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Discussion Why are most people unfriendly ?

  • Thread starter Massimo The Lonecel
  • Start date
Massimo The Lonecel

Massimo The Lonecel

Aug 26, 2020
On both the internet and in person ? I find this highly concerning. Maybe I should put a gun to these peoples heads and say be friendly or else you die then the message and command would sink through there funkin head.
mean if you're ugly, polite if friendly
Human nature is evil.
No. That's the justification and the cop that one wants to impose on oneself to justify one's evils instead of correcting them. You, me, and all of us in this forum are human beings, and yet, it is perfectly known what is good and what is evil, yet, people do not give a fuck.

Nature is not evil, Because evil requires purpose, and purpose only exists if there is decision, and if you make the decision to do evil, it will reaffirm that you have chosen it.
Maybe you're the unfriendly one sweaty:foidSoy:
Society has become very individualistic and this is also a result of overinflated hypergamy. You have to be immaculate on paper to get a job, an apartment for rent especially in bigger cities, everything is expensive and people voluntarily stress themselves out by chasing unrealistic standards of living. With current hypergamy, many don't want to to be friendly to "nobodies" which could endanger their social status. The biggest reason is that many people have abandoned God and Lord Jesus Christ. It's the reason behind moral decline when people replace the Truth with trying to conquer the world for their ego. Moral decline makes normalization of pump and dump possible which also is destroying marriages which have been lasting for decades.
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On both the internet and in person ? I find this highly concerning. Maybe I should put a gun to these peoples heads and say be friendly or else you die then the message and command would sink through there funkin head.
1) Good chance they're miserable if they're a wage slave in a shithole American city, land of degeneracy and feminist liberalism
2) If they're male then they're actively discriminated against and the victim of negative propaganda at pretty much all levels of society
3) If they're male and part of the "normal" or lower class group then we go back to #1 -- they probably don't have a good life and they may be approaching levels of misery that we have. What can I say, it makes you bitter and resentful towards your "fellow man"
4) If they're women, well, women are disgusted by most men and thus will be and cold to you as a default if you're "most men"
5) We're a highly politicized culture in the US where the each half of the population secretly (or not so secretly these days) wants to eradicate the other half from existence to create their utopia. If they even catch a whif you're slightly to the right or left or whatever of their side they hate you and consider you an imbecile (one group is more correct and objective than the other as we know, but the point is still there).

If you want to see people be kind to each other you basically have to go out to the rural country here with small ethnically homogenous low crime communities where everybody knows everybody, everyone shares the same worldview and the same values, where everybody is married with kids, and where everyone owns their own land and produces something valuable for their community by the sweat of their brow.

Cities are evil shitholes full of evil unhappy people and modern feminist liberalism, the destruction of the nuclear family structure, the labeling of men as oppressors, etc etc -- it's all terrible and a failed ideology. And our politicians cart in immigrants who wind up on gibs for the rest of their life because they're an ole reliable voting block that will increase the governments power (or they erroneously hope they'll start working and prop up social security with our aging population pyramid what retards :feelsseriously: ). I would move back to the country right now if I could get a remote job, but no -- instead I have to live in this pigsty with these bluepilled propagandized NPCs (who can't drive for shit by the way -- side note, the road is a microcosm for the character of a person just like the shopping cart analogy is -- any driver who runs red lights, cuts people off in traffic, doesn't signal, etc you just know is a degenerate faggot with no character, but I digress).

There's a lot in between this step, but Boomers selling out their small family businesses and making everyone work for monopolistic mega corporations who don't care whether you live or die is another problem. But hey, they got theirs right? :feelsseriously:
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not all, just foid, normie and chad. Incels and Truecels have already withdrawn from society, only incels in denial keep trying.
No. That's the justification and the cop that one wants to impose on oneself to justify one's evils instead of correcting them. You, me, and all of us in this forum are human beings, and yet, it is perfectly known what is good and what is evil, yet, people do not give a fuck.

Nature is not evil, Because evil requires purpose, and purpose only exists if there is decision, and if you make the decision to do evil, it will reaffirm that you have chosen it.
The system is so brutal that empathy and honesty are becoming unheard of.
No. That's the justification and the cop that one wants to impose on oneself to justify one's evils instead of correcting them. You, me, and all of us in this forum are human beings, and yet, it is perfectly known what is good and what is evil, yet, people do not give a fuck.

Nature is not evil, Because evil requires purpose, and purpose only exists if there is decision, and if you make the decision to do evil, it will reaffirm that you have chosen it.
I see. That's an interesting perspective. Nature in itself isn't evil, that's just the way things are. Evil is a choice, a conscious action. But I still believe human nature tends towards selfishness, it's just the way we're wired.
Human nature is evil.
Self-serving and easily manipulated might be more fair to say. I don't think most people consciously even realize when they're screwing another person over. In their minds they reframe what happened where the other person was in the wrong or what they did wasn't justified. And hey, sometimes that *is* what happens. But most people are basically incapable of impartially recounting events or genuinely considering how their actions come across to others. You think Bartholew the homeless crack addict has two braincells to consider such things? You think most "modern" young women do? You think most bluepilled propagandized thoroughly beat down men even care anymore? Why would they? Basically everyone I know IRL is one of these things: impoverished, deeply delusional, constantly on prescription drugs (and non prescription drugs), or they're exhausted from overwork. A few older people I know had very lucky lives overall (especially to the norm now), but anecdotally it is really weird how young the people around me are dying. People in my vacinity are getting incurable cancer and dying in their early 50s wtf -- not a one off, it's happened to three people I know in the span of like three years. Coincidence maybe, but it's kinda rattled me

Anyway, I think humans actually would be capable of honorable behavior, self sacrifice, commitment to something greater than themselves (at least men would be), but it requires a unified culture, a community that actually cares about each other, and for the older generations to spend time teaching the young and imparting good values. You have to have something to believe in, something that's worth it. There's a reason why stories of self sacrifice for the greater good can be so moving to most people (Lord of the Rings for example). The west does NOT have good values, not anymore. I am disgusted by the behavior I see on my streets and by what I see pushed as "healthy" by the media. Yuck, this society is sick. And they clearly hate me and they certainly don't give a shit about my problems -- that much is obvious, so why would men like me sacrifice for it? It SHOULD fail so that something better can rise from the ashes and we can get back to a functional society that values the correct things which make human life worthwhile.
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Maybe you're the unfriendly one sweaty:foidSoy:

Reminds me of when women think they're clever when they say this line:
> "iF EveRYOnE ElSe iS aN aSShOlE THen aCTSHUAlly yoU'Re thE asSHoLE"
People act like this statement is oh-so insightful when isn't even remotely guaranteed to be true or correct.

If you took a handful of civilized men from an horoable society and dropped them into some crime ridden shithole where people would just as much rob and kill you as shake you hand and they went "Gee, everyone here is an asshole", imagine some fucking dumbfuck bitch saying this phrase like an automated robot to those men.

It's stupid and it always has been because it completely depends on the context and misunderstands that MOST PEOPLE are complete cunt dirtbags when they're raised in an environment modern America and they're effectively taught to be selfish and to reject old morals and traditional values.
I think the internet has made society as a whole a lot more bitter and toxic
Society has become very individualistic and this is also a result of overinflated hypergamy. You have to be immaculate on paper to get a job, an apartment for rent especially in bigger cities, everything is expensive and people voluntarily stress themselves out by chasing unrealistic standards of living. With current hypergamy, many don't want to to be friendly to "nobodies" which could endanger their social status. The biggest reason is that many people have abandoned God and Lord Jesus Christ. It's the reason behind moral decline when people replace the Truth with trying to conquer the world for their ego. Moral decline makes normalization of pump and dump possible which also is destroying marriages which have been lasting for decades.
IMG 3244
No. That's the justification and the cop that one wants to impose on oneself to justify one's evils instead of correcting them. You, me, and all of us in this forum are human beings, and yet, it is perfectly known what is good and what is evil, yet, people do not give a fuck.

Nature is not evil, Because evil requires purpose, and purpose only exists if there is decision, and if you make the decision to do evil, it will reaffirm that you have chosen it.
But since people don't care about doing good that makes them evil.

Reminds me of when women think they're clever when they say this line:
> "iF EveRYOnE ElSe iS aN aSShOlE THen aCTSHUAlly yoU'Re thE asSHoLE"
People act like this statement is oh-so insightful when isn't even remotely guaranteed to be true or correct.

If you took a handful of civilized men from an horoable society and dropped them into some crime ridden shithole where people would just as much rob and kill you as shake you hand and they went "Gee, everyone here is an asshole", imagine some fucking dumbfuck bitch saying this phrase like an automated robot to those men.

It's stupid and it always has been because it completely depends on the context and misunderstands that MOST PEOPLE are complete cunt dirtbags when they're raised in an environment modern America and they're effectively taught to be selfish and to reject old morals and traditional values.
Self-serving and easily manipulated might be more fair to say. I don't think most people consciously even realize when they're screwing another person over. In their minds they reframe what happened where the other person was in the wrong or what they did wasn't justified. And hey, sometimes that *is* what happens. But most people are basically incapable of impartially recounting events or genuinely considering how their actions come across to others. You think Bartholew the homeless crack addict has two braincells to consider such things? You think most "modern" young women do? You think most bluepilled propagandized thoroughly beat down men even care anymore? Why would they? Basically everyone I know IRL is one of these things: impoverished, deeply delusional, constantly on prescription drugs (and non prescription drugs), or they're exhausted from overwork. A few older people I know had very lucky lives overall (especially to the norm now), but anecdotally it is really weird how young the people around me are dying. People in my vacinity are getting incurable cancer and dying in their early 50s wtf -- not a one off, it's happened to three people I know in the span of like three years. Coincidence maybe, but it's kinda rattled me

Anyway, I think humans actually would be capable of honorable behavior, self sacrifice, commitment to something greater than themselves (at least men would be), but it requires a unified culture, a community that actually cares about each other, and for the older generations to spend time teaching the young and imparting good values. You have to have something to believe in, something that's worth it. There's a reason why stories of self sacrifice for the greater good can be so moving to most people (Lord of the Rings for example). The west does NOT have good values, not anymore. I am disgusted by the behavior I see on my streets and by what I see pushed as "healthy" by the media. Yuck, this society is sick. And they clearly hate me and they certainly don't give a shit about my problems -- that much is obvious, so why would men like me sacrifice for it? It SHOULD fail so that something better can rise from the ashes and we can get back to a functional society that values the correct things which make human life worthwhile.
Hate to say this but this is what happens when people start worshipping themselves and material items instead of a Religion.
1) Good chance they're miserable if they're a wage slave in a shithole American city, land of degeneracy and feminist liberalism
2) If they're male then they're actively discriminated against and the victim of negative propaganda at pretty much all levels of society
3) If they're male and part of the "normal" or lower class group then we go back to #1 -- they probably don't have a good life and they may be approaching levels of misery that we have. What can I say, it makes you bitter and resentful towards your "fellow man"
4) If they're women, well, women are disgusted by most men and thus will be and cold to you as a default if you're "most men"
5) We're a highly politicized culture in the US where the each half of the population secretly (or not so secretly these days) wants to eradicate the other half from existence to create their utopia. If they even catch a whif you're slightly to the right or left or whatever of their side they hate you and consider you an imbecile (one group is more correct and objective than the other as we know, but the point is still there).

If you want to see people be kind to each other you basically have to go out to the rural country here with small ethnically homogenous low crime communities where everybody knows everybody, everyone shares the same worldview and the same values, where everybody is married with kids, and where everyone owns their own land and produces something valuable for their community by the sweat of their brow.

Cities are evil shitholes full of evil unhappy people and modern feminist liberalism, the destruction of the nuclear family structure, the labeling of men as oppressors, etc etc -- it's all terrible and a failed ideology. And our politicians cart in immigrants who wind up on gibs for the rest of their life because they're an ole reliable voting block that will increase the governments power (or they erroneously hope they'll start working and prop up social security with our aging population pyramid what retards :feelsseriously: ). I would move back to the country right now if I could get a remote job, but no -- instead I have to live in this pigsty with these bluepilled propagandized NPCs (who can't drive for shit by the way -- side note, the road is a microcosm for the character of a person just like the shopping cart analogy is -- any driver who runs red lights, cuts people off in traffic, doesn't signal, etc you just know is a degenerate faggot with no character, but I digress).

There's a lot in between this step, but Boomers selling out their small family businesses and making everyone work for monopolistic mega corporations who don't care whether you live or die is another problem. But hey, they got theirs right? :feelsseriously:
I find the country boring but the city is too liberal and crime ridden but since when have cities not been crime ridden and overpopulated ?
Society has become very individualistic and this is also a result of overinflated hypergamy. You have to be immaculate on paper to get a job, an apartment for rent especially in bigger cities, everything is expensive and people voluntarily stress themselves out by chasing unrealistic standards of living. With current hypergamy, many don't want to to be friendly to "nobodies" which could endanger their social status. The biggest reason is that many people have abandoned God and Lord Jesus Christ. It's the reason behind moral decline when people replace the Truth with trying to conquer the world for their ego. Moral decline makes normalization of pump and dump possible which also is destroying marriages which have been lasting for decades.
Most people are war with their circumstances.
It's not natural to care about anyone but your own kin.
If I saw someone dying on the street hopefully I'll just step over them and let them get on with it.
Why the fuck should I care about anyone else ??

No one has the energy for this shit. Not even Chad. Compassion will only be exploited.

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