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Why are women so triggered by sex bots but not waifu pillows or dating sims?



Rotting until I am actually dead
Feb 2, 2019
Yeah I know women know they are only good for sex and its the only thing they can offer and they want beta bux. But why are they so triggered over incel men who want sex and not connection fucking dolls? Aren't the romantic ones just as easy to exploit for money and gifts?

And yeah don't tell me they are afraid Chad will get a sexdoll because they are not stupid enough to believe that.

Because you cant penetrate your pillow the same way you can penetrate a realistic doll or a femoid.
They want us to stay miserable, they take pleasure in this fact, as foids they see any ugly male as sub human and not deserving of anything positive whatsoever, hence why they are so against us maybe having a little happiness with a doll or something of the sort.
because sex bots are nearest to reality more than pillows or "waifus"
It's the closest thing to them
becuse bots don't have stinking pussies
Because robots are more human than they are.
Because a robot has a brain. It can respond to what you want it to do. Its realistic pussy will feel better than any roastie hole and roasties are aware of this. The 2nd an object can offer more success to an ugly man both physicislly and mentally than a washed up roastie is the moment it becomes a threat to roastie. The moment the roastie even has a chance of living the life of isolation and loneliness she dooms us too is the moment the object becomes a threat
Our hormones control us, not our mind.

Foids control male hormones to control men.
If foids can't control male hormones, they won't have any power over men; men will realise beyond reproduction foids offer nothing and are not worth the investment and time in an attempt to fuck.

What does that mean?

-There'll certainly be less betabuxes because every time they release their sexual urgers into a doll they won't do stupid shit like "open relationships" to get/keep a foid (AKA Post-nut clarity)
-Men will stop pooling their money to camwhores and prostitutes etc forcing foids to get actual jobs, but seeing as they're too low IQ to do so; they'll be forced to offer things which the dolls can't (cooking, cleaning etc).

The biggest one:
Hypergamy won't be as prevalent. Think about it. These lardwhales and basic 5/10's won't be receiving advances from the local PUA curry or 2/10 balding incel because they'll all be fucking dolls and gaming.
They'll realise they're worth less than plastic and due to the limited availability of Genetically superior males, will be forced to offer other values which a doll can't offer (See above).

Dolls will benefit:
-Incels, Beta's and possibly limit cucks.

Dolls will not benefit:
-Average looking foids
-"Instagram models"
-Female Twitch streamers

That's why they're so against it. Women will suffer the most from it and the cucks and females themselves won't allow it.
Our hormones control us, not our mind.

Foids control male hormones to control men.
If foids can't control male hormones, they won't have any power over men; men will realise beyond reproduction foids offer nothing and are not worth the investment and time in an attempt to fuck.

What does that mean?

-There'll certainly be less betabuxes because every time they release their sexual urgers into a doll they won't do stupid shit like "open relationships" to get/keep a foid (AKA Post-nut clarity)
-Men will stop pooling their money to camwhores and prostitutes etc forcing foids to get actual jobs, but seeing as they're too low IQ to do so; they'll be forced to offer things which the dolls can't (cooking, cleaning etc).

The biggest one:
Hypergamy won't be as prevalent. Think about it. These lardwhales and basic 5/10's won't be receiving advances from the local PUA curry or 2/10 balding incel because they'll all be fucking dolls and gaming.
They'll realise they're worth less than plastic and due to the limited availability of Genetically superior males, will be forced to offer other values which a doll can't offer (See above).

Dolls will benefit:
-Incels, Beta's and possibly limit cucks.

Dolls will not benefit:
-Average looking foids
-"Instagram models"
-Female Twitch streamers

That's why they're so against it. Women will suffer the most from it and the cucks and females themselves won't allow it.
I think a lot of these answers are missing the forest for the trees:

Women hate sex dolls because they don't want undesirable men to have any sexual access at all.

Think about it, women find it unnerving when unattractive men approach or hit on them. Most of these "movements" (i.e. Yes means Yes, #MeToo, etc) are designed to regulate male sexuality.

At the end of the day, as far as women are concerned, if a man has sex with a doll, he's not getting consent, and if he's not getting consent, he's a rapist in waiting. That said, if he's will to "rape" a doll, what's stopping him from "raping" real women?

Women constantly police the entertainment of men (i.e. Look up the The Rising of the Shield Hero controversy, or sexism accusations towards comic book readers, etc), because the men who enjoy this stuff are probably not very successful with women (save the guys at RDCWorld1 on YouTube:lul:). That said, women want to regulate them, because they see these men as a threat.

Giving them sexual access is the last thing women want; they have a hive mind, or a collective mentality. Men getting "non consented" sex with something that looks female is a sign of rape in their mind. It has nothing to do with women fearing replacement; women don't complain about replacement when they complain about sex dolls/robots, they complain about consent. They don't want unattractive men to have any sexual access at all, even with fake women.

What do you think rape culture is? Rape culture means "Men we aren't attracted to have access to us!"
Women hate sex dolls because they don't want undesirable men to have any sexual access at all.

To me this is what makes the most sense.

Money? Gifts? Women can work and easily climb the corporate ladder, no reason to get shit from betas.

Women losing their SMV? Chad will keep banging them since real sex is always better and women don't give a shit about incels going mgtow. They couldn't care less.

I think women simply want ugly incels to suffer and to die in misery, they hate the simple thought of an unattractive man finding happiness.
To me this is what makes the most sense.

Money? Gifts? Women can work and easily climb the corporate ladder, no reason to get shit from betas.

Women losing their SMV? Chad will keep banging them since real sex is always better and women don't give a shit about incels going mgtow. They couldn't care less.

I think women simply want ugly incels to suffer and to die in misery, they hate the simple thought of an unattractive man finding happiness.
It is simply that, they enjoy our misery, to them us simply being ugly and not matching up to their standards is enough to deserve a life time of loneliness, they don't want us to ever have even a slight chance at any happiness at all because to them we are inferior literally sub human, so to see something or have the idea put in their heads of something that that looks like them (In most cases probably better looking than them) being fucked by an ugly man would probably elicit some primal disgust within them "Why is such an ugly man performing the act reproduction?" "His genes are inferior they shouldn't be passed on" etc.

Of course they would not express their thoughts in this way, instead it would be most likely be expressed in the typical simple foid way "Ewww that's like rape or something right?"
They hate dolls because they’ll suck their orbiters away
Because they were told to be triggered. The feminist NPC doesn't think for herself. Somebody introduced this idea into the hivemind, and my guess the object was to legitimize the idea sex box could actually be a thing by pretending to be against them. It's a subtle way of pushing this atheistic, progressivist paradigm the globalist want to impose on the whole world.

You guys should read The Metaphysics of Sex by baron Julius Evola to understand why inceldom brings so much suffering. If you think sex bots will fix the problem, you are completely ignorant as to the real nature of sexuality and the reasons sexual frustration brings so much pain. A sex bot is just a glorified sex toy. Escortcelling doesn't bring happiness to those here who tried it, what do you think sex bots will accomplish?
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Because sexbots actually have a real chance of sought after by normal guys. It is a threat to their power.
They are having one of their purposes taken over by an inanimate object tbh. They are scared of losing orbiters.
It’s not like they want us anyway. So it shouldn’t matter to them right? They just don’t want us to be happy at all.
Women hate sex dolls because they don't want undesirable men to have any sexual access at all.
This is why I struggle to have sympathy for them. It doesn't hurt them in any way and yet they want low status men to be miserable just to sate their own egos. The sort of narcissism and cruelty you see coming from women is worthy of nothing but contempt.
Because all the women who are doing whore jobs will lose their monopoly in the sex field.
Because sexbots actually have a real chance of sought after by normal guys. It is a threat to their power.

Comes to show how fearful they are of losing it, which brings me nothing but lifefuel.
At least there's some lifefuel knowing that there's nothing foids can do about the advancement of sexbots.
Because they were told to be triggered. The feminist NPC doesn't think for herself. Somebody introduced this idea into the hivemind, and my guess the object was to legitimize the idea sex box could actually be a thing by pretending to be against them. It's a subtle way of pushing this atheistic, progressivist paradigm the globalist want to impose on the whole world.

I don't see all that many articles about sex bots, but every time its mentioned women react in a really primitive way, they become really angry and start throwing insults at men in general, its pretty funny actually, and I love seeing women get triggered, it makes my day. I think there is a natural reaction to it.

You guys should read The Metaphysics of Sex by baron Julius Evola to understand why inceldom brings so much suffering. If you think sex bots will fix the problem, you are completely ignorant as to the real nature of sexuality and the reasons sexual frustration brings so much pain. A sex bot is just a glorified sex toy. Escortcelling doesn't bring happiness to those here who tried it, what do you think sex bots will accomplish?

Sex bots will be like a even more beta version of fucking escorts, for the men who do not have the guts to pay for the real shit.
They want us to stay miserable, they take pleasure in this fact, as foids they see any ugly male as sub human and not deserving of anything positive whatsoever, hence why they are so against us maybe having a little happiness with a doll or something of the sort.
This is also why ugly men in cartoons, tv, and movies are often portrayed as the bad guy or the stupid guy
At least there's some lifefuel knowing that there's nothing foids can do about the advancement of sexbots.
They are the reason they exist. Just settle with your looksmatch and the desire for sex bots will dissapear. Fucking foids are too good for that tho
This is why I struggle to have sympathy for them. It doesn't hurt them in any way and yet they want low status men to be miserable just to sate their own egos. The sort of narcissism and cruelty you see coming from women is worthy of nothing but contempt.
They know what they are doing by constantly rejecting us too. They know we aren’t getting any. That’s the fucked up part
until sex bots or VR-based equivalents become uncatchable there'll be a short period where women can and have to compete with them.

i cant tell you how much i look forward to this.
Because all the women who are doing whore jobs will lose their monopoly in the sex field.
It is perfectly understandable coming from camwhores and escorts, but I've seen many average women getting pissed off over this shit.
Many are triggered by guys owning dakimakuras (waifu pillows) and angrily call anyone who owns one a "neckbeard". I've also seen women argue that they are "objectification of women" and are a part of "rape culture".

Lots of feminists constantly go on about muh sexual objectification of 2d women in anime.

Oh, and I can't help but notice how tall and wide the sex bot is compared to the guy in OP's pic...guess he likes em big...
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This is also why ugly men in cartoons, tv, and movies are often portrayed as the bad guy or the stupid guy

Quasimodo was a really ugly but benevolent dude, he tried his hardest and still stayed alone... it shows that even in fantasy worlds with magic and talking gargoyles, the ugly dude getting the girl would be too much for people to take seriously. Really makes you think.
Because It renders them useless.
Sex robots are more useful.
Because they are whores.
Our hormones control us, not our mind.

Foids control male hormones to control men.
If foids can't control male hormones, they won't have any power over men; men will realise beyond reproduction foids offer nothing and are not worth the investment and time in an attempt to fuck.

What does that mean?

-There'll certainly be less betabuxes because every time they release their sexual urgers into a doll they won't do stupid shit like "open relationships" to get/keep a foid (AKA Post-nut clarity)
-Men will stop pooling their money to camwhores and prostitutes etc forcing foids to get actual jobs, but seeing as they're too low IQ to do so; they'll be forced to offer things which the dolls can't (cooking, cleaning etc).

The biggest one:
Hypergamy won't be as prevalent. Think about it. These lardwhales and basic 5/10's won't be receiving advances from the local PUA curry or 2/10 balding incel because they'll all be fucking dolls and gaming.
They'll realise they're worth less than plastic and due to the limited availability of Genetically superior males, will be forced to offer other values which a doll can't offer (See above).

Dolls will benefit:
-Incels, Beta's and possibly limit cucks.

Dolls will not benefit:
-Average looking foids
-"Instagram models"
-Female Twitch streamers

That's why they're so against it. Women will suffer the most from it and the cucks and females themselves won't allow it.
hit the nail on the head there. When sexbots become more accessible thots on snapchat, twitch, and the cosplay community will die out. Granted they'll still have a few loyal cucks here and there.
its gigacope.

This is the future of sexbots:

They want us to stay miserable, they take pleasure in this fact, as foids they see any ugly male as sub human and not deserving of anything positive whatsoever, hence why they are so against us maybe having a little happiness with a doll or something of the sort.

This is correct.

Foids not only are disgusted by the thought of having sex with incels; they're disgusted by our very existence.

If foids could have it their way, we would be tortured, gassed, etc. as soon as possible.

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