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Blackpill Whitecels: Reminder the Jews and hypergamy stole this from you



Gambler fan account
Feb 7, 2018
14C35D7C FE04 4405 98C0 84CDC5F97C1B

Jews are going pay !!!!
All I wanted to be was 1950's husband witha family, why why I can't be like that fuck this shit
your wife would be much uglier
What is funny (in a sad way) is they stole it from blacks to.

Cucktears: "women were so oppressed back then."
They stole being a tall, framed blond dude with good chin from me? Ok.
What is funny (in a sad way) is they stole it from blacks to.

Of course, Blacks are their tools, one of the front line forces in pushing their degenerate agenda. There is no way the majority of blacks could have wholesome families and morals whilst at the same time carrying out the deeds of the Jews.
I think it's more brutal to be mixed race. The jews are responsible for brainwashing our parents.
I never wanted that shit. It makes me barf.

And I have no fucking idea why people think jews are responsible. There's no conspiracy. There's no ''The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'' book being passed around.

They stole being a tall, framed blond dude with good chin from me? Ok.
Right! We, the uglies, are destined to always be scum. There is no alternative time period where we are respected members of the community. It's a ridiculous fantasy.
I never wanted that shit. It makes me barf.

And I have no fucking idea why people think jews are responsible. There's no conspiracy. There's no ''The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'' book being passed around.

Right! We, the uglies, are destined to always be scum. There is no alternative time period where we are respected members of the community. It's a ridiculous fantasy.

I'm tired of Jews being blamed for everything. Its 100% cope. Ugly men were seen as vagrants and bad people in the past. The further back you go the more ugly people were demonized. No matter what timeline, incels will always get the short end of the stick and be hated by the general population.
If I was as attractive as the man in that picture I wouldn't care
I never wanted that shit. It makes me barf.

And I have no fucking idea why people think jews are responsible. There's no conspiracy. There's no ''The Protocols of the Elders of Zion'' book being passed around.

Right! We, the uglies, are destined to always be scum. There is no alternative time period where we are respected members of the community. It's a ridiculous fantasy.
Well the protocols of the elders of zion is a real book that was being passed around. When Henry ford, founder of ford Motors company, was asked about the protocols he replied "the only statement I care to make about the protocols is that they fit in with what is going on"

The Jewish conspiracy to overthrow society is well documented if you know where to look
The actual problem is that the average white girl whores so much around she can never be trusted to run and keep together a family. Bad parenting for generations by white people led to this.

Dont blame le evil jooooos for your own parents inability to properly raise a girl with morals and manners. :lul:
The actual problem is that the average white girl whores so much around she can never be trusted to run and keep together a family. Bad parenting for generations by white people led to this.

Dont blame le evil jooooos for your own parents inability to properly raise a girl with morals and manners. :lul:
Both Parents are forced into the workplace to make ends meet leaving the tv to babysit their children. Who do you think runs the television stations? You jew apologists will go through any length to stick up for a people who regard you as cattle
your wife would be much uglier

Objectively not true. Women in the past were almost all slim until their late 30's or early 40's. You would have a hard time finding a young woman who was not in top shape in her early 20's.

Also women smoked less and did less other drugs which make modern women age like shit.
I'm tired of Jews being blamed for everything. Its 100% cope. Ugly men were seen as vagrants and bad people in the past. The further back you go the more ugly people were demonized. No matter what timeline, incels will always get the short end of the stick and be hated by the general population.
If not jews then who is to blame for the social climate of today? Jews have engineered everything through their control of the mass media of entertainment and news, no one has even half as much influence as jews
Some bluepilled thinking in this thread. Why are we in our current state? Feminism. Who sowed the seeds of feminism?


Almost all of the biggest feminist names / academics from 1st and 2nd wave feminism are jewish or have jewish connections.
The actual problem is that the average white girl whores so much around she can never be trusted to run and keep together a family. Bad parenting for generations by white people led to this.

Dont blame le evil jooooos for your own parents inability to properly raise a girl with morals and manners. :lul:

No one is blaming it all on Jews but it is ridiculous to pretend that Jews had no role in this mess. It's like claiming that communism is entirely the fault of native Europeans when it was Jews who were the founders of communism.
I'm tired of Jews being blamed for everything. Its 100% cope. Ugly men were seen as vagrants and bad people in the past. The further back you go the more ugly people were demonized. No matter what timeline, incels will always get the short end of the stick and be hated by the general population.

Oh fuck off. It is ILLEGAL to blame jews for anything in many western countries. The most common group of people to be shit on online are Whites followed by Christians followed by Muslims with Jews being one of the least hated groups.
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Nazicels -> Copecels

time stole it from you, time, natural evolution and progression stole it from you

And nothing else, lol @ OP and copecel faggots 'muh jooz' haha
Even if you went back there probably you still would be incel as fuck lol faggot

time stole it from you, time, natural evolution and progression stole it from you

And nothing else, lol @ OP and copecel faggots 'muh jooz' haha
Even if you went back there probably you still would be incel as fuck lol faggot

None of you make arguments against Jews not being the leaders of Feminism, Racial Equality, and playing a massive role in Mass Media. Because you have no arguments.
Nazicels -> Copecels
Not an argument

time stole it from you, time, natural evolution and progression stole it from you

And nothing else, lol @ OP and copecel faggots 'muh jooz' haha
Even if you went back there probably you still would be incel as fuck lol faggot
Address the facts that were brought up about jews or fuck off you drooling retard.
Nazicels -> Copecels

Another thing pushed by Jews. Everyone who criticizes them is just like the German National Socialist from 1940's even if he is a Palestinian angry at the fact that Jews are kicking him out of his home or a Syrian who experienced Israeli attack.
None of you make arguments against Jews not being the leaders of Feminism, Racial Equality, and playing a massive role in Mass Media. Because you have no arguments.
Racial equality? Not so much, Jews hate east asians and shit on them as much as possible, hoping that they will perish.

Doesn't stop Chang going out there and getting his.

You're one of the biggest copers here, coping faggot all your posts just coping faggot shit
Another thing pushed by Jews. Everyone who criticizes them is just like the German National Socialist from 1940's even if he is a Palestinian angry at the fact that Jews are kicking him out of his home or a Syrian who experienced Israeli attack.
Holy shit you're a mudslim/mudslim lover? Lol makes sense


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Racial equality? Not so much, Jews hate east asians and shit on them as much as possible, hoping that they will perish.

Doesn't stop Chang going out there and getting his.

You're one of the biggest copers here, coping faggot all your posts just coping faggot shit

Holy shit you're a mudslim/mudslim lover? Lol makes sense

What makes Jews any better than the Muslims which they are killing in Palestine? At least Palestinians are not taking billions of $ in aid money each year and do not have secret agents in our countries murdering our citizens like the Jewish Mossad.
Cucktears: "women were so oppressed back then."
they weren't getting railed by chad on a weekly basis, so how could they possibly have been happy!
Yeesh! Never talk about politics, religion, or race.

So sorry to bring it up!
Your double digit IQ is showing
Many MANY cucks support Palestine and not Israel FACT
What makes Jews any better than the Muslims which they are killing in Palestine? At least Palestinians are not taking billions of $ in aid money each year and do not have secret agents in our countries murdering our citizens like the Jewish Mossad.
Yeh way to dodge my point about Chang


No Muslims are just straight up invading your countries instead lol how stupid can you get
Extremely low IQ thread. Not only whitecels, all the incels are results of Jew brainwashing and hypergamy. Whites have rather benefited from it.
Anyone rejecting the Jewish Question is low IQ
Anyone rejecting the Jewish Question is low IQ
Blaming le evil jooos is just another way for white people to refuse to take any responsibility themselves. This is a recurring theme. If its not the jews fault...its the niggers or the foreigners.

You will never see a white person say...hey maybe we fucking suck at certain things and thats why we ended up in this fucked up society.

Take a look at how white parents are fucking up for generations now...and then you understand how white women became the international whores they are today.
Blaming le evil jooos is just another way for white people to refuse to take any responsibility themselves. This is a recurring theme. If its not the jews fault...its the niggers or the foreigners.
Holding people accountable is different from refusing to accept responsibility.
Incelism has always existed. Jews merely exacerbated the situation.
What is funny (in a sad way) is they stole it from blacks to.

This is so fucking sad when you take into account the condition of the black community today. They actually used to be so civil, even with legitimate oppression.
You will never see a white person say...hey maybe we fucking suck at certain things and thats why we ended up in this fucked up society.
Idk about other whites but I can admit the faults of my race. We have been entirely too altruistic when dealing with the other races, we saw them as equals and instead of killing them like any other race would have done our Christian faction (an offshoot of judaism coincidentally) tried to "save their souls". This has been a disaster for us as we now have to deal with the descendants of the races we conquered holding a grudge against us.
Take a look at how white parents are fucking up for generations now...and then you understand how white women became the international whores they are today.
But I already debunked this claim earlier in the thread. Women weren't really prominent in the workplace prior to the Jewish proliferation of feminism and so they were able to stay at home and raise their children properly. The world wars, which jews had a heavy hand in instigating, only flooded the workplace with even more women which in turn lowered wages to the extent that two parents needed to work to maintain a middle class lifestyle. This left children at home being brought up on television, which jews just happened to have a monopoly over and they used their stranglehold overy the media to promote degeneracy.
This is so fucking sad when you take into account the condition of the black community today. They actually used to be so civil, even with legitimate oppression.
Reminder that blacks had a lower illegitimacy rate than whites and thus a stronger family unit prior to the Jewish backed integration movement of the 1960s, whereas blacks now have about 75-80% babies born out of wedlock. Blacks should be rioting about that instead of drug dealers and other lowlife thugs getting shot by police
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your wife would be much uglier

Who gives a fuck? If she was my looksmatch I wouldn't care at all. Hell, if we went back to an older social order, I'd let her looks slide completely.
Is there a way to hypnotize a jewish girl/woman into believing you're at least 8/10? Or get some money, just enough to purchase a few diamonds - which may increase your SMV by 5 to 7 points, give you a chance even as an omega. A few $1000 may be enough to take it all back from them. No need to make the diamonds a gift immediately, if she goes away, keep them and impress the next one.
Ethnics and feminists are equally to blame.
im more into flat earth but i do think there social engineering going on.
VERDAMNTE JUDEN!:feelsbaton::feelsbaton::feelsbaton::feelsbaton:
“This whole Jewish world, comprising a single exploiting sect, a kind of blood sucking people, a kind of organic destructive collective parasite, going beyond not only the frontiers of states, but of political opinion, this world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other... This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank? The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralisation of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found.”

– Mikhail Bakunin

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