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Blackpill White males are the most hated group in the West in 2018



I shower with bleach
Nov 8, 2017
Unless you are a white Chad or Brad, there is no benefit to having white skin in the West for a male. In fact good looking ethnic males are more exotic to white women because of their dark skin.

Average and ugly white males are however universally hated in the West. Hated by whites and ethnics.

In pretty much every TV advert in the US, there is usually an average or ugly white guy who gets cucked by a black or ethnic guy.

The same phenomenon is also becoming more common in Europe, look at this advert from Italy for example.

Or this childrens propaganda in Sweden ...

Could you imagine TV adverts so openly mocking and cucking native men in China, Japan, India, Russia, Brazil or anywhere else in the world?

Then let's look at the amount of sympathy whites get when they have struggles. We all know the SJWs virtue signal for poor ethnics. Not that they really care about them, but at least they pretend to do it for social brownie points.

Here is a YouTube video about how white people in the US are dying due to economic problems.

Look at the comments in the image below. Could you imagine people saying this stuff about poor ethnics? They would instantly be called racist nazis and maybe even put in jail for hate speech. But these people are getting likes and others agreeing with them.


Plus the ethnics are outbreeding whites by 2-3x.

If you're a white male, and you're not a Chad or multi-millionaire, then you're lower value than ethnics in the West. FACT!
Yeah, when it comes to sex, whites nonchads more weak and betas than ethnics, because ethnics are naturally more savages and strong, when whites are more intelligent. Fuck this
White male is the new nigger. JFL at cucking your way out of world domination.
It's just Jewish memes. They don't reflect reality. Go outside, see tall white geeks with ethniks, but never other way around.
It's just Jewish memes. They don't reflect reality. Go outside, see tall white geeks with ethniks, but never other way around.
>be me
>live in a 95% white country
>birth rate at all time low and dropping
>most women pursue career and sportfuck chad/tyrone/mohammed on tinder
>half of pregnancies are single moms, impregnated by chads of various races
>see degenerate ethnic and nigger chads/tyrones with harems of white wamen
>nobody will date the average white male unless rich or very popular
>government and media want to import more refugees and turd world migrants, mainly young men
>be me
>live in a 95% white country
>birth rate at all time low and dropping
>most women pursue career and sportfuck chad/tyrone/mohammed on tinder
>half of pregnancies are single moms, impregnated by chads of various races
>see degenerate ethnic and nigger chads/tyrones with harems of white wamen
>nobody will date the average white male unless rich or very popular
>government and media want to import more refugees and turd world migrants, mainly young men
Hmmmmm not sure how things are in your country so I don't want to comment. Just talking about Amerikkka.
Lol it's propaganda which has no reflection in real life. The average white guy is a lot more liked and respected than the average ethnic at the same looks level
Lol it's propaganda which has no reflection in real life. The average white guy is a lot more liked and respected than the average ethnic at the same looks level
As a white guy I wish that was the case, but in my experience its not.
>be me
>live in a 95% white country
>birth rate at all time low and dropping
>most women pursue career and sportfuck chad/tyrone/mohammed on tinder
>half of pregnancies are single moms, impregnated by chads of various races
>see degenerate ethnic and nigger chads/tyrones with harems of white wamen
>nobody will date the average white male unless rich or very popular
>government and media want to import more refugees and turd world migrants, mainly young men
In which country do you live? The immigrant thing sounds real but the racemixing does not. At least according to the ethnics living in white majority countries.
In which country do you live? The immigrant thing sounds real but the racemixing does not. At least according to the ethnics living in white majority countries.
I prefer not to be too specific, but in Northern Europe. White women here think ethnic Chads are exotic and these ethnic Chads have more orbiting white women than native white Chads. Around 50% of children here are raised by single mothers, numerically most of these are from native Chads but a growing portion from ethnic Chads.
incels are the most hated group
White men are the most hated by SJW/Feminazis but they still rather date them than an ethnic
Lol it's propaganda which has no reflection in real life. The average white guy is a lot more liked and respected than the average ethnic at the same looks level
White dudes are still the most desired and envied men on the planet, and nothing is likely to change that anytime soon. 'Chad' will always be a tall anglo WASP jock.
It's just Jewish memes. They don't reflect reality. Go outside, see tall white geeks with ethniks, but never other way around.
White dudes are still the most desired and envied men on the planet, and nothing is likely to change that anytime soon. 'Chad' will always be a tall anglo WASP jock.
White Chads are attractive (duh) but try being a short white incel
Ethnik incels at least can play the "racism" card, whereas white ones have nothing - they're evil by default
Here (Germany) there is brutal pro refugee propaganda, even a show on kid's tv documenting the lives of a white girl (who is underage ffs) and her refugee bf who likes ISIS on facebook.

There are some losers who fall for it and marry African men, some not even refugees but picked up from Africa and married into our nice little nation. On the other hand some white boys here have a fever for dark skinned femoids.

Whites still dominate the dating scene. But the Arabic and black people have their foot in the door and get femoids that they don't really deserve. Their respect and status was forced upon us by left media. And thanks to their rape crimes and their general inability to become good beta role models, a growing number of women hate the guts of foreigners.
White Chads are attractive (duh) but try being a short white incel
Ethnik incels at least can play the "racism" card, whereas white ones have nothing - they're evil by default

playing the racism card dosen't get sex tho. In all honesty I see no real hatred of white men outside of SJW youtube compilations.
playing the racism card dosen't get sex tho. In all honesty I see no real hatred of white men outside of SJW youtube compilations.
And the mainstream media. And universities. And the government. And silicon valley tech companies. Those are all infested with SJW leftism.
And the mainstream media. And universities. And the government. And silicon valley tech companies. Those are all infested with SJW leftism.

its just meaningless noise like a chihuahua barking. Its nothing. White men are still the ultimate alphas and always will be.
its just meaningless noise like a chihuahua barking. Its nothing. White men are still the ultimate alphas and always will be.
You confuse white Chads with white males. These are two different species.
You confuse white Chads with white males. These are two different species.

You're legit insane if you think an average pajeet is valued/respected/liked/privileged compared to an average white dude.
playing the racism card dosen't get sex tho.
Probably doesn't, but it gets you many other things.
If a white incel doesn't get hired (because the HR lady decides he's short), the most he can do is cry in the corner, whereas a blackcel can sue for racial disctimination.
Whitecel gets bullied and no one bats an eye, a blackcel gets bullied and the CNN launches a campaign to get the bully expelled for being "alt-right".
Also affirmitive action.
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You're legit insane if you think an average pajeet is valued/respected/liked/privileged compared to an average white dude.
I'd say all males are disrespected in todays feminist misandrist Western societies. But non-white males at least get government enforced diversity quotas, better access to social welfare programs, more college scholarships and they can use the race card. This is all an attempt by the feminist leftists to curry favor with minority voting blocks (no pun intended).

White men however are not only disrespected as males but also expected to pay high taxes to fund everything, and get no gubmint freebies in return. Especially below average looking white males. If there is anything that affects white males badly, people just laugh at it and tell us to "man up" and "check your privilege". There is zero benefit to being a white male if you aren't at least slightly above average looking. But that goes for every male.
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White Chads are attractive (duh) but try being a short white incel
Ethnik incels at least can play the "racism" card, whereas white ones have nothing - they're evil by default
Good. I hate them back and don't give a fuck about my life anymore. Looking for the biggest opening.
If you're a white male, and you're not a Chad or multi-millionaire, then you're lower value than ethnics in the West. FACT!
Yeah which is why all evidence points to whites (including white males) being the most popular on dating websites for all races.
Racists are so insecure they can't take the racial banter despite objectively being way better off regardless.
Yeah which is why all evidence points to whites (including white males) being the most popular on dating websites for all races.
Racists are so insecure they can't take the racial banter despite objectively being way better off regardless.

This is true, lol at the Stormcel copers here, I think ban hammers should be sent out, everyone knows that white people like white people better, so how are they the most hated group in the West? This doesn't make any sense to me.
How are whites most hated, when us ethnics are always being called terrorists, sand niggers, etc.. every time we walk down the street being stared down hard like were some kind of creature.. Even our own women hate us thanks to whites. Honestly fuck whites, ever since the beginning of time we've been oppressed, colonized and CUCKED by you whites
I was about to say giga cope but I read the rest of the post and I stand corrected.
I hear constantly about how white males are doing terrible things. Even by doing nothing, apparently I'm benefiting off the exploitation and subjugation of others. Just a lot of negativity pointed towards white men.

It's kind of like when everyone hated jews, "They're doing well and we're not - they must be getting unfair advantages and holding everyone else down!" The difference being that people were a bit ashamed of antisemitism, but it's considered wrong to not demonize white men.

To that I say - Thank you, sweet Jeebus. Life already sucks so bad, I'm sure glad I'm at least benefiting from white-privilege. I don't really know how, but I guess I'll take society's word for it that I profiteer off the blood of minorities and women.
Yeah which is why all evidence points to whites (including white males) being the most popular on dating websites for all races.
Racists are so insecure they can't take the racial banter despite objectively being way better off regardless.
Have you retards learned nothing about online dating? Women go after the top 20% of men on dating apps. Probably the top 10% in 2018. That's the Chads, Brads, Tyrones, Jamals etc. Taking statistics from dating sites will have bias towards attractive men. Yes white Chads are the cream of the crop. Too bad for Tyrone!

But average to below average white guys are going to be as undesirable as the equivalent ethnic guys, sometimes even worse off due to mainstream media SJW jew propaganda. The net result for both is zero pussy, no matter how you slice it. Otherwise I would be rolling in my white privilege banging ethnic chicks left and right. But I only get rejection, even though I'm white and average looking king of manlets (5'9"). Being white in a majority white Western country has no advantage at all, the opposite in fact. If I had brown skin with my looks and not be poor, I would be "exotic".
Have you retards learned nothing about online dating? Women go after the top 20% of men on dating apps. Probably the top 10% in 2018. That's the Chads, Brads, Tyrones, Jamals etc.
You mean it's Chad, Brad, Daniel, Chase, and Steven. The top 10% of black men have trouble competing with average white men. How many times do the dating site statistics have to be posted until whites stop coping? JUST BE WHITE.
You mean it's Chad, Brad, Daniel, Chase, and Steven. The top 10% of black men have trouble competing with average white men. How many times do the dating site statistics have to be posted until whites stop coping? JUST BE WHITE.

This, lmao.
white incels are the most oppressed people in the world
You mean it's Chad, Brad, Daniel, Chase, and Steven. The top 10% of black men have trouble competing with average white men. How many times do the dating site statistics have to be posted until whites stop coping? JUST BE WHITE.

I can't speak for average white men, but below-average white men such as myself are universally despised in the USA and similar western countries. By women, by the establishment, by corporate advertisers, by SJWs, and even by "fellow" white men -- particularly Boomers.
I hear constantly about how white males are doing terrible things. Even by doing nothing, apparently I'm benefiting off the exploitation and subjugation of others. Just a lot of negativity pointed towards white men.

It's kind of like when everyone hated jews, "They're doing well and we're not - they must be getting unfair advantages and holding everyone else down!" The difference being that people were a bit ashamed of antisemitism, but it's considered wrong to not demonize white men.

To that I say - Thank you, sweet Jeebus. Life already sucks so bad, I'm sure glad I'm at least benefiting from white-privilege. I don't really know how, but I guess I'll take society's word for it that I profiteer off the blood of minorities and women.

Being a cumskin has its perks. But we are basically becoming east asian-tier if you're beta, ugly, and can't run masc game. JFL at our ancestors owning the world and then giving it up for no reason.

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