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LifeFuel Who amongst you is ready, able and willing to serve as a leader amongst incel men?



Captain, Incel Protection Force
Jul 4, 2018
Position/job title: Recruitment Specialist

Reports to: Recruitment Supervisor, Chief of Staff and, less often, the Commanding Officer

Starting rank: Solider First Class

Highest Possible promotable rank: Corporal

Minimum educational requirements: high school student

Desired educational requirements: high school degree

Other essential qualifications: must be a member of the IBM forums, must either be a member of the incels.is community or able to join, must be able to join our Element servers or discord

Position description:
The recruitment specialist is primarily responsible for supporting the mission of the International Brotherhood of Men by generating interest in our forums, our website our multifaceted online operations and activities through engagement with our target demographic. The ideal candidate for this position will possess excellent written communication skills, an ability to effectuate and implement orders and directives given by superior ranking personnel, effective time management skills and a capacity to cultivate and maintain a positive rapport with young, disenfranchised men who may identify as incels. The recruitment specialist will additionally be responsible for planning, implementing and executing strategies for generating interest in our organization and will likewise serve as an adviser to the Commanding Officer and Chief of Staff in matters pertaining to content that is disseminated via our Rumble channel and other online venues. Favorable consideration will be given to any applicant who has previously served in the US Armed Forces. This position requires considerable discretion and while the recruitment specialist must be willing and able to implement and effectuate orders that have been given by higher ranking personnel, he will be expected to exercise his own good judgement and frequently act independently of direct supervision.

How to apply: PM Captain Darth Aurelius directly via our forums with a minimum two-paragraph response to the question, “why would you be the ideal candidate for the position of recruitment specialist?” Be sure to make explicit reference to whatever qualifications you might possess by way of education, experience, training or natural aptitudes as they materially relate to the job responsibilities. A brief 15-minute verbal interview via vc on Element or discord with the commanding officer, the chief of staff and/or the operations manager is required for those who have been selected as finalists for this position.

Deadline Application: This position will be considered open until such time as it has been filled though priority consideration will be given to those who apply first in time.
i wish i had the motivation and passion for something as you do for this. life took it all from me.
Nice try FBI
No salary?
We are an all volunteer organization and rely on the selfless commitment to service which each of our members exemplifies. You will experience tremendous intrinsic gratification however knowing that you are playing a vital role in the advancement of men's rights. That ought to be sufficient reward in itself.
i wish i had the motivation and passion for something as you do for this. life took it all from me.
I appreciate the words comrade and I too suffer from depressive episodes but my fanatical commitment to the cause of incel rights always inspires me and fills me with both energy and a zealous devotion to my brothers in arms. Together we can achieve great things for all our brocels. At least consider looking around our forums and joining us if you like what you see there.
Nice try FBI
Motherfucker I have been here for 6 years, am considered a living legend in the incelosphere and am a Hero of the Incel Revolution for all of my innumerable contributions to the advancement of the rights of incel men. All you do is sti here and run your mouth about how much you despise foids but you don't do anything. The actual feds want you faggots wasting all of your time on forums like these as they know you won't be creating real world political organizations to vindicate the rights of incel men.
Nice try bud but we all are too low testosterone to do this gotta bring out numbers at >700 and do boxing or mma(low t men are submissive and world leaders keep us low t ok purpose for this reason)
We're not glowies but ok.

I'd reiterate why but we've already done so a dozen times and you niggers dont believe us anyway
These ignorant cunts will never listen no matter how incontrovertible our arguments are and no matter how much we appeal to logic, the technicalities of the law and a rational consideration of the facts. I have tried so many times to disabuse these dumb nigger cunts of their conspiratorial delusions but they always find a way to contrive the facts so as to validate their presuppositions, no matter how deranged they may be. I say we throw them all in the roaring ovens of Auschwitz once we reopen that great place and burn them alive along with all the promiscuous whores, jews and other scum worthy of special treatment.
Nice try bud but we all are too low testosterone to do this gotta bring out numbers at >700 and do boxing or mma(low t men are submissive and world leaders keep us low t ok purpose for this reason)
Well you're wrong on all counts there comrade. Not all of us are low T just like not all of us are short or deformed or mutated. Some of us are extremely high T but likewise suffer from debilitating social anxiety or are total spergs. Others of us are tall, musclemaxxed ostensible moggers but for the fact that we are socially retarded or have autistic level interpersonal deficiencies. If you have dedicated your life to this movement as I have and actually spent time giving speeches to the masses of disaffected comrades as I also have, then you would know that the incel demographic is not monolithic and it is extremely diverse. We in the rw political movement actually have former Marine Corps veterans and other elite military special operators who happen to be incels and are fanatically devoted to our mission, mandate and methods. We invite you to join us and benefit from the solidarity and fraternity that only our movement can provide.
We need some more high quality, fanatically loyal and competent brocels to come in here and consider applying for this extremely vital position of trust, responsibility and discretion.
What on earth is this bunch of cope
2/10 ragebait
I have sworn on the sacred seal of the almighty Caliphate that I shall personally remove the heads of these fucking cunt ignorant faggots who continue to insist that I and/or the mighty IPF are working in collusion with the FBI. Once I obtain their IP addresses from my sources inside this website, I shall make a road trip with my machete, AK-47, and IPF uniform and present myself at their doorstep wearing a balaclava and prepared to inflict the justice of Sharia upon their impudent heads. Inshallah.
Most leaders have chad characteristics like good height, or masculine facial features.
So even being a leader is predetermined by genes to a large extent.
Most leaders have chad characteristics like good height, or masculine facial features.
So even being a leader is predetermined by genes to a large extent.
Everything that matters in life as it relates to ones capacity to succeed is predetermined by genetics and therefore has nothing to so with merit. Intelligence and aesthetic appeal are both primarily a function of immutable characteristics which have been endowed at birth and are intrinsic to the individual. Since we give special consideration and dispensation to people who suffer low iq in the form of government subsidies and since aesthetics are just as outcome determinative in life, it stands to reason that those of us in the incel community should likewise be beneficiaries of government subsidies. This is but one of the many political points which our platform incorporates and which we espouse through the brilliant rhetoric of the speeches delivered by our ingenious leaders. https://www.mensrights.is/forum/index.php

Who amongst you is ready, able and willing to be a unpaid slave to entrap incel men, so they can go to prison?​

Just attract incels to there doom for nothing except a pat on the head!

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