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Blackpill White liberals want the Welfare State so they can exterminate other races



May 3, 2018
Imagine that the ideal world of the liberals is reached: every woman has guaranteed for herself a free education, free housing, free healthcare, etc. So money is no longer a problem for them. What does that mean? That means that women will be able to choose men based purely on how attractive they are. What will women (blacks, latinas, asians, whites etc.) choose? They're going to choose tall and handsome white men (as shown in dating apps). All other races will become useless to women. Countries without welfare state can have many problems (high income inequality, too many poor people etc.), but at least in those places it is possible that a man who has not been blessed in the genetic lottery can ascend and relate to a quality woman. In a perfect welfare state that is impossible. And thats where we heading towards: a world where if you're a man, unless you're in the top 20% of the white race or the top 5% of other races, you're going to be extinct.
They're going to choose tall and handsome white men
Wrong. Humans normally mate within their ethnicity. With the dismal state of the black community, it's no surprise that white people are associated with material success, skewing the results you're referring to (the dating apps). But if you remove material success from the equation, there will be no such association.
Countries without welfare state can have many problems (high income inequality, too many poor people etc.), but at least in those places it is possible that a man who has not been blessed in the genetic lottery can ascend and relate to a quality woman.
Wrong again, you must win the genetic lottery regardless of the specific ethnicity.
if you're a man, unless you're in the top 20% of the white race or the top 5% of other races
Here, you are all but openly stating the white race is factually superior to others. I'd personally ask you to not be a supremacist of any race or sex, even if it's the white male.
@tentacla is a cucktears shill.
Wrong. Humans normally mate within their ethnicity. With the dismal state of the black community, it's no surprise that white people are associated with material success, skewing the results you're referring to (the dating apps). But if you remove material success from the equation, there will be no such association.

Wrong again, you must win the genetic lottery regardless of the specific ethnicity.

Here, you are all but openly stating the white race is factually superior to others. I'd personally ask you to not be a supremacist of any race or sex, even if it's the white male.

I'm not saying they are superior. I'm saying they look better. It is a fact that we have data from dating apps showing this. All races of women prefer white men.
Racemixing is selfish because you want a certain race but at the same time you're contributing for the end of that race, especially its phenotype.

This is especially true if dominant genes: if you're black and only wants white foids, you're contributing for a future world with less white foids.

Racemixing= my fetish matters more than future generations and society (racemixed societies are objectively worse, see Brazil and Latin America in general, most violent and corrupted places on Earth).

Fuck around with any race you want but reproduce within your own race, that's the reasonable thing to do IMO.
This is a pretty bizarre conspiracy theory m8. The foundations of the welfare state in European countries were laid in the early 20th century.
@tentacla is a cucktears shill.
Thank you for personal attack, but I'm just a blackpill realist.

I'm not saying they are superior. I'm saying they look better. It is a fact that we have data from dating apps showing this. All races of women prefer white men.
As I said above, right now, white race is associated with material wealth, which means success in our civilization. Remove that association from picture, and you won't get a specific preference. Dump a number of white adolescents into a wild african tribe, and they will get less mates than natives when they grow up.
Bitch you use the same arguments as inceltears in your posts!!!
Maybe, but I joined only recently, so I'm not familiar with which arguments are whose. And while we're at it, I'd like to ask you to cease personal attacks and slander. This is not a demand and you don't have to oblige, but you still can be, you know, a decent human being, and treat others decently.
Maybe, but I joined only recently, so I'm not familiar with which arguments are whose. And while we're at it, I'd like to ask you to cease personal attacks and slander. This is not a demand and you don't have to oblige, but you still can be, you know, a decent human being, and treat others decently.
You're a normie who should back off to Reddit.
Racemixing= my fetish matters more than future generations and society (racemixed societies are objectively worse, see Brazil and Latin America in general, most violent and corrupted places on Earth).
and Indian subcontinent, mix of White Aryans and Black Dravidians
and Indian subcontinent, mix of White Aryans and Black Dravidians
Racemixing only brings plight. Races are different for reasons, I don't hate absolutely any race but I hate racemixers.
Based on your posts and my previous experience of lurking/debating with IT shills/normies.
It's obvious that it's based on my posts, or you wouldn't be telling that to me. What in my posts makes you think I'm a normie? And besides, what is an "IT shill"?
It's obvious that it's based on my posts, or you wouldn't be telling that to me. What in my posts makes you think I'm a normie? And besides, what is an "IT shill"?
Don't worry. I've already notified the mods of the posts that make you look like an INCELTEARS shill.
Racemixing is selfish because you want a certain race but at the same time you're contributing for the end of that race, especially its phenotype.

This is especially true if dominant genes: if you're black and only wants white foids, you're contributing for a future world with less white foids.

Racemixing= my fetish matters more than future generations and society (racemixed societies are objectively worse, see Brazil and Latin America in general, most violent and corrupted places on Earth).

Fuck around with any race you want but reproduce within your own race, that's the reasonable thing to do IMO.
I agree

On the other hand, I am neutral on White-Asian and Black-Latino mixing.
Imagine that the ideal world of the liberals is reached: every woman has guaranteed for herself a free education, free housing, free healthcare, etc.
Dont forget free abortions too
Don't worry. I've already notified the mods of the posts that make you look like an INCELTEARS shill.
I'm not worried, but I have to point out that looking like something to you doesn't make anything (or anyone) be that. And you still haven't answered my question; can we get to it?
The welfare state model does not work in non-homogenous societies, or there are no known examples of it working.
Well I mean it's really just a matter of integration, if society's at a splitting point, ofc it wouldn't work, and race is not the only example we cound use!

2. White liberals hate white men. They would never want to produce white children.
And White Liberals in general hate ethnics. What's new here?

What will actually happen is the white race will go extinct and the welfare system will collapse because the money out will exceed money in.
If we're wise, we'll get the immigrants to work as well.
Dont forget free abortions too
OK abortions are the ONE good thing from that, that means that more truecels don't have to suffer...

Don't worry. I've already notified the mods of the posts that make you look like an INCELTEARS shill.
A cuckqueers shill reports another one, that's a new low!
Fuck around with any race you want but reproduce within your own race, that's the reasonable thing to do IMO.
Microchimerism means you shouldnt even be fucking women outside of your race because women retain dna of men that they have slept with if they get sperm in side of them
I agree

On the other hand, I am neutral on White-Asian and Black-Latino mixing.
White-Asian is one of the least ruinous ones but still bad. Hapas are so complexed and look worse than pure Asians and and especially whites on average.
Thank you for personal attack, but I'm just a blackpill realist.

As I said above, right now, white race is associated with material wealth, which means success in our civilization. Remove that association from picture, and you won't get a specific preference. Dump a number of white adolescents into a wild african tribe, and they will get less mates than natives when they grow up.

This isn't really right. Fair skin is and has been among most cultures, long before colonial adventurism, a mark of beauty. It's not as if whores have been propagandized to prefer certain men to others. Foids are suggestible, but not to such a wild degree. "I like this kind of man cuz the teevee told me to." And if anything, miscegenation is being pushed as a status symbol to further demographically homogenizing marketing strategies. It doesn't seem to have much manifest influence.

What "society" does do is allow for holes to amplify their innate drives into a vicious dichotomy of loathing and enrapturement. The most sexually exciting men are kings and the rest are thrown into the ditch.
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Microchimerism means you shouldnt even be fucking women outside of your race because women retain dna of men that they have slept with if they get sperm in side of them
That only works if you cum inside their pussies, right? Or mouth counts too?
Microchimerism means you shouldnt even be fucking women outside of your race because women retain dna of men that they have slept with if they get sperm in side of them
Are you the original elliotrodgerhere that got banned for a tutorial on how to do something illegal? I don't remember your username being capitalised
primetime cope written by an autist.

nonwhites breed like rabbits in their own home countries and immigrate to the US and have their own children. that isn't changing just because you can't get laid off tinder.
That only works if you cum inside their pussies, right? Or mouth counts too?
Well even if you dont cum in them, you have precum which is the same thing and just as damaging. This is sex without a condom of course
Are you the original elliotrodgerhere that got banned for a tutorial on how to do something illegal? I don't remember your username being capitalised
No i'm a different guy. there was someone else here who spelled 'elliot' with only one L
Fair skin is and has been among most cultures, long before colonial adventurism, a mark of beauty
Yes, but again, you forget to look for a reason. Tan was always associated with hard work, which meant having fair skin had to associate with the level of success that allows one to eschew hard work. This has nothing to do with natural levels of melanin.
Well I mean it's really just a matter of integration
Look man, we've been over this in previous threads, on multiple occasions and you still cant get it through your thick skull. There is absolutely NO INCENTIVE for immigrants to assimilate into society if there is a welfare state. Before 1965 when there was no welfare state AND no nonwhite immigration on the scale we see today, if people didn't assimilate then they were forced to return to their home countries. This is not at all the case today
Look man, we've been over this in previous threads, on multiple occasions and you still cant get it through your thick skull.
You're the one who can't get it through your non-existent brain!

here is absolutely NO INCENTIVE for immigrants to assimilate into society if there is a welfare state.
Then remove the fucking welfare state, That's what I've said before...
Yes, but again, you forget to look for a reason. Tan was always associated with hard work, which meant having fair skin had to associate with the level of success that allows one to eschew hard work. This has nothing to do with natural levels of melanin.

This never really seemed convincing to me. I am skeptical of the idea that, by extraordinary coincidence, similar standards of beauty arose independently across numerous cultures and have persisted to the present all due to now obsolete socioeconomic connotations.

The most fundamental element of the blackpill is the absolute conception of female desire, to which this hypothesis is in direct opposition.

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