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News White only church in Minnesota



Virgin not incel
Nov 13, 2019

I hope there will be male only churches
foids shouldn't be allowed in the church
Maybe children, there is usually a room for children in the same building
If a man has children he should be able to take them with him
Too bad it's not a
We need Blackpill Temple
They have gender segregation in Mosques. Islam seems to be the religion most users on here need to convert to if they want to believe in the whole made up carry on. And you get to ascend after you die in Islam, you have to be fully celibate for the rest of eternity in Christianity. That's literally in the the Bible. Mormonism is another good one you get an entire planet full of foids in space when you become a Mormon God.
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Lifefuel for sfcels.
Too bad it's not a
Are you a creativist(or creative, whatever it's called)? IIRC you think Christianity is a jewish psyop.

What's it like belonging to that religion if you do belong to that faith?
They have gender segregation in Mosques. Islam seems to be the religion most users on here need to convert to if they want to believe in the whole made up carry on. And you get to ascend after you die in Islam, you have to be fully celibate for the rest of eternity in Christianity. That's literally in the the Bible. Mormonism is another good one you get an entire planet full of foids in space when you become a Mormon God.
Where does it say you have to be fully celibate for the rest of eternity?

Btw if pregnancy complications kills women then it's good
I don't understand the meaning behind your signature

As long as they don't harm anyone i don't see the problem with a white only church.

Maybe separate them like in mosques.
too many cucks will fight against it
Some people are angry because they are separated in mosques
The people offended by it aren't even muslims
Where does it say you have to be fully celibate for the rest of eternity?

'When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.' Mark 12:25

Two things to bear in mind is that Jews never had sex outside of marriage and angels don't have sex. So there will be none of that carry on in heaven, Jesus actually said so right there. If I were Christian it would bum me out a bit ngl. Kind of a good thing I'm not.

Btw if pregnancy complications kills women then it's good


Oh well it's that kind of forum.
'When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.' Mark 12:25

Two things to bear in mind is that Jews never had sex outside of marriage and angels don't have sex. So there will be none of that carry on in heaven, Jesus actually said so right there. If I were Christian it would bum me out a bit ngl. Kind of a good thing I'm not.


Oh well it's that kind of forum.
"when the dead rise"
He is clearly talking about heaven
Jews did have sex outside of marriage, they still do
yeah, this used to be a blackpiled forum.
Hate the foids
"when the dead rise"
He is clearly talking about heaven
Jews did have sex outside of marriage, they still do
yeah, this used to be a blackpiled forum.
Hate the foids

'A friend of mine admits that the Bible forbids a married person from having sex outside of marriage (i.e. adultery), but he claims it doesn't say anything about unmarried people having sex. Is he right?​


No, he is not. The Bible clearly teaches that all sexual relations outside marriage are wrong in God’s eyes. The Bible bluntly says, “Flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18). This includes any kind of sexual activity apart from marriage.
Remember that God gave us the gift of sex in the first place–and He intended for it to be a source of joy and happiness for us. But He also intended for it to be restricted to marriage. Why? One reason is because it was to be a sign of the unity between a husband and wife. It was, in other words, meant to be an expression of their mutual commitment and love. But sex outside marriage easily becomes selfish, and even boring.
God knows what is best for us, including this important area of our lives. Why ignore His way, when it is best for us in the long run? The Bible warns, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:12) The Bible also promises, “Blessed are they whose ways are blameless” (Psalm 119:1).
Pray for your friend; I can’t help but wonder if he is only looking for an excuse to live a life of self-indulgence and immorality. But there is forgiveness and new life for all who turn to Christ in repentance and faith. Yes, we live in a sex-saturated society–but with God’s help we can follow a far better path.'

It would have been classed as adultery in Jewish society the time. Even if you capture a woman as a slave in war you still had to marry her after shaving her head bald and all that business. They had strict rules on all this. In any case he still said we would be like the angels they don't have willies, vaginas or reproductive drives and whatnot. Which kind of makes sense we wouldn't likely be reproducing in afterlife. In Mormonism they do but that's a whole different realm of complete madness there. Religion/s will give you this shit :bluepill:. They were all made up by normie fags, none of them are blackpilled remotely at all.

'A friend of mine admits that the Bible forbids a married person from having sex outside of marriage (i.e. adultery), but he claims it doesn't say anything about unmarried people having sex. Is he right?​


No, he is not. The Bible clearly teaches that all sexual relations outside marriage are wrong in God’s eyes. The Bible bluntly says, “Flee from sexual immorality” (1 Corinthians 6:18). This includes any kind of sexual activity apart from marriage.
Remember that God gave us the gift of sex in the first place–and He intended for it to be a source of joy and happiness for us. But He also intended for it to be restricted to marriage. Why? One reason is because it was to be a sign of the unity between a husband and wife. It was, in other words, meant to be an expression of their mutual commitment and love. But sex outside marriage easily becomes selfish, and even boring.
God knows what is best for us, including this important area of our lives. Why ignore His way, when it is best for us in the long run? The Bible warns, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death” (Proverbs 14:12) The Bible also promises, “Blessed are they whose ways are blameless” (Psalm 119:1).
Pray for your friend; I can’t help but wonder if he is only looking for an excuse to live a life of self-indulgence and immorality. But there is forgiveness and new life for all who turn to Christ in repentance and faith. Yes, we live in a sex-saturated society–but with God’s help we can follow a far better path.'

It would have been classed as adultery in Jewish society the time. Even if you capture a woman as a slave in war you still had to marry her after shaving her head bald and all that business. They had strict rules on all this. In any case he still said we would be like the angels they don't have willies, vaginas or reproductive drives and whatnot. Which kind of makes sense we wouldn't likely be reproducing in afterlife. In Mormonism they do but that's a whole different realm of complete madness there. Religion/s will give you this shit :bluepill:. They were all made up by normie fags, none of them are blackpilled remotely at all.
Perhaps it would be adultery but jews don't care at all
Society does not care and promotes sex

Your signature is bluepilled
"Pregnancy is bad because it harms muh lady" :soy:
white women are going to protest it 24/7
Perhaps it would be adultery but jews don't care at all
Society does not care and promotes sex

Your signature is bluepilled
"Pregnancy is bad because it harms muh lady" :soy:

Jews aren't generally serious at all about their religion as most people generally aren't these days, it's just tradition/culture. So that's fine with me.

If the pregnancy goes full term you end with a baby so that's a bit bluepilled as well. It could female baby as well, 50% chance. To be safe you can terminate the pregnancy to avoid that. So I reckon I've got the blackpill edge on you.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a8GlAf6Gv8
no church for your face
The petition to get it shut down has hundreds of thousands of signatures

why can’t whites just have their own places to be. Fucking minorities women and jews need to ruin everything
The petition to get it shut down has hundreds of thousands of signatures

why can’t whites just have their own places to be. Fucking minorities women and jews need to ruin everything
I bet most of the signatures are from white liberals
White foids and beta cucks
Sorry bro I'm curry(unless you believe in Aryan Invasion theory(curries are ancient white abo mutts), or that mutts like me or any half white mutt can be honorary)
Just like nazzy Germany, non White folks are fine as long as they don't make mutts!

My condolences.

Mostly im just a supporter... Im too (((damaged))) to be a full participant.

If you can't breed...they don't need...me.

That's because im Incel >:(

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