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Discussion Why are you guys dreaming about perfect gf and a normie type of life? What should be true incel goals?



Oct 22, 2019
By perfect gf I dont think about her looks but rather her personality, being loyal and things like that. It literally doesn't exists. It's a myth.

If you woke up as a Chad tommorow, with all of your knowledge and experience in life so far, do you really want to tell me you'd want to have a "normal" loving relationship and live a life like a bluepill cuck? Would you really love to have social life that includes NPCs only? Do you want a soy boy to be your best friend? A lot of you in here are still really trying to find a way to fit in and find your place in society. That is absolutely disgusting to me.

I still think many of you are not blackpilled to it's fullest and some may never will be. With all I've been through, I would rather die alone like a dog than actually have anything with normie type life of fitting in. I would rather die a virgin. I'm probably the only one in here that doesn't see a pussy as a goal in life. I would never give up on my beliefs just for a hole to put my dick in. I do not value holes, nor I ever will.

I know for most of you basic meaning of inceldom is just about not getting laid and loved by the whore gender, but lets be real. Femoids do not love anyone. Not even themselves. Their existence is absolutely meaningless, other than reproducing.

The only "positive" feeling in life femoids have is attraction. Attraction towards good looking males. They literally do anything to chase that feeling, even risking their own lives in muslim countries where they could very well get their heads chopped of for adultery.

So what does that tell you? Even women deep down know their lives are absolutely - meaningless. So meaningless they would risk it for Chad's cum drops.

The biggest lie ever told to men is that women are our equal. They are NOT.

So what should be true incel's life goals? IMO it's finding other people like us, based and somewhat blackpilled. Getting friends that are woke and actually normal! Confidencenaxxing even if it's by steroids and some drugs. Making money for yourself. Creating group of friends like yourself.

If you want a pussy, just pay for it. Lots of cheap whores for 50€ around where I am. Build your confidence with somewhat fake experiences with prostitutes. This can actually work, even if it's just her job to lie to u.

If you manage to moneymaxx to a point where women will go for you, then great. You get to fuck and dump them, but absolutely never commit. Ever.

I think the biggest satisfaction in life could be a good sex and having close and based friends. Femoids are really cheap and finding friends maybe is hard, but it is worth giving a try. Based people are usually more friendly, as long as you're not a NPC cuck of a human.

The end.
My life goal is COPE. Between cope and rope, I chose cope.
Taking the world back from women and their allies.
Optimistic Goals:

-Pushing for the world to be reset
-Nukes pushed.
-Meteor large enough to hit the earth.

Realistic Goals:
-Taking enough blackpills to rope or making a rEtRibution
Painless euthanasia is prob the best choice for incels unless you're actually dark triad maxxed and completely sour grapes-cope-delusional.
The true incel goal should be to die peacefully.
True incel goals.should.be to self improve and do everything possible to ascend. And I mean ascend with a worthy loyal looksmatch, not some bent up ugly whore.
Incel Goal should be to find a hobby , a skill to master ,
a purpose in Life beyond Friends , family and women .
Beyond Sex and reproduction .

Something that you can do alone and that makes you happy .
Something that you can spend all day doing .

Some Philosoph one said that an Intellectual ( Incelectual )
is someone who found something more important than Sex .

So the Most fullfilling thing in an Incels Life is to :

- Find a really good and healthy cope
( healthy for mind and body )
- Find incel brothers to hang out with in real Life
who share your attitude and understand you ,
someone you can have fun with and cope together
( optional for introvertcels )
- Find a good Philosophy or Religion
that gives you Lifefuel ( for example Solipsism )
- Wait for Sex Robot Revolution
Some Philosoph one said that an Intellectual ( Incelectual )
is someone who found something more important than Sex .

Not everyone gets to be an intellectual.

Philosophy is a noble intellectual activity, but it's hard and it requires proclivities, as do other noble activities such as art or science.

Basically, your argument is of the same vein as "learn to code".

Besides, maybe most guys here could do without sex or female companionship, but as long as they can't even try, the uncertainty of what they may be missing is just too strong. I sincerely believe that it's not knowing what the fuss is all about that is the toughest part.

I mean, I'm sure some guys can say "sex is not such a big deal", but that's something you can say only once you had sex.
Not everyone gets to be an intellectual.

Philosophy is a noble intellectual activity, but it's hard and it requires proclivities, as do other noble activities such as art or science.

Basically, your argument is of the same vein as "learn to code".

Besides, maybe most guys here could do without sex or female companionship, but as long as they can't even try, the uncertainty of what they may be missing is just too strong.

I mean, I'm sure some guys can say "sex is not such a big deal", but that's something you can say only once you had sex.
Yeah but since we cant have sex we need to cope with it .
And the feeling of Pride after having accomplished something and having overcome an obstacle is the best cope , at least in my Eyes .
And the feeling of Pride after having accomplished something and having overcome an obstacle is the best cope , at least in my Eyes .

I agree completely. I haven't accomplished much in my life but the few things I did gave me a glimpse of what it must feel like to succeed in life.

But accomplishing anything is hard, pretty much by definition. If you have average IQ and no particular talent you are just very unlikely to accomplish anything.

That should not stop you from trying, of course, but don't delude yourself into thinking that will fill the void in your life. It most probably won't.
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My goal is to get rich and drink and party with as many of my bros as possible. Fuck whores I hate all of them. My friends even know that I hate women and are okay with it.
I agree completely. I haven't accomplished much in my life but the few things I did gave me a glimpse of what it must feel like to succeed in life.

But accomplishing anything is hard, pretty much by definition. If you have average IQ and no particular talent you are just very unlikely to accomplish anything.
It’s true average IQ and incel is a death warrant. I’m lucky that I have the capability to stem max and make over six figures.
My goal is to get rich and drink and party with as many of my bros as possible. Fuck whores I hate all of them. My friends even know that I hate women and are okay with it.

I wish to have your friends tbh.
I agree. Even a traditional marriage is a scam and more or less dead in western countries unless you enjoy laboring all day so some "homemaker" can put her feet up all day while machinery does the actual work. You're right, chasing holes is silly. Trying to keep them to yourself is insane.
I agree. Even a traditional marriage is a scam and more or less dead in western countries unless you enjoy laboring all day so some "homemaker" can put her feet up all day while machinery does the actual work. You're right, chasing holes is silly. Trying to keep them to yourself is insane.

In fact I'm pretty sure in past when men had more testosterone and less estrogen, it was rare for someone to be bluepilled beta cuck. Women were treated like second class citizen, as they should be.
I want to be rich but It's fucking impossible when you live in a shithole country. Other than this, ropemaxxing is my only dream.
I want to be rich but It's fucking impossible when you live in a shithole country. Other than this, ropemaxxing is my only dream.
I want to be rich but It's fucking impossible when you live in a shithole country. Other than this, ropemaxxing is my only dream.
I want to be rich but It's fucking impossible when you live in a shithole country. Other than this, ropemaxxing is my only dream.

I'l probably ropemaxx because I'm ona good way to being disabled to work ever again, even tho I'm trying to fix that. Health care in here sucks tho.
I agree completely. I haven't accomplished much in my life but the few things I did gave me a glimpse of what it must feel like to succeed in life.

But accomplishing anything is hard, pretty much by definition. If you have average IQ and no particular talent you are just very unlikely to accomplish anything.

That should not stop you from trying, of course, but don't delude yourself into thinking that will fill the void in your life. It most probably won't.
Also , Its hard to have Discipline without ANY postive reinforcement .
But in the End , theres no way around it , either you give your best or you lay down on the traintracks .
nobody cares if youre all alone , nobody cares if nobody showed you any kind of interest or friendship your whole Life .
Nobody cares if your genetics predetermine you to suffer and live on hardcore mode .
This World is made for winners .
Some incels here are big hypocrites. Their hate for the normalfags, chads, stacies, degeneracy exists only because they can't be or have those things or engage in those things.
It's funny.
Some incels here are big hypocrites. Their hate for the normalfags, chads, stacies, degeneracy exists only because they can't be or have those things or engage in those things.
It's funny.

We hate them because they hate us. Simple as that.

Why do u think 90% of cels have social anxiety and all sorts of trauma?

We never had a chance to live.
I'm trying to master a skill(Coding) so I can hopefully locationmaxx to a developing African country. There I could become an entrepreneur without as many regulations, etc, and hopefully end up rich from the Chinaman money being pumped over there. Fat chance of happening, but I like to dream.
Building advanced robots for companionship, force projection, and putting the normies out of work.
Some incels here are big hypocrites. Their hate for the normalfags, chads, stacies, degeneracy exists only because they can't be or have those things or engage in those things.
It's funny.
Inceltears tier post. Envy is normal for the less fortunate (aside from being censored and unrecognized) , it's different from the standpoint of feminists
Inceltears tier post. Envy is normal for the less fortunate (aside from being censored and unrecognized) , it's different from the standpoint of feminists
Isn't it true then or are you denying that incels would kill you or me if that meant having a normalfag life?
Isn't it true then or are you denying that incels would kill you or me if that meant having a normalfag life?
I don't deny the desire to live Chad life, it's simply obvious. But in real life an incel barely would hold a weapon to murder a dog let alone a person, if we compare with average men who murder.
There is no "incel goal", while we are all incels, we all have different things we want in life and we all have different opinions on things.
At the end of the day, we are still our own person, even when we are incels.
I don't deny the desire to live Chad life, it's simply obvious. But in real life an incel barely would hold a weapon to murder a dog let alone a person, if we compare with average men who murder.
You do not have a leg to stand on.
Not everyone gets to be an intellectual.

Philosophy is a noble intellectual activity, but it's hard and it requires proclivities, as do other noble activities such as art or science.

Basically, your argument is of the same vein as "learn to code".

Besides, maybe most guys here could do without sex or female companionship, but as long as they can't even try, the uncertainty of what they may be missing is just too strong. I sincerely believe that it's not knowing what the fuss is all about that is the toughest part.

I mean, I'm sure some guys can say "sex is not such a big deal", but that's something you can say only once you had sex.
well said. agree
The blackpill has made me understand that I will always be a loser because of my genetics.

Dropping out of high school freed me from my bluepilled surroundings, and I guess sort of saved me from roping.

I must take an alternative path, except I don't know what. I have absolutely no talents whatsoever, there isn't much I can do. I have lost all my motivation anyway to do anything, people recommended me to learn a skill like coding while LDAR'ing, which I'll have to try my best at even tho I failed multiple times learning. It's hard to learn on your own, combined with no talent and low IQ it's absolutely frustrating. I wish my programming teacher actually taught us, he instead just told us to use codecademy and learn everything on our own, which didn't help me at all.
It’s true average IQ and incel is a death warrant. I’m lucky that I have the capability to stem max and make over six figures.

Apollo is not the greatest God. He can not rule alone and the fall of the West kind of proves it.
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My goal is to surgerymaxx so I don't suicidemaxx or suicidemaxx if I can't surgerymaxx.

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