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Discussion Why are foids allowed to be police officers?



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
It doesn't make any sense why the goverment allows foids to be police officers. I have been watching videos of police officers that get in altercations with people, and everytime a foid is present it's BEYOND pathetic.

- They're crying and being overly emotional all the time.

- 0 sense of self control. The moment shit hits the fan you can hear the tremble

- They constantly get overpowered and out muscled by the most average guys

- Because they are weaker than everyone around them, they constantly feel threatened and are consequently even more controlling and power tripping than male cops.

There's no reason for foids to go into the police force other than them being killed and humiliated constantly. When will normtards understand that we aren't equal? When will they see that sentiments like "There's no such thing like a man's job" is harmful to foids?
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A few sacrifices so some morons can feel self righteous are far more important in left wing normies minds be in toilet police putting others in harm, toilet firefighters or ems workers lacking the physical strength necessary leading to someone dying or sacrificing our futures and a few countries and poor whites at the altar of diversity.
This here is a perfect example of what I am talking about. The suspect is right, he IS stronger than her. Look at her squeal like a pig! She's absolutely powerless! Of course she has to result to deadly force.

If this was a man he'd long be apprehended.
You need to differentiate between the normal run of women whom you are stuck worshipping (GigaStacy, Lite, Becky, Karens) and leftist tranny bullshit big city police officers and the good female police officers who are in the American south. I have had to deal with them a number of times, they are not nearly as unreasonable as you describe. This is a rare case of female police having a freakout session with some sort of mental retard if seems. These are not the commonly encountered situations, though they are becoming more and more common in the U.S.

However, some career female Federal agents on the other hand, they may be a lot worse.
I have had to deal with them a number of times, they are not nearly as unreasonable as you describe.
I am not talking about how they are going to sperg on you when you go 70 in a 55 and they have to give you a ticket.

I am talking about how they act in heated situations with violent felons.
They are used to seduce and manipulate the dumb criminals into complying
I am talking about how they act in heated situations with violent felons.
Yes - Is the guy in the vid a violent felon or a spasmatic retard ?
Yes - Is the guy in the vid a violent felon or a spasmatic retard ?
Probably just a sperg. Doesn't matter tho once a guy goes violent a foid can't do shit.
Probably just a sperg. Doesn't matter tho once a guy goes violent a foid can't do shit.
This particular foid acted like an idiot, yes but don't assume it's the norm. Of course they are weak as shit. In general I don't think females should take the role, but a few can handle it well enough. Many times they are responsibility for de-escalating a dangerous situation also, I have worked around female police officers who were like this. I probably have more experience than you do close up to this phenomenon you are trying to describe man. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time replying. Think on it. Digress!
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Police aren't there to de-escalate that's a leftist dream. Foids should be social workers imho.
What? Of course in a fully developed country, and on-scene during many situations police's ability to control the situation counts. And social workers can't be on the street talking to criminals, that's stupid. In a crime free society, police would be playing all sorts of civil-service roles. And besides that doesn't negate the point I made about female police officers being able to control situations. You don't know what you are talking about man.

Btw most social workers ARE foids already.
police's ability to control the situation counts.
in most US states police aren't even taught de-escalation.
. And social workers can't be on the street talking to criminals
They don't? And I didn't say they should?
female police officers being able to control situations.
If a situation turns violent, foid cops literally can't keep it under control without escalating the situation by pulling their fire arm.
in most US states police aren't even taught de-escalation.
They absolutely are. In many districts. I have worked in loose conjunction with county and state police in two seperate jobs. I know how it works. In shitty City areas they are not. Sometimes in rural areas they are. It all depends on the constituency of their district(s)
They don't? And I didn't say they should?
What? Are these questions? You think idiots with bachelor's degrees in social work will be able to handle a domestic situation with a mega retard like that guy?
If a situation turns violent, foid cops literally can't keep it under control without escalating the situation by pulling their fire arm.
Honestly if a person acts the way that guy did, they should be shot in the leg or tazer'ed to the floor at the least. I don't know the circumstances of that domestic situation you have the video of, who exactly called the police? That mother? Why did this foid officer arrive by herself?
You think idiots with bachelor's degrees in social work will be able to handle a domestic situation with a mega retard like that guy?
Yes? The issue cleary was that the foid was overly aggressive.
They absolutely are. In many districts. I have worked in loose conjunction with county and state police in two seperate jobs. I know how it works. In shitty City areas they are not. Sometimes in rural areas they are. It all depends on the constituency of their district(s)
They generally aren't very good at it, but that might just be an american thing.
be shot in the leg or tazer'ed to the floor at the least.
You definitely know a lot about de-escalation
I don't know the circumstances of that domestic situation you have the video of, who exactly called the police? That mother? Why did this foid officer arrive by herself?
I don't know either and I don't really care. I o ly used it to make a point about foids being weaker thus making policing a more dangerous job for them and for everyone around them.
Female domination (femdom).
agreed, wimon as police is just a farce

here at city of my workplace they put two wimon traffic police at a busy checkpoint and the problem of traffic violations multiplied - can't these dumbfucks see it already that neither wimon are good police nor men are taking them seriously enough for patrolling roles
Yes? The issue cleary was that the foid was overly aggressive.
How many big government or private sector organizations have you worked for in the U.S.? How many Residents neighbourhood watch programs in suburban America have you attended as a participant and volunteer? I'm guessing not many. It's why you think college girls with social work certificates can show up on scene to a domestic lmao
They generally aren't very good at it, but that might just be an american thing.
Actually, female officers in America are far better than female officers in most other countries. Yes this particular foid was screaming like an annoying Banshee and overreacted, but it's not always as common as you think.
You definitely know a lot about de-escalation.
I myself have not directly been involved, but as someone who worked in systems where Resources Officers are involved, yes I do.
I don't know either and I don't really care. I o ly used it to make a point about foids being weaker thus making policing a more dangerous job for them and for everyone around them.
Yes Foids are weaker than men on average. Water is Wet. Good.
why are foids allowed to be judges? why are foids allowed to be professors?

because we live in a clownworld
To make the "fuck the police" slogan less gay.

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