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Serious White americans in general are cowards.



Sep 2, 2024
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
Americans are the most brainwashed people on Earth. And that's no easy feat, considering the competition
White people are weak soyboys who can easily be enslaved by blacks
The thing is whites globally cannot fight back against anything because the whole system will be used against them to punish them.
Niggers and Sand niggers/pakis can be low in-hib, especially in Europe because they will be allowed to do it and will not be punished.
Whites also cannot rely on fellow whites to back them up because many are soy or fear the repurcusions.
If you act against any illegal migrants or niggers you will lose your job, be prosecuted/persecuted and ostrisised.
For whites to be strong we need a National Socialist society.
None of what is happening would be happening if Hitler has won.
Whites would be the master race and there would be nothing any other race could do about it.
That is why Kikes want to break up white countries and make whites a minority so they can never rise up.
Whats your race OP ?
“Another thing that struck me was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixture of blood. The emotional way the American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.
American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance … The vivacity of the average American which shows itself … in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe … This infec-tion by the primitive life can, of course, be observed just as well in other countries, though not to the same degree and not in this form. In Africa, for example, the white man is a diminishing minority and must therefore protect himself from the Negro by observing the most rigorous social forms, otherwise he risks ‘going black’. If he succumbs to the primitive influence he is lost. But in America the Negro, just because he is in a minority, is not a degenerative influence, but rather one which, peculiar though it is, cannot be termed un-favourable – unless one happens to have a Jazz phobia”
-Carl Jung
Hmm well I don't know about whites in other parts of the country but as far as I can tell the white liberals here in CA are obsessed with Asian cock (as far as mocking us ricemen).

White liberal beta males that are into asian women as well as degenerate liberal feminist white women are absolutely obsessed with poking fun at asian cocks.

Meanwhile they give a huge pass to blacks and hispanics for all kinds of bullshit. Quality of life takes a huge nose dive around them. The constant crime, thuggery, robberies, shootings, and reckless speeding on the roads and highways:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx52YKPpN7w&t=14s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIUDOp4CaSI&t=96s
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
Unfortunately, it is not only in English-speaking nations, but everywhere. I saw a social experiment somewhere when a nigger in France approached the whites and took their coffee and left and no one even poured pepper spray in his face, as a result, only another nigger rushed at him when trying to take away the coffee.
Hmm well I don't know about whites in other parts of the country but as far as I can tell the white liberals here in CA are obsessed with Asian cock (as far as mocking us ricemen).

White liberal beta males that are into asian women as well as degenerate liberal feminist white women are absolutely obsessed with poking fun at asian cocks.

Meanwhile they give a huge pass to blacks and hispanics for all kinds of bullshit. Quality of life takes a huge nose dive around them. The constant crime, thuggery, robberies, shootings, and reckless speeding on the roads and highways:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx52YKPpN7w&t=14s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIUDOp4CaSI&t=96s

Because the guilt complex in front of rice has never existed. There were no Hollywood movies or other college shit to foster repentance towards rice.
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
Seing this makes me wish places like seattle and new york would get the B17 treatment. I hate to say it but my race has chosen to be week. Now were are outnumbered by parasites. By invasive species. By animals. Women promoting blue votes deosnt really help either. I feel betrayed by my race in a way.
Hmm well I don't know about whites in other parts of the country but as far as I can tell the white liberals here in CA are obsessed with Asian cock (as far as mocking us ricemen).

White liberal beta males that are into asian women as well as degenerate liberal feminist white women are absolutely obsessed with poking fun at asian cocks.

Meanwhile they give a huge pass to blacks and hispanics for all kinds of bullshit. Quality of life takes a huge nose dive around them. The constant crime, thuggery, robberies, shootings, and reckless speeding on the roads and highways:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx52YKPpN7w&t=14s

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIUDOp4CaSI&t=96s

The whole point is in the media, a person is an animal that adapts to its environment and you can make anything out of any small child in terms of worldview or behavior. If you constantly let him listen to gangsta rap or watch the nba or NFL, then of course he will see his idols in black.
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
That is, if white children are properly educated from the very cradle, they will again become a race of lords and rulers of the world, which they were at the beginning of the 20th century.
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
Precisely this, white people don’t unionize, because they’ve been pampered by the establishment, watered down by schools and consumerism into not uniting, and destroying our communities, and when white do unionize: the collegefags will say you’re racist for wanting to unite white people, because only niggers are allowed to unite, whites nowadays (like the younger ones like you said) are too inundated with nigger music, trends, nigbonics, tiktok, etc to the point it’s rotted their brains
They are pacified and faggy, especially the younger generation which worships niggers and is addicted to porn. It is quite pathetic how this once great Anglo-Saxon race has allowed itself to be subverted by Jewish treachery, usury, and pornography. American whites are pathetic, they had so many chances at saving their nation. Charles Coughlin, Heuy Long, George Lincoln Rockwell, so many great men tried to save this cowardly race of people but they were rejected. It seems that American whites prefer Z.O.G. and satanic elites rather than their own. They prefer racial suicide and for future generations to be mutted nigger cattle enslaved by jews. This is the future that they chose, Jewish slave owners whipping their goy nigger cattle (your descendants) in plantation fields, forever. Remember that no organized white American social movement (like the KKK) ever attacked the federal reserve, or assassinated key politicians like FDR. No fanatical white Christian ever tried to assassinate Al Goldstein, the kike responsible for the legalization of pornography in the U.S.

You get what you fucking deserve, and you deserve nothing but death and destruction because you refuse to fight against your enemies that wish to eradicate you. You are a coward and you won’t do anything. You won’t do shit. When you see a Jew, realize that his descendants will rule over your descendants (if you even have any) and that your descendants will be inferior nigger cattle mutts. And after realizing this, you still won’t do shit about it
This, William Luther Pierce hated normie white americans. He called them couch potatoes because they sat around and let this world go to shit.

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