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White people are not privileged



Virgin But Incel
Aug 20, 2023
"White privilege" Is an obvious lie used by leftists & jews to push White guilt & self hatred among White people, let's take a look at the proof shall we?

Indian-origin Americans: They are the highest-earning ethnic group​

Dubai: These are some fast fact about Indians in America.
  • There are nearly 4 million people of Indian descent in America.
  • Indians are the highest-earning ethnic group in the US, with a median income of $100,000.
  • This is almost double that of the national median.
  • About 72 per cent of Indians in America have at least a bachelor's degree.

According to the Pew Research Centre, Indians are the highest-earning ethnic group in the US, with a median income of $100,000. This is almost double that of the national median.
Now if there was "White privilege" Then why would the Whites not just redistribute the Curries wealth to poorer Whites? Clearly if Whites are privileged "POC" Should never make this much money right?


More than a third of white students lie about their race on college applications, survey finds​

  • A survey found that 34 percent of white students who applied to colleges falsely claimed they were a racial minority on their application.
  • Most students, 48 percent, claimed to be Native American on their application.
  • Seventy-seven percent of white applicants who lied about their race on their application were accepted to those colleges.
A survey from Intelligent found that 34 percent of white students who applied to colleges and universities falsely claimed they were a racial minority on their application.

The publication found that 81 percent of students who faked minority status did so to improve their chances of getting accepted. Fifty percent of students who lied said they did it to get minority-focused financial aid.

America is changing faster than ever! Add Changing America to your Facebook or Twitter feed to stay on top of the news.

Most students, 48 percent, claimed to be Native American on their application. Thirteen percent falsely marked that they were Latino, while 10 percent falsely claimed to be Black. Nine percent of those surveyed lied that they were Asian or Pacific Islander.

For the most part, Intelligent found, these white students tended to get away with their lies. About 3 in 4, or 77 percent, of white applicants who faked minority status on their applications were accepted to those colleges.

“While other factors may have played a role in their acceptance, the majority of applicants who lied and were accepted (85%) believe that falsifying their racial minority status helped them secure admission to college,” Intelligent wrote in their report.

Among those willing to fake their minority status, 48 percent of white male applicants lied about their race, while 16 percent of white female applicants did so.

“Twice as many men as women claimed Native American heritage on their applications (54 percent compared to 24 percent). Meanwhile, one in four women (24%) claimed to be Latino. Women are also more than twice as likely as men to pretend to be Black (18% compared to 8%)” Intelligent wrote.

The publication surveyed 1,250 white Americans who had previously applied to college. The survey was conducted on July 13.
Now if "White privilege" Were real why would Whites need to lie about their race in order to improve their chances of getting into college? Surely the colleges should automatically accept them since they are White right? Let's head over to Europe for more debunking of "White privilege"

The European Union is founded on values such as respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights. All forms of hatred and intolerance are incompatible with these fundamental rights and values.

Hatred not only affects the individual victims, it represents a threat to vibrant democracies and a pluralistic society.

Hate motivated crime and speech are illegal under EU law. The 2008 Framework Decision on combating certain forms of expressions of racism and xenophobia requires the criminalisation of public incitement to violence or hatred based on race, colour, religion, descent or national or ethnic origin. The European Commission, as Guardian of the Treaties, monitors the correct implementation of the Framework Decision, through dialogue and when needed infringements proceedings.

On 9 December 2021, the European Commission adopted a Communication which prompts a Council decision to extend the current list of ‘EU crimes’ in Article 83(1) TFEU to hate crimes and hate speech. If this Council decision is adopted, the European Commission would be able, in a second step, to propose secondary legislation allowing the EU to criminalise other forms of hate speech and hate crime, in addition to racist or xenophobic motives.

The European Commission’s policy “toolbox” includes also dedicated exchanges and tools in support to national authorities in the context of the High Level Group on combating hate speech and hate crime, which functions since 2016. This work has focused on better support to victims, in line with the Victims Rights Directive, on stepping up hate crime training for law enforcement, and on enhancing recording, reporting and data collection of hate crimes. In addition, to face the challenges of online hatred, the European Commission initiated in 2016 a voluntary Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online with well-known IT companies.

The Commission’s policies pay particular attention also to specific forms of hate speech and hate crime experienced by groups and communities, such as antisemitism, as mentioned in the EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life (2021-2030), anti-Muslim hatred or anti-gypsyism.

No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred​

In December 2023, the Commission and the High Representative adopted a Joint Communication on “No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred”. The Communication aims to step up EU efforts to fight hatred in all its forms, by reinforcing action across a variety of policies. These include stepping up the work on combating hate speech online through an upgrade of the Code of conduct agreed with major online platforms, measures to enhance the protection of places of worship via an increased budget of the Internal Security Fund and an upgrade to the role of Envoys of the current Coordinators on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, on combating anti-Muslim hatred and on combating racism.

The High Level Group on combating hate speech and hate crime​

The High Level Group is established since 2016 with the following mandate:
• to foster in-depth expert discussions on horizontal issues common to the fight against hate speech and hate crime on all grounds, seeking to develop practical guidance, standards and tools and to build capacity to improve responses at the national and local level;
• to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of good practices undertaken at local, national or international level;
• to include both international organisations and civil society perspectives and foster dedicated thematic discussions on specific forms of hatred and ways to channel effective responses on the ground.

The 2022 Key guiding principles on cooperation between law enforcement authorities and civil society organisations are an example of guidance produced by the High Level Group. These key guiding principles embrace the areas of hate crime reporting and data collection, hate crime training and hate crime victim support.

Work streams and resources​

The High Level Group has organised its work along four focus areas and each of them has produced the following important guidance and resources:

Hate crime recording, reporting and data collection​

coordinated by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

Hate crime training and capacity building for national law enforcement​

coordinated by the European Commission and the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)

Hate crime victims support​

coordinated by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)

Countering hate speech online​

coordinated by the European Commission

Funding opportunities​

The European Commission provides financial support to national authorities and civil society organisations working on hate speech and hate crime, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme. To receive information about the upcoming calls, please visit the CERV webpage.

Additional resources​

Now if "White privilege" Were real why have the EU written such an in depth article about combating "Hate speech" "Racism" & "Xenophobia"? Surely they should be in favor of all three right? Now let's take a look at hate speech laws country per country.



Main articles: Belgian Anti-Racism Law and Belgian Holocaust denial law
The Belgian Anti-Racism Law, in full, the Law of 30 July 1981 on the Punishment of Certain Acts inspired by Racism or Xenophobia, is a law against hate speech and discrimination that the Federal Parliament of Belgium passed in 1981. It made certain acts motivated by racism or xenophobia illegal. It is also known as the Moureaux Law.

The Belgian Holocaust denial law, passed on 23 March 1995, bans public Holocaust denial. Specifically, the law makes it illegal to publicly "deny, play down, justify or approve of the genocide committed by the Nazi German regime during the Second World War." Prosecution is led by the Belgian Centre for Equal Opportunities. The offense is punishable by imprisonment of up to one year and fines of up to 3,500.



The Council of Europe sponsored "No Hate Speech"[19] movement actively raises awareness about hate speech, in order to help combat the problem. While Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights does not prohibit criminal laws against revisionism such as denial or minimization of genocides or crimes against humanity, as interpreted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe went further and recommended in 1997 that member governments "take appropriate steps to combat hate speech" under its Recommendation R (97) 20.[20] The ECtHR does not offer an accepted definition for "hate speech" but instead offers only parameters by which prosecutors can decide if the "hate speech" is entitled to the protection of freedom of speech.[21]

A growing awareness of this topic has resulted from educational programs in schools, which has enhanced reporting of hate speech incidences.[22] The Council of Europe also created the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, which has produced country reports and several general policy recommendations, for instance against antisemitism and intolerance against Muslims.


Main article: Hate speech laws in France
France's penal code and press laws prohibit public and private communication that is defamatory or insulting, or that incites discrimination, hatred, or violence against a person or group on account of place of origin, ethnicity or lack thereof, nationality, race, specific religion, sex, sexual orientation, or handicap. The law prohibits declarations that justify or deny crimes against humanity—for example, the Holocaust (Gayssot Act).[26]

In July 2019, Laetitia Avia proposed a bill to fight hate speech on social media. The Avia law was passed on May 13, 2020. It requires websites to remove content that contains hate speech within 24 hours after publication. Failure to comply is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a fine of up to €15,000.[27] On 18 June 2020, the French Constitutional Council rejected most of the draft law.[28]


In Germany, Volksverhetzung ("incitement to hatred") is a punishable offense under Section 130 of the Strafgesetzbuch (Germany's criminal code) and can lead to up to five years' imprisonment.[29] Section 130 makes it a crime to publicly incite hatred against parts of the population or to call for violent or arbitrary measures against them or to insult, maliciously slur or defame them in a manner violating their (constitutionally protected) human dignity. Thus for instance it is illegal to publicly call certain ethnic groups "maggots" or "freeloaders".[30] Volksverhetzung is punishable in Germany even if committed abroad and even if committed by non-German citizens, if only the incitement of hatred takes effect within German territory, e.g., the seditious sentiment was expressed in German writing or speech and made accessible in Germany (German criminal code's Principle of Ubiquity, Section 9 §1 Alt. 3 and 4 of the Strafgesetzbuch).

On June 30, 2017, Germany approved a bill criminalizing hate speech on social media sites. Among criminalizing hate speech, the law states that social networking sites may be fined up to €50 million (US$56 million) if they persistently fail to remove illegal content within a week, including defamatory "fake news".[31]

United Kingdom​

Main article: Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, several statutes criminalize hate speech against several categories of people. The laws forbid communication that is hateful, threatening, or abusive, and targets a person on account of disability, ethnic or national origin, nationality (including citizenship), race, religion, sexual orientation, or skin colour. The penalties for hate speech include fines, imprisonment, or both.[104][105][106][107][108][109][110][excessive citations] Legislation against Sectarian hate in Scotland, which is aimed principally at football matches,[citation needed] does not criminalise jokes about people's beliefs, nor outlaw "harsh" comment about their religious faith.[111]

Such White privilege" Here. Criminalizing "Hateful speech" We all know these laws only go one way. Now who's behind the idea of
"White privilege"


Such a coincidence I'm sure :feelskek:
Now to end the thread the great replacement is a fact. Why would the "White privileged" Elites allow it if their goal is to put "POC" People down?

The last days of a white world​

This article is more than 24 years old
We are near a global watershed - a time when white people will not be in the majority in the developed world, Britain included. Anthony Browne reports

Special report: Race in Britain

Anthony Browne
Sun 3 Sep 2000 18.02 CEST

It was news and no news; the most significant milestone in one of the most profound changes to affect the US in the past century, and yet a non-event. Last week the US Census Bureau issued figures showing that non-hispanic whites made up 49.8 per cent of the population of California.
Anglo-Saxon whites are already a minority in Hawaii and the District of Columbia. Now they are an ethnic minority in the country's most populous state, the one most usually identified with the American dream.

'It's my hope we can all see our state's diversity as a cause for celebration and not consternation,' said California's lieutenant governor, Cruz Bustamente, a Latino. Robert Newby, a white shop-owner who has lived in Los Angeles for 40 years, echoed his optimism: 'This confirms what most of us have thought for years. I am happy for there to be more immigrants - by and large they work harder and have more money to spend.'
As recently as 1970, eight out of 10 Californians were white. Fuelled by immigration at its highest rate since the start of the last century, and higher fertility rates, the Asian and Latino populations of California have risen by almost a third since 1990. At the same time, with limited immigration and low birth rates, the population of non-hispanic whites has fallen by 3 per cent. By 2040, hispanics are expected to be the overall majority in the state.
Where California goes, the rest of America is predicted to follow. At present 72 per cent of the US population is non-hispanic whites; the US Census Bureau predicts they will become a minority between 2055 and 2060.
Not every one likes the new face of America. White far-right extremists predict the break-up of the union. Thomas W. Chittum, a New Jersey-based Vietnam War veteran, declared in his book Civil War Two, that the US, like Yugoslavia, will shatter into new, ethnically-based nations. 'America was born in blood, America suckled on blood, America gorged on blood and grew into a giant, and America will drown in blood,' Chittum warned.
The separatists have set up groups such as Americans for Self-Determination. One of the founders, Jeff Anderson, said: 'We are suggesting the US be partitioned into states for blacks, whites, hispanics, and so on, along with multi-racial states for those who wish to continue with this experiment. Now is the time to begin such a multi-racial dialogue about separatism, before a storm of violent racial conflict erupts.'
The shifting sands of the US reflect wider - and highly controversial - changes elsewhere in the world. It is an area in which few demographers dare to tread for fear of being accused of racism. 'You cannot quote me - a word out of place and I get crapped on from a very great height,' said one academic. 'Whatever you say you are deemed racist'.
The past millennium was more than anything the era of the whites. Just 500 years ago, few had ventured outside their European homeland. Then, with several acts of genocide clearing the way, they settled in North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand and, to a lesser extent, southern Africa.
But now, around the world, whites are falling as a proportion of population. The United Nations collects and produces a vast array of statistics on population, but produces none relating to race or ethnic origin. Indeed few countries collect their own figures on ethnicity - in Europe, only the UK and the Netherlands do.
However, the UN's State of the World Population 1999 predicted that 98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves.
In its World Population Profile 1998, the US Census Bureau predicted that by the second decade of this century all the net gain in world population will be in developing countries. 'The future of human population growth has been determined, and is being determined, in the world's poorer nations,' it said.
The global centre of gravity is changing. In 1900 Europe had a quarter of the world's population, and three times that of Africa; by 2050 Europe is predicted to have just 7 per cent of the world population, and a third that of Africa. The ageing and declining populations of predominantly white nations have prompted forecasts of - and calls for - more immigration from the young and growing populations of developing nations to make up the shortfall.
Last year net immigration to Britain reached 185,000, an all-time record. The Immigration Minister, Barbara Roche, recently announced plans to attract migrants to fill specific skills shortages, such as in the computer industry.
Last month Edmund Stoiber, the premier of Bavaria in southern Germany, called on Germans to have more babies as an alternative to more immigrants. 'We are having too few children - to a worrying degree, the significance of which is scarcely recognised,' he said. His calls echoed those of a fellow Christian Democrat who earlier this year stood on a platform of 'Children not Indians'.
In Britain the number of ethnic minority citizens has risen from a few tens of thousands in the 1950s, to more than 3 million - or around 6 per cent of the total population. While the number of whites is virtually static, higher fertility and net immigration means the number from ethnic minorities is growing by 2 to 3 per cent a year.
One demographer, who didn't want to be named for fear of being called racist, said: 'It's a matter of pure arithmetic that, if nothing else happens, non-Euro peans will become a majority and whites a minority in the UK. That would probably be the first time an indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority in its historic homeland.'
Lee Jasper, race relations adviser to the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, predicted a similar future, telling The Observer : 'Where America goes, Europe follows 30 years later. There is a potential for whites to become a minority in some European countries.'
In Britain, that is almost certain to happen in London, and in the relatively near future. 'At the moment ethnic minorities are about 40 per cent in London. The demographics show that white people in London will become a minority by 2010,' said Jasper. 'We could have a majority black Britain by the turn of the century.'
British National Party chairman Nick Griffin said: 'I don't think there's any doubt that within this century, white people will be a minority in every country in the world.' For Griffin, however, it is a major cause of alarm: 'Every people under the sun have a right to their place under the sun, and the right to survive. If people predicted that Indians would be a minority in India in 2100, everyone would be calling it genocide.'
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of the Foreign Policy Centre, who arrived in London from Uganda in 1972, said such fears are basically racist: 'Only white people worry about this. It's because for such a long time the world has been their own. To talk about it feeds a particular type of racism that says that blacks breed like rabbits. There is an underlying assumption that says white is right.'
She added: 'There is a white panic every time one part of their world seems to be passing over to anyone else. But it's foolish to panic about it. So what if we do become a majority? What difference does it make?'
For Alibhai-Brown, the decline of whites is a question of redressing the balance after they colonised much of the world. 'The empire strikes back really. There was this extraordinary assumption that white people could go and destroy peoples and it would have no consequence. It astounds me,' she said.
But present trends have little chance of redressing the injustices of history. Native Americans used to have the lands to themselves but are now less than 1 per cent of the US population, with little chance of becoming a majority again. The biggest growth is among Latinos (largely derived from Spain), and Asians, particularly from China and the Phillippines.
Jasper said the concerns of the British National Party are based on outdated ideas. 'The racial mix of nations changes all the time. There is no way that ethnicity of blood can be tied to a specific geographic place in a global world. You can no longer look at ethnic states, saying that Germany is Anglo-Saxon and so on.'
Jasper felt the process would strengthen Britain. 'Diversity strengthens a country. It makes it more exciting. We have hundreds of languages spoken, when we go out to eat we never eat English, we eat Thai or French or Indian. It makes London a very cool place to live and work.'
Nor does it seem likely that whites will become marginalised in terms of influences, even if their numbers decline. David Owen, of the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations at Warwick Univer sity, said: 'Population has never been the main determinant of influence - it's wealth and income. White people still have their hands on most of the levers of military and economic power.'
Even so, Griffin warns that, as in Germany and the US, the rise of ethnic minorities will lead to a backlash. 'It's going to put race to the top of the political agenda,' he said.
But that seems unlikely. Britain has far less of a track record of racism and right-wing extremism than other European countries. Alibhai-Brown insisted that rising numbers of ethnic minorities could even help reduce what racism there is: 'The right-wing parties are growing in Somerset, not Brixton. The idea that more black people means more racism is not born out by the research. The more of us there are, it reduces racism.'
Back in California, in a land built by immigrants, Bustamente put a positive spin on the end of the white majority: 'If there are no majorities, then there's no minorities.' In Europe, with its 40,000-year-old indigenous white population, the rise of a non-white majority may not be greeted with such equanimity.
In the United Kingdom, the number of people from ethnic minorities has risen from a few tens of thousands in 1950 to more than 3 million now.
In Italy, the birth rate is so low that, without immigration, the population is predicted to decline by 16 million by 2050.
The United States government predicts that non-hispanic whites will become a minority in the country by 2055.
The United Nations predicts that 98 per cent of world population growth until 2025 will be in developing nations.
The population of Europe is expected to drop from 25 per cent of the world total in 1900 to 7 per cent in the next 50 years.
But it's just a "Conspiracy theory":feelsclown:
Tagging some users.

@DarkStar @Chudpreet @Sloth.Belgrade @lazy_gamer_423
I agree
It's all a (((cohencidence)))
at least white life is better than black life since yaul are less subhuman then our race
"White privilege" Is an obvious lie used by leftists & jews to push White guilt & self hatred among White people, let's take a look at the proof shall we?

Now if there was "White privilege" Then why would the Whites not just redistribute the Curries wealth to poorer Whites? Clearly if Whites are privileged "POC" Should never make this much money right?


Now if "White privilege" Were real why would Whites need to lie about their race in order to improve their chances of getting into college? Surely the colleges should automatically accept them since they are White right? Let's head over to Europe for more debunking of "White privilege"

Now if "White privilege" Were real why have the EU written such an in depth article about combating "Hate speech" "Racism" & "Xenophobia"? Surely they should be in favor of all three right? Now let's take a look at hate speech laws country per country.



Such White privilege" Here. Criminalizing "Hateful speech" We all know these laws only go one way. Now who's behind the idea of
"White privilege"

View attachment 1287711

Such a coincidence I'm sure :feelskek:
Now to end the thread the great replacement is a fact. Why would the "White privileged" Elites allow it if their goal is to put "POC" People down?

But it's just a "Conspiracy theory":feelsclown:
This is because of the October Revolution and Bolshevism. The very concept of equality of workers of all races and ethnic groups came from communism. The slogan "Proletarians of all countries unite" is absurd. The recognition of racial equality as such in the world occurred in the 1960s and after the recognition of equality, there was a gradual pressure on whites.
If you start digging into the root of the problem, it all comes down to Judeo-Bolshevism.
"White privilege" Is an obvious lie used by leftists & jews to push White guilt & self hatred among White people, let's take a look at the proof shall we?

Now if there was "White privilege" Then why would the Whites not just redistribute the Curries wealth to poorer Whites? Clearly if Whites are privileged "POC" Should never make this much money right?


Now if "White privilege" Were real why would Whites need to lie about their race in order to improve their chances of getting into college? Surely the colleges should automatically accept them since they are White right? Let's head over to Europe for more debunking of "White privilege"

Now if "White privilege" Were real why have the EU written such an in depth article about combating "Hate speech" "Racism" & "Xenophobia"? Surely they should be in favor of all three right? Now let's take a look at hate speech laws country per country.



Such White privilege" Here. Criminalizing "Hateful speech" We all know these laws only go one way. Now who's behind the idea of
"White privilege"

View attachment 1287711

Such a coincidence I'm sure :feelskek:
Now to end the thread the great replacement is a fact. Why would the "White privileged" Elites allow it if their goal is to put "POC" People down?

But it's just a "Conspiracy theory":feelsclown:
The concept of white privileges says that equality is impossible, it is only possible for one person to dominate the other. As Cicero said, "A slave does not dream of freedom. He dreams of having his own slaves."
I'm an Indian who racially separates myself by my own will, so you whites can relax. I do not try to infilitrate white spaces.

I have personally seen white privilege in action, but they always manage to invite a few jews and blacks in to maintain the illusion of meritocracy.

Still, whites can do what they want, they shouldn't be forced to include anyone.

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