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Discussion Which race or ethnicity has most white knights/simps?

Which race or ethnicity has most white knights/simps?

  • White (euro overall)

    Votes: 32 47.8%
  • Slavs

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Latino/Hispanic

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • East Asians

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • South Asians

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Blacks

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Americans

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Middle Eastern/Arab

    Votes: 3 4.5%

  • Total voters


May 16, 2021
@wereq @Chudpreet @lifefuel @IncelKing @starystulejarz @PolskiKartofel @dziki_dzik @AsiaCel
Curries, then white/asian. Niggers and Hispanics have macho culture or whatever it is, Arabs have sharia, Russians are too drunk to simp
US or Scandinavians maybe.
Curries, then white/asian.

Not even close, most curry males are currycels, and because they have decent enough IQ they are able to undERstand how feminism contributed to their inceldom, hence they are against libERal feminist values and instead typically hold more traditional patriarchal beliefs.

The “westERnised” libERal curry males who support feminism, immigration, LGBT etc. are the VAST MINORITY (if i had to guess. id say close to 2% of all curry males).

Most people on this forum are really clueless about reality

The most obvious answER hERe is “whites.”

Think about it, it’s called “whiteknighting” for a reason, and that’s because most “white knights” are white, which makes sense because white countries r the main countries which are socially and politically concERned with being “muhhhhhh progressive”.
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Curries, then white/asian. Niggers and Hispanics have macho culture or whatever it is, Arabs have sharia, Russians are too drunk to simp
Russians literally beats women for fun.
I would say Asian.
Not even close, most curry males are currycels, and because they have decent enough IQ they are able to undERstand how feminism contributed to their inceldom, hence they are against libERal feminist values and instead typically hold more traditional patriarchal beliefs
Lol you don't the ground reality. Modern curries are gigaturbo simps and cucks
Whites gave foids equal rights as early as the roman empire.
Lol you don't the ground reality. Modern curries are gigaturbo simps and cucks

Dude the avERage westERnER’s pERception of curry males is that we r rapists, scammERs and even tERrorists.

That doesn’t sound anything like a peace-loving harmless “whiteknight” to me.

JFL, forum full of idiots
Any normfag tbh
Whites I think
Why is SA 2nd. I see EA having more white knights. People in SA don't respect Women or care if they get hurt
Curries and whites.
JFL at whoever voted for Arab. Arabs have many problems, but being simps ain't one.
Curries, then white/asian. Niggers and Hispanics have macho culture or whatever it is, Arabs have sharia, Russians are too drunk to simp
This seems accurate.
Well, I am white, so I hate to admit it.
But, whites have the most simps and white knights.

I’ll take it one step further and say that low IQ whites are usually super white knight simps.
The dumber they are……the more they praise foids.

Too foid worshipping to even blame a foid for something that she is solely responsible for.
Don't know who has most white knight/simps but Latinos/Mezoamericans certainly have less white knights/simps.

Killings of women chart
Femicides 1403812711
I would say mayos are a close number 2. With their chivalry and m'lady bullshit, they probably have the most societally institutionalized simping.

But as far as simping on an individual level goes, curries hands-down.

Not even close, most curry males are currycels, and because they have decent enough IQ they are able to undERstand how feminism contributed to their inceldom, hence they are against libERal feminist values and instead typically hold more traditional patriarchal beliefs.

Cope, cope, and MAJOR cope. I don't think you even understand what simping is in it's totality (which makes sense, as most simps don't know they're simps or think it's normal behavior).

I could elaborate on why I say curries are, collectively, are the biggest simps. But I think you have me on ignore. You're one of those reactionary types who bans anything he doesn't agree with...or even fully understands. But you're still coping, coping, coping.
It will be whites because degeneracy started in the west which was funded kikes and whites will be the majority of course
Whites and in europe to be more specific, the latin countries like france and italy. Right behind that the more northern euro countries, they are full of white knights as well but that's a relatively recent phenomenon.

I voted for americans though simply because they are obviously by far the most politically correct cucks feminists the earth has ever seen. They also spread these cucked believes of putting foids on pedastals around the world and they do so till this day.
"Femicide" is a myth fabricated by the globohomo. Every alleged "femicidal" country has high homicide rates in general. For instance, in 2016, the "androcide" rate in Honduras was 103.1 per 100,000 people. Compare that with the stats you posted and it can be found that males were 7.06 times more vulnerable to murder compared to females. JFL.
Source: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/honduras/health-statistics/hn-intentional-homicides-male-per-100000-male
Still this doesn't change the fact that these Central American nations care less about 'violence against women' and worship females less.
Curries, then white/asian. Niggers and Hispanics have macho culture or whatever it is, Arabs have sharia, Russians are too drunk to simp
Not even close, most curry males are currycels, and because they have decent enough IQ they are able to undERstand how feminism contributed to their inceldom, hence they are against libERal feminist values and instead typically hold more traditional patriarchal beliefs.

The “westERnised” libERal curry males who support feminism, immigration, LGBT etc. are the VAST MINORITY (if i had to guess. id say close to 2% of all curry males).

Most people on this forum are really clueless about reality

The most obvious answER hERe is “whites.”

Think about it, it’s called “whiteknighting” for a reason, and that’s because most “white knights” are white, which makes sense because white countries r the main countries which are socially and politically concERned with being “muhhhhhh progressive”.
I'm talking about this

View: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/LU_aZqWNbjc

There's no shortage of indians replying to comments of foids and saying "how u beautiful lady"
It's in the name. Whites, no question. Follow feminism's paper trail back to France and Germany.

Curries are not simps, they are thirsty. They act that way toward Stacy because they think it will get them the bob and vagene. Simps don't do it for a reward, they do it because it's in their nature. Whites will continue to simp even if women literally spit on them for it.
White americans definetley
I'm talking about this

View: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/LU_aZqWNbjc

There's no shortage of indians replying to comments of foids and saying "how u beautiful lady"

Curries don’t actually mean what they say, They don’t actually respect foids, they just “pretend” to respect foids because curries think that simply showing respect (extERnally through behaviour and actions) will be enough to attract foids for sex (bluepill mentality).

The “respect” shown by currycels to foids isn’t genuine, it’s fake and done purely for self-benefit (getting inside foids’ pants). Curries are vERy manipulative and cunning, they naturally evolved to become somewhat sociopathic as a subconscious self-presERvation tactic to compensate for their subhumanity, to maximise their chances of survival.

Your avERage curry isn’t a whiteknight, your avERage curry is a based low inhib guy who would rape a foid on the street if he could get away with it.

Idiots like yourself get fooled by the “bobs n vagene” memes and your obsERvation of a tiny minority of “westERnised libERal brainwashed soy-chugging Curry males who support LGBT, feminism etc.”, into thinking that all curries are like that.

Step foot into curryland and try to be a smartarse, I’ll be surprised if you make it out of thERe Alive. You nevER been to curryland so you can’t comment shit about what curryland is like (people, environment etc).

I’ve been thERe, I’ve expERienced it, I know what I’m talking about when I say that your avERage curry and the avERge beta soycuck whiteknight In the west, are complete opposites
Whites and Hispanics
Curries are not simps, they are thirsty. They act that way toward Stacy because they think it will get them the bob and vagene.
That's exactly what simping is in the first place. Do you simp and tell yourself "I'm not a simp, I'm only doing it because I want some action" ?

Simps don't do it for a reward, they do it because it's in their nature. Whites will continue to simp even if women literally spit on them for it.
And I'm gonna get technical here. Simping and whiteknighting are similar, but they're not the same thing. Many simps are whiteknights and vice versa. But the terms have different meanings.

Simping is deliberately and pathetically debasing one self in hopes a foid will have sex with him, OR, at the very least, accept him as an orbiter. It's pathetic behavior once you're blackpilled, because simping never works with foids. But men who simp don't know any better and think it will actually work and get them brownie points with foids. Simps have an agenda, by definition. They are looking for a reward. That's the whole point of their simpery.

Whiteknighting is the idea that "a woman can do no wrong," or, more specifically, "Women are fragile, and helpless, and men have the upper hand, so anytime a man and woman are having a tiff, the MAN is always at fault. I, the whiteknight, must now get involved and defend the honor of the poor woman. Women need more rights and protections because of their oppression. It's up to me as a man to look out for them and defend them!"

Maybe it would have been better if the thread focused on one or the other instead of lumping them together. But there's a reason simping and whiteknighting are two separate terms.

Of all the races, mayos are the most likely to be whiteknights. Curries are more likely to simp, in general, as a behavior pattern when directly interacting with foids.
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Definately asians and then whites
That's exactly what simping is in the first place. Do you simp and tell yourself "I'm not a simp, I'm only doing it because I want some action" ?

And I'm gonna get technical here. Simping and whiteknighting are similar, but they're not the same thing. Many simps are whiteknights and vice versa. But the terms have different meanings.

Simping is deliberately and pathetically debasing one self in hopes a foid will have sex with him, OR, at the very least, accept him as an orbiter. It's pathetic behavior once you're blackpilled, because simping never works with foids. But men who simp don't know any better and think it will actually work and get them brownie points with foids. Simps have an agenda, by definition. They are looking for a reward. That's the whole point of their simpery.

Whiteknighting is the idea that "a woman can do no wrong," or, more specifically, "Women are fragile, and helpless, and men have the upper hand, so anytime a man and woman are having a tiff, the MAN is always at fault. I, the whiteknight, must now get involved and defend the honor of the poor woman. Women need more rights and protections because of their oppression. It's up to me as a man to look out for them and defend them!"

Maybe it would have been better if the thread focused on one or the other instead of lumping them together. But there's a reason simping and whiteknighting are two separate terms.

Of all the races, mayos are the most likely to be whiteknights. Curries are more likely to simp, in general, as a behavior pattern when directly interacting with foids.
This is the distinction I was trying to make, yes. I've been treating the terms like they're synonymous, and there is a considerable overlap. White knight is just not negative enough, and it is the more negative behavior IMO. There would be no simps if not for white knights. Curries would just rape women if not for white knights.

We could really use a more negative term for white knight. Bitch bodyguard?
Curries, then white/asian. Niggers and Hispanics have macho culture or whatever it is, Arabs have sharia, Russians are too drunk to simp
Pretty much but at the same time and unfortunately simping has affected quite a bit of our world feminism has creeped in every corner of society it's only ultra-religious societies that keep that sort of thing out and I don't want to live in either of those societies
Curries have no competition
Not even close, most curry males are currycels, and because they have decent enough IQ they are able to undERstand how feminism contributed to their inceldom, hence they are against libERal feminist values and instead typically hold more traditional patriarchal beliefs.

The “westERnised” libERal curry males who support feminism, immigration, LGBT etc. are the VAST MINORITY (if i had to guess. id say close to 2% of all curry males).

Most people on this forum are really clueless about reality

The most obvious answER hERe is “whites.”

Think about it, it’s called “whiteknighting” for a reason, and that’s because most “white knights” are white, which makes sense because white countries r the main countries which are socially and politically concERned with being “muhhhhhh progressive”.
Whites and Hispanics
If you include Brazil on hispanics, then yes. Btw South America in general have a lot of white knights, and high feminicide stats don't mean less simps/white knighting at all. I don't know why there are some guys choosing asians, they are probably less white knight than latin american pardos/blacks.

Generally the majority of countries of Asia and Africa, are much less gynocentric than the Western Countries.
I am speaking solely about people in the US.

White Knights: Whites. A lot of Chads will White Knight. They have no trouble getting women, so feeding them feminist jargon makes them look even better! A lot of people here are saying Asian men are white knights, but most Asian American men are so deeply aware of female privilege, they are unlikely to publicly white knight. This is especially true as if an Asian American man starts White Knighting, people will easily conclude that he is just pandering out of desperation.

Simping: It might be Asian American men out of desperation. I used to bartend and it was not uncommon to see Asian American men going to a bar solo and buying women drinks, or telling them they can put whatever they want on his tab while they look at him stonefaced and do not add their drinks. I also remember an Asian American man going to the bar solo and writing a love letter to a white waitress on the receipt and an incredibly massive tip. But those might be extreme examples, and the answer might really be white men again.
Must be ricecucks
Curries don’t actually mean what they say, They don’t actually respect foids, they just “pretend” to respect foids because curries think that simply showing respect (extERnally through behaviour and actions) will be enough to attract foids for sex (bluepill mentality).

The “respect” shown by currycels to foids isn’t genuine, it’s fake and done purely for self-benefit (getting inside foids’ pants). Curries are vERy manipulative and cunning, they naturally evolved to become somewhat sociopathic as a subconscious self-presERvation tactic to compensate for their subhumanity, to maximise their chances of survival.

Your avERage curry isn’t a whiteknight, your avERage curry is a based low inhib guy who would rape a foid on the street if he could get away with it.

Idiots like yourself get fooled by the “bobs n vagene” memes and your obsERvation of a tiny minority of “westERnised libERal brainwashed soy-chugging Curry males who support LGBT, feminism etc.”, into thinking that all curries are like that.

Step foot into curryland and try to be a smartarse, I’ll be surprised if you make it out of thERe Alive. You nevER been to curryland so you can’t comment shit about what curryland is like (people, environment etc).

I’ve been thERe, I’ve expERienced it, I know what I’m talking about when I say that your avERage curry and the avERge beta soycuck whiteknight In the west, are complete opposites

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