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Discussion Why Are Normies So Against People Killing Themselves?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 25513
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Deleted member 25513

Apr 5, 2020
I never understood this. One should have the fundamental right to end their own life should they choose. Nobody asked to be put on this planet, so choosing to leave should be a respected decision. As an incel, our deaths would just be statistics anyway, and nobody would actually care if we existed or not, yet normies would still insist that we not end our lives. It makes no sense to me. I’m not suicidal or anything, just pondering this issue as a whole.
I get it if we work and they depend on the tax burdens, but for do-nothing neets what's the issue?
I get it if we work and they depend on the tax burdens, but for do-nothing neets what's the issue?
Exactly. I could see normies telling some neet doomer incel who contributes nothing to society to not kill himself. I think it’s just social programming done by the Jews. If people realized how bleak and hopeless this world actually is, they would just give up and rope and so many men would no longer be contributing to the workforce and economy. Because of this, the Jews promote this anti suicide and “your life matters” rhetoric in the media
normies don't give a shit if an ugly looser kills himself, they only care if you bring some of them them down with you
They want us to stay live and suffer. Holes don't like the idea of a potential betabuxx who'll pay for her bastard children leaving this planet. And normies don't like the idea of a subhuman whom they can mog and make fun of, dying.
They need the beta orbiters alive to orbit
They don't give a damn unless you're a goos looking foid. Do you ever hear about an ugly manlet's suicide in the news headlines? no, it's mostly attractive foids that get media coverage, and it's mostly for the clicks (people are more likely to click on headlines with attractive faces), but also because soyciety cares more about foids.
they couldnt care less if ugly men kill themselves. only for virtue signal points.
I never understood this. One should have the fundamental right to end their own life should they choose. Nobody asked to be put on this planet, so choosing to leave should be a respected decision. As an incel, our deaths would just be statistics anyway, and nobody would actually care if we existed or not, yet normies would still insist that we not end our lives. It makes no sense to me. I’m not suicidal or anything, just pondering this issue as a whole.
virtue signalling.
They aren't. They're hopping on the virtue-signaling bandwagon.
Christian morality. Most identify as progressive humanitarian agnostics or atheists, but that is really just Christianity without God and strict commandments.
Christian morality. Most identify as progressive humanitarian agnostics or atheists, but that is really just Christianity without God and strict commandments.
100% based
Because they want incels are their working slave drones.
Because they don’t wanna offend ppl
I never understood this. One should have the fundamental right to end their own life should they choose. Nobody asked to be put on this planet, so choosing to leave should be a respected decision. As an incel, our deaths would just be statistics anyway, and nobody would actually care if we existed or not, yet normies would still insist that we not end our lives. It makes no sense to me. I’m not suicidal or anything, just pondering this issue as a whole.
Normies need to have someone who has it worse than them around to feel better abt themselves.
If incels suicide, normies will be the new incels.
That's becuase the gooks and curries depend on the virtue signalling facade of the WEST that one day their life will improve. What they don't get is that all of the labor is not benefiting them for the long term, but western whores.
They aren’t really against suicide. They just pretend to be against it publicly. It’s to show people how empathetic and moral they are and also to signal that they’ve never “been there” themselves and that there’s “never a reason to kill yourself”, showing that they live pretty tits lives.
This has its roots in Christ insanity and perhaps all the Jew Abrahamic cults as a whole.

Christ insanity as many well know encourages a life of “long suffering” and even though I’m pretty sure the New Testament has nothing at all to say on the subject of suicide ie whether a person who commits it goes to Heaven or Hell or not the general consensus shoe horned in via typical lazy Christian thinking goes that they do in fact go to Hell (without any real biblical proof hence the “laziness” of their thought/research patterns).

Most likely they got their anti suicide stance from the 10 commandments and painfully interpreted/re-interpreted “thou shalt not kill” to also mean “thou shalt not kill thyself either” to suit their twin agendas of “long suffering” and “only Jew god has the right to take a life”.

View: https://youtu.be/ozwoYhxdbTQ
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They want us to keep slaving
They do it for the clout
They just virtue signal to look good. They don’t actually care
because many men's suicides would make part of the society find out the real reasons that would reveal the woman's attitude towards the man. that's why it's better for them that the man stays alive and continues to be fooled with stupidities like "be yourself", "work your personality", "treat us well".
religious upbringing
I never understood this. One should have the fundamental right to end their own life should they choose. Nobody asked to be put on this planet, so choosing to leave should be a respected decision. As an incel, our deaths would just be statistics anyway, and nobody would actually care if we existed or not, yet normies would still insist that we not end our lives. It makes no sense to me. I’m not suicidal or anything, just pondering this issue as a whole.

I’ll answer since I’m pretty fucking messed up and suicidal (I’m a 5’4 ugly Manlet rice what do you expect JFL). My guess is they don’t actually care about my well being or whatever I went through. If they truly did, my mom and stepfather would both be in prison for the amount of abuse they put me through, but no, it’s just “child discipline” according to them. Also child protection services are underpaid and overworked of course they were never going to give a shit about my life back when I was a kid.

These normies don’t want me to kill myself because to them it means the society these fucking normies built for all of us has flaws and is failing a certain group of people (that all foids and normies secretly want to eliminate) and they don’t want to face their shortcomings and failures. These are the empathetic normies.

the rest? These are the ones who want us all killed in secret. These are the people who, if elected president (ex: Alexandria Ocasión-Cortez, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, any soyboy cucked male democrat Senator like Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, our former Nigger president and first family, etc.) they would set up incel concentration camps. They don’t want their secretive plans out to the world. They want us dead but they don’t want to be detected doing so or pay for the responsibility. Hence, they pretend they don’t want us to jump off the building or pull the trigger, but secretly, they want it so fucking bad.

Personally, I’m going to rope after my stepfather dies (which won’t be long. His diabetic complications have gotten significantly worse since my first post on .co) because this is my life and this is my choice. I just want to be at peace. Detached from thus materialistic, cold, cold, cold world. Fuck the world. fuck me.
They want to see you to continue to suffer forever just so they can have their shits and giggles.
People need weaker more desperate people to mogg or exploit
Thats why they dont want people to die
That is the opinion with which they were programmed.
There are a lot of reasons why normies might be against suicide, but the simplest answer is that they're not. For most people, their entire lives are about image. If the consensus says that suicide is bad, then they'll publicly agree.
Christian morality. Most identify as progressive humanitarian agnostics or atheists, but that is really just Christianity without God and strict commandments.
This is high IQ. I've often thought that there is very little difference between the moral standards of most people, regardless of whether or not they believe in a deity. Opposition to suicide is a perfect example of position that is illogical, I can at least understand why many theists make this mistake, but atheists have no excuse.

The chief failing of humanism (although there are many), is the lack of a well defined explanation regarding the belief that human life has intrinsic value. The notion that even if a person is in the worst circumstances imaginable, that consciousness somehow produces value solely by it's own existence. Which makes no sense tbh, and I could go on forever about why this belief is clearly mistaken, but I'm not going to turn this page into a pointless wall of text. How can anyone claim to be concerned about the welfare of others if they refuse to try and honestly assess the condition of human life?

Of course the response would probably be something akin to calling me a pessimist, or perhaps even suggesting that I'm mentally ill and that I can't see the world clearly. However if we look at it from an evolutionary perspective, who do you suspect would survive, someone with an optimistic view of existence, or another human with a pessimistic outlook? Obviously the answer is the former, for a whole host of reasons. Higher birth rates, lower suicide rates, stronger drives to achieve personal success, and this is just off the top of my head of stuff we'd expect to see from optimists as opposed to pessimists. Following from this, it stands to reason that individuals and communities who had views similar to my own likely wouldn't have survived, and thus whatever traits led to their view of reality wouldn't be selected for.

So if anything, humans are naturally inclined to exhibit an irrational level of optimism which increases their chances of survival. Even if I am "depressed" and this has affected my reasoning at all, it's probably made me more rational, not less.
They're not depending on who it is. If it's a good looking popular person. They obviously don't want them to kill themselves. If it's an ugly unpopular guy though, they will say they care for virtue brownie point, but in reality most of society, if they hear of an ugly guy they don't care for killing themselves. They either dont give a fuck or are happy. Some actively try to encourage suicide and push people towards it.
yea, its basically just cheap virtue signaling
Christian morality. Most identify as progressive humanitarian agnostics or atheists, but that is really just Christianity without God and strict commandments.
Yeah. I also never understood why normies think that it is their business that anyone is suicidal. Why should you continue to live if your life only consists of suffering?
They're not depending on who it is. If it's a good looking popular person. They obviously don't want them to kill themselves. If it's an ugly unpopular guy though, they will say they care for virtue brownie point, but in reality most of society, if they hear of an ugly guy they don't care for killing themselves. They either dont give a fuck or are happy. Some actively try to encourage suicide and push people towards it.
^their true reaction is very dependent on the person roping. If Chad Thundercock ropes (cant imagine why he would lol) the world will mourn as if their first born son was murdered. If one of us died the world would throw parades in honor of out death and have floats of people dancing on our shitty caskets. Not realistically I mean but mentally they might as well be doing that. Indifference or relief are probably all they fell when an incel ropes
they want low-tier males to slave away for society whilst getting little/nothing in return
Indifference or relief are probably all they fell when an incel ropes

This is probably the closest I've seen to how people react IRL underneath their unconvincing virtue signaling. Normies view incels as troublesome and a hassle to deal with and are relieved when incels are no longer around to disturb what they see as the natural order of things.
They don't give a fuck about anyone it's all for show just look at all the people who die because of poverty or not being able to afford treatment their is no line up or mass protests or riots the truth is the human race is incapable of giving a damn about others that don't measure up to there high standards of looks and wealth.

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