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white normie brutally rejected in japan



Jan 10, 2018
this dude is supposed to be a king of approaches and yet all he posts are rejections

he is white, high IQ and approaches asians


jfl how hard males have it


yo this nigga got some big titties no homo.
Holy shit wtf. A white guy getting rejected by Asians??? What's going on???
If you have to approach it's over.
Plz someone try to reach out that guy and tell him to join us here
manlets when will they learn
JBW is not magic, boyo. Despite that:
1- He's acting like a retard.
2- Due to videos like this, people know that white guys perceive asian women as easy. So cold approach, something that barely works, will work way less due to that.
Surprise surprise gymcel copecel norwood manlet gets rejected on an homogeneous nation like japan, where people are redpilled on Hapas. JBW only works 100% on SE Asia aka jungle asia

... How short is that guy? He is getting heightmogged by gook foids. And being taller than a foid is the #1 global requirement to smash, LTR, etc.
Surprise surprise gymcel copecel norwood manlet gets rejected on an homogeneous nation like japan, where people are redpilled on Hapas. JBW only works 100% on SE Asia aka jungle asia

... How short is that guy? He is getting heightmogged by gook foids. And being taller than a foid is the #1 global requirement to smash, LTR, etc.

Does he have man boobs?
The dude is basically not that bad looking, but his NW2, outdated clothes styles since the 2008-2009 era and shitty hair just don't make the cut at all. Not to mention the fact he's a framecel and has boobs.
He is just scaring them off with his huge boobs, because most noodlewhores are flat-chested.
It's over for ricefevercels like me
Whitecels are truecels.
might be a cultural thing, i don't think anyone approaches there
if ur white in asia just go on tinder...nobody approaches on the street there
First of all: fuck Japan.

Secondly he seems to not fit in in Japan. And this cold approaching thing might be too suspicious for these stuck up noodle people. It might be ok in the US where everyone behaves like an animal anyway. Also his clothing sucks. This punk/ skating attitude is outdated and femoids demand boys who follow trends.
He's zipping around like an autistic kid.
Holy shit wtf. A white guy getting rejected by Asians??? What's going on???
Yes not all Asians like white guys. Especially 1st world Asian countries because they already got fucked by west
look at this guy. carrying his skateboard around like a fucking child with a gameboy. wearing skintight bleached pants, showing off his chest insertions like anyone gives a shit

he also has painted fingernails
Those are the biggest boobs I've ever seen on a guy.
If you have to approach it's over.

is this true though even in the uk where foids have tons of options

its like having to roll weed when you have pre rolls just to put tobacco in
JBW isn't enough in Japan/South Korea/Taiwan because they are too developed, you need to go to SEA to play that game and slay
I wanna milk those udders tbh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Proof that PUA advice is bullshit. Even a white man in Japan can't get even a 10% success rate with that shit lmao
look at this guy. carrying his skateboard around like a fucking child with a gameboy. wearing skintight bleached pants, showing off his chest insertions like anyone gives a shit

he also has painted fingernails
JBW theory shattered to pieces. When will whitcels learn?
He is dressed like a clown with that neon blue belt and walking around with a skateboard like some punk teenager.

He's also wearing some super tight v-neck which only shows off his gynecomastia.

Plus he is balding and has an extremely gay sounding voice.

Maybe his routine could work if he looked like Edward Furlong in Terminator 2 and was his age as well talking to some jap teen girl in an arcade but he's talking to well dressed jap women.

Not even clean shaven and wearing ridiculously tight jeans. If he dressed like a professional and acted like one he'd have no problem but that guy is a loser.

Now he's running like a PUA monkey making approaches without even getting an IOI. Shameful.

Why is he wearing that shirt so wide open anyway, looks retarded and lol at that yellow wristwatch.

He is right they can feel his energy. He is a spam cold approach monkey with no finesse and strategy and they can feel it.

Now he's going to hand a love letter like some little kid to a girl working behind the counter of the cafe. Only cowards cold approach store employees because being polite is part of their job and they're forced to interact with customers. By far the lamest and most timid approach and preferred by beta males as the only one they can muster.

He's a manlet too. The cameraman creeps them out obv and they do notice.

Now the message about accepting rejection and understanding it is normal is not something I disagree with him on. What he should also emphasize is that their are factors you can take to increase your chances of success that I don't see him advocating or putting into practice himself.

Lol just noticed the neon blue fingernails; I guess to match the gay belt? Pathetic.

Why is he asking if they have boyfriends in his approach? That is the easiest way for the girl to defuse the approach by just saying yes even if it isn't true. Let them volunteer that information. Or possibly they are volunteering that unprovoked but who knows as his after approach commentary is vague and uninsightful.

Edit: I just read a YouTube comment he made to the video and he says he asks early on if they have a boyfriend; just lol.

I feel he is being disenguine not revealing exactly what he's saying and what the girls are saying in every encounter leaving the viewer to try to piece together the fail.

I agree with him, having the mentality of every time you say hello to a girl it's a success is good to have. You can't just spam it though and it has to be with girls you assess would be receptive to it prior to initiating verbal contact.

Of course having your minimum threshold is good for gauging girls but if you can't determine if you meet her own minimum threshold then don't bother.

What he says is encouraging but in practice does he believe it? His body language and tone of voice shows disappointment and entitlement. When he's able to demonstrate rejection having no emotional impact and is able to lose any entitlement complex he might have; as well as dress and approach more appropriately I would then consider him successful.

20 mins in I cut it, but this guy is by no means representative of JBW.
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tis the life of a nw2cel manlet with manboobs
Proof that PUA advice is bullshit. Even a white man in Japan can't get even a 10% success rate with that shit lmao
Still, JBW works, he is using it in Japan, since they are honarary aryans, it does not work on them. It also will not work in developed asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau among others, it might work in China, but might, because it is more developed than SEA
when it comes to the developed asian countries JBW only applies to high tier normies and above, who have essentially no competition.
is this true though even in the uk where foids have tons of options

its like having to roll weed when you have pre rolls just to put tobacco in
Yep, foids have all the power.:feelsrope:
Before you even opened your mouth she decided.
look at this guy. carrying his skateboard around like a fucking child with a gameboy. wearing skintight bleached pants, showing off his chest insertions like anyone gives a shit

he also has painted fingernails
I noticed that too , remind me of 2008-2010 he probably listens to dubstep too lmao . Really this very cringy to watch they all look scared af when he comes up fast af
look at this guy. carrying his skateboard around like a fucking child with a gameboy. wearing skintight bleached pants, showing off his chest insertions like anyone gives a shit

he also has painted fingernails

God, PUAs are so fucking cringy. He probably thinks he's "peacocking". It's bad enough people fell for this shit in the 2000s, but doing this shit in 2018 makes you a legit retard.

No surprise he's getting rejected. He's a manlet with a receding hairline that dresses like he's trying to win a cringe contest.

On top of that, Japanese women are extremely picky. You think western women are picky? You ain't seen nothin. There's numerous studies that show the insanely high percent of men who are virgins and never had a girlfriend and how insanely high the standards of most Japanese women are. Not to mention, a lot of the women are completely disinterested in men altogether. A lot of Japanese men have completely given up on finding a girlfriend/wife and just spend their free time playing MMOs, watching anime, and cope with their dakimakuras and anime figures. There's a reason all that stuff comes from Japan. All of these problems are well documented and acknowledged by the Japanese government as they have led to an extremely low birth rate. The government has tried to provide financial incentives for people to get married and have children but so far it hasn't really worked.

Point being, obviously a sub5 foreigner is not going to have any luck with women in Japan.

That said, a decent looking blond haired blue eyed guy like @Weed or a pretty boy like @knajjd could probably get a girlfriend there.
God, PUAs are so fucking cringy. He probably thinks he's "peacocking". It's bad enough people fell for this shit in the 2000s, but doing this shit in 2018 makes you a legit retard.

No surprise he's getting rejected. He's a manlet with a receding hairline that dresses like he's trying to win a cringe contest.

On top of that, Japanese women are extremely picky. You think western women are picky? You ain't seen nothin. There's numerous studies that show the insanely high percent of men who are virgins and never had a girlfriend and how insanely high the standards of most Japanese women are. Not to mention, a lot of the women are completely disinterested in men altogether. A lot of Japanese men have completely given up on finding a girlfriend/wife and just spend their free time playing MMOs, watching anime, and cope with their dakimakuras and anime figures. There's a reason all that stuff comes from Japan. All of these problems are well documented and acknowledged by the Japanese government as they have led to an extremely low birth rate. The government has tried to provide financial incentives for people to get married and have children but so far it hasn't really worked.

Point being, obviously a sub5 foreigner is not going to have any luck with women in Japan.

That said, a decent looking blond haired blue eyed guy like @Weed or a pretty boy like @knajjd could probably get a girlfriend there.
I studied abroad in Japan, one thing that they do NOT fuck around with is fashion. Its either Business Professional during the work week, or business casual during the weekend. The whole, tshirt + shorts thing that we do in the USA on weekends still doesn't fly.

If you are over college aged and dress in fucking unbuttoned flannels you will stick out like a sore thumb
He's a manley and his tits are huge needs to wear a shirt that loose so he can cover that shit up.
I studied abroad in Japan, one thing that they do NOT fuck around with is fashion. Its either Business Professional during the work week, or business casual during the weekend. The whole, tshirt + shorts thing that we do in the USA on weekends still doesn't fly.

The funny thing is that Japan is commonly stereotyped as being "LOL SO WEIRD!!!1" with fashion when in reality most japanese people dress as business-like and vanilla as it gets (outside of Harajuku, anime conventions and a small percent of teenagers).

I have a strong feeling that the PUA in that video fails to understand this even though he's there. Zero awareness.

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