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SuicideFuel Why are only us non-NTs incapable of getting foids to date us?



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
99% of NTs have dated once, I have seen sub 5/midget curries and rice flirting with girls in Highschool before, a lot of them even date all the way back in Middle School before the age their balls drop, it’s like NTs have this as an innate ability they come out of the womb with, hell, even the resident 79 iq retard @Ika-Sama dated and held hands with a girl in Highschool. There are surveys that show more than 30-40% of the user base here aren’t even KHHVs.

The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
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Just be NT bro:soy::soy:
@Ika-Sama you dated? Get out
uh: i was put in homeschool.
@sub human @bigantennaemay1 @dungeondragon @B1battledroid @Transcended Trucel @nystagmuscel @Words2_live_bye
I haven't dated, i was never able to acquire one. Never even touched or hugged a girl.
Shut up privileged NTfaggot, you don’t suffer even 1% as much as us.
Its all about looks all normies you see outside are NT. If you were nt you would still be a truecel :feelskek::feelskek: also I'm not nt
If you're not normal, you can't get foids with your charm/personality or make friends and socialciclemaxx. People find it an unpleasant experience to talk to retards.
you're only worth something as non nt if you are some high tech programmer or a spaceship designer or some shit, over
The only thing it is good for is academics
And even that can be a curse. Very early on I learned the true nature of things, and this destroyed my ability to fit in with the crowd.
@Zer0/∞ I did hold hands, but I never said I dated.
You are coping too hard. If you are sub 5, the FAILO is too big, nobody gives a shit about your personality, especially not women.
Because being non NT causes complete social isolation and lack of social skills
I'm tempted to make a semi-long post about an idea that bluepillers and IT seem to have, that the incel community brainwashes and indoctrinates autistic people into joining their ranks. They seem to believe that autistic men do not belong in this community, despite autistic men making up a significant subset of incel numbers. We have simply found a community of likeminded individuals who share our struggle, comprised of various types of people. Bluepillers simultaneously treat us autists like children and like NT people who have no issues, which confuses me. We all know just how dire the stats are regarding autistic people, we do absolutely terribly in the real world. How can they ignore these blaring facts and try and paint us as victims of indoctrination? We are incels by nature of having a mental deficiency, something IT will never truly be able to comprehend.
Non NT is equal to dick socially speaking to foids. They see not NTs as robots and not humans. Mere processing slave units
I’m non NT it’s over. Never had foid friends, never went on dates or held hands or kissed (unpaid), could never just be first maxxed because I was isolated in high school. It’s over. What a dogshit life
Not being nt is just the overkill
99% of NTs have dated once, I have seen sub 5/midget curries and rice flirting with girls in Highschool before, a lot of them even date all the way back in Middle School before the age their balls drop, it’s like NTs have this as an innate ability they come out of the womb with, hell, even the resident 79 iq retard @Ika-Sama dated and held hands with a girl in Highschool. There are surveys that show more than 30-40% of the user base here aren’t even KHHVs.

The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
99% of NTs have dated once, I have seen sub 5/midget curries and rice flirting with girls in Highschool before, a lot of them even date all the way back in Middle School before the age their balls drop, it’s like NTs have this as an innate ability they come out of the womb with, hell, even the resident 79 iq retard @Ika-Sama dated and held hands with a girl in Highschool. There are surveys that show more than 30-40% of the user base here aren’t even KHHVs.

The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
The only time i touched a girl was by accidentally bumping into one
Because male autists are barely considered human. Without a good face or money to compensate for it, autism will leave you penniless, friendless and bullied. :feelscry:
The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
yep, that's me
It’s honestly like NT people have telepathy, or some pheromone bullshit, they can tell what each other means without talking. That’s why you hear foids bitch about “ muh signals and signs” so god damn much, because it’s like an innate language that only NT’s understand. That’s why “ muh foids don’t approach” is ( kind of) a cope, because they know without even talking to you if you are or aren’t NT.
It’s honestly like NT people have telepathy, or some pheromone bullshit, they can tell what each other means without talking. That’s why you hear foids bitch about “ muh signals and signs” so god damn much, because it’s like an innate language that only NT’s understand. That’s why “ muh foids don’t approach” is ( kind of) a cope, because they know without even talking to you if you are or aren’t NT.
High IQ, I’ve seen NTs act retarded and yet they get away with it, it’s like everyone was on it except for me.
It’s honestly like NT people have telepathy, or some pheromone bullshit, they can tell what each other means without talking. That’s why you hear foids bitch about “ muh signals and signs” so god damn much, because it’s like an innate language that only NT’s understand. That’s why “ muh foids don’t approach” is ( kind of) a cope, because they know without even talking to you if you are or aren’t NT.

so much truth here
Non-NT means that you are genetically mutated, and foids are disgusted by aberration (note their highly conformist nature)
Humans are a social animal, so having a literal social disability gets you cut off from the herd for being "faulty". Then they'll gaslight us by telling us our disability is not the reason we're being treated the way we are, even though we know better.
99% of NTs have dated once, I have seen sub 5/midget curries and rice flirting with girls in Highschool before, a lot of them even date all the way back in Middle School before the age their balls drop, it’s like NTs have this as an innate ability they come out of the womb with, hell, even the resident 79 iq retard @Ika-Sama dated and held hands with a girl in Highschool. There are surveys that show more than 30-40% of the user base here aren’t even KHHVs.

The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
No, only good looking men can ascend. You can be a 79 IQ retard but if you are good looking you will ascend. And if you are 140 IQ rich manlet you will never ascend. :blackpill:
Humans are a social animal, so having a literal social disability gets you cut off from the herd for being "faulty". Then they'll gaslight us by telling us our disability is not the reason we're being treated the way we are, even though we know better.
Summs it up. Ive been called "weird" and "psychopath" just because I can't do the things that involve social stuff. My weird manners are seen as me being rude and robotic. Im not diagnosed with autism tho.
over for Teru mikamicels
Summs it up. Ive been called "weird" and "psychopath" just because I can't do the things that involve social stuff. My weird manners are seen as me being rude and robotic. Im not diagnosed with autism tho.
I'm diagnosed with the assburgers. But yeah, I can't do the basic social shit.
Non NT voice and body language gives foids the "creeps" instantly repelling all vagina always

It's like a dna hardcoded anti NT defense mechanism

The biological adaptation for non NT maters is surely rape :feelshaha:
Being non-NT is a sign that you have bad genetics since there is a genetic component to autism and metal illness. Also, NT is closely connected to social status. If you cannot communicate with others normally then you will be ostracized and, therefore, have low social status.
99% of NTs have dated once, I have seen sub 5/midget curries and rice flirting with girls in Highschool before, a lot of them even date all the way back in Middle School before the age their balls drop, it’s like NTs have this as an innate ability they come out of the womb with, hell, even the resident 79 iq retard @Ika-Sama dated and held hands with a girl in Highschool. There are surveys that show more than 30-40% of the user base here aren’t even KHHVs.

The only people I see that are incapable of getting anyone girl interested in dating them their entire lives are non-NT subhumans like me. :feelsrope:
slap your mom bro she didn't socialize you well when you were a kid
Only the ugly can be incel.

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