Who? Western countries? In the past few centuries?
You are talking about a few countries. Not about the ''white race''. Empires rise and fall. It's just western countries' turn to be at the top. 500 years ago, ottomans (who were also mostly ''white'') saw westerners as barbarians. 2000 years ago, romans saw whites as barbarians. Hell, 80 years ago nazis saw slavs as barbarians, yet nowadays neo nazis say slavs are their ''white brothers''.
Again, westerners, not whites. I agree with your point about jews destroying white culture and white nations, but they're not just specifically targeting whites because they hate whites. Their aim is a global homogeneous race.
My father and my mother are of the same ethnicity. But my father has blue eyes and ''white'' features, while my mother has white skin, but middle eastern features, like brown eyes and facial structure. That doesn't make my father better than my mother; they are both still the same ethnicity, even if they have different genes.
You’re misunderstanding the point. Yeah, the West isn’t the only civilization to rise and fall, but it’s the one that has consistently led the world in terms of scientific, technological, and cultural progress in recent centuries. Western countries, largely shaped by the White race, have been responsible for the majority of global advancements. The Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, yes, were powerful, but they never achieved the same level of sustained progress that the Western world has in the last 500 years.
The point is that civilizations don't just rise because of geographical luck or circumstance. They rise because of the people who create them—their intellect, their ability to build institutions, to create wealth, to innovate, etc. The White race has done this at a level unmatched by other groups. The Ottomans may have seen themselves as superior in their time, but that doesn't change the reality that they were eventually surpassed by the Western world. Also, The Ottoman Empire spanned parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, so its population was highly heterogeneous, not "mostly White."
And no, Nazis did not hate Slavs. The argument that Slavs were considered "barbarians" is not entirely accurate when we look at the full historical context of Hitler’s actions and views. Yeah, in his early in his political career he did have negative views about Slavs, but this perspective was far from absolute and evolved over time. In fact, as the war progressed, his policies reflected a more pragmatic approach, treating Slavs based on their relationship with Germany rather than an inherent racial antagonism. Hitler was willing to collaborate with Slavic nations that aligned with his goals. Slavic volunteers served in the SS, which proves that Hitler recognized the value of Slavic groups as part of the Aryan race.
Anyway, the issue isn't just Western or European nations—it’s the fact that the White race has, collectively, been the engine of human progress. We’ve fallen from grace because of betrayal by (((elites))) who have sold out our heritage in favor of a globalist agenda. The reason I am incel is not because of external forces, but because of the internal degeneracy from within our own societies, as I've already said.
As for your parents' differences—this is where you’re missing the larger picture. Yes, individual genetic traits vary, but the idea that all races are the same or interchangeable is retarded. It’s not about phenotypic traits, it’s about shared heritage and cultural identity. When you start mixing genes from drastically different populations, you create genetic dilution, and with that, a loss of identity, culture, and cohesion. The fact that your mother has a Near Eastern phenotype doesn’t negate the reality that European genes and lineages are different from Middle Eastern ones.