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Why are all incels lazy-ass deadbeats if...



Dec 6, 2017
...your incel looks directly stop you from:

- getting a girlfriend
- getting friends
- partying, hooking up, having sex,
- social pleasures in general

Your looks do NOT stop you from:

- getting a driver's license
- studying hard in school and getting a good job (inb4 betabux...you can get a good job to spend money on yourself you idiots. Buy more animes or pillows or games or weed)
- having interesting and fun hobbies
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, etc.)

With this established, why is every incel a talentless deadbeat retard? I feel like we use "omg I am ugly" as a get-out-of-jail-free card to justify being lazy and never accomplishing anything in life because we don't put in work for it.

Why isn't there a single incel on this forum who has never kissed a girl, but has still used his time productively and accomplished something in his life?
Because depression drains the life out of you
The points you're making here aren't true for the first category. I'm a truecel with friends, for instance.
All of that shit is pointless when we can't get the one thing we want, a females attraction.
getting a driver's license -- I can't atm because I am scared of driving and I have medical problems
- studying hard in school and getting a good job (inb4 betabux...you can get a good job to spend money on yourself you idiots. Buy more animes or pillows or games or weed) -- I already do that but it's hard to do it while being depressed
- having interesting and fun hobbies Like what? Nothing is really fun if you are alone
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, et I will learn another language but it won't give me a purpose , I am not interested in learning any instruments
depression and the utter feeling of lonliness gives you no hope to continue.

Sure you can still work hard and all, but some have realized that there’s no point and they are going to end up alone.
It’s hard to motivate yourself to do anything when you realise just how insignificant you are to others due to your looks and how your genetics will always hamper your progression in your endeavours.
Stop complaining about your looks.
I have nowhere to drive and no reason to. Employers never considered me due to my lack of experience, my degree was worth less than the gum on the back of your shoe. Hobbies, talents, skills. What I like other people find boring and I really have no desire to learn something just for the sake of it.
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, et I will learn another language but it won't give me a purpose , I am not interested in learning any instruments

Are you genuinely retarded? I was just giving examples, I'm not saying you have to actually learn an instrument. It could be learning to parasail or sculpt marble. The point was finding something cool and interesting to do.

depression and the utter feeling of lonliness gives you no hope to continue.
All of that shit is pointless when we can't get the one thing we want, a females attraction.

You are the only ones giving a semi-valid answer that kind of makes sense.

> born ugly
> no gf
> feel shitty
> result: no desire to do anything productive with your life
Are you genuinely retarded? I was just giving examples, I'm not saying you have to actually learn an instrument. It could be learning to parasail or sculpt marble. The point was finding something cool and interesting to do.

You are the only ones giving a semi-valid answer that kind of makes sense.

> born ugly
> no gf
> feel shitty
> result: no desire to do anything productive with your life

I wanted to show why these things don't mean much to an Incel and that they don't give you joy or a purpose in life. You could list me 1000 examples and I would still come to the same conclusion
I HAVE NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO SHIT AND I WANT TO DIE. I legit don't have any bearing or perspective on life anymore since my copes have been destroyed. I have no energy to pick up a hobby or anything because theres something chemically wrong with my brain,

I don't eve know how to explain it, everything about me is fucked up
...your incel looks directly stop you from:

- getting a girlfriend
- getting friends
- partying, hooking up, having sex,
- social pleasures in general

Your looks do NOT stop you from:

- getting a driver's license
- studying hard in school and getting a good job (inb4 betabux...you can get a good job to spend money on yourself you idiots. Buy more animes or pillows or games or weed)
- having interesting and fun hobbies
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, etc.)

With this established, why is every incel a talentless deadbeat retard? I feel like we use "omg I am ugly" as a get-out-of-jail-free card to justify being lazy and never accomplishing anything in life because we don't put in work for it.

Why isn't there a single incel on this forum who has never kissed a girl, but has still used his time productively and accomplished something in his life?

There are some incels who have a good job or career and make good money. But for most ugly lonely incels its hard to motivate themselves doing shit at all when you have no one but yourself and people don't care about you.

Also why does everyone assume all incels are super talented in something or intelligent enough to go study for example stem or other good career and job paths? Some may be good enough that they can study something like that for everyone else its neet life or wageslavery.

Hobbies are good for a while but get old pretty fast if you are alone, ugly and people don't care about you.

Developing skills and talents is interesteing at first but after a while it's the same as with hobbies it gets old pretty fast.

Most important many incels have tried all that shit but when you see no results year after year than you lose your desire to continue it.
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im good at everything i do. but im not an expert in anything. once i started to age and realized only expertise is recognized i just stopped trying. ill never stand out in the crowd. so this was the first year i didnt progress in anything. sucks.
- I have my drivers license. Guess what I do with it, absolutely nothing. I'm not going to drive to a girls house and fuck her. I'm not going to go drive to a party to do drugs and have sex because of my looks. All activities for ugly males are online for a reason.
- Studying in your room alone while everyone else is out partying and having sex just because they were born with a forward grown mandible(better bone structure/genetics) doesn't seem worth it, you might as well just call it a life with torrenting games for free, and watching movies and shows for free on streaming sites.
-I don't understand this. We all have hobbies we enjoy. People here have talked about playing guitar and playing video games before. Talent is genetic though, and bad genes tend to come in bad packages. Also depression shrinks the brain and it's hard not to be depressed when you're treated poorly and denied sex all because of a terrible genetic hand that includes being deformed.
Why try if at the end of the day you're going to go home to an empty bed or an anime pillow?
ITT OP presents a premise that incels are bottom 1% in social access then wonders "Oh gee, why aren't you guys driving, playing guitar, slaving away to buy material things?" Sure, looks don't prevent you from doing those things but a lack of validation saps your drive.
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Depression drains your energy.
I actually do self-study a lot of advanced programming stuff but rarely have the drive to even open up the IDE and start working on a big concrete project.
Dude you arw coping so hard. There's no point in doing any of that stuff if you aren't fulfilled sexualy. MATING IS YOUR SOLE PURPOSE ON THIS EARTH. If you lack that do you think you're brain will reward you? If getting a driver's license gave you more pleasure than sex then our species would reproduce by playing chicken on the highway.
Kekekek so fucking true.
Basically what everyone else said,when you know you're genetic waste and therefore unable to form any kind of bond with another member of your species it tends to drain your motivation.
Waiting for someone to say autism or something.
Depression drains your energy.
I actually do self-study a lot of advanced programming stuff but rarely have the drive to even open up the IDE and start working on a big concrete project.
same here bro. I didn't open an IDE in 4 months. Just left some big personal and professional projects rot. Cut off contact with the client, they didn't pay me yet anyway.
same here bro. I didn't open an IDE in 4 months. Just left some big personal and professional projects rot. Cut off contact with the client, they didn't pay me yet anyway.
I even feel like all the reading I do about programming is a form of productive procrastination.
The only plus side is I learnt some advanced topics I never thought I'd ever learn like kernel mode programming.
yeah if i can go a day w/o being bullied in school ill think about it
WHats the point of a car with nobody to drive around and nowhere to drive to (except a school/job that you hate and are relentlessly bullied at)
...your incel looks directly stop you from:

- getting a girlfriend
- getting friends
- partying, hooking up, having sex,
- social pleasures in general

Your looks do NOT stop you from:

- getting a driver's license
- studying hard in school and getting a good job (inb4 betabux...you can get a good job to spend money on yourself you idiots. Buy more animes or pillows or games or weed)
- having interesting and fun hobbies
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, etc.)

With this established, why is every incel a talentless deadbeat retard? I feel like we use "omg I am ugly" as a get-out-of-jail-free card to justify being lazy and never accomplishing anything in life because we don't put in work for it.

-Why isn't there a single incel on this forum who has never kissed a girl, but has still used his time productively and accomplished something in his life?
-Whats the point of a license when the only place you drive to is work/school/errands which you are relentlessly bullied at?
-Whats the point of a good job? Most material goods are much less meaningful with nobody to share them with anyway.
-You can't enjoy group hobbies because of bullying/suifuel. You can't enjoy individual ones because they just remind you of your loneliness.
Whats the point of a talent if you never get to validate it or get it showcased? How will you ever know you are good unless you compete or show it to the world?

Even with all these things considered there are plenty of incels that DO do all these things. I check all the boxes but having a license, and I have friends.
Genetics and past experiences probably made me an underachiever.
All of that shit is pointless when we can't get the one thing we want, a females attraction.
exactly everything a male does is with the intention to attract a mate, its basic biology. and since we can't attract a mate then why the fuck even other doing anything we already failed genetically
I mean I'm pretty lazy. Won't lie.

I bet I wouldn't be if I was happier and had people who like me.
I just made a post about this. It confuses me too, even ER had a driver's license. You niggers must be so fucking pathetic.
I just made a post about this. It confuses me too, even ER had a driver's license. You niggers must be so fucking pathetic.

i hope u fall over and hit ur head really hard
...your incel looks directly stop you from:

- getting a girlfriend
- getting friends
- partying, hooking up, having sex,
- social pleasures in general

Your looks do NOT stop you from:

- getting a driver's license
- studying hard in school and getting a good job (inb4 betabux...you can get a good job to spend money on yourself you idiots. Buy more animes or pillows or games or weed)
- having interesting and fun hobbies
- developing talents and skills (speak another language, learn a musical instrument, etc.)

With this established, why is every incel a talentless deadbeat retard? I feel like we use "omg I am ugly" as a get-out-of-jail-free card to justify being lazy and never accomplishing anything in life because we don't put in work for it.

Why isn't there a single incel on this forum who has never kissed a girl, but has still used his time productively and accomplished something in his life?

Lol, there are a lot of incels that are going to top tier unis.
Besides, a lot of us don't try because there is no point in doing all that shit if you still won't be able to get a loving gf.
I HAVE NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO SHIT AND I WANT TO DIE. I legit don't have any bearing or perspective on life anymore since my copes have been destroyed. I have no energy to pick up a hobby or anything because theres something chemically wrong with my brain,

I don't eve know how to explain it, everything about me is fucked up
I HAVE NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO SHIT AND I WANT TO DIE. I legit don't have any bearing or perspective on life anymore since my copes have been destroyed. I have no energy to pick up a hobby or anything because theres something chemically wrong with my brain,

I don't eve know how to explain it, everything about me is fucked up
I HAVE NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO SHIT AND I WANT TO DIE. I legit don't have any bearing or perspective on life anymore since my copes have been destroyed. I have no energy to pick up a hobby or anything because theres something chemically wrong with my brain,

I don't eve know how to explain it, everything about me is fucked up
I HAVE NO FUCKING MOTIVATION TO DO SHIT AND I WANT TO DIE. I legit don't have any bearing or perspective on life anymore since my copes have been destroyed. I have no energy to pick up a hobby or anything because theres something chemically wrong with my brain,

I don't eve know how to explain it, everything about me is fucked up

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