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Which movie scared you as a kid?



Jul 27, 2018
I remember sometime in kindergarten (which would be from the second time I was in kindergarten in August 2004 or sometime later that year) when I saw the first Saw movie on the TV and the volume was real loud and it was during the beginning of the movie during the bathroom scene and I got really nervous because of the screaming, so I ran back into my room. But other than that, the Saw series never really scared me. Even the Jigsaw puppet never really did it for me. Funny considering how the Saw series is one of the most politicized horror movie series that I know of (see Saw V during the pendulum blade scene of that convicted murderer who got released under a technicality after murdering the FBI detectives daughter with the Celtic Cross and SS tattoos and that other scene from Saw VII with Chester Bennington playing a white supremacist in the car with his three friends on the outside, with one of them having a hook attached to his jaw behind the car while the other is attached to a garage door in front of the car and his girlfriend underneath it and they were killed for being “racists” or something stupid like that).

I also saw some Steven King horror movies, like It and Cujo, but neither scared me as a kid. I actually remember liking the scene where the dog killed the police officer. That was pretty badass. I know that would never happen in real life because American cops always shoot dogs. There were a number of other horror movies I saw as a kid too on the Sci-Fi channel, but none of them bothered me either, even though some of them were *very* gory and graphic (like Cabin Fever). The only horror movie that terrified me as a kid was The Ring, and that was because of the well scene. That made me afraid to walk through the hallways at night. But other than that, no horror movie ever scared me as a kid.

Also, as for childhood fears, I was never afraid of clowns, but I was somewhat unnerved and weirded out by puppets.
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that and The Grudge
If you’re a fan of creepypasta and want a horror movie that’s just plain scary rather than mindless gore, I would recommend The Ring and the Grudge and maybe some other Japanese/Taiwanese/Thai/other East Asian horror flicks.
The Ring, watched it in theaters when I was a kid.

Scared the shit out of me, that scene where that girl climbs out of the TV.
Lots of things scared me as a kid but I can't think of many right now because I'm baked. Dark and scary parts of video games freaked me out.

Play Outlast. Good one.
Sex in the city.
The opening to ghost ship, not the actual movie itself
The ring for sure
Winnie the Pooh

My mom said it made me cry
All I saw was the cover for the Grudge and that traumatized me
I don't really remember much of the movie, I even don't know the title.
It was a carton for kids and there was a scene with barking, aggressiv dogs.
I was so fucking scared of them.
The paranormal activity series, i used to go to my grandmas house 24/7 when i was 8-9 and her TV had no restrictions as did mine at my house so i could watch any rated R movie and i ended up watching this horror marathon. Yeah i became extremely paranoid after that but it slowly and gradually went away
I don't really remember much of the movie, I even don't know the title.
It was a carton for kids and there was a scene with barking, aggressiv dogs.
I was so fucking scared of them.
Are you talking about Courage The Cowardly Dog? That’s the only cartoon that I know of. There’s also CatDog. I’ve heard some people say that Courage scared them or they thought it was a creepy cartoon. Other than that I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Not a movie but JK cinema series of supernatural occurances
none ive always loved horror movies
The Ring, I never looked at the TV the same ever again.
Idk i cant remember any names.
Human Centipede
gollum from lotr, doby from harry potter,
my mom showed me the first jaws movie when i was 6 and i was scared for the next month
The Island Of Dr Mureau, The Blob, Burnt Offering, Night of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, Coma, The China syndrome, Propehsy.
I was obsessed with the ring for some reason in middle school. I even learned how to play some of the soundtrack on the piano jfl
I was very young and there was this X-Files episode on TV where this nurse they were talking too was actually already dead (nani?!) or something like that and she suddenly appeared like some sort of zombie, I got so scared that I think I turned my eyes away and saw the same zombie walk into my bathroom.
I'll also go with The Ring, I watched it at a friend's house (his mom didn't give a shit about us watching mature movies) and was literally unable to sleep because at the time my bed was facing to a tv
i can't think of any movies that were particularly scary when i was a kid. that one episode of courage the cowardly dog with the white floating head was pretty scary though :feelstrash:

and who can forget "return the slab"

though, looking back on it, this scene is kinda funny
Chuckie and texas chainsaw massacre.
No movie ever scared me as a kid. Internet folklore did that for me, though.
None I'm stronge
Island of Dr Moreau, 6th sense, Goosebumps (tv series), poltergeist. That's about it really. I can't remember anymore atm.
From Beyond.

I had nightmares for weeks.
I never watch that kind of movies as a kid. I watched Winnie The Pooh and shit like that. I had a very gay childhood tbh

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