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Venting Why are women so mean? Share your stories of female viciousness.

  • Thread starter HarvesterOfInceldom
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Incels of the World, Unite!
May 9, 2018
I have successfully ghosted from the female for going on two years now, and with great success. While i am as blackpilled as ever, I would rather stay away from the female as an incel than be verbally eviscerated by them. High school was absolute hell for me; females wanted to bully me. At least in college the females have such inflated egos that they wouldn't dare speak down to someone who isn't as exalted as Chad.

I remember in middle school there was this female would constantly spend time being mean to me. I wasn't that sexually interested in the female yet, and one day after she said something crass to me I confronted her and asked what her problem was. She said, and I paraphrase, that "she didn't like me because I was too... technical." I knew this was referring to my intelligence, and I just walked away. I mean, what could i do? I tried to be nice, I tried to be reasonable and see if I was subliminally being mean to her or something. Nope, she hated me because of my PERSONALITY, and it wasn't even vaguely misogynist. It was only because i was a good student and a good writer; but i guess that bothers a lot of females, or at least that one. Anyway, she ended up going to the same high school as me (go figure right) and she tried being mean to me again, but when I confronted her this time i told her to never talk to me again, or "there would be consequences." She obliged - probably was worried I'd dab on her with an AR-15

But that's just one of my negative stories with the female; share yours here, and lets talk about how mean the female is.
Humans are pieces of shit in general. Women are no different from the vast majority of men in this regard
Humans are pieces of shit in general. Women are no different from the vast majority of men in this regard
I have met nice men, never met a nice female who didn't want something.
I was in the middle school and fairly overweight. There was a group of three femoids, which were ugly as sin, who mocked me for no reason (being ugly). They have been harassing me every damned day with fake messages of interest, which obviously I knew to be fake. The first was a zombie, the second a witch, the third a man-jawed goblin. One day, I got fed up and told the goblin she was a "cheap whore", she went crying to teachers and of course I was attributed all the guilt by default.

Good thing after this mess they didn't bother me anymore.
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I was in the middle school and fairly overweight. There was a group of three femoids, which were ugly as sin, who mocked me for no reason (being ugly). They have been harassing me every damned day with fake messages of interest, which obviously I knew to be fake. The first was a zombie, the second a witch, the third a man-jawed goblin. One days, I got fed up and told the goblin she was a "cheap whore", she went crying to teachers and of course I was attributed all the guilt by default.

Good thing after this mess they didn't bother me anymore.
I once spat in a girl's face who was mean to me and I got away with it because she was known for falsely accusing other boys of stuff lol
I once spat in a girl's face who was mean to me and I got away with it because she was known for falsely accusing other boys of stuff lol

Well done! You were lucky she had a bad reputation. :feelsokman:

Nowadays I feel they have much less accountability and get much more forgiven.
I was hangin with 3 guys i know. I had helped them out a few jams so we were cool. They were gang members. So there is this bitch that comes over. I know the bitch, i hate the bitch. Never said a word to this bitch. Im smoking drinking, after about 45 minutes the bitch says out loud mind you, lets rob this ugly ass nigga and take his car. Fuck him. 2 of the guys looked at me like yea. The 1 guy i knew for a few years said naw i cant to that. Thats my mans. I wanted to kill that bitch.
Well done! You were lucky she had a bad reputation. :feelsokman:

Nowadays I feel they have much less accountability and get much more forgiven.
Yeah, I was glad to get that out of the way. I'd love to sock a couple females in the face but that will get you the death penalty someday
Yeah, I was glad to get that out of the way. I'd love to sock a couple females in the face but that will get you the death penalty someday

Yeah, I would like to get this satisfaction as well. They're too stuck up. But I will never start it (and I discourage from doing it) because, as you pointed out, it would mean at least prison time or a mob of white knights knocking at the door. Death penalty will probably come under feminist dictatorship or cuckstapo.
Humans are pieces of shit in general. Women are no different from the vast majority of men in this regard
Foids have always avoided me, so I never experienced foid bullying.
Yeah, I would like to get this satisfaction as well. They're too stuck up. But I will never start it (and I discourage from doing it) because, as you pointed out, it would mean at least prison time or a mob of white knights knocking at the door. Death penalty will probably come under feminist dictatorship or cuckstapo.
the white knights aren't what worry me. They're all weak soy beta cucks anyway.
I haven't experienced it much IRL aside from my cunt sister. The worst I got from women outside my family were looks of disapproval or passive aggressive comments.

There was one black wilderbeast who made fun of my height and tried to fight me in middle school. I made her cry so it's whatever lol
Fake flirting. You know, where the implication is, "can you imagine any female being sexually attracted to this gaiiii?!"

Technically, I have been "sexually assaulted" by #MeToo standards, if I were a foid. A black girl pinched my ass and a white girl on my bus put her hand on my thigh. Both were in front of an audience and blatantly sarcastic.
Cold approached a girl who worked at my local mall a while ago. She rejected me. Shortly afterwards, I was eating at one of the restaurants near her work, and I turned and saw her and her colleague staring at me and obviously talking about me. For the next few weeks, any time I walked past her work, she or her colleagues would glare at me. She was alone when I approached her so obviously she'd bitched about me to them all.
stupid bitches in hs always purposely avoided me an gossiped about me since i was a "creep" who had no friends. In gym class this one bitch i got paired up with for an activity actually had the audacity to made fun of my weak frame. Some other bitches in 10th grade would purposely wait outside the bathroom at lunch and mock me when the bell rang because they knew i ate my lunch in the bathroom stall.
I hated them so much.
Just Chad's bullying me while girls laughed, and the only time I "socialized" with a foid was when she called me a sociopath and that I look like a school shooter.
Once on a class trip thug chad started to insult me and in a bus he and his thug friends started to throw things at me, like apple scraps or chewed gums. Their trashy foids found it also for some reason funny and joined the action. During the trip thugs and foids were often pointing their fingers on me, saying some shit and bursting out with wild laughter afterwards. This trip was complete ER- and ropefuel.
There was a nickname I had been given as a kid that basically insinuated that I had a small/no dick. The foids loved using that one.
When, I was in high school, some foid pretended to like me, and started talking to me online. Then one day she abruptly stopped, I later found out that she had been taking screenshots of all the messages we had been exchanging and sent them into a group chat were everyone had made fun of stuff I had been saying, and the fact that me an ethnic manlet would actually believe a white stacy would be interested in him.

This was actually the catalyst for me deleting all of my social media accounts, 6 months later I would also become red pilled, then the black pill came next.

They would also never talk or look at me in high school unless I initiated first, I did try many times, they would then not reply at all or give me one word reply whilst looking like they couldn't wait to get away from me.

And of course I had an insulting nickname too, no incels high school career is complete without it.

Foids have no soul, they are not human. I hope they all burn in hell.

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