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Serious Where did that retarded Stigma that 99% of Incels are white came from?



Sep 10, 2018
I think the majority of this site isnt white, from what i remember in the past surveys @SergeantIncel conducted.
I'm not white, im pretty close to being a nigger actually. I can finger count the people that are actually white in this forum, and id still have vacant fingers.
fucking retards.
I think the majority of this site isnt white, from what i remember in the past surveys @SergeantIncel conducted.
I'm not white, im pretty close to being a nigger actually. I can finger count the people that are actually white in this forum, and id still have vacant fingers.
fucking retards.
u ashkenazi?
mahw the white supermacy subculture known as "incel" :feelsgah:
we should make a poll and pin it tbh
normies tend to put all of their enemies into one big group, so for them we are both white supremacists and isis at the same time
The mainstream media labels us alt right over time normies associated anything sexist with muh inkwell alt righter
The media/acedmics knows theres is no solution. They don't want large segemnts of men to feel srry for us and virgins/ men not having much sex and companianship to feel angry and identity as incels, so they must link incels with unpopular groups like white nationalists.
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Its problematic if you admit that women are racist in their dating preferences, therefore we must be white for everything to fit the narrative
their feelings don't care about facts
From what I can tell, some journalist at Vice or Vox spun it out of her ass.

There's actually little academic evidence suggesting that the incel community is disproportionately white.
I'm "white" jfl, but most of the whites near me mog my ethnic background. I used to be really envious of straight non-coarse hair, and a more angular/attractive facial structure as a kid. So I at least somewhat understand how ethnics feel. But obviously the main problem is just being ugly tbh, I'm not even average in heavily frauded pictures, much less in reality.
Its problematic if you admit that women are racist in their dating preferences, therefore we must be white
This. Non white incels don't fit the narrative, and blaming white men for everything is just more convenient.
Only ugly white men can be Incel terrorists. It's just part of the slow ongoing White genocide. Anyone white is "bad."

I guess ugly non white dudes will just have to cope with being hated less.

My condolences and congratulations!
I would say that most incels are white simply given that whites are the majority in America, HOWEVER a highly disproportionate percentage as compared to the general population are ethnic, thus proving that most 'foids and normies are far more racist than they would ever admit.
I think the majority of this site isnt white, from what i remember in the past surveys @SergeantIncel conducted.
I'm not white, im pretty close to being a nigger actually. I can finger count the people that are actually white in this forum, and id still have vacant fingers.
fucking retards.
It’s all part of the (((narrative)))
Im sephardic but I look like a nigger-curry hybrid
people link incel and white supremacy together because some ideas are similar, but most incels are curries/rices/sand
Im sephardic but I look like a nigger-curry hybrid
Holy fuck it's over for you. Apparently there are some Africans in Palestine. Maybe you do have some nigger blood in you tbh.
It’s all from censorship. All views on incels stem from Reddit and mainstream media. The former is a platform where you cannot disagree with the common opinion without being downvoted, your post deleted and you banned (IT). Everyone there thinks incels are white fat fedora wearing fat/scrawny 20 somethings with thin wrists. Because it’s Reddit that view is set in stone by censorship of anything challenging that. It’s how misinformation is spread in msm, by only showing you certain things and conveniently leaving out others. Just look at that absolutely retarded foidlets garbage-tier comics. Literally what I depicted above but with a t shirt that says ‘joker’. A bit too on the nose there.
Because white=bad. They'd love for the incel community to be white because that makes it even easier to criticize.
Western society doesn't want the truth to leak out. The truth is that most ethnic men are incel. But why do they want to cover up this fact? Because ethnics are supposed to slaves for the elite, they want ethnics to work tirelessly like sterile bees or ants. If ethnic guys from 3rd world countries knew about their fate in the west, do you think they would immigrate here?
Only ugly white men can be Incel terrorists. It's just part of the slow ongoing White genocide. Anyone white is "bad."

I guess ugly non white dudes will just have to cope with being hated less.

My condolences and congratulations!
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I think the majority of this site isnt white, from what i remember in the past surveys @SergeantIncel conducted.
I'm not white, im pretty close to being a nigger actually. I can finger count the people that are actually white in this forum, and id still have vacant fingers.
fucking retards.
Far left media making it seem like all incels are far right white guys. They don’t even understand us so it’s pointless, we’ve tried reaching out to them several times
People think all of us are white because we make racist jokes. Majority of the people here are Indian or Asian. And then there are some white people
Blame crackers for everything as Jews see whites as their biggest competition with Asians right behind in terms of market share & creativity.
From what I can tell, some journalist at Vice or Vox spun it out of her ass.

There's actually little academic evidence suggesting that the incel community is disproportionately white.

majority of the world is from asia
asia has a bad gender ratio

how on earth are most incels white? lol
it's probably like a 5 to 1 ratio of ethnic to whites AT LEAST
majority of the world is from asia
asia has a bad gender ratio

how on earth are most incels white? lol
it's probably like a 5 to 1 ratio of ethnic to whites AT LEAST

They don't think things through
that's because most users are from the west and the west is predominantly white.

from a proportional standpoint though its mainly ethnics suffering from inceldom
whitecels are mentalcels
no idea im turk and hate women
white people are the most opressed minority
white man bad
incel man bad
incel = white
retard logic

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