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Who else completely bitched out of life?

Light Yagami

Light Yagami

Completely over
Feb 1, 2025
Who else is just drifting through the motions without a single care about what happens next? I'm not actively doing anything to improve my life and I frankly do not care at all. Life has completely beat the shit out of me so I decided to bitch out and give up. When life doesn't give you what you want despite trying 99 times, what's the chance that it will all work out happily ever after for the 100th time? Pretty unlikely. This life is extremely boring and repetitive, so I decided to bitch out and make sure the repetition stays at a neutral level. I don't really want to go out and interact with anyone and potentially make my life worse by surrounding myself with normies who dont understand this shitty existence. Every normie and foid outside is an enemy and it's becoming harder and harder to ignore them and endure how much better they have it than me. I'm so tired guys. So fucking tured.
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Be careful with that. We can't afford to bitch out of life without roping. Things will only get worse for you and life will get insanely harder. I talk from experience.
Yes at the moment I'm working towards nothing productive. I just sit at home all day on my PC. I keep telling myself that I'm going to give improoooving another shot but my motivation for that has completed faded, hard to have any belief in yourself when you have never get any positive results to affirm that belief.

I just barely care about anything anymore. I'm just wairing through each day as it comes hoping somehow the next one will be better.
I felt that way for awhile, I was blackpilled from 22-30 but now that I'm 30 and this is my last chance I'm just giving it all I got, dating apps, fitness clubs, dance class, whatever I gotta do to get my ugly face in front of a foid at this point. Nothing's worked and I doubt it will but I need some delusion to make it through the day, sitting in my room = constant mental spirals and gonna lead to suicide anyways at this point.
I don't take it serious, ex I don't expect anything socially and do my best to avoid social interactions. But I am still "improving" financially and physically health wise and such. I am happy with the way life is now, tbh.
Don't give up entirely, for yourself. Just give up on others. You can still live a good life in your terms but you have to understand you will be alone forever, to society you will be a loser but fuck them, of course.
Yes at the moment I'm working towards nothing productive. I just sit at home all day on my PC. I keep telling myself that I'm going to give improoooving another shot but my motivation for that has completed faded, hard to have any belief in yourself when you have never get any positive results to affirm that belief.

I just barely care about anything anymore. I'm just wairing through each day as it comes hoping somehow the next one will be better.
Exactly how I feel except the hope that the next day will be better is completely absent in me.
Exactly how I feel except the hope that the next one will be better is completely absent in me.
It's not that I believe in it, it's just wishful thinking
Ya I'm just a comfy NEET bum no care in the world.
It's not that I believe in it, it's just wishful thinking
I can't even wishfully think anymore man. It's like imagining myself being in a fictional universe. My brain immediately shuts down the idea due to the sheer impossibility of it.
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Not completely. What I want is to have a steady income and try to stay physically active. I want to say I'm giving up on people, but the desire to be social, is still slightly there.
Very relatable brother, I feel like absolute shit.

This life has gone out of it's way to make my life as miserable as possible, and it only gets worse with each and every day.

Could only drink two beers before my stomach feels completely full. I want to drink more, but unless I get a bottle of something harder I am forced to stay like this.

This life is too hard, and too cruel, and I cannot handle it sober.
How am I supposed to "improve my life"? I'm invisible to women.
All I do nowadays is rot in my room. I've abandoned hope for a better future and have no motivation to do anything productive most of the time.
I'm still hanging in there. Right now I'm trying to find a new job and I'm gonna have to move soon so I'm pretty nervous/stressed about that tbh ngl. I've given up entirely on women and I'm not coping about it, it fucking sucks dude. Otherwise I'm just thinking what is my life going to be? What have I done with my time now? Who am I going to be in 5 years? Where will I be living?
Be careful with that. We can't afford to bitch out of life without roping. Things will only get worse for you and life will get insanely harder. I talk from experience.
Well said. Neets and LDARcels especially need to heed this advice. That kind of lifestyle is unsustainable for most incels in the long run. Eventually you will have to face reality and it will be brutal :blackpill:
Sometimes, you just got to bitch out. You know?
I "didn't bitched out" I just started to prioritize my time, mental state, and overall the way I conduct myself. When you have done a lot of living and learning, you get numb to the bs that normies dish out and nothing surprise you anymore
I get no lemons so i cant make lemonade

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