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[whitepill] anyone else losing interest in women



Aug 25, 2019
Ya obviously we would be happy to have women like our ancestors, but those guys were also able to discipline their wives into being good, calm, warm women.

I am talking modern stink holes. Who feed on and are always trying to create upset, drama & stress. I've seen it many times where finally there is calmness and women can't stand it and create upset on purpose. These stink holes get a sexual high/adrenaline rush from drama and they are addicted to it. I don't see them ever stopping this as they get sexual pleasure from it.

I don't like being in that state of stress and upset.. so even if women would talk to me I'm not sure anymore if I would jump at the chance to spend serious time with one like that which is most if not all modern women.
Of course that would happen because you are incel but Chad doesn't need to give a fuck.
Stopped watching porn months ago , only watch hentai now and can't remember the last time i fapped to a real woman. I only follow ig pages of anime girls
Ya obviously we would be happy to have women like our ancestors, but those guys were also able to discipline their wives into being good, calm, warm women.

I am talking modern stink holes. Who feed on and are always trying to create upset, drama & stress. I've seen it many times where finally there is calmness and women can't stand it and create upset on purpose. These stink holes get a sexual high/adrenaline rush from drama and they are addicted to it. I don't see them ever stopping this as they get sexual pleasure from it.

I don't like being in that state of stress and upset.. so even if women would talk to me I'm not sure anymore if I would jump at the chance to spend serious time with one like that which is most if not all modern women.

Modern foids are worthless holes.
I haven't gotten than far along yet
I'd fuck a hoe if I could, don't give a shit about her or anything about her, as long as it's a real femoid. Volcel if you wouldn't.

But I get what you're saying, I probably wouldn't want to marry anything but a qt conservative who hasn't been getting used as a cum dumpster by Chad's for the last 10 years (do those even exist anymore?), but I'm so desperate, who knows if I was put in that hypothetical situation what I'd do.
everyday i lose more hope
modern foids are trash and they are becoming lesbian just in case there is no chad in the scene
Sometimes I feel like idc anymore, then it hits me in the middle of the night.
Women are fucking annoying and don't respect their husbands as before.
If you think that you'll get your beloved unicorn remember even Brad Pitt got divorce raped.
Yea I just gave up on foids tbh, as an ethnic who isnt nt its impossible to get a foid. Also because the blackpill hit hard, there were certain experiences that I had that I coulnt explain to myself but the blackpill made it clear.
The blackpill has definitely destroyed any sense of want I had for a relationship with a foid. Made me realize that she'll never see me as more than a resource and that I'll never be considered attractive enough to date her without money or some other item of value to her. Now I see them purely for sex on an hourly basis and will need to live out my family fantasies with a sexbot.
Women are fucking annoying and don't respect their husbands as before.
If you think that you'll get your beloved unicorn remember even Brad Pitt got divorce raped.

Annoying is a word I am thinking of more and more to describe women too.
Annoying is a word I am thinking of more and more to describe women too.
This generation of women are very childish and they don't take any responsibilities
@Fat Link thoughts?
Its not that men of the past kept their women in line but rather SOCIETY AS A WHOLE KEPT WOMEN IN LINE.

How the society of the past did this was by simply expecting a certain behavior of it's mothers and its young girls and rewarding said behavior.

Modern women are really and truly fundamentally no different mentally than women of the past ie they are just fulfilling their biological imperative to get the needed praise and or attention that they inherintely desire.

Well past society had a way of rewarding them only for behaviors that would uplift the society as a whole and it was behavior that kept everything running smoothly for generations to come which is to say it was behavior conducive to creating lasting fulfilled families that would go on to have generations of grandchildren who would repeat the good lessons of the past and see the same good things happen in their own lives and that of their own grandchildren and their children's generation, etc, etc.

It was never religious bullshit of any type or flavor that kept society together and running smoothly and functioning well on a pair bonding male/female level as the tradcucks so want to believe and want others to believe, but rather once again and I cannot restate this enough:

It was precisely and only what society demanded of women in order for women to get the attention/pats on the head/approval that they inherintely seem to crave in the "natural order of things" as a biological human female organism on this planet.

Modern Jew fucked and cucked society rewards them for being pigs and sluts and mean spirited mutts, so why wouldn't they act cruelly towards men and even worse to men like us? After all thats what society these days rewards them for doing and modern men being so cucked and cowed by the anti man feminist Jew laws never seem to do anything about it to stop it so you almost couldn't blame modern women for thinking men actually enjoy this behavior.

THAT is how crazy our world ie Clown World is and has become.

I digress...

Continuing my point...

That said while in the past society demanded women be sweet, demure and kind as it's "carrot and stick" motivating factor requirement for women's much needed approval and self esteem boosting praise to be lavished upon them.

So naturally women became what their society of the time wanted to see out of them in order to get what they wanted the most which was societal approval and praise.

Its not rocket science guys but I understand it is quite hard to fathom and get past one's mental blocks and biases in recognizing that women aren't actually the real problem at all.

The real "problem" is the (((people))) who are presently ruling our society and their malicious intent and that problem is known as Jews and as long as they rule, women will continue to be mean spirited, callous and cruel, which is to say un-lady-like because and I'll quote a Jew himself because he says it better about his "people" than even I can and it is this...

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Maurice Samuel

The destruction of women leads to the ruination of the family, creates misery, creates street gangs, creates disenfranchised men, creates bitter women and ultimately ends up destroying a society which we are seeing the end product of now.

Its also probably the reason for almost all the mass shooters that have ever been.

An old nigger proverb puts it aptly:

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African proverb

So while it can be fun to hate on women (and I'm guilty of it myself here on our own forum and elsewhere on the net) when it comes right down to it, doing so ON ANY SERIOUS LEVEL is simply missing the point.

The real enemy is and always has been the Jew.

Women are fundamentally amoral at their core.

That is to say neither truly bad or truly good ie they simply are what they are.

Put them under the rule of a society that favors men and we get a harmonious near utopian paradise for ourselves of intimacy, love/romance and familial fulfillment.

Put them in Clown World however and we get despicable man hating sluts like Miley Cyrus and depraved piggish negresses like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.

Edit: Also forgot to add so I'll do it now...

The reason women "act up" these days (even in relationships with Chad) is because on some deep level they realize this society is all wrong (even if its only a subconscious realization) and so the acting up is a kind of "shit test" challenge to their man and its not so much the woman wanting to be "put in her place" as it is a very real and legitimate test of her man to see if he possesses "a pair of balls" which to put it another more blunt and plain way is her asking "Does he have any courage at all?"

Its as though her instincts are literally crying out to her man to overturn this sick society and restore order and the natural balance but outwardly her and her man (if redpilled with PUA literature or natural Chad instincts) only views it (half mistakenly so) as a common female shit test when its actually much more than simply that.
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I mean yes, irl foids barely interest me anymore
"anyone else losing interest in women"

My interest has only increased as I age. Sexual needs have somewhat decreased, but emotional feeling/interest to want to cuddle and have children have greatly increased in recent years.
Beating women needs to be legal there is no way to control them. Then they will use their pussy as a weapon to steal all of your money if u manage to become an 8/10 millionaire before you are 30
Beating women needs to be legal there is no way to control them. Then they will use their pussy as a weapon to steal all of your money if u manage to become an 8/10 millionaire before you are 30
I don't even know what to feel anymore tbh but I agree with you. My interest in them died long ago.
Its not that men of the past kept their women in line but rather SOCIETY AS A WHOLE KEPT WOMEN IN LINE.

How the society of the past did this was by simply expecting a certain behavior of it's mothers and its young girls and rewarding said behavior.

Modern women are really and truly fundamentally no different mentally than women of the past ie they are just fulfilling their biological imperative to get the needed praise and or attention that they inherintely desire.

Well past society had a way of rewarding them only for behaviors that would uplift the society as a whole and it was behavior that kept everything running smoothly for generations to come which is to say it was behavior conducive to creating lasting fulfilled families that would go on to have generations of grandchildren who would repeat the good lessons of the past and see the same good things happen in their own lives and that of their own grandchildren and their children's generation, etc, etc.

It was never religious bullshit of any type or flavor that kept society together and running smoothly and functioning well on a pair bonding male/female level as the tradcucks so want to believe and want others to believe, but rather once again and I cannot restate this enough:

It was precisely and only what society demanded of women in order for women to get the attention/pats on the head/approval that they inherintely seem to crave in the "natural order of things" as a biological human female organism on this planet.

Modern Jew fucked and cucked society rewards them for being pigs and sluts and mean spirited mutts, so why wouldn't they act cruelly towards men and even worse to men like us? After all thats what society these days rewards them for doing and modern men being so cucked and cowed by the anti man feminist Jew laws never seem to do anything about it to stop it so you almost couldn't blame modern women for thinking men actually enjoy this behavior.

THAT is how crazy our world ie Clown World is and has become.

I digress...

Continuing my point...

That said while in the past society demanded women be sweet, demure and kind as it's "carrot and stick" motivating factor requirement for women's much needed approval and self esteem boosting praise to be lavished upon them.

So naturally women became what their society of the time wanted to see out of them in order to get what they wanted the most which was societal approval and praise.

Its not rocket science guys but I understand it is quite hard to fathom and get past one's mental blocks and biases in recognizing that women aren't actually the real problem at all.

The real "problem" is the (((people))) who are presently ruling our society and their malicious intent and that problem is known as Jews and as long as they rule, women will continue to be mean spirited, callous and cruel, which is to say un-lady-like because and I'll quote a Jew himself because he says it better about his "people" than even I can and it is this...

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
— Maurice Samuel

The destruction of women leads to the ruination of the family, creates misery, creates street gangs, creates disenfranchised men, creates bitter women and ultimately ends up destroying a society which we are seeing the end product of now.

Its also probably the reason for almost all the mass shooters that have ever been.

An old nigger proverb puts it aptly:

"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African proverb

So while it can be fun to hate on women (and I'm guilty of it myself here on our own forum and elsewhere on the net) when it comes right down to it, doing so ON ANY SERIOUS LEVEL is simply missing the point.

The real enemy is and always has been the Jew.

Women are fundamentally amoral at their core.

That is to say neither truly bad or truly good ie they simply are what they are.

Put them under the rule of a society that favors men and we get a harmonious near utopian paradise for ourselves of intimacy, love/romance and familial fulfillment.

Put them in Clown World however and we get despicable man hating sluts like Miley Cyrus and depraved piggish negresses like Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.

Edit: Also forgot to add so I'll do it now...

The reason women "act up" these days (even in relationships with Chad) is because on some deep level they realize this society is all wrong (even if its only a subconscious realization) and so the acting up is a kind of "shit test" challenge to their man and its not so much the woman wanting to be "put in her place" as it is a very real and legitimate test of her man to see if he possesses "a pair of balls" which to put it another more blunt and plain way is her asking "Does he have any courage at all?"

Its as though her instincts are literally crying out to her man to overturn this sick society and restore order and the natural balance but outwardly her and her man (if redpilled with PUA literature or natural Chad instincts) only views it (half mistakenly so) as a common female shit test when its actually much more than simply that.

Holy shit
women dont do much for me anymore tbh
they disgust me if i think about them for a short time
modern foids are trash and they are becoming lesbian just in case there is no chad in the scene
The blackpill has definitely destroyed any sense of want I had for a relationship with a foid. Made me realize that she'll never see me as more than a resource and that I'll never be considered attractive enough to date her without money or some other item of value to her. Now I see them purely for sex on an hourly basis and will need to live out my family fantasies with a sexbot.
Losing interest in foids? yes
losing interest in pussy? unfortunately not
You have to remind yourself that being in a state of upset is absolutely normal for women. They actually communicate with other people through emotions, it's their way to perceive the world, and they in no way suffer from it. But you as a man have no such luxury: listening through all her venting and bitching on a daily basis acts detrimentally to your life expectancy because of the accumulated stress. In this aspect islam is totally right about women: they should be segregated from men and cluck among their like, as it would be harmful to men to listen through all the little shit a woman has to say every day. And no woman is allowed to speak or produce any sound while men are around. That's where western men really messed this up: they allowed women to have a voice and turn their environment into a chicken farm.
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Not yet. I recently turned 18 and am at the height of wanting to experience female affection. When I get older I imagine the appeal will wear think and I'll get tired of caring.
Yes. Modern women are trash. We need sexbot tech to improve.
Ya obviously we would be happy to have women like our ancestors, but those guys were also able to discipline their wives into being good, calm, warm women.

I am talking modern stink holes. Who feed on and are always trying to create upset, drama & stress. I've seen it many times where finally there is calmness and women can't stand it and create upset on purpose. These stink holes get a sexual high/adrenaline rush from drama and they are addicted to it. I don't see them ever stopping this as they get sexual pleasure from it.

I don't like being in that state of stress and upset.. so even if women would talk to me I'm not sure anymore if I would jump at the chance to spend serious time with one like that which is most if not all modern women.
I’ve got more hatred for foids than anything tbh. Especially THESE foids nowadays, none of them know how to shut the fuck up and they’re always looking for attention running around in booty shorts and loose shirts.
No I want to fuck one so bad
Physically no, emotionally yes.
The blackpill has definitely destroyed any sense of want I had for a relationship with a foid. Made me realize that she'll never see me as more than a resource and that I'll never be considered attractive enough to date her without money or some other item of value to her. Now I see them purely for sex on an hourly basis and will need to live out my family fantasies with a sexbot.
This is exactly me.
Stopped watching porn months ago , only watch hentai now and can't remember the last time i fapped to a real woman. I only follow ig pages of anime girls
Anime girls are a delusion of a coping ricecel brain. That's why i can't get into this shit.
I stopped actively pursuing women a while ago
Tbh at this point I see women are nothing other holes for Chad and Tyrone.
Stopped watching porn months ago , only watch hentai now and can't remember the last time i fapped to a real woman. I only follow ig pages of anime girls
I cant find any good hentai without searching for an hour. Tips pls
I am. But not in a whitepill way. Whitepilling as an incel is cope.

I'm repulsed by women, because the blackpill has opened my eyes to the evils and stupidities of women, that I no longer see them as sentient women, but children at best and animals at worst.

When I see them, I see undeveloped children, or savage animals.

Not human beings with personality. This is the case with a lot of people regardless of gender, specially in curry land. But my repulsion is doubled for women.

I'm neither a pedophile nor am I into beastiality. So I no longer find real women sexually arousing.

So I masturbate to stories I write for myself.

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