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When you became blackpilled



Feb 5, 2019
For me what made me realize the truth about females was in middle school. I remember when a foid approached me and told me that someother bitch thought I was super attractive and wanted to be my girlfriend. She asked me if I thought the same and of course I said yes. The bitch casually walked back to the foid that she was speaking for and all I heard was a loud Ewww. I was used as a joke, a reason to feel shame that this subhuman was attracted to her. This started my realization. That I was destined to be nothing more than a joke for whores to laugh at feigning attraction. Later I found out she was raped and I know normalfags will say somethings wrong with me but I was happy, for the first time in my incel life. I was never given love only rejection but finally I had retribution. Finally one of the many whores that used me for a joke were put in their place..
Started to realize my destiny when I was around 12. Knew the facts about foids when I was 18, the process started when I was 14.
See this is my rebuff against the constant "If you were less misogynist you could get laid" bullshit. You aren't born hating females, just molded by your experiences with them.
I noticed my own powerlessness in my early teen years, and then took the transpill around 2006 in an effort to possess female power. Before I took the transpill I used to moralize about how people who care about looks are superficial, it's what is in the inside that counts, etc. I had thought I was adopting a genuine morality at the time, but now I realize I had just taken what was valued and inverted it to suit myself. This is very much like my psychology at the time of taking the transpill. If I am unsuccessful as a man, I will make myself into the opposite, I had thought. However, the transpill is a fakepill unless you are a very particular kind of incel (namely a feminine kind) and I am a lumbering masculine ogre, and whatever the case I lacked the motivation to pursue it. Later in my teen years I left high school to become a WoW playing NEET and began to philosophize in my isolation, coming to terms with determinism, the will to power and the nature of agency and suffering. This was my first dose of the blackpill. It was at this point I became apathetic towards females, romance, sex, and intimacy, and my lifestyle was kin to my nature. In recent years I had to get a job, and realizing that I cannot escape from life, I have become motivated once again to act and impose my own power in the world. I am currently trying to reconcile what power I possess with a society that marginalizes whatever does not serve woman.
You sound like a fakecel if you haven't even bothered finishing HS
I finished high school before I was forced to get a job, but how is dropping out of school at odds with being incel?
I noticed my own powerlessness in my early teen years, and then took the transpill around 2006 .
Its blatantly obvious how the lgbt "movement" targets vulnerable incels with their propaganda. If you fail to meet female expectations as a man just become a woman. I'm glad you broke the brainwashing that they sold you.
Its blatantly obvious how the lgbt "movement" targets vulnerable incels with their propaganda. If you fail to meet female expectations as a man just become a woman. I'm glad you broke the brainwashing that they sold you.
I actually wasn't aware of the LGBT movement at the time, this was before trans was chic. I knew about trans people as a concept, but I had to actively seek them out once I got the idea to possess a female body.
I actually wasn't aware of the LGBT movement at the time, this was before trans was chic. I knew about trans people as a concept, but I had to actively seek them out once I got the idea to possess a female body.
What made you believe you were "born in the wrong body" then friend?
What made you believe you were "born in the wrong body" then friend?
I didn't believe I was born in the wrong body, I just thought being female would be better because I noticed how much power they held and I wanted to wield it myself.
I didn't believe I was born in the wrong body, I just thought being female would be better because I noticed how much power they held and I wanted to wield it myself.
I can see that but the step between being some trap that preys on horny homos to calling yourself a girl is a big one. I figured there has to be some outside influence to make you buy that bullshit.
I can see that but the step between being some trap that preys on horny homos to calling yourself a girl is a big one. I figured there has to be some outside influence to make you buy that bullshit.
Preying on horny homos would limit my influence. What I envied about women was that everyone wanted them, and they have all the agency. Fundamentally, I didn't just want sex, I wanted power. Sex is proof of power.
I was always somewhat blackpilled because I was really short back in school (not really nowadays), so I knew people treated me differently based on height. But I didn't realize that I was also ugly and that it couldn't be fixed with things like getting a haircut, getting muscular etc, that took me much longer to understand.
It was never a single moment for me, even though there were moments where it crystallized for me that "it never began". I just always kind of knew I'd be on my own from the rapidly worse way people treated me from age 4 onwards.
But surely you had a moment between age 4 to now that broke you. That made you realize your true standing in the hierarchy.
Yeah, there was one girl who was my friend for a few years. Only friend I ever had. She told me we'd start dating once she was better mentally (she came from an emotionally abusive household and her dad died). Then after years of leading me on I found out she was dating someone behind my back. I confronted her and she admitted I never had a chance.

I've never been the same after that.
Im very sorry for your experience. But its just more proof against the idea that our opinions are what make us unattractive to females. Even after my blackpill moment I still didn't want to give up. I falsely believed that after my middle school experience it would get better instead of an omen of my life to come.
Exactly, I agree with every word you said. All that matters to women in dating is height, NT, looks and status. Anything about your personality is entirely secondary.
Buts also I would say your personality is built on your experiences. A chad has lived his life being worshiped by females so he'll have a better opinion of them over an incel thats only ever had bad experiences with them.
I had a similar middle school experience to you that woke me up to the black pill. It never stopped.
I had a similar middle school experience to you that woke me up to the black pill. It never stopped.
I'm glad I'm not alone. Normalfags talk constantly about moving on from adolescence experiences but when nothing has changed about their feelings toward us since middle school why is it on us to change and not them?
I'm glad I'm not alone. Normalfags talk constantly about moving on from adolescence experiences but when nothing has changed about their feelings toward us since middle school why is it on us to change and not them?
It's a cop out. Some of them just had an awkward phase in their teen years, and others have never been in that situation in their lives. In neither case will they ever understand that we have no reason to leave our adolescent experiences behind when our adult experiences are no different.
Around 17 I guess
1.5 years ago, i was before 17 birthday i guess
Did you have a specific experience that made you realize it was over?
yeah before i joined to new school i had a lot of friends and i had decent contacts with girls.
then i was 16 and i went to middle school (something like HS in USA but for polishcels) and i fall in love with one girl, she was so short, may be 5'0, i was somewhere 5'6 that time (only one guy was shorter than me in my class) and i was that stupid that i bought good clothes (very good brands), super expensive shoes, made stupid haircut which didnt suit to me (im 5-6/10 facially, not ugly but not that good to cover my 119 lbs and 5'7.5 height and some problems with walking after surgery) and started behaving so low inhib, i made some meeting with all new friends and wanted to talk with her but she was talking with my new roomate who was a lot taller than me, facially same but his height and naturally low inhib and had me generally deep in ass, completly invisible to her. Then i started reading blackpill forums etc, i changed myself a lot, im not that stupid and i wish i could back to past and slap myself in face for this that i was that stupid...

sorry for my english, its not bad but not too good also
sorry for my english, its not bad but not too good also
Its cool friend
yeah before i joined to new school i had a lot of friends and i had decent contacts with girls.
then i was 16 and i went to middle school (something like HS in USA but for polishcels) and i fall in love with one girl, she was so short, may be 5'0, i was somewhere 5'6 that time (only one guy was shorter than me in my class) and i was that stupid that i bought good clothes (very good brands), super expensive shoes, made stupid haircut which didnt suit to me (im 5-6/10 facially, not ugly but not that good to cover my 119 lbs and 5'7.5 height and some problems with walking after surgery) and started behaving so low inhib, i made some meeting with all new friends and wanted to talk with her but she was talking with my new roomate who was a lot taller than me, facially same but his height and naturally low inhib and had me generally deep in ass, completly invisible to her. Then i started reading blackpill forums etc, i changed myself a lot, im not that stupid and i wish i could back to past and slap myself in face for this that i was that stupid...
Females will always take your money and your social life as a subhuman man, I'm sorry you fell into that whores clutches.
Its cool friend
Females will always take your money and your social life as a subhuman man, I'm sorry you fell into that whores clutches.
now fuck it bro im just trying to make enough money to have good life and i left this rat's race, its completly not worth.
i lost powers to complain, i lost power to be in this race. now going my way and i feel little better
i have just regrets to my parents, they knew i didnt born healthy, i had a lot of surgeries and im shorter than my family (5'7.5 now), weaker physically and still they made my childhood so bad, now when im 18 its hell in my house, my father is mentally abusing me and i had to find powers in myself to not commit suicide, now just one month and im starting job in UK (im from fcking Poland where u cant earn on anything decent, everything is cheap trash, goverment is taking 60% of our money and nothing gonna change except prices which increasing every month while alaries are so shitty) and i hope to start decent life (mostly i mean to have money on my spends, and save up little).
now fuck it bro im just trying to make enough money to have good life and i left this rat's race, its completly not worth.
i lost powers to complain, i lost power to be in this race. now going my way and i feel little better
i have just regrets to my parents, they knew i didnt born healthy, i had a lot of surgeries and im shorter than my family (5'7.5 now), weaker physically and still they made my childhood so bad, now when im 18 its hell in my house, my father is mentally abusing me and i had to find powers in myself to not commit suicide, now just one month and im starting job in UK (im from fcking Poland where u cant earn on anything decent, everything is cheap trash, goverment is taking 60% of our money and nothing gonna change except prices which increasing every month while alaries are so shitty) and i hope to start decent life (mostly i mean to have money on my spends, and save up little).
Seriously good for you, The normalfags dont care if you off yourself So dedicating yourself to making their lives miserable is much more respectful
Everyone tried to hold me and put me back into bluepill, i thought other things can make up for being ugly, i've accepted it as officially over at 18-19
Well, as a Hapa in the West I always knew that people treat others differently based on looks. What I didn't know is that people saw me as an ugly ethnic boy. I genuinely wasn't aware of the lack of my attractiveness until I stumbled upon a video by @FACEandLMS on 4chan.
MRA girls (LOL) jocking about small dicks and so realizing every single foid (besides maybe from the Aspie ones) just loathe even subconsciously weak males, no matter how "MRA" or "devout caholic" they are
I had a moment of clarity and I predicted my inceldim at the age of 12. Being the overly optimistic and trusting person that I was however, I ignored my own grim prophecy and attempted to live a normal life. Little did I know that the next few years would be absolute hell on earth. Through my suffering I revived many flashed of insight but by this point most of my optimism turned into stubbornness. I was nothing more than a joke to virtually all I came across for over 4 years by that point and yet I pressed on.

I soon fell into a cycle of totally giving up and desperately attempting to turn my life around. Since it never began for me, I continued to fail. Slowly but surely, I began to learn the truth about human nature and my hatred had grown exponentially. Though my stubbornness wavered, various events inspired me to continue: reading My Twisted World for the 1st time and discovering the redpill. By this point I was in the second half of my high school career and made one final attempt to lifemaxx. I succeeded in some ways and came up short in others but by the end of high school I was stil a KHV who had never even been on a date. After this massive failure (and another noteworthy one) I found out about the blackpill and this site. The rest is history
I had already felt out of place in middle school. 12/13. There were rumors of girls already being used in the bathrooms before i even knew what most sex slang meant. Then crippling anxiety hit well up until my mid 20s, however i remember being around 17 when i really understood it was over, and why. This society was not made for me, some days its a hard one to swallow, but is it really our fault? Hence i dont support roping.

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