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Toxic Femininity White women in Yankland having test tube babies choose girls 70% of the time.



May 6, 2023

Old debates around sex selection focused on the wish for sons. Today in America, that preference is often reversed. One study found that white parents having a first child picked female embryos 70 percent of the time.

Yankland is one of the few countries in the west where sex-selective abortion is legal.

Here are some of the reasons women want a girl:

All the moms I spoke to were looking to add a little estrogen to their brood because they feel they could never have the same connection with a son as they could with a daughter. But some were blunter about their preferences.
Grace, a 31-year-old who works in human resources (I’m referring to her by her middle name), told me, “When I think about having a child that’s a boy, it’s almost a repulsion, like, Oh my God, no.”
Grace and her FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) engineer fiancé are freezing embryos to preserve their fertility—and to ensure they avoid that “Oh my God, no” scenario. After she turned 30, her fiancé wanted to make embryos right away. Grace wasn’t particularly eager to kick off the kid-having process: “I don’t like kids. I don’t want kids anytime soon. Especially one that’s a boy.” But she also thinks that her feelings around kids may change—and she wants to be able to dodge the possibility of becoming a “boy mom” if they do.

What’s so bad about boys? “Toxic masculinity,” said many women I spoke to, even those who were, sadly, already boy moms. For many, going through all the trouble to ensure a girl feels like a social good. Amy’s partner, Guthrie, believes that because oldest children tend to be more successful, if everyone did sex selection we could squash inequality by manipulating birth order. “Maybe one of our best chances at trying to destroy the glass ceiling is to have women first,” said Guthrie. Among the moms I spoke to who already have boys, many want to give their sons sisters to make them into better men. They believe that girls can do anything—a conviction that often comes with the subtext that boys are incapable of doing their own laundry, calling their moms, expressing empathy, or even really being part of the family as they get older. “I don’t know a guy who has a strong relationship with his mother or his father,” Grace told me.

They even cite inceldom as a reason (JFL):
The perception is that boys are trouble—or at least are susceptible to a particular kind of trouble. There’s been a heavily reported-on crisis of masculinity, with men lagging in almost every metric that matters to success-obsessed Silicon Valley. Men are less likely to finish high school, graduate college, and have children. One study found that 60 percent of young men are single, compared with 30 percent of young women, who are more likely to be in a queer relationship.

As well as Autism and Andrew Tate.

TL;DR: women are selectively breeding males out of existence. I don't know whether this is a good thing or not. I'd love to see an all-female society collapse, but, in truth, a society can probably function fine with 30% males doing all the slave labour.
This is good for men, it increases the supply and diminishes the value of women. The invisible hand of the market never loses. China did the opposite for the last few decades and the male population didn't dominate women: rather, they ended up as mass incels.
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Not surprising. As a supporter of male population control i don't mind too much tbh
Honestly the fact that to many males are born is a problem for males. (nature design is truly evil where it makes more males with the intent for most of them to be deselected. )

Females are more privileges than males, and cant suffer inceldom or homelessness.
I'm going to fertilize these women's eggs
Holy fuck, this is insane. People will see shit like this, write shit like this, read shit like this, and then genuinely say that "misandry doesn't exist:foidSoy::foidSoy::soy::soy::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:."

"Muh rape:feelstastyman::feelstastyman:." Retard, if you are so worried about rape, then why are you bringing more members of the demographic that can and does commit rape without any risk of being punished, because nobody even believes that they can rape or abuse someone, allowing them to get away with both in impunity, instead of giving birth to another member of the gender whose acts of rape and other attacks on others are deeply policed, looked down upon and rejected by society?

Jfl, just imagine using reproductive technologies to choose for anything else than maximum possible intelligence, good looks and health for your children:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

This is good for men, it increases the supply and diminishes the value of women. The invisible hand of the market never loses. China did the opposite for the last few decades and the male population didn't dominate women: rather, they ended up as mass incels.
Not surprising. As a supporter of male population control i don't mind too much tbh
Tbh, the fact that we are in a state where we have to either hope that people of our own sex are chosen to never be born by supremacists who see them as inherently lesser for bullshit reasons (if UScels) or that we have to hope for such a situation to become the reality in our own countries (if non-UScels), it really shows just how hopeless and destroyed men as a whole are.
Good. For the sake of the children.
it really shows just how hopeless and destroyed men as a whole are.
Men have always been hopeless and destroyed. Feminist propaganda just highlights the few at the top as if we all lived their lives.
This is good for men, it increases the supply and diminishes the value of women. The invisible hand of the market never loses. China did the opposite for the last few decades and the male population didn't dominate women: rather, they ended up as mass incels.
Furthermore ricecels doomed themselves by centering their modern culture around whites making themselves cucks to a foreign race that nuked their own 2 times before, over for them
TL;DR: women are selectively breeding males out of existence. I don't know whether this is a good thing or not. I'd love to see an all-female society collapse, but, in truth, a society can probably function fine with 30% males doing all the slave labour.
For me it is a good thing, if I ever had offspring, I pray for them not being male because I don’t want any boy to ever suffer inceldom again, if the ratio is in favor of females, the remaining males might have a better shot at life and romance.
Let them. Only foids can thrive in this shithole. Fewer boys will suffer.
50% male 50% female society doesnt work unless women got no rights and men control the country and forces marriages upon others.

Itll end with 95% women going for top 5% men.

I would either want to see a 30% male 70% female society or forced marriages.

A ton of women are a-sexual or in same gender relationships, but holy shit, 60% lonely men?

BUT lets be realistic. A 70% womanfilled society would collapse anyways.

So forced marriage it is, or lonely depressive men.
Given that foids literally do nothing other than be sex objects for Chad, an excess amount of foids will end in disaster
For me it is a good thing, if I ever had offspring, I pray for them not being male because I don’t want any boy to ever suffer inceldom again, if the ratio is in favor of females, the remaining males might have a better shot at life and romance.
Same. I personally don't want male offspring. There's too much of a risk a male will be incel or cucked. Females are easier to raise right and modern society is made for females. This world isn't a place for guys anymore, unless a guy is Chad. Odds are if I ever had a female and had children with a female, if I had sons then they'd be incels. That's why I don't want any male children.
It's a good thing if less males are born. If the population ratio was 1 guy for every 2 girls, then there would probably be no incel. Instead, nature has it so it's about 1.1 guys for every 1 girl.
On a surface level, a larger number of female births denotes more sexual promise for future male offspring but a more introspective and deeper comprehension reveals that it will only increase hypergamy. The population isn't reproducing enough offspring to replace the dying generations, this is how civilisations collapse.
Not surprising. As a supporter of male population control i don't mind too much tbh
Honestly the fact that to many males are born is a problem for males. (nature design is truly evil where it makes more males with the intent for most of them to be deselected. )

Females are more privileges than males, and cant suffer inceldom or homelessness.
biggest infiltration psyop I've seen, just because a society is ran by foids and over populated by holes means we will be treated better? no, it's an easy way to control them.
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Make men more valuable? Foids realise what they lose? Sort of onboard for this
Same. I personally don't want male offspring. There's too much of a risk a male will be incel or cucked. Females are easier to raise right and modern society is made for females. This world isn't a place for guys anymore, unless a guy is Chad. Odds are if I ever had a female and had children with a female, if I had sons then they'd be incels. That's why I don't want any male children.
This. I would hook my daughters up with incels. Soyciety would heal. Now if only I can find a foid dumb enough to breed. Maybe I should SEAmaxx.
It's like China's one child policy, except way worse because foids can't maintain the society or something
Same. I personally don't want male offspring. There's too much of a risk a male will be incel or cucked. Females are easier to raise right and modern society is made for females. This world isn't a place for guys anymore, unless a guy is Chad. Odds are if I ever had a female and had children with a female, if I had sons then they'd be incels. That's why I don't want any male children.
yeah but you can cant raise a foid and relate with it and give milestones and accomplishments like with a son and shes gonna be a hoe at 12 year olds imagine that your pure daughter swallowing middle school chads cum.
I'm glad my high IQ made me a popular spream seller
You wouldn't want your child to have a difficult life. Foids cannot have difficult lives
As well as Autism and Andrew Tate.
NTpilled again.

Same. I personally don't want male offspring. There's too much of a risk a male will be incel or cucked. Females are easier to raise right and modern society is made for females. This world isn't a place for guys anymore, unless a guy is Chad. Odds are if I ever had a female and had children with a female, if I had sons then they'd be incels. That's why I don't want any male children.
I hate that they're doing this, but on a purely rational level, I can't blame them. Why would anybody want to raise a son in this climate? Unless he is a Chad, his prospects don't look good. As the articles discusses, women are outperforming men in education and they are more likely to give you grandchildren. There is a good chance that your son will will end up as an incel or a cuck. It would be heartbreaking to raise a son that ended up like that. I would feel responsible for his suffering.

Not to mention the fact that your son will have to live in an increasingly gynocentric society. He will have to deal with all kinds of legal discriminations. He will face a more punitive legal system and an increased likelihood of ending up homeless. And despite that, society will still blame him for all the evils in the world. Thanks to technology and the sexual revolution, men have been utterly devalued within society. We are far from the era when having a son was valuable. :feelsbadman:

biggest infiltration psyop I've seen, just because a society is ran by foids and over populated by holes means we will be treated better? no, it's an easy way to control them.
Yeah, I don't think we would necessarily be treated better. We would have even less social capital.
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