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Who will rule the next decade?


  • USA

  • China

  • Europe (as if jfl)

  • India

  • Russia

  • Other

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Jul 8, 2019
Which nation will influence the next decade the most?
Imo definitely China.
USA will still rule because its economy is still the strongest despite all the setbacks.

I'd say give USA another 50 years at its current trajectory. A couple more generations of gigasnowflakes raised by gigacucks will bring about the collapse of the USA unless it changes trajectory towards more right wing beliefs
manlets and gamers will rise up and rule the next decade with an iron fist .
Its gonna be the Chinese century but the in the next decade the USA will still run the show. They're in a decline but it'll take a while.
USA unfortunately
@pp183 will send all whitecels to concentration camps
India superpower 2020.
USA has too many internal problems to continue being a global power. We've already seen US troops being withdrawn from the middle east, and its geopolitical aims, namely Iraq, Syria, and Afganistan have fallen or are falling to its rivals. Pakistan and Turkey are increasingly growing skeptical of the West as a long term partner as well. I'll give it 5 to 10 years before serious internal fractures that are already appearing widen and begin impacting political and economic processes to the breaking point.

China has its own internal problems, and worse yet, it has an even bigger incel crisis than the west. At least 20 million Chinese men are surplus males. These men are currently, like us, mostly in their teens and 20s. As time goes on, and these men continue to have no hope romantically, they will begin to be more apathetic and disengage entirely, much like us and Japan. The Chinese government is ill equipped to handle this, as its economy is still based on exporting to the west. If the west ceases to be economically viable (depends on when the US falls apart), China will cease being economically viable as well. China could very well own the decade economically, but it won't be a global superpower like the US or USSR were.

Western Europe will remain irrelevant, as it has for 20+ years already. Demographically it will continue to get worse. Eastern Europe will fair slightly better by virtue of not being as cucked. The middle east will remain a battleground as it has for 40+ years, only now it will be between regional powers (Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States, Iran) instead of superpowers. North Africa will stabilize but will be militarily, economically and culturally irrelevant. Africa could be interesting, but I expect it to remain a shithole with the possible exceptions of Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia. South Africa will probably have a genocidal race war within the next 10 years. South America is essentially a more civilized Africa.

India will undergo Chinese style modernization in the coming decade, but that remain contingent on the economic health of the rest of the world. Much like China tbh. Also has another brewing incel crisis there. They will probably have a war with Pakistan in the next 5 to 15 years as China and India continue engage in a low level proxy war in the Pakistani border area. China has also be allying itself with Bangladesh and Bhutan. Trying to box and contain India, similar to the US during the 70s and 80s with the USSR. SEA will see continued investment by the Chinese and Indians. It could very well be a economic/political battleground as well.

Oceania will be a Chinese dominated area militarily within the next 20 years. I don't have faith in ANZAC nations to protect themselves politically, militarily, or economically from the Chinese without American/European help. But that depends on China being economically and socially viable itself, which is doubtful when you consider Chinese demographics.

That leaves Russia. Russia is and will continue to be a dark horse in all of this. It has influence in every major continent except Australia, have proven themselves to be very adept at fighting proxy wars against the West (as shown in Syria and Ukraine), and is economically self sufficient thanks to years of western imposed sanctions. If they can outlast the west's attempts to kill them, they will emerge from this in a much better position that anybody else. It is very closed off economically from the rest of the world, so a global debt collapse, which will hurt everybody, will impact Russia the least.

I believe Russia will rule the decade politically while China rules economically. The west will cease being relevant in either capacity by the end of the decade.
USA has too many internal problems to continue being a global power. We've already seen US troops being withdrawn from the middle east, and its geopolitical aims, namely Iraq, Syria, and Afganistan have fallen or are falling to its rivals. Pakistan and Turkey are increasingly growing skeptical of the West as a long term partner as well. I'll give it 5 to 10 years before serious internal fractures that are already appearing widen and begin impacting political and economic processes to the breaking point.

China has its own internal problems, and worse yet, it has an even bigger incel crisis than the west. At least 20 million Chinese men are surplus males. These men are currently, like us, mostly in their teens and 20s. As time goes on, and these men continue to have no hope romantically, they will begin to be more apathetic and disengage entirely, much like us and Japan. The Chinese government is ill equipped to handle this, as its economy is still based on exporting to the west. If the west ceases to be economically viable (depends on when the US falls apart), China will cease being economically viable as well. China could very well own the decade economically, but it won't be a global superpower like the US or USSR were.

Western Europe will remain irrelevant, as it has for 20+ years already. Demographically it will continue to get worse. Eastern Europe will fair slightly better by virtue of not being as cucked. The middle east will remain a battleground as it has for 40+ years, only now it will be between regional powers (Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States, Iran) instead of superpowers. North Africa will stabilize but will be militarily, economically and culturally irrelevant. Africa could be interesting, but I expect it to remain a shithole with the possible exceptions of Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia. South Africa will probably have a genocidal race war within the next 10 years. South America is essentially a more civilized Africa.

India will undergo Chinese style modernization in the coming decade, but that remain contingent on the economic health of the rest of the world. Much like China tbh. Also has another brewing incel crisis there. They will probably have a war with Pakistan in the next 5 to 15 years as China and India continue engage in a low level proxy war in the Pakistani border area. China has also be allying itself with Bangladesh and Bhutan. Trying to box and contain India, similar to the US during the 70s and 80s with the USSR. SEA will see continued investment by the Chinese and Indians. It could very well be a economic/political battleground as well.

Oceania will be a Chinese dominated area militarily within the next 20 years. I don't have faith in ANZAC nations to protect themselves politically, militarily, or economically from the Chinese without American/European help. But that depends on China being economically and socially viable itself, which is doubtful when you consider Chinese demographics.

That leaves Russia. Russia is and will continue to be a dark horse in all of this. It has influence in every major continent except Australia, have proven themselves to be very adept at fighting proxy wars against the West (as shown in Syria and Ukraine), and is economically self sufficient thanks to years of western imposed sanctions. If they can outlast the west's attempts to kill them, they will emerge from this in a much better position that anybody else. It is very closed off economically from the rest of the world, so a global debt collapse, which will hurt everybody, will impact Russia the least.

I believe Russia will rule the decade politically while China rules economically. The west will cease being relevant in either capacity by the end of the decade.
russia is shithole though for anyone who is not rich even more so than other nations.
USA has too many internal problems to continue being a global power. We've already seen US troops being withdrawn from the middle east, and its geopolitical aims, namely Iraq, Syria, and Afganistan have fallen or are falling to its rivals. Pakistan and Turkey are increasingly growing skeptical of the West as a long term partner as well. I'll give it 5 to 10 years before serious internal fractures that are already appearing widen and begin impacting political and economic processes to the breaking point.

China has its own internal problems, and worse yet, it has an even bigger incel crisis than the west. At least 20 million Chinese men are surplus males. These men are currently, like us, mostly in their teens and 20s. As time goes on, and these men continue to have no hope romantically, they will begin to be more apathetic and disengage entirely, much like us and Japan. The Chinese government is ill equipped to handle this, as its economy is still based on exporting to the west. If the west ceases to be economically viable (depends on when the US falls apart), China will cease being economically viable as well. China could very well own the decade economically, but it won't be a global superpower like the US or USSR were.

Western Europe will remain irrelevant, as it has for 20+ years already. Demographically it will continue to get worse. Eastern Europe will fair slightly better by virtue of not being as cucked. The middle east will remain a battleground as it has for 40+ years, only now it will be between regional powers (Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States, Iran) instead of superpowers. North Africa will stabilize but will be militarily, economically and culturally irrelevant. Africa could be interesting, but I expect it to remain a shithole with the possible exceptions of Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia. South Africa will probably have a genocidal race war within the next 10 years. South America is essentially a more civilized Africa.

India will undergo Chinese style modernization in the coming decade, but that remain contingent on the economic health of the rest of the world. Much like China tbh. Also has another brewing incel crisis there. They will probably have a war with Pakistan in the next 5 to 15 years as China and India continue engage in a low level proxy war in the Pakistani border area. China has also be allying itself with Bangladesh and Bhutan. Trying to box and contain India, similar to the US during the 70s and 80s with the USSR. SEA will see continued investment by the Chinese and Indians. It could very well be a economic/political battleground as well.

Oceania will be a Chinese dominated area militarily within the next 20 years. I don't have faith in ANZAC nations to protect themselves politically, militarily, or economically from the Chinese without American/European help. But that depends on China being economically and socially viable itself, which is doubtful when you consider Chinese demographics.

That leaves Russia. Russia is and will continue to be a dark horse in all of this. It has influence in every major continent except Australia, have proven themselves to be very adept at fighting proxy wars against the West (as shown in Syria and Ukraine), and is economically self sufficient thanks to years of western imposed sanctions. If they can outlast the west's attempts to kill them, they will emerge from this in a much better position that anybody else. It is very closed off economically from the rest of the world, so a global debt collapse, which will hurt everybody, will impact Russia the least.

I believe Russia will rule the decade politically while China rules economically. The west will cease being relevant in either capacity by the end of the decade.
That was interesting to read and high IQ.
A strong Russia is probably the best option out of all mentioned above.
The knights Templar
India biradar we become superpower in 2020
russia is shithole though for anyone who is not rich even more so than other nations.
Its a shithole, but its a well educated, self sufficient shithole. Everywhere will be a shithole once the global debt bubble crashes. In the west nobody actually owns anything except for the ultra rich. Westerners just live on credit. The vast majority of them have a negative net worth. China, outside of its major cities, is filled with illiterate lower classes living in indian or mideast tier poverty. Farmers surviving on a bag of rice a week tier poverty. Russia, being a self sufficient shithole, doesn't have to adjust too much to the change in living standards, unlike the west, nor does it have to completely change its economy, like the chinese or indians would have too. Both countries are fueled by western imports, and have a much poorer or not as well defined domestic market. Any nation with significant exposure to the global market will be harmed in the coming decade.
China maybe by the end of the decade, but definitely the decade after. The west is done, and although I don't support China I'm glad the west will lose.
China. Prepare to miss the days we complained about Anglo cultural imperialism.
Ricechinks have everything in place. America is dead
When it comes to the war of ideas, there are no countries anymore. Only the Internet.
China is going to fuck us with their little ding dongs.
The same fuckers that rule everything now...

The international jews
I voted USA but was torn between USA and China.
China will be pretty damn close on USA's heels, though.

India? Please. I've worked and studied with Indians and I'm convinced the majority of them bought their degrees. By comparison, Russia has more chances of becoming a world power; I'm surprised Russia got such a low number of votes.
Foids are the new gods.
China will become world's largest economy, as she'll overtake US in terms of GDP(nominal) and will start to flex her military muscles more assertively.

India will overtake Germany and will become world's 4th largest economy in the world. India will undergo rapid infrastructural changes.

Russian economy will improve and might end up dependent on China for economic reasons.

Instability will continue in Arab countries and honestly, I hope Iran greatly reduces Saudi influence.

Africa will witness population boom breeding like rabbits, while the share of Asia in world's economy will increase greatly.

Europe will continue to experience low birth rate, though there is some possibility in improvement and Europe will also likely to make its migration policy stricter than ever.
What about ogreogreland?

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