People, but more so and ESPECIALLY Men are not built to sit around like children being disciplined into their late 20s. Just think about how INSANE that really is, an Adult male in his peak sitting on a desk being lectured probably by some woman or soyfag, for HOURS under fluorescent lights.
It’s infantilizing, and boring. No shit people are depressed and hopeless, you have almost 3 decades in this Earth and you’re nowhere, no real job, no decent income, no identity, no wife no children. You’re still in the same state of a child. And they tell you to shell out thousands you don’t have and just keep grinding, that it will all come one day!
In a capitalist, liberal society (in the classical sense) nothing is guaranteed, we have a very WEAK social contract. Everything from jobs to dating and marriage is an open (free) market where unpredictable and violent change can destroy all your hard work.
In essence, everything you do, including education and dating, is pretty much like investing/trading stocks (as I said, everything is in liberal society) and many men deem college not worth the money and labour, because at the end it could as well lead to nothing.