Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

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who here has no friends?



Nov 7, 2017
it is a whole other level of subhumanity deeper than just "tfw no gf"
Not myself, but I'm sure a lot do. None of my friends actually think I'm an incel haha.
Oh I'm a friendcel too, and I'm glad this semester finished already. You don't want to have to studycel or worse, fucking work without having a single friend, but that's what happens when you're too low, just a little bit too low on the scale.
I feel like if you just sought out people like yourself you would make friends quite easily.
blickpall said:
I feel like if you just sought out people like yourself you would make friends quite easily.

how? obv I don't know how or I would. I have not had friends my entire life
Indari said:
how? obv I don't know how or I would

I mean, if you are an incel nerd type, didn't you mean any of those people in high school? Or uni?
I have no social life whatsoever. People who you are forced to interact with due to your work doesn't count.
Have two historic online "friends" I share a few words with every couple of months. Haven't had real life friends for 15 years.
blickpall said:
I mean, if you are an incel nerd type, didn't you mean any of those people in high school? Or uni?


im not a nerd I just have no options other than anime and vidya

and talking to people in uni only got police called on me
I only have acquaintances. I'm lucky if I meet up with them once a month. 

Don't really care at this point tbh. I'm convinced I have AvPD.
Friendless here too. Granted I'm a disabled shut-in. Though I'd be surprised if the majority here have good friendships.
Me. The last time I had friends was when I was seven or so. My only friend is my computer.
I am very close to my brother other than that no
No gf, no friends it's O V E R for me.
Indari said:

im not a nerd I just have no options other than anime and vidya

and talking to people in uni only got police called on me

Who called the police on you, and why? What went down, exactly?
only got like 4 friends that ive known from highschool or before, but they are more like drinking "friends" more than proper "friends".. Other than that everyone pretty much doesnt want anything to do with me kek.
I had friends in the past.but it was just a massive waste of.time so I stoped contacting them.
Sub8Hate said:
Who called the police on you, and why? What went down, exactly?

one time two officers came to my room to ask me about edgy stuff I said because apparently some people reported me but I never found out who. Didn't know who it was thinking back to who I spoke to. another time I made a joke to my roommates who were next door; they had a sign on their door that said "no masturbation" in reference to an earlier joke between me and them, "no death threats" in reference to police coming the first time, and "just no Indari" so I told them "im gonna kill you and come in your pillows" and one of them took me seriously coz probably saw me as "the weird school shooter guy" and told the RAs
I have really no one to talk to
People wastly overestimate friends. A lot of slayers go out alone.
I have one friend who also happens to be incel
Indari said:
one time two officers came to my room to ask me about edgy stuff I said because apparently some people reported me but I never found out who. Didn't know who it was thinking back to who I spoke to. another time I made a joke to my roommates who were next door; they had a sign on their door that said "no masturbation" in reference to an earlier joke between me and them, "no death threats" in reference to police coming the first time, and "just no Indari" so I told them "im gonna kill you and come in your pillows" and one of them took me seriously coz probably saw me as "the weird school shooter guy" and told the RAs

I mean, you could talk about normal things to get acquainted with people first. If you got the cops called on you, then

1. You aren't communicating properly for a first meeting,

2. You aren't communicating to the right people,

3. You need to fix your strategy,

5. And this doesn't reflect on what will happen every time you talk to others so don't use the one bad apple as an out.
blickpall said:
I mean, you could talk about normal things to get acquainted with people first. If you got the cops called on you, then

1. You aren't communicating properly for a first meeting,

2. You aren't communicating to the right people,

3. You need to fix your strategy,

5. And this doesn't reflect on what will happen every time you talk to others so don't use the one bad apple as an out.

I had no indication anyone I was speaking to didn't get the joke. I am not literally autistic I can tell that much. It had to have been some worms that overheard me or something. I will uphold that I did nothing wrong. I'm well aware how I come off to others, it's just how I naturally act undoubtedly shaped by isolation that caused the low inhib I mentioned in my other thread.
Indari said:
I had no indication anyone I was speaking to didn't get the joke. I am not literally autistic I can tell that much. It had to have been some worms that overheard me or something. I will uphold that I did nothing wrong. I'm well aware how I come off to others, it's just how I naturally act undoubtedly shaped by isolation that caused the low inhib I mentioned in my other thread.

If you're aware, then why don't you do something about it? At least while you get to know someone, you can filter yourself a bit. This is normal for everyone - almost no one talks to their close friends the same way they do to strangers, for example. Do it long enough to get on some common ground with someone and then you can start branching out from there.
I used to have friends but then I realized how they see me as below them so I got rid of them. I'd rather have no friends than be friends with people who see me as lower status than them simply because I'm ugly.
Me, im not incel and in general I dont have problems with girls, but im so fking friendless its pathetic, all the friendships ive had end up despising me and the worst part is I dont have a fking clue what I do wrong, for me, having no friends, real friends that is, the kind you can share the most important parts of your life with, is on the same level or worse than being incel, having friends is also fundamental to your mental well being and development and you are fked if you cant get friends either
no friends whatsoever. finding losers on my level is hard, and I only met them when I was in special ed classes for behaviourally dysfunctional kids in school.
Argos said:
Me, ive had LTR or FWB pretty much constantly since 14, I have no problems with girls, but im so fking friendless its pathetic, all the friendships ive had end up despising me and the worst part is I dont have a fking clue what I do wrong, for me, having no friends, real friends that is, the kind you can share the most important parts of your life with, is on the same level or worse than being incel

blickpall said:

Never claimed to be incel, I just find the blackpill and the incel community interesting, im involuntarily friendcel though
Argos said:
Never claimed to be incel, I just find the blackpill and the incel community interesting, im involuntarily friendcel though

And I would have no problems with you and nor would anyone else, but the people who aren't incel who try to integrate themselves into the community always invariably find a way to out themselves by breaking the rules; in your case, you broke the rule of "no bragging." I don't think I need to explain why this is a rule, how you broke it, or how it's most likely bait in the first place and you're no friend at all.

If you really don't get it, then perhaps this is why you don't have friends IRL either - lack of social awareness.
blickpall said:
If you're aware, then why don't you do something about it? At least while you get to know someone, you can filter yourself a bit. This is normal for everyone - almost no one talks to their close friends the same way they do to strangers, for example. Do it long enough to get on some common ground with someone and then you can start branching out from there.

I actually did do that with the guy that reported me the second time which led to me being threatened to be arrested by an angry pig. He sat next to me at the dining halls on one of the first days and I had a completely normal conversation. Not like I can't hold my spaghetti. Then later on I made a masturbation joke among other things so he knew I made those kinds of jokes. His normalshit self just couldn't fathom someone as "abnormal" as me so he viewed me as a literal crazy person.

I literally can't socialize without spaghetti; if I hold it then I am just silent. A group on my floor befriended me after I mentioned ER and they asked me about my interest in him and took pity on me. I knew they would not really understand epic 4chin maymays so I mostly stayed silent when I sat with them in the dining hall. I had other friendship prospects but I could not act on them.
blickpall said:
And I would have no problems with you and nor would anyone else, but the people who aren't incel who try to integrate themselves into the community always invariably find a way to out themselves by breaking the rules; in your case, you broke the rule of "no bragging." I don't think I need to explain why this is a rule, how you broke it, or how it's most likely bait in the first place and you're no friend at all.

If you really don't get it, then perhaps this is why you don't have friends IRL either - lack of social awareness.

It wasnt bragging, trying to get the point across that being friendless is as bad as being incel, both are fundamental to your mental well being and development, if you miss on any of those you are fked, ill edit the post though if it came across as bragging

blickpall said:
And I would have no problems with you and nor would anyone else, but the people who aren't incel who try to integrate themselves into the community always invariably find a way to out themselves by breaking the rules; in your case, you broke the rule of "no bragging." I don't think I need to explain why this is a rule, how you broke it, or how it's most likely bait in the first place and you're no friend at all.

If you really don't get it, then perhaps this is why you don't have friends IRL either - lack of social awareness.

Also, its not lack of social awareness, I have a lot of acquaintances and I have had long term friends, its just that every friend ive ever had ends up dispising me for some reason I cant fully grasp, if it was social awareness i would have trouble making acquaintances to begin with
Indari said:
I actually did do that with the guy that reported me the second time which led to me being threatened to be arrested by an angry pig. He sat next to me at the dining halls on one of the first days and I had a completely normal conversation. Not like I can't hold my spaghetti. Then later on I made a masturbation joke among other things so he knew I made those kinds of jokes. His normalshit self just couldn't fathom someone as "abnormal" as me so he viewed me as a literal crazy person.

I literally can't socialize without spaghetti; if I hold it then I am just silent. A group on my floor befriended me after I mentioned ER and they asked me about my interest in him and took pity on me. I knew they would not really understand epic 4chin maymays so I mostly stayed silent when I sat with them in the dining hall. I had other friendship prospects but I could not act on them.

Maybe you can learn how to have conversations that are about what other people are interested in, or in interests other than niche internet culture? I simply find it hard to believe that you either get the cops called on you/have to talk about ER or masturbating, or you have to be silent. Can't you find a middle ground? Observer how others talk, what they talk about, ask questions and make small talk etc.? I guess I'm just not getting it.

Argos said:
It wasnt bragging

It 100% was and you know it. Here's what you sound like:

"Hey guys I know that this is a forum for people who are quadriplegic, and I'm an Olympic runner and I enjoy holding my children in my loving arms and taking long romantic walks with my wife before I fuck her every night, so I know that arms legs are important but have you guys realized how hard it is to be bald? Being bald sucks!"
No friends or family here. As alone as you could possibly be in the world.
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
No friends or family here.  As alone as you could possibly be in the world.

Is it by choice?

Do you find it cathartic at all?
blickpall said:
Maybe you can learn how to have conversations that are about what other people are interested in, or in interests other than niche internet culture? I simply find it hard to believe that you either get the cops called on you/have to talk about ER or masturbating, or you have to be silent. Can't you find a middle ground? Observer how others talk, what they talk about, ask questions and make small talk etc.? I guess I'm just not getting it.

It 100% was and you know it. Here's what you sound like:

"Hey guys I know that this is a forum for people who are quadriplegic, and I'm an Olympic runner and I enjoy holding my children in my loving arms and taking long romantic walks with my wife before I fuck her every night, so I know that arms legs are important but have you guys realized how hard it is to be bald? Being bald sucks!"

It wasnt really, I avoid posting on many threads I find interesting or where I think I could give a valuable POV simply to avoid coming across as bragging, I also used to post on r/incels but I never mentioned anything of the sort because my impression was that on incels they were strongly against blackpilled non-incels, my impression of this new forum from reading the rules and also from several other non-incel posters is that the forum is open to people interested in the incel community and the blackpill... not bragging just trying to get a point across
Me, ive had LTR or FWB pretty much constantly since 14, I have no problems with girls

Tell he how "this wasn't really" bragging on a forum for the involuntarily celibate. Why did this even need to be mentioned? if you really "didn't want to come across as bragging," then you could have just said what you said WITHOUT all of that, WITHOUT mentioning that you aren't incel. You just couldn't help yourself. You had to separate and elevate.

This community has been open to contributors who are blackpilled and elevated themselves from inceldom, yes. But are not "just trying to get a point across" with posts like that.
Nope, generally people that hate me would convince others to avoid being friends with me and once I've came into uni, I tried putting in the effort into making friends and then realized that I was unwanted from most groups.
Not a single friend irl. The closest I have to a friend is my mother.
I used to have friends in high school, but no more.
Outside of all my incelbros ( all of you tbh ), nah
I'm an ugly subhuman so I don't have friedns because men don't want to hang out with a girl repeller.

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