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Who else is a failure at literally every single aspect of life? Do you have anything at all going for you?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
I tried to stay away from this forum but I guess I'm just too much of a loser, and this is the only place I can vent.

I'm not even always bothered by being an incel, just sometimes, but when you add being a complete failure when it comes to career, education, money, health, looks etc... It just all adds up. I'd have a mental breakdown if I weren't already basically a mental and physical vegetable who can barely get out of bed (seriously when I had to leave the house for 4 hours back when I had classes, I was literally dead tired just from sitting in chair during class).

Idk, there's just not one aspect of my life that I can cling to in order to have some hope and positivity, it's all shit. I've even tried so hard to find some interest, something to pour myself into and become good at, but my brain is too fucked by the more than a decade of muh depression and all the other shit that's wrong with me. I suspect my dopamine receptors are fucked beyond repair.

And because of my baldness, teeth and other fucked up traits that have creeped up on me over the years, I'm now even more self-conscious than before.

I realized that I'm not even a good person, I'm just shy and weak so I sort of try to avoid trouble so that I don't get punished. Yesterday, after reinstalling and uninstalling League of Legends for what is probably the 70th time this summer, I lay in bed trying to sleep. I was analyzing myself - I might be a much worse person that I see myself as. Because of depression, being introverted/shy and avoidant of people, I guess I had a mental image of myself as being sort of a weakling, almost a victim. But now that I look at it, I might actually be a huge piece of shit. And a huge hypocrite too considering how I try to sometimes present myself as kind. For example, I got so mad in this game, after basically losing 15 games all day because even in a game that I've played for thousands of hours I'm still way below average. What did I do when I got mad? I started telling a person to kill themselves. Really graphically, told them to slice their veins vertically and not horizontally etc... And while this is the first time I did it this year, in the past I used to say shit like this all the time online, telling people to get cancer etc... And as I thought about myself while laying in bed, I realized that I am indeed a huge piece of shit. At least I don't say vile shit irl, irl I only did it when I was very drunk and very mad and felt attacked and cornered, but I told these things to the only people that ever cared about me, ironically. Or maybe I said shit like this to strangers too, i don't remember what I did when I was blacked out I guess. Maybe that's why I lost those 2 front teeth years ago, never did remember for sure how I lost them, though if I think about it I probably just tripped.

It's just amazing how I can literally have nothing going for me. Not even a god damn interest I could be good at. Hell, a normal person who had a free summer like me would've at least enjoyed it, but I spent it installing and reinstalling a game I hate, and browsing other shit I've already forgot.

It's hard to accept that these were the best years of my life too. It's all downhill from here. I'll look back and be nostalgic, cause the only difference in my life will be that I'll be stuck at some shitty job all day making no money. And none of the thousand problems in my life will go away, they just get worse. The life of an aging outcast useless neet + wageslaving during the day, isn't that lovely?
Same, everything is somehow still going downhill even though it was hell-level anyway.
Academic/stemcel success, in good shape, speak several langues.

But none of those things really matter because my body is a failure genetics wise. And it's only getting worse FAST with norwooding
I tried to stay away from this forum but I guess I'm just too much of a loser, and this is the only place I can vent.

I'm not even always bothered by being an incel, just sometimes, but when you add being a complete failure when it comes to career, education, money, health, looks etc... It just all adds up. I'd have a mental breakdown if I weren't already basically a mental and physical vegetable who can barely get out of bed (seriously when I had to leave the house for 4 hours back when I had classes, I was literally dead tired just from sitting in chair during class).

Idk, there's just not one aspect of my life that I can cling to in order to have some hope and positivity, it's all shit. I've even tried so hard to find some interest, something to pour myself into and become good at, but my brain is too fucked by the more than a decade of muh depression and all the other shit that's wrong with me. I suspect my dopamine receptors are fucked beyond repair.

And because of my baldness, teeth and other fucked up traits that have creeped up on me over the years, I'm now even more self-conscious than before.

I realized that I'm not even a good person, I'm just shy and weak so I sort of try to avoid trouble so that I don't get punished. Yesterday, after reinstalling and uninstalling League of Legends for what is probably the 70th time this summer, I lay in bed trying to sleep. I was analyzing myself - I might be a much worse person that I see myself as. Because of depression, being introverted/shy and avoidant of people, I guess I had a mental image of myself as being sort of a weakling, almost a victim. But now that I look at it, I might actually be a huge piece of shit. And a huge hypocrite too considering how I try to sometimes present myself as kind. For example, I got so mad in this game, after basically losing 15 games all day because even in a game that I've played for thousands of hours I'm still way below average. What did I do when I got mad? I started telling a person to kill themselves. Really graphically, told them to slice their veins vertically and not horizontally etc... And while this is the first time I did it this year, in the past I used to say shit like this all the time online, telling people to get cancer etc... And as I thought about myself while laying in bed, I realized that I am indeed a huge piece of shit. At least I don't say vile shit irl, irl I only did it when I was very drunk and very mad and felt attacked and cornered, but I told these things to the only people that ever cared about me, ironically. Or maybe I said shit like this to strangers too, i don't remember what I did when I was blacked out I guess. Maybe that's why I lost those 2 front teeth years ago, never did remember for sure how I lost them, though if I think about it I probably just tripped.

It's just amazing how I can literally have nothing going for me. Not even a god damn interest I could be good at. Hell, a normal person who had a free summer like me would've at least enjoyed it, but I spent it installing and reinstalling a game I hate, and browsing other shit I've already forgot.

It's hard to accept that these were the best years of my life too. It's all downhill from here. I'll look back and be nostalgic, cause the only difference in my life will be that I'll be stuck at some shitty job all day making no money. And none of the thousand problems in my life will go away, they just get worse. The life of an aging outcast useless neet + wageslaving during the day, isn't that lovely?
I'm supposed to be revising and I'm constantly flogged to this site. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH LET ME OUT!!!
It's so pathetic, after graduation high school I have achieved nothing. Failed my university exams 2 times, so I only have one final chance. I'm currently working on my driver license but I'm probably gonna fail that shit too.
I mean there are some stuff I'm good at, but they're not worthy of anything. Chess is one. But I'm a loser in every aspect that matters
Man I can relate so hard.
Recently one thought came to my mind.
Every decision I made so far was wrong and completely catastrophic. And I already know that my future decisions will also be wrong.

If you want to live a successful life, then you have to do the exact opposite of what I would do.
There is nothing I'm good at. Not even video games, even though I play them the whole day.
Man I can relate so hard.
Recently one thought came to my mind.
Every decision I made so far was wrong and completely catastrophic. And I already know that my future decisions will also be wrong.

If you want to live a successful life, then you have to do the exact opposite of what I would do.
There is nothing I'm good at. Not even video games, even though I play them the whole day.
It's not that I make the bad decisions, although I definitely do, but even when I know that what I'm doing is bad and a complete waste of time, I still don't do what I know is right. Extreme laziness, anxiety, depression, I don't know what's the cause but I know for a fact I'll keep doing this till I die.

And about the video games part, I literally am below average, worse than people who have been playing for 1/10th of the time I have, in games that I've invested hundreds if not thousands of hours. Don't know how to explain it, is it stupidity?
I made a thread about this: incels.co/threads/why-should-i-live-if-im-low-iq-and-ugly-incel.232566/

There's nothing a low IQ incel can look forward to.
I get decent grades at uni, that's about it.
I get decent grades at uni, that's about it.
My grades were good too but what's the point when the degree is a bullshit easy meme degree with absolutely no practical use, no employability whatsoever.
Everything you do is cope if you're not good looking
My grades were good too but what's the point when the degree is a bullshit easy meme degree with absolutely no practical use, no employability whatsoever.
Yeah that's brutal, I'm STEMmaxxing.
havent seen you in awhile. yeah im a failure. loser. low iq. i could spend 10k hours on something and not be as good as someone who spent way less time on it. slow learner. forgets what ive learned.
I don't know.
havent seen you in awhile. yeah im a failure. loser. low iq. i could spend 10k hours on something and not be as good as someone who spent way less time on it. slow learner. forgets what ive learned.
I didn't think I was a slow learner, I actually used to think that I'm good at teaching myself. But reality has proven otherwise. I only thought I was a good self-learner because I chose meme degrees where you didn't even really have to study, but whenever I actually try to learn something I don't do well.

And the forgetfulness is brutal. Even in school I was like this, for example when trying to learn math, they'd ask you to apply concepts you learned earlier, but I've already forgotten those entirely, so that's why I was never good at math. I'm now more forgetful than ever.
Everything you do is cope if you're not good looking
im imagining being a tall young chad there is a young attractive foid looking..... yeah i better stop this shit is suifuel.
im imagining being a tall young chad there is a young attractive foid looking..... yeah i better stop this shit is suifuel.
Just kys if you don't get IOIs regularly. There is literally no point to life if you don't experience this every time you step outside.

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