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Discussion Why Are Foids Attracted To Murderers?



Jag vill skära bort hänglåsen på Västerbron.
Dec 13, 2024
I understand that a lot of murderers have a chad look, but a lot don't, and I've still heard of them getting fawned over by foids. Does anyone have a concrete explanation to this phenomenon? Thanks.
Cuz it's like a fantasy

They don't care about good or bad, they are biggest virtue signalers

They only wanna get wet and get played
Foids have a null sense of survival, they are stupid and easily affected by others and enviroment.

Thus foids are attracted to the murder once he was catched and exposed, foids need to have attention cuz thats the only way they are noticed.
It's been shown that foids are drawn into dark triad traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Murderers exude those traits, and foids can’t resist because it’s all about the feels, not logic. They are wired to chase the forbidden. Society tells them they shouldn’t, so naturally, they want to—this kind of behavior is very common for the inferior and mentally disabled foid species. They mistake danger for excitement and don’t care about the consequences.
It's exciting, fun.
It's been shown that foids are drawn into dark triad traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Murderers exude those traits, and foids can’t resist because it’s all about the feels, not logic. They are wired to chase the forbidden. Society tells them they shouldn’t, so naturally, they want to—this kind of behavior is very common for the inferior and mentally disabled foid species. They mistake danger for excitement and don’t care about the consequences.
It's not just murder, it's crimes and illegal thing in general. Men with higher levels of Testosterone and overral social experiences tend to be more disagreeable and resistant compared to the opposite end of the spectrum. And obviously, foids are attracted to Men that act with high Testosterone. (Obviously you can't be a sub 6 and expect to pull foids by having high T or being disagreeable, I'm talking about the typical bad boy phenotype.)
It's been shown that foids are drawn into dark triad traits: narcissism, machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Murderers exude those traits, and foids can’t resist because it’s all about the feels, not logic. They are wired to chase the forbidden. Society tells them they shouldn’t, so naturally, they want to—this kind of behavior is very common for the inferior and mentally disabled foid species. They mistake danger for excitement and don’t care about the consequences.
Thank you for your insightful response.
because they're been fucking the enemy since man crawled out of the slime
Foids love destruction, that's how it has been since the times of Adam and Eve. Take a look into Sweden, Norway, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland, these countries have high standards of living and their men already have high-end genetics but women of these countries rather date violent criminals and muslim immigrants. Women rather dress in a trash bag for chaddam than date their native looksmatch who won't behead them if annoyed enough.

Foids have been given safety, highly paid comfort jobs, cars, houses, trips abroad, gigantic malls selling stupid shit only for their small minds and healthy men of their own nationaliy, but that's not enough, they're ungrateful and get bored making up problems. They turn into drug abuse, filthy tattoos, consuming dark triad media and retarded rebellious politic movements such as communism while having rich parents and living like textbook capitalists. They destroy the nature with their consoomerism and then blame poor men who own old market clothing and a rusty car from 90's for "climate change".

There's a reason why women were disciplined until last decades. Legalizing adultery and criminalizing marital rape were a mistake.
Cuz dey like dem bad boyz!
Bitches run on emotions only. They are thrill seekers.
Addicts. They are constantly chasing the next better high at the cost of society.

When men used to enslave women, they were literally telling them "No high for your face!".
They are attracted to chads* murderers
5877   SoyBooru
Commiting crimes is display of assertiveness and dominance which are masculine so foids find it attractive.

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