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Who's >improoving this summer?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9758
  • Start date

Deleted member 9758

PhD in female hating
Jun 29, 2018
I'm working, going to the gym, studying, still have to read my self-improovement books and clean my room.
I'm on that grind tho, brahs. I think this will be my most productive summer yet. Before I would just walk around aimlessly feeling sorry for myself, rot and coom. Now i'm self-torturing.
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Cant improve yet. (Reasons)
Before i even start gymcelling ill have to get my hormones sorted out and leanmax. If that doesnt fix ill try steroids
Before i even start gymcelling ill have to get my hormones sorted out and leanmax. If that doesnt fix ill try steroids
what's wrong with your hormones? You can leanmaxx while lifting weights.
Is killing myself improoving? Otherwise, no. I'm not planning on it.
25 year old improover. That's all I'm going to do this summer.
what's wrong with your hormones? You can leanmaxx while lifting weights.
My hormones are fucked. I cant get horny and have no sex drive. so to kickstart it ill have to lose weight to deplete the estrogen. Yeah you're right. If my normal hormones dont kickstart back up ill have to do steroids. Itll take atleast 6 months to see the difference.
I'll get another MRI for my brain lesion, and then hopefully...

Doing this nonstop!
not me lmao. im looking to catch up on ldaring. ive been gone a while
GTFO :bluepill::soy:sigma grindset fakecel NT jordan peterson simp zyzz’s corpse cocksucking pua cuck :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:

THERE IS NO IMPROVEMENT FOR YOUR FACE PUA CUNT:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Cope. Use more emojis next time you reply to me.
I’ll probably just get worse. I can’t function when i’m alone at home. I lose all motivation. But then i’m anxious when i leave the house and there’s no reason for me to go out when the academic year is over. Plus I won’t have many people to go out with. So stay at home and rot. :fuk:

Good luck though
i've been gymcelling the past year. now working on learning to stop ldar
It’s too cold to do anything, I stay in bed 24/7 away from everything
I FUCKING HATE FAKECEL GYMCEL PUA CUNT LIKE YOU LARPING HERE FOR FUCKING YEARS WHILE BEING NORMIE LET ME GUESS :bluepill::soy: CUCK YOU HAVE FRIENDS YOU GO WITH TO NORMIE CLUBS HUH YOU PUA?:feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:

THE ONLY FRIENDS I EVER HAD IN MY ENTIRE LIFE ARE THE SCARS PRIVILEGED NORMIES LIKE YOU HAVE LEFT ON MY BODY:society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society::society:
out of all the things you can call me, why do you call me a PUA lmao? I have never once approached a foid.
I‘m alcohol-maxxing and food-maxxing now, no improvement in any way, also i lost my job and became a NEET.
If improving means spending my days there, yes :feelzez:
Is killing myself improoving?
Interesting question.
At first glance it would seem that one useless incel less would be an improvement,
but to be honest, the more I study sexhavers the more I realize that their existences are pointless and that their brains and thoughts are trivial. Not having sex in my oppinion makes you a better human, because you have more time to think and reflect. So my assumption is that you're probably already a better human than any sexhaver, so it would not be an improvement if you killed yourself, the world would become a worse place.
Interesting question.
At first glance it would seem that one useless incel less would be an improvement,
but to be honest, the more I study sexhavers the more I realize that their existences are pointless and that their brains and thoughts are trivial. Not having sex in my oppinion makes you a better human, because you have more time to think and reflect. So my assumption is that you're probably already a better human than any sexhaver, so it would not be an improvement if you killed yourself, the world would become a worse place.
Lack of sex leads to cognitive decline. There is nothing more depressing and soul-crushing than knowing you're too subhuman to attract women. Saying this somehow makes us better than norman sex-havers is a major cope.
GTFO :bluepill::soy:sigma grindset fakecel NT jordan peterson simp zyzz’s corpse cocksucking pua cuck

Improving is actually a very healthy lifestyle, but these zogbots do it for the wrong reasons.
Peterson and Zyzz followers always make me laugh. Peterson is very high IQ, Zyzz was a Chad, seeing low IQ ugly guys worshipping them is just hilarious.

Lack of sex leads to cognitive decline. There is nothing more depressing and soul-crushing than knowing you're too subhuman to attract women. Saying this somehow makes us better than norman sex-havers is a major cope.
I've talked to many many people in my life and the ones who were incels were always the ones with deeper insights and interesting knowledge. Lack of sex does absolutly not lead to cognitive decline, the opposite is true, while the sexhaver focuses on having sex, the sexless focus on extremely niche and interesting fields of thought and hobby.
Improving is actually a very healthy lifestyle, but these zogbots do it for the wrong reasons.
Peterson and Zyzz followers always make me laugh. Peterson is very high IQ, Zyzz was a Chad, seeing low IQ ugly guys worshipping them is just hilarious.

I've talked to many many people in my life and the ones who were incels were always the ones with deeper insights and interesting knowledge. Lack of sex does absolutly not lead to cognitive decline, the opposite is true, while the sexhaver focuses on having sex, the sexless focus on extremely niche and interesting fields of thought and hobby.
Lol, sex-havers aren't constantly tormented by the very valid thoughts that they're subhuman and that they're missing out on developmental milestones.
What you said is the same meme as NEETs thinking they're modern-day philosophers. Most incels rot in their bedrooms, making up autistic mathematical formulas for what you need to get laid and why it's over for sub-x guys. Genes come in packages and if you're too subhuman to be able to stick your dick inside a woman, then you're probably too subhuman for most other things.
if you're too subhuman to be able to stick your dick inside a woman, then you're probably too subhuman for most other things.
This is probably the most braindamaged thing I've read in 2022 so far.
The requirements for sticking your dick inside a woman differ greatly from the requirements for most other things.
This is probably the most braindamaged thing I've read in 2022 so far.
The requirements for sticking your dick inside a woman differ greatly from the requirements for most other things.
Once you're past college and in your late 20s, your looks matter very little when it comes to settling down. If you look at married dads, they're usually all bald and fat and ugly. If you still can't get a post-wall hag to marry you, then it's other reasons why you can't get laid.

Same thing in your youth, really though. There's a reason why there's 5/10 guys who are slayers and 5/10 guys who are incels shitposting mathematical formulas.
This is probably the most braindamaged thing I've read in 2022 so far.
The requirements for sticking your dick inside a woman differ greatly from the requirements for most other things.
But yes, I realize you're just going to make another post saying "nooooo, it's all loox, nothing but loox matters. Insert loox and u get pooci". If so, don't bother.
If you look at married dads, they're usually all bald and fat and ugly.
It's called betabuxxing a single mom ....

If you still can't get a post-wall hag to marry you, then it's other reasons why you can't get laid.
Nobody in the right state of mind would want to marry a post-wall hag, I don't even know what you're trying to say.

There's a reason why there's 5/10 guys who are slayers and 5/10 guys who are incels shitposting mathematical formulas.
Lmao, there are no 5/10 guys who are slayers. Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to deliver proof of a 5/10 male that "slays". I'll wait.
It's called betabuxxing a single mom ....
It isn't. Stop using meme terms like that at your age. It's called having your (minimum) shit together. The ugly hags they marry also have jobs.
Women in their late 20s don't go simping after TikTok prettyboys lol. People get that shit out of their system in their teens - mid 20s.
Nobody in the right state of mind would want to marry a post-wall hag, I don't even know what you're trying to say.
Except most men?

The 2021 Average Age of Marriage​

In 2021, the average age of marriage for female participants was 33, while male respondents married at age 35. The average age of marriage in the US therefore falls at 34 years. However, there was a difference in average age between those who postponed their wedding (average age: 34) and those who didn't (average age: 33). This would make sense, as those who postponed their wedding from 2020 to 2021 married a year later than planned. Either way, this year's average age of marriage has increased from 2019 and 2020, when the average marital age for a couple was 32.
Marriage is a cope for old people. Women look like shit by the age of 25, earlier if they have kids. Even Chads end up settling down with used up roastoids unless they marry their highschool sweetheart, which most people don't.
Lmao, there are no 5/10 guys who are slayers. Thanks for the laugh. Feel free to deliver proof of a 5/10 male that "slays". I'll wait.
It's what happens. I know people like that. You would too if you went out. But you're in your 30s so you probably won't have zoomer friends lol.
I don't need much in terms of self improvement

I'm in a unique situation where I'll either become a winner or a losER
I have no motivation at all, tbh. :incel:
I feel like there aren't many 25+ y.o. jobless KHHV's on .is. Seems to me some just roped a while ago, some are just self-deluded (so, they don't visit incel/blackpilled sites).
I wish I'd become blackpilled at 12 or even earlier, maybe my life would be a bit better now.
I'm working, going to the gym, studying, still have to read my self-improovement books and clean my room.
I'm on that grind tho, brahs. I think this will be my most productive summer yet. Before I would just walk around aimlessly feeling sorry for myself, rot and coom. Now i'm self-torturing.
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Cant tell if this is ironic or not. But I've been reading a lot about nutrition the past 2 months down 7kg and put on significant chad like muscle. Lol maybe not chad like but I'm getting there
i'm gymmaxxing so normies will test me less as a recessed ricecel. in this mog or be mogged world normies only respect violence
You can have it. All I know is just rot away.
I am no longer a greycel, consider myself improoved. :feelsLSD:
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Only fakecels improve,truecels gave up a long time ago
I weigh 217 and am 30% body fat now. Trying to get to 176, gain 8 pounds of muscle and drop down to 10% body fat. It'll be nothing but threesomes then, you'll see
Improoving is pointless IMO, I’m rotmaxxing as much as possible
Whatever makes you happy go for it bro:feelsokman:
I've been lifting some weights, I need to gain 20lbs anyway, might as well make some of it muscle

don't intend to get "ripped" but would like to be able to pick things things up and put them down

I'm also continuing to invest, so I can quit my job one day

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