interacting with other men which is also important.

I knew a tall good looking guy who was socially awkward. He banged a hot stacy when he was 15 but other men still picked on him and treated him like a 'tard. A lot of it was even out of jealousy because he was banging prime stacies while having no game.

Other men can make your life hell even if you're a good looking autist. Women's validation isn't everything.
being lonely is dangerous
This is true. I dont have any normie interests, I stopped going to family gatherings because I just end up sitting by myself twiddling my thumbs because I have 0 interest in all the normie shit, and anytime I do interact with the normies they get mad at me because I don't go along with their shit and speak honestly about everything and people don't like honesty.
I feel sorry for the newly blackpilled ones reading this thread. the amount of raw truth in this thread is sure to rattle a newly unveiled eye's brain
I never had any interest in normie shit, I cant relate to normies. But I can fake it but I think they can tell when you are not one of them. They can smell a social outcast a mile away, you cant hide the pain. Thye can tell when something is wrong with you
I never had any interest in normie shit, I cant relate to normies. But I can fake it but I think they can tell when you are not one of them. They can smell a social outcast a mile away, you cant hide the pain. Thye can tell when something is wrong with you

I can't even pretend.
Rather be an outcast / missfit / hermit than a conformist clown in cw.
Fuck kike controlled society
If you dont have any social media, it's over. Females and normies will think you are weird.
It's easy to cope when your a NEET
That's true. (Until you need extra resources to try to improve your situation : (

But yeah! It's fucking GREAT to not have to put up with day to day normie bullshit! It's worth going without normie shit (expensive stuff) to have piece of mind!

But it's very limiting.
I don't care if I'm not a member of this society. I just want to become a NEET and I'm fine. But instead have to wageslave, which is literally suicidefuel everyday.
cope if you think being social helps anything

girls take chad to their home to get facefucked
cope if you think being social helps anything

girls take chad to their home to get facefucked
Low IQ, he doesn't say that Chad has to be social. Chad can grunt to a foid and she will still get fucked by him.
It's because women have been let into the workplace. To women, everything is a social experience, and they force this mentality at work. They will force out anyone who doesn't "fit in", regardless of whether or not you end up fired and homeless.

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