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It's Over who is responsible for the downfall of the western world (poll)


  • women

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • cucks

    Votes: 22 21.8%
  • technology

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • (((some specific historical group of people)))

    Votes: 44 43.6%
  • climate change

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • chads

    Votes: 2 2.0%

  • Total voters
9D1BF63D D9F0 459C A92A F01EF28E1760
Women’s Rights got society moving in a trajectory towards collapse, technology is speeding things up a lot.
Some specific group of people that pulled the strings and literally cucked 95% of west.
westerners are responsible for this because they lost it. yeah specific group of (((people))) did it but westerners let it happen.
westerners are responsible for this because they lost it. yeah specific group of (((people))) did it but westerners let it happen.
If someone attack you to kill,you have to defend yourself and defeat him. but westerners couldn't defend themelves because too much soy,so its their fault.
Foids, hands down
Can't believe the answer wasn't overwhelming foids. Obviously them
Cucks gave women rights
Although (((God's chosen people))) have exasperated women's behaviour they haven't redfined it. Hence why the blame and vote lands squarely at women.

I think online dating has shown women's true colours and that is why society is failing after centuries of female scheming and leading men on without rewarding honest men for it.

But when women survyed say they find near 100% of men unattractive and not good enough, that is going to mean men will either conciously or subconciously do the same.
Everything except climate change tbh.
The jew pushed progressiveness in politics and academics in the west during the 20th century with an agenda to weaken their nations.That resulted in the foid stopped marrying and only choosed to mate with Chad, who played a long well and gave up monogamous marriages for personal hedonism. Cucks refused to see the truth and would gladly slave away their lives working to sustain this Sodom and developing technology so that the whole process was sped up and made Chad available to every foid in the west.
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Kikes noticed structural weaknesses in the way that western civilization was built, such as the nature of foids, namely their desire for the most high status mating partner possible as well as their ability to manipulate those around them (especially cucked men) being relatively unchecked (compared to groups in the Middle East or India for example) and took it upon themselves to exploit these weaknesses with the aim of slowly working towards driving the entire civilisation to the point of collapse, we are currently in the latter stages of this exploitation. Just take a look at this picture as an example of this, although foids are the perpetrators of hypergamy, Jews put in place the infrastructure for said hypergamy to occur.
No option for white men? Who let (((them))) subvert society? Who let women gain equal rights without equal responsibility?
westerners are responsible for this because they lost it. yeah specific group of (((people))) did it but westerners let it happen.
The god's chosen people , obviously.
westerners are responsible for this because they lost it. yeah specific group of (((people))) did it but westerners let it happen.
Correct, the people need to take some responsibility
Correct, the people need to take some responsibility
yes. when you ask them they say "ohhh boyy (((they))) did it to us!!" then where you been when they did it to you ?
It's a mix of cucks giving female more rights and a certain elite group making use of the weakness of those cucks and exploiting the situation.
yes. when you ask them they say "ohhh boyy (((they))) did it to us!!" then where you been when they did it to you ?
They were either “asleep at the wheel” or actively encouraging the bullshit that the globalist corporations and politicians pushed upon us
Why no multiple votes? Its cucks and (((them))).
Why have so many voted "women" it´s true it´s because of feminism but ONLY because cucked men let it happen, do you guys really think women had gotten their way without the men (cucks) letting them? Had the men just said no back in the day feminism wouldn´t have prevailed.
(((They))) began (((sexual """"revolution""""))) with their (((Frankfurt school))), starting (((protest of 1968))) and making foids increasingly worish year by year.
JFL at anyone not voting on (((THEM)))
Had the men just said no back in the day feminism wouldn´t have prevailed.
I guess it's up to us to put our foots up their asses and throw them back in the kitchen, like the cucks should've done long ago.
Everything except climate change tbh.
The jew pushed progressiveness in politics and academics in the west during the 20th century with an agenda to weaken their nations.That resulted in the foid stopped marrying and only choosed to mate with Chad, who played a long well and gave up monogamous marriages for personal hedonism. Cucks refused to see the truth and would gladly slave away their lives working to sustain this Sodom and developing technology so that the whole process was sped up and made Chad available to every foid in the west.
Good analysis here.
Female or (((them)))? But if you think about it for a bit longer, it is actually caused by females. For example: The jews just hand out a weapon to females. Nobody is pushing them to shoot or do something horrible, yet they doing it because it is their own decision. Nobody is forcing her, it is all on her. She is doing it, because it is her decision.
Many are to blame.
(((They))) aren't just plotting the end of western civilization, but of all world civilizations. (((Those))) roaming demons do nothing except for corrupting all they put their wretched hands upon, and they have been doing this ever since they were spawned by Satan

Jfl at in 2019 still not being able to figure out that the (((chosen people))) are the cause of our misery
Cucks, for letting women have rights and freedoms. All the problems the west is currently facing stem from that.

Most of other groups cited have their share of responsibility as well but cucks are the main responsible.
A certain group of elites that were allowed to take over the world due to the result of a certain war.
jews women liberals faggots cucks
jews are definitely at the forefront but the rest cannot be ignored because they deserve punishment.

They grant foids the power to not only run the system, but the privilege to hold the system against us.
It’s ultimately cucks. We could have prevented this.
Tbh the (((elites))) also have a great responsibility; central banks, fractional-reserve banking, fiat currency, states meddling in the economy in general, legal tender, etc.
westerners are responsible for this because they lost it. yeah specific group of (((people))) did it but westerners let it happen.

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