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Theory White Chad's are going extinct and foids are too stupid to realize it



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
The days of being jealous of the white GigaChads who are running a train through college girls and leaving a generation alpha widow cat ladies behind, are going to come to an end.

There's several major factors at play right now. These trends are not going to stop any time soon, and not without major invervention.

1) Hypergamy + Online dating is causing all women to only go for GigaChad. Leaving all other men alone and childless. We've all seen these graph showing the advantage women have. Average looking and below men need not apply.



2) Overall birth rates are declining. The bulk of children now are being imported from other countries.


3) Men with high testosterone are going extinct, and plastic is probably the main cause. Eventually all men will be so soy they will need testosterone therapy just to conceive children, and eventually may be incapable of bearing children at all, "Children Of Men" style.


4) White people are going exinct.


These factors of course may take a generation or two to play out. And it won't help us find girlfriends and wives today. But there is something wonderful about know what women want most in life, Chad, is not going to be around forever.

White Chad is not procreating at nearly the same rate as ugly ethnic men. Ethnic populations are exploding and white people are on the way out. Future Stacy is going to have to choose between Pradeep, Chong, and Ramirez, cause Chad got hunted to extinction.

Foids keep on complaining they get ghosted by Chad after getting fucked, and WAATGM, how they have 1000s of matches on Tinder yet can't find a gullible Chad to betabux. And foids are too fucking stupid to realize what's really going on, cause they can't see the big picture.
That’s good
stormfront fallacy

get all the girls-> dont reproduce and live degenerate lifestyle by choice
foids only want to reproduce with the whitest looking men. As more and more deathnics become incel, in a few generations, the majority of the world population will be white (or white passing if you're a "one drop rule" guy)
Future Stacy is going to have to choose between Pradeep, Chong, and Ramirez, cause Chad got hunted to extinction.
bizarre cope, beautiful people aren't reproducing at all

there's no future where beautiful tall women are sucking the dick of ugly short pajeet janitors, it's all going to shit and no one beautiful or smart will reproduce, just waste time playing around with promiscuity and technological gadgets
I'm to stupid to figure out the first 2 graphs, explain them :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
foids only want to reproduce with the whitest looking men. As more and more deathnics become incel, in a few generations, the majority of the world population will be white (or white passing if you're a "one drop rule" guy)
What matters is ethnic females are giving birth to ethnic babies at a faster rate than Chad is having babies. It doesnt matter what foids want, what matters is the ethnicity and attractiveness of the children that are actually being born. Chads are not knocking up women faster today, the graph of US births prove that.
I'm to stupid to figure out the first 2 graphs, explain them :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
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It's a good thing that whites are dying out, as they are ridden with mutational load. There's a reason why britons are mocked for having shitty teeth. Stop the chad worship and accept that the Aryan race is fucking shite.
foids only want to reproduce with the whitest looking men. As more and more deathnics become incel, in a few generations, the majority of the world population will be white (or white passing if you're a "one drop rule" guy)
believe it or not its not going to be true because the islam deathnic guy named Jumaymah is going to have 5 wives and 70 children and thats per person while the average person in western country is probably only having 2 kids so the deathnics are just going to out produce us untill white people are less than 1% of the population :fuk:
believe it or not its not going to be true because the islam deathnic guy named Jumaymah is going to have 5 wives and 70 children and thats per person while the average person in western country is probably only having 2 kids so the deathnics are just going to out produce us untill white people are less than 1% of the population :fuk:
ok retard xd
foids only want to reproduce with the whitest looking men. As more and more deathnics become incel, in a few generations, the majority of the world population will be white (or white passing if you're a "one drop rule" guy)
Pretty sure it's the opposite happening
they'll gene editing new Chads eventually
I'm to stupid to figure out the first 2 graphs, explain them :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
That first graph does look a bit confusing. Think of the rectangle as the total pool of likes. An even 1:1 split would be a perfectly straight line from the bottom left going to the top right. The blue portion (male) is far less than the pink portion. This means that far less males are being liked, which, going by the graph's axises and line, is a very narrow percentage consisting of good looking males. The females, on the other hand, are proportionally receiving far more likes, which means that less attractive women are getting likes that their looksmatch males wouldn't, and are not giving their looksmatch likes in return.

Bro, the second graph is self-explanatory. You can't dumb that down further. Sorry, but you're on your own there, buddy boyo.

Those graphs are outdated. They are from about 10y ago.
White population in the US is around 20% now in 2022.
In Europe it is down to 15%.
Do you have the updated statistics references? Not doubting you; it would just be good to know.
they'll gene editing new Chads eventually
This, in Asia more and more women use sperm donor because they want Chad's kids, if the sexlessness rise in Europe also they will do the same.
It's a good thing that whites are dying out, as they are ridden with mutational load. There's a reason why britons are mocked for having shitty teeth. Stop the chad worship and accept that the Aryan race is fucking shite.
:feelsjuice: As If other races aren’t full of mutations as well tbh, also Brits having bad teeth is just a stereotype nowadays
nigga curries will rule by 2033:hax::hax::hax::hax::hax::hax::hax::hax:
I'm to stupid to figure out the first 2 graphs, explain them :feelsohgod::feelsohgod::feelsohgod:
I’ve got the same problem my Slavic brother. This graphs show that female attracted only to top males and even if some femoid would be an ugly bitch she will definitely being wanting more attractive guys than she is.
I think mods stickied this apostrophe cancer to piss me off
This will make Chads receive even more attention because the more scarce a valued commodity is the greater the demand for it. There's no winning here. :lul:
foids only want to reproduce with the whitest looking men. As more and more deathnics become incel, in a few generations, the majority of the world population will be white (or white passing if you're a "one drop rule" guy)
White + nonwhite = nonwhite. Racemixing does not benefit the white race, and white women and reproducing with white men at rates comparable to ethnics. And whites the are breeding with ethnics, add their mixed/mutt offsprint to the ethnic population, not the white population
This will make Chads receive even more attention because the more scarce a valued commodity is the greater the demand for it. There's no winning here. :lul:
Exactly. Chads are more valuable than mammoth tusks and buffalo hides. As the value rises it only further fuels the eventual extinction.
White + nonwhite = nonwhite. Remixing does not benefit the white race, and white women reproducing with white men at rates comparable to ethnics. And whites the are breeding with ethnics, add their mixed/mutt offspring to the ethnic population, not the white population
Those non-white mixed-race women go for white males and eventually bleach themselves. Almost none go for their male ethnic counterparts. Finally, the data overwhelmingly shows race-mixing is non-existent in whites in the dating market.
Those non-white mixed-race women go for white males and eventually bleach themselves. Almost none go for their male ethnic counterparts. Finally, the data overwhelmingly shows race-mixing is non-existent in whites in the dating market.
Each passing generation in the US/North America has fewer whites. Gen Z is minority white already. Where will the future whites come from? And if racemixing if non-existent, why is WMAF a commonality that even normies are aware of?
Each passing generation in the US/North America has fewer whites. Gen Z is minority white already. Where will the future whites come from? And if racemixing if non-existent, why is WMAF a commonality that even normies are aware of?
You're misinterpreting the data here whites are becoming a minority due to the non-white community having higher fertility rates, not because whites are race-mixing more. We can see the effects of feminism in second-generation immigrants their fertility rates have taken a nosedive. Also, your experiences confirm my point you do realize the female children of these WMAF couples will go for white males and the male children of these WMAF couples will rot online. :feelsUgh:
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You're misinterpreting the data here whites are becoming a minority due to the non-white community having higher fertility rates, not because whites are race-mixing more. We can see the effects of feminism in second-generation immigrants their fertility rates have taken a nosedive. Also, your experiences confirm my point you do realize the female children of these WMAF couples will go for white males and the male children of these WMAF couples will rot online. :feelsUgh:
I suppose at bare minimum we agree that the white population is shrinking. Our disagreement arises from my opinion being that racemixing will exacerbate the decline of the white race, and you think the amount of racemixing occuring with whites and nonwhites is marginal. I think continuing the arguement at this point is pointless, as neither of us is going to change our mind.

But I can agree that the decline of the white population comes LARGELY from whites no longer producing enough babies to replace our population :)
This will make Chads receive even more attention because the more scarce a valued commodity is the greater the demand for it. There's no winning here. :lul:
This. Also Chad is relative, if the Chads we see today die out roasties will simply go for the new best looking men. Like in the Philippines 5'2 subhumans were Chads before cumskins came and mogged them to oblivion.
Yea too many genetic trash fefails reproducing with higher tier men eventually removed higher tier men from the gene pool
I suppose at bare minimum we agree that the white population is shrinking. Our disagreement arises from my opinion being that racemixing will exacerbate the decline of the white race, and you think the amount of racemixing occuring with whites and nonwhites is marginal. I think continuing the arguement at this point is pointless, as neither of us is going to change our mind.

But I can agree that the decline of the white population comes LARGELY from whites no longer producing enough babies to replace our population :)
I think it would be tough to argue that racemixing will prevent whites from going extinct. Cause that's not what the data is showing. White people are just getting drowned out by ethnics who are continually outbreeding whites in every continent. A few half-breed asians here and there won't be enough to stop the white genes from getting phased out and by % terms become irrelevant, essentially extinct.
Shit thread don’t know why it’s pinned
White + nonwhite = nonwhite. Racemixing does not benefit the white race, and white women and reproducing with white men at rates comparable to ethnics. And whites the are breeding with ethnics, add their mixed/mutt offsprint to the ethnic population, not the white population
The weakest race
Curries reign supreme even over niggers in spreading their genes
If you listen real close, you can hear me crying

20200312 143641
It's a good thing that whites are dying out, as they are ridden with mutational load. There's a reason why britons are mocked for having shitty teeth. Stop the chad worship and accept that the Aryan race is fucking shite.
So you prefer to be ruled over by chinks? Because that's what's going to happen if whites go extinct. You didn't think this through did you? You're as short sighted as a fucking foid. :feelskek:
So you prefer to be ruled over by chinks? Because that's what's going to happen if whites go extinct. You didn't think this through did you? You're as short sighted as a fucking foid. :feelskek:
How fast do all humans go extinct after all the whites are gone? That is the question.

Without smart, innovative hardworking people around to fix everybody's problems, humanity is doomed.
People should stop using Tinder to prove their theories of attractviness or desire. Go out into the real world and observe the couples in your cities. Count the ratios of normie, chad, ethnic couple percentages and use those figures.

Tinder is nonsence and used only for ego massges and or hooking up. No woman has ever gotten a ltr through Tinder and very few through online dating. Life occurs when feet hit the ground in person away from dating apps and online bubbles.
How fast do all humans go extinct after all the whites are gone? That is the question.

Without smart, innovative hardworking people around to fix everybody's problems, humanity is doomed.
Probably a few generations before chinks devour all resources on earth.
America will just turn into South Africa/Brazil, a minority white population will be the richest and on top of the racial hierarchy, followed by their mullatto i.e "coloured" offspring who will be forced to mate with each other as the white population becomes more insular and exclusionary.
Whether whites are 1% or 99%, foids will always white worship, so it makes no difference

On another note, foids are basically Nazi eugenicists If you think about it.
Probably a few generations before chinks devour all resources on earth.
If whites go extinct it’ll be Askenazi Jews who’ll replace them. Besides East Asians are pretty high IQ I wouldn’t really mind them. :feelsUgh:
Not really, gigachad will continue to exist. Many white-looking hispanic chadlites/chads exist too. Or light-skinned black gigachads like Jeremy Meeks. And with white gigachads, their genetics still exist in future children and will pop up. Not to mention zoomers seem to be hitting 6'2+ like nothing nowadays so tall genes are in abundance. Chads/Chadlites will continue to reign and always will. And incels will always be born as well unfortunately to a life of suffering. :feelscry: That's just the nature of biology.
So you prefer to be ruled over by chinks? Because that's what's going to happen if whites go extinct. You didn't think this through did you? You're as short sighted as a fucking foid. :feelskek:
chinks were the only people to be nice to me in mmos so yes actually that sounds extremely based, and it wont be in my lifetime anyway so it's irrelevant. i dont care what happens after im dead jfl
America will just turn into South Africa/Brazil, a minority white population will be the richest and on top of the racial hierarchy, followed by their mullatto i.e "coloured" offspring who will be forced to mate with each other as the white population becomes more insular and exclusionary.
Whether whites are 1% or 99%, foids will always white worship, so it makes no difference

On another note, foids are basically Nazi eugenicists If you think about it.
Very probable prediction and accurate assessment

cool name btw
If whites go extinct it’ll be Askenazi Jews who’ll replace them. Besides East Asians are pretty high IQ I wouldn’t really mind them. :feelsUgh:
Kikes do not have the numbers to replace whites. Sorry buddy but it's going to be the chinks.
Kikes do not have the numbers to replace whites. Sorry buddy but it's going to be the chinks.
Here in Canada the curries are completely taking over. When i was growing up there might be one Indian or Pakistani kid in a school class of 30. Now like more than 50% of everyone is a curry and Indian grocery stores and restaurants are everywhere. The number of asians and blacks are about the same or a bit highere but the population of curries has increased like 2000% or more in 20 years. Everywhere I go I am the only white guy. It's already over for white people here.
We are living in a genetic and sexual apartheid
The richest ethnic groups in the US are Indians and many African groups make more than white people. I sincerely doubt that the US will just turn into another Brazil. Also this thread doesn't tell us anything we already didnt know. White population going down, ethnics going up etc etc. Why was this sticked?
When designer babies (and gene editing in general) inevitably become a thing, brown eyes and black hair will go extinct. The amount of ethnic women who want children with blue/green eyes is astronomical. Most people in the world will be white by the 22nd century. Chads going extinct is a cope. Funny how most of the gene editing technology is made by currycels, so that Indian (and ethnic in general) women can have white babies. :blackpill:JBW is extremely powerful.
When designer babies (and gene editing in general) inevitably become a thing, brown eyes and black hair will go extinct. The amount of ethnic women who want children with blue/green eyes is astronomical. Most people in the world will be white by the 22nd century. Chads going extinct is a cope. Funny how most of the gene editing technology is made by currycels, so that Indian (and ethnic in general) women can have white babies. :blackpill:JBW is extremely powerful.
So none of the data or trends matter at all because everyone is going to use gene editing to make their children white? Bullshit. Whites will be extinct before large numbers of people will be able to use that technology.
When designer babies (and gene editing in general) inevitably become a thing, brown eyes and black hair will go extinct. The amount of ethnic women who want children with blue/green eyes is astronomical. Most people in the world will be white by the 22nd century. Chads going extinct is a cope. Funny how most of the gene editing technology is made by currycels, so that Indian (and ethnic in general) women can have white babies. :blackpill:JBW is extremely powerful.
Gene editing is going to be a thing, absolutely, but it's going to be negative editing, not positive editing. That is, editing to remove genetic markers of disease, not editing to add features or modify for them for aesthetics and cosmetic purposes.

I don't expect governments will allow for the commodification of human genes (positive gene editing will be made highly illegal). There are going to be issues regarding personhood (under the law) and rights. If, say, a mega corp decides to create their own employees in test tubes with custom genes, then there are going to be massive ethical concerns regarding the legal status of those manufactured human drones. Besides, people will riot like you've never seen.

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